Topical Bible: Nain
Topical Encyclopedia
Geographical Context:
Nain is a small village located in the region of Galilee, approximately six miles southeast of Nazareth and near Mount Tabor. It is situated on the northwestern slope of the Hill of Moreh, overlooking the Jezreel Valley. The village's name, Nain, means "pleasant" or "lovely," reflecting its picturesque setting.
Biblical Significance:
Nain is primarily known for a significant miracle performed by Jesus Christ, as recorded in the Gospel of Luke. This event is the only biblical mention of Nain, yet it holds profound theological and spiritual implications.
Miracle of the Widow's Son:
The account of Jesus raising the widow's son from the dead is found in Luke 7:11-17. As Jesus approached the town gate of Nain, He encountered a funeral procession. The deceased was the only son of a widow, a situation that would have left her in a vulnerable and destitute position in the society of that time. Moved with compassion, Jesus said to her, "Do not weep" (Luke 7:13). He then touched the bier and commanded, "Young man, I say to you, get up!" (Luke 7:14). The young man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.
Theological Implications:
This miracle is a powerful demonstration of Jesus' authority over life and death, affirming His divine nature. It also highlights His compassion and care for the marginalized and suffering. The raising of the widow's son prefigures Jesus' own resurrection and serves as a testament to His power to bring life out of death.
Public Reaction:
The miracle at Nain elicited a profound response from the witnesses. Luke 7:16-17 records, "A sense of awe swept over all of them, and they glorified God. 'A great prophet has appeared among us!' they said. 'God has visited His people!'" This reaction underscores the recognition of Jesus as a prophet and the acknowledgment of God's active presence among His people through Jesus' ministry.
Historical and Archaeological Insights:
While Nain is not extensively mentioned in historical records outside the Bible, its identification with the modern village of Nein is widely accepted. Archaeological findings in the area are limited, but the village's continuous habitation over the centuries attests to its enduring presence in the region.
Spiritual Reflection:
The account of Nain invites believers to reflect on the compassion of Christ and His power to transform situations of despair into hope. It serves as a reminder of the promise of resurrection and eternal life for those who trust in Him. The miracle at Nain is a testament to the truth that Jesus is the source of life and the conqueror of death, offering comfort and assurance to all who believe.
Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary
Smith's Bible Dictionary
(beauty), a village of Galilee, the gate of which is made illustrious by the raising of the widow's son. (Luke 7:12) The modern Nein is situated on the northwestern edge of the "Little Hermon," or Jebel-ed-Duhy , where the ground falls into the plain of Esdraelon. The entrance to the place, where our Saviour met the funeral, must probably always have seen up the steep ascent from the plain; and here on the west side of the village, the rock is full of sepulchral caves.
ATS Bible Dictionary
Where Christ performed one of his chief miracles, in raising to life a widow's only son, Luke 7:11-17, was a small village in Galilee, three miles south by west of Mount Tabor: It is now a petty hamlet, called Nein.
Easton's Bible Dictionary
(from Hebrews nain, "green pastures, " "lovely"), the name of a town near the gate of which Jesus raised to life a widow's son (Luke 7:11-17). It is identified with the village called Nein, standing on the north-western slope of Jebel ed-Duhy (=the "hill Moreh" = "Little hermon"), about 4 miles from Tabor and 25 southwest of Capernaum. At the foot of the slope on which it stands is the great plain of Esdraelon.
This was the first miracle of raising the dead our Lord had wrought, and it excited great awe and astonishment among the people.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
na'-in (Navi): This town is mentioned in Scripture only in connection with the visit of Jesus and the miracle of raising the widow's son from the dead (Luke 7:11). The name persists to this day, and in the form of Nein clings to a small village on the northwestern slope of Jebel ed-Duchy ("Hill of Moreh"), the mountain which, since the Middle Ages, has been known as Little Hermon. The modern name of the mountain is derived from Neby Duchy whose wely crowns the height above the village. There are many ancient remains, proving that the place was once of considerable size. It was never enclosed by a wall, as some have thought from the mention of "the gate." This was probably the opening between the houses by which the road entered the town. Tristram thought he had found traces of an ancient city wall, but this proved to be incorrect. The ancient town perhaps stood somewhat higher on the hill than the present village. In the rocks to the East are many tombs of antiquity. The site commands a beautiful and extensive view across the plain to Carmel, over the Nazareth hills, and away past Tabor to where the white peak of Hermon glistens in the sun. To the South are the heights of Gilboa and the uplands of Samaria. The village, once prosperous, has fallen on evil days. It is said that the villagers received such good prices for simsum that they cultivated it on a large scale. A sudden drop in the price brought them to ruin, from which, after many years, they have not yet fully recovered.
W. Ewing
3484. Nain -- Nain, a village of Galilee
... 3483b, 3484. Nain. 3485 . Nain, a village of Galilee. Part of Speech:
Proper Noun, Indeclinable Transliteration: Nain Phonetic ...
// - 6k
The Widow of Nain.
... THE WIDOW OF NAIN. THE WIDOW OF NAIN. 10,10,8,8. "And ... "Weep not," He says,
"poor weary one,. But think what I at Nain have done!". When ...
/.../borthwick/hymns from the land of luther/the widow of nain.htm
The Raising of the Young Man of Nain - the Meeting of Life and ...
not enter Nain, and its people pass Him to carry one dead to the burying. ...
/.../edersheim/the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter xx the raising of.htm
Raising of Jairus's Daughter. --And of the Widow's Son at Nain.
of Jairus's Daughter."And of the Widow's Son at Nain. ...
/.../section 134 raising of jairuss.htm
The Woman which was a Sinner
... It can scarcely have occurred in the quiet little town of Nain, indeed, is scarcely
congruous with the scene which had been there enacted. ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter xxi the woman which.htm
Jesus Raises the Widow's Son.
... Part Fifth. From Second Passover Until Third.(Time: One Year.) XLIV. Jesus Raises
the Widow's Son. (at Nain in Galilee.) ^C Luke 7:11-17. ...
/.../mcgarvey/the four-fold gospel/xliv jesus raises the widows.htm
Liii. The Contemplation of Death.
... INTRODUCTION."The name of the village where the miracle was wrought which is recorded
in this day's Gospel, was Nain, and the meaning of the name is "Pleasant ...
/.../liii the contemplation of death.htm
A Friend for the Sorrowful
... CHAPTER VII A FRIEND FOR THE SORROWFUL. One day Jesus went to a town called
Nain (or Beautiful), about twenty-five miles from Capernaum. ...
/.../ good shepherd/chapter vii a friend for.htm
The Centurion
... More than twenty miles from Capernaum, on a tableland overlooking the wide, beautiful
plain of Esdraelon, lay the village of Nain, and thither Jesus next bent ...
// desire of ages/chapter 32 the centurion.htm
Cont. With Jairus Cont.
... To the widow of Nain He says, "Weep not." He tells the sister of Lazarus, "If thou
wilt believe, thou shalt see the salvation of God." And when these ...
/.../chadwick/the gospel of st mark/chapter 5 21-43 cont with jairus.htm
Cholera, 1866
... How the Lord visited His people? By raising to life a widow's son at Nain. That
was the result of our Lord's visit to the little town of Nain. ...
/.../kingsley/the water of life and other sermons/sermon xvii cholera 1866.htm
Nain (1 Occurrence)
... (from Hebrews nain, "green pastures, " "lovely"), the name of a town near the gate
of which Jesus raised to life a widow's son (Luke 7:11-17). ...NAIN. ...
/n/nain.htm - 8k
Na'in (1 Occurrence)
Na'in. Nain, Na'in. Naioth . Multi-Version Concordance Na'in (1 Occurrence).
Luke 7:11 It happened soon afterwards, that he went to a city called Nain. ...
/n/na'in.htm - 6k
Kishon (6 Occurrences)
... district is the modern el-MuqaTTa`, a stream which drains all the plain of Esdraelon
to the West of the watershed-a line drawn from Iksal to Nain, and thence ...
/k/kishon.htm - 12k
Lazarus (19 Occurrences)
... Each of them has omitted elements of highest interest which others have preserved.
Thus, Luke alone gives us the raising of the widow's son at Nain. ...
/l/lazarus.htm - 21k
Ijon (3 Occurrences)
... IJON. i'-jon (`iyon; Septuagint in Kings has Ain, or Nain; in Chronicles Ion; Aion):
A town in the territory of Naphtali, first mentioned in connection with the ...
/i/ijon.htm - 8k
En-dor (3 Occurrences)
... It is not far from Nain and Shunem, and looks across the valley along which the
broken ranks of Sisera may have attempted to make their way eastward to the ...
/e/en-dor.htm - 11k
Endor (3 Occurrences)
... It is not far from Nain and Shunem, and looks across the valley along which the
broken ranks of Sisera may have attempted to make their way eastward to the ...
/e/endor.htm - 12k
Morrow (113 Occurrences)
... Luke 7:11 And it came to pass, on the morrow, he was going on to a city called Nain,
and there were going with him many of his disciples, and a great multitude ...
/m/morrow.htm - 41k
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