First taste of representative government
The Legislative Council met in this building in Janadhipathi Mawatha (then called Queen Street), Colombo Fort. The building later housed the Senate (after Independence) and is presently occupied by the Foreign Ministry. |
An important change in the administration of our country by the British in their early days of occupation occurred in the month of March. The recorded date of the establishment of the Executive Council and the Legislative Council is March 13, 1833. These councils were set up following the recommendation by a Royal Commission of Inquiry appointed by the British government, "to report upon all matters relating to the administration of the government of Ceylon."
The Commission which came to be referred to as the Colebrooke-Cameron Commission (the names of the two commissioners were W. M. G. Colebrooke and C. H. Cameron) was appointed in 1829 and with the release of its report, the civil and judicial administration was reconstituted.
The Executive Council was composed of the Colonial Secretary, the Officer commanding the Military Forces, the Attorney General, the Auditor-General and the Treasurer. The duties of the Council were advisory and the Governor who presided consulted them but was at liberty to disregard their advice.
The Legislative Council consisted of 16 members including the Governor, who presided, and the five members of the Executive Council. Four other official members included the Government Agents of the Western and Central provinces. Six unofficial members were nominated by the Governor – three to represent the Europeans (British residents) and three to represent Ceylonese. The nominated or unofficial members had no right to initiate legislation; they could only contribute to discussion. This was the first step towards giving the people of the country a voice in its administration.
The number of representatives was gradually increased and the balance altered to make it more favourable to the unofficial members. As the years passed, an unofficial member was nominated to represent the following groups of people: The Sinhalese of the maritime districts; the Kandyan Sinhalese; the Tamils; the Mohammedans; the Burghers or European descendants; the European planters; the European merchants, and Europeans generally. The unofficial members were appointed for a term of five years without any remuneration.
The Legislative Council was vested with the power of making laws which, as a rule, had to receive the approval of the Secretary of State for the Colonies (in London) in advance. No public money could be spent without the sanction of the Council. |