The City of Tallahassee
Tools for Business
Providing a centralized operations and establishing a system of coordinated and uniform policies, procedures and practices for Purchasing, Accounts Payable, Purchase Card, Warehouse, Contracts Administration and Reproduction activities are vital services needed in maintaining effective business operations. This is valuable information geared to keeping you informed of the City needs for goods & services.
In our endeavor to improve our services and the information provided on this website; your input would be appreciated. Please submit your suggestions and comments to Veronica McCrackin, Financial Services.
Our Mission
To provide for the purchase and payment of materials, supplies, and services, with the objective that they will be available at the right time and place, in the right quantity and of a quality and price that is consistent with the needs of the City.
Our Goals
- To leverage the City's purchasing power through a centralized purchasing system and the promotion of cooperative partnerships
- Reduce the cost of government through vendor competition, strategic relationships and alliances
- To ensure the uninterrupted flow of the City's services to its citizens by obtaining and ensuring the acquisition and delivery of acceptable, quality supplies and services, at the right time in the right quantity and at the price
- Utilize technology to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the services provided to both internal and external partners
- Provide fair and equitable treatment of all vendors who participate in City procurement activities
General Information
Main Office is located at: 300 S Adams St Tallahassee, FL 32301 Phone: 850-891-8280 Fax: 850-891-8796 Hours of Operation: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday though Friday |
Municipal Supply Center is located at: Major James Morgan Jr. Way Tallahassee, FL Phone: 850-891-5270 Fax: 850-891-5281 Hours of Operation: 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday though Friday |
Office Visits
Vendor representatives are considered a valuable part of our procurement team as we would not be effective without you. We value your visits, however, we recommend you call for appointments in order to productively utilize our time and yours.
Vendor Registration
The Purchasing Division of the City of Tallahassee has instituted the use of the Bonfire System to allow access to solicitations and related information to potential and existing suppliers as well as the general public. The system allows you to receive the information quickly, at your convenience, whenever and wherever you choose, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Who should use this system?
- Individuals and businesses wanting to become a vendor or supplier for the City of Tallahassee
- Established vendors who need to update their information to remain competitive
- Vendors who want to obtain copies of Bids and Request For Proposals (RFPs)
- Vendors who want to know the status of Bids and RFPs
What type of information is available on the system?
Legal advertisements, mail order request forms, bid/RFP addendum, bid tabulation sheets and vendor pick up lists are available along with the following:
- Current Procurement Listings
- Formal Contracts and Construction Bids
- Straight Bids
- Annual Bids
- Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
- Professional Service Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
- Current Award Recommendations and Current Board Agenda Items
Local Preference Policy
Please be advised that on November 9, 2012, the City's Local Business Certification program ended. The City of Tallahassee would like to thank all of the local businesses who participated in this very worthwhile pilot program.
As the City of Tallahassee considers local businesses to be a vital part of the success of our community, we want to continue to encourage your participation in City procurement activities. Prior to the implementation of the City's Local Business Certification Program, the City's Local Preference Ordinance No. 99-O-0059AA allowed City departments to grant a 5% preference to local businesses in making purchases whenever the application of such a preference is reasonable in light of the dollar-value of proposals received in relation to such expenditures. Effective November 10, 2012, this ordinance was reinstated. Please click on the link below to review this ordinance and how it will be applied to various City purchases and contracting opportunities.
Local Preference Ordinance No. 99-O-0059AA (PDF)
Minority Business Enterprise
It is the policy of the City of Tallahassee that minority, women and small business enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of work related to the City's activities. Questions related to how to become a certified MBE vendor with the City of Tallahassee please contact the City's MBE Office at 850-300-7566 or visit their website for more information.
To obtain vendor participation policies and information about the City of Tallahassee's Minority Business Enterprise Program visit the Minority Business Enterprise's information page on or contact the City's Economic and Community Development Office, Minority Business Enterprise Division at 850-300-7566.
Methods of Purchasing
It is the policy of the City of Tallahassee to secure goods and services under one of the methods of source selection identified below:
- Competitive Sealed bidding
- Competitive Sealed proposals
- Small purchases
- Source Source / Non-competitive Negotiations
- Competitive Negotiations
- Emergency Purchases
Construction Contracts
Construction contracts for City Projects are competitively bid through the Invitation for Bid (IFB) process. IFB's are awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
Architectural /Engineering Services
Architectural and engineering services are contracted through Procurement Services. Consultant are selected on the basis of qualification. The acquisition of professional architectural, engineering, landscape architectural, or surveying and mapping services shall be made in accordance with the Consultant's Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA), Section 287.055 of the Florida Statutes.
Public Announcement of Bids (Advertising)
Bids shall be publicly advertised by Procurement only on the City of Tallahassee's Web Site and, for construction projects estimated $200k and above, will be published in the Tallahassee Democrat newspaper. Announcements in the newspaper should appear twice, on Sundays, however, Procurement reserves the right to place notices on other days if necessary.
Advertisements may appear in other circulations, depending on the solicitation, and shall be paid for and coordinated by the department.
Bid Openings
Bid Opening meetings happen every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:30pm (except holidays). Bids will be opened and announced but no award will be made. These meetings will be virtual until further notice.
- Attend the Meeting
- Audio Only: 850-792-4991 (Conference ID: 329633793#)
Contact the assigned Purchasing agent for questions regarding particular solicitations.
The City of Tallahassee will allow for the correction or withdrawal of a bid prior to bid opening. After bid opening, only clarifications and bid withdrawals may be considered.
Late Bids
Any bid received in the office designated in the IFB after the exact time specified for receipt will not be accepted and considered unless it is received before award is made and it is determined by Procurement Services that the late receipt was due primarily to City mishandling after receipt.
Right of Rejection
The City of Tallahassee reserves the right to reject any one or all bids/proposals, or any part of any bid/proposal, to waive any informality in any bid/proposal, and to award the purchase in the best interest of the City of Tallahassee.
Posting of Recommended Award
The Official Bid Tabulation Sheet referencing the recommended bidder(s) to receive award(s) will be posted for review and will remain posted for seventy-two hours (72), excluding weekends and holidays. Bidders wishing to review or request copies of bids or tabulation sheets may do so by making an appointment with the appropriate Purchasing Agent. Bidders desiring a mailed copy of the Tabulation Sheet must submit a self- addressed postal stamped envelope to Procurement Services.
Vendor Payment
Payment of invoices shall be made within thirty (30) days after the City of Tallahassee has received, inspected and accepted supplies or services, and a proper invoice has been submitted to the City of Tallahassee's Accounts Payables Section. Payment terms and conditions may be found on the back of each purchase order. Staff may also use their City purchase cards as a method of payment for goods and/or services. The merchant shall submit invoices directly to the cardholder, not the Accounts Payables Section. Payment can be received from our bank provider within 24 to 48 hours after the merchant swipes the card.
Payment Terms
Vendors must insure that payment terms are specifically stated in their bid. Discounts for prompt payments shall be considered in the evaluation of bids.
Below is information concerning vendor registration, vendor forms & applications, and frequently asked questions concerning vendor related issues.
Vendor Lookup
Search for current vendors doing business with the City of Tallahassee.
How to Register as a Vendor
You may register with the City of Tallahassee as a regular vendor in one of the following ways:
- Register with Bonfire to receive bid Information
Vendor Forms & Applications
The forms below are in Adobe PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat reader to view and print.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are "Local Preferences"?
In accordance with the City of Tallahassee Local preference policy ordinance no. 89-O-0074 bidders located in Leon, Gadsden, Jefferson and Wakulla counties may qualify for 5% preference to local businesses in making such purchases whenever the application of such a preference is reasonable in light of the dollar-value of proposals received in relation to such expenditures.
How do I obtain information about City of Tallahassee solicitations or about awarded solicitations?
Visit Procurement Services Bid/RFP information page.
What are the procedures for conducting a demonstration of our company's products & services? Whom do we contact?
We would prefer that you contact Procurement Services at 850-891-8280. Procurement Services can then direct you to the individual(s) who would be best suited for you to contact.
How do I obtain vendor participation policies and information about the City of Tallahassee's Minority Business Enterprise Program?
Visit Minority Business Enterprise's information page or contact the Tallahassee-Leon County Office of Economic Vitality MWSBE Division at 850-219-1080.
We have provided below the information outlining the minimum requirements for processing payments for materials and services provided to the City Of Tallahassee.
- Be Registered – Use the system to register as a vendor
- Submit a proper invoice- Construction/Consulting or Non Construction
- Required Vendor COT Tax Information - not currently available
Tax Exempt Status
The City of Tallahassee is exempt from the payment of Florida sales and use tax on real property rented, transient rental property rented, tangible personal property purchased or rented, or services purchased. A copy of the exemption certificate (PDF) is available online.
Payment Problems
The City Accounts Payables staff is here to assist vendors with resolving their payment concerns. Please contact our office at 850-891-8280 and request to speak with an accounts payable professional.
To help us expedite your request, please have the following information (if applicable) available:
- Purchase Order Number
- Invoice Number and Date
- Invoice Amount
Payment problems made with a City purchase card should be addressed with the individual cardholder, or, contact our office at 850-891-8280 and request to speak with a Purchase Card Administrator.
The City of Tallahassee has a vast amount of contracts to support the number of diversified services that the City provides for its citizens and uses in its daily operations. Each contract is assigned a contract administration or project manager to administer the contract and monitor its progress. The name and contact number of these individuals can usually be found in the formal contract documents.
The Contract Administration Officer, located in Procurement Services, 3rd Floor of City Hall, is available to assist vendors who may be experiencing difficulties with:
- Contract Compliance
- Project Management
- Contract Payments
- or other Contract Administration issues
If you currently have a contract with us and are experiencing difficulties in any of the above areas or need general contraction administration assistance, please contract the Contracts Administration Office at 850-891-8280 and ask for a Contract Administration Professional.
Vendor Lookup
Search for current vendors doing business with the City of Tallahassee.
Surplus Auctions
Policy about and application for receiving surplus items donated from the City
Business Incentives
The City of Tallahassee has a number of economic development programs available to eligible businesses and/or property owners. Many of the programs offer specific incentives and funding, while others are planning tools designed to promote economic development; some of the incentives are available only in specific areas, while others are available throughout the City. Listed below are a general description and the primary point of contact for each program.
Economic Development
Tallahassee-Leon County Office of Economic Vitality is available to help businesses navigate the financial and workforce needs and incentives and access funding for needed training, staffing and research. Through local and state resources, there are programs that are focused on assisting companies in Tallahassee and Leon County to grow and expand. For more information on economic development programs please contact our office at 850-219-1080.
Qualified Target Industry Tax Refund Program - A joint State, City, County and Office of Economic Vitality program that provides tax rebates to targeted industries that establish new operations or expand existing operations within the City. Provides tax refunds of up to $5,000 per new job created. This program requires local government financial participation.
Cristina Paredes • 219-1080 • Tallahassee-Leon County Office of Economic Vitality
Quick Response Training Program - A joint State, County, City and Office of Economic Vitality program that provides funding for customized employee training for targeted industries that establish new operations or expand existing operations within the City.
Cristina Paredes • 219-1080 • Tallahassee-Leon County Office of Economic Vitality
Targeted Business Program
A joint City/County pilot program that provides a rebate for a portion of property taxes, development fees and permit fees for businesses that fall into one of eleven targeted industries. The level of rebate is based on a number of factors, including the number of jobs created, the percentage of higher paying jobs, the level of capital investment, location within a targeted area, and environmental sensitivity in the design. Businesses located in the Central City and Southern Strategy Areas are eligible to receive extra points toward the rebate score.
Cristina Paredes • 219-1080 • Tallahassee-Leon County Office of Economic Vitality
The Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone) program is a Federal program administered by the U.S. Small Business Association (SBA) to encourage and promote economic development and employment growth in historically underutilized areas by providing access to more federal contracting opportunities. The federal government has a goal of awarding 3% of all dollars for federal prime contracts to HUBZone-certified small business concerns. More information is available from the Small Business Administration's web site.
Cristina Paredes • 219-1080 • Tallahassee-Leon County Office of Economic Vitality
Urban Job Tax Credit Program
The Tallahassee Urban Job Tax Credit Program (UJTCP) Area was designated in September 1998 and consists of two non-contiguous areas in the Frenchtown and Southside communities, totaling approximately 7.4 square miles. The UJTCP provides state tax credits of between $500 and $1,500 per new employee for eligible businesses that locate or expand operations within the designated area. Tax credits can be taken against either the Florida Corporate Income Tax or the Florida Sales and Use Tax..
Map of the Tallahassee Urban Job Tax Credit Program Area (PDF)
Cristina Paredes • 219-1080 • Tallahassee-Leon County Office of Economic Vitality
High Wage Employment Slope Exception Policy
Provides an exception to the Environmental Management Ordinance by allowing for a higher level of development of sites with significant slopes if the development will (1) create a minimum of 20 new jobs, and (2) 30 percent of the employees are at salaries that exceed the average annual salary of Leon County.
Cristina Paredes • 219-1080 • Tallahassee-Leon County Office of Economic Vitality
Expedited Permitting
Provides streamlined procedures for plan and permit review and approval for certain advanced technology projects. The program is designed to operate in conjunction with the State Office of Trade, Tourism and Economic Development to attract large, advanced technology projects that would provide a minimum of 250 new, full-time technology jobs.
John Reddick • 850-891-7176 • City of Tallahassee, Growth Management Department
Business Facility Improvement Program (Greater Frenchtown Southside)
This is an annual program to help small businesses improve the exterior of existing commercial buildings and properties. Eligible applicants can receive up to $50,000 for improvements to the façade of commercial structures and properties located within the boundaries of the Greater Frenchtown Southside (GFS) Community Redevelopment Area. Grant funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis and are available throughout the fiscal year until all funds are committed. The first $10,000 of the grant does not require a match by the applicant. A request for grant funds above $10,000 (up to a maximum of $40,000) requires a dollar-for-dollar match.
Guidelines & Application for the Business Facility Improvement Program (PDF)
Map of the areas eligible for the Business Facility Improvement Program (PDF)
Sheila Williams • 850-891-8355 • Community Redevelopment Agency Department