Abominus (G1) - Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Abominus" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Abominus (disambiguation).
- Abominus is a Decepticon combiner from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Even more so than the other Decepticon combiners, Abominus is a being of mindless fury. He's not truly a warrior—he's an animal, the destructive rages of the Terrorcons that compose him personified. His commanders can't give him orders simplistic enough for him to understand, so they just point him in the direction of objects that need to be smashed, and turn him loose. The only thing that distinguishes him from a wild beast is the enjoyment he derives from his terrible rampages. His most frequent victim is the Technobot combiner Computron, his intellectual opposite.
Abominus is the combined form of all five Terrorcons:
- Hun-Gurrr (torso)
- Rippersnapper (left arm)
- Sinnertwin (left leg)
- Blot (right arm)
- Cutthroat (right leg)
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformers cartoon
- Voice actor: Jim Gosa (English), Chikao Shiroyama (Japanese), Wang Xiaobing (Chinese), Gernot Duda (German, Grimlock's New Brain), Reinhard Brock (German, Money Is Everything), Bernd Simon (German The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1)
Abominus first battled the Autobots when the Decepticons tried to secure anti-electrons from the severed head of Unicron. With their foes incapacitated by the anti-electrons, the Terrorcons proved too much for Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Kup, and Perceptor to handle. Fortunately, the recently super-intelligent Grimlock had just created the Technobots, whose attack soon compelled the Terrorcons to combine into Abominus. The giant drove off the new Autobots and was having little trouble with the others, but the Technobots soon returned, combined into Computron. Though unable to match Abominus's strength, the Autobot gestalt defeated Abominus by vibrating, breaking him apart into his components. Grimlock's New Brain
Later, when the Terrorcons allied with the Quintessons, they installed a timer mechanism which would cause them to separate after combining into Abominus. The combiner was set loose to ambush the approaching Technobots over Titan, rapidly blasting Strafe, Lightspeed and Scattershot out of the sky. The gibbering giant turned his attention to the trader ship Lazy Sue, but the timer mechanism kicked in before he could score a hit on the ship, separating him. Later, Abominus faced off against Computron at the Quintesson base. Once again, Computron forced Abominus to separate, this time by activating the timer mechanism. The separated Terrorcons beat a hasty retreat. Money Is Everything
In a battle on Earth's moon, Abominus fought alongside his beastly brother-in-arms Predaking against the Autobots, until both were called by a mysterious voice. The Terrorcons split apart and left the battle to heed the call, along with the Dinobots, animal Cassettes, Trypticon and Sky Lynx. Call of the Primitives
Attacking a laboratory that was holding a new type of protective metal, Abominus found himself counter-attacked by Computron. Abominus ultimately held the upper hand, smashing Computron before he could solve an algorithm to get the upper hand. Definitely, Computron Think Too Much! The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1
Abominus took part on Galvatron's assault on Cybertron. As the battle raged, he was seen driving the Aerialbots into retreat amidst a hail of laser fire. The Rebirth, Part 1 The Rebirth, Part 2
Japanese cartoon continuity
The Headmasters cartoon
- Voice actor: Masato Hirano (Japanese)
In 2011, the Terrorcons were part of the first wave of Galvatron's siege on Cybertron, hoping to gain control of Vector Sigma. They formed Abominus to battle Superion. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky Later on, Abominus teamed up with his fellow combiners to wage war on their Autobot counterparts. Their victory seemed assured until the Battleship Maximus swooped in and scattered the Decepticon combiners. They barely survived the encounter. The Mystery of Planet Master On Earth, the Terrorcons intervened on Hot Rod's search for the Matrix of Leadership, but Chromedome and the Autobot Headmasters kept the Terrorcons busy so that Hot Rod could complete his mission. Even after the Terrorcons formed Abominus, the Headmasters stood against them, and the arrival of Computron swung the odds firmly on the Autobots' side. Abominus was last seen with his head buried in the sand, being kicked in the side by Computron. Birth of the Fantastic Double Prime He would have a brief rematch with Computron when he and numerous other Decepticons joined Galvatron in an attempt to keep the Autobots from stopping Metamorphose. Abominus and the others failed. Approach of the Demon Meteorite
Abominus once again found himself battling Superion shortly before Cybertron was destroyed by Scorponok's bombs. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2 He was also assembled on Mars to fight Raiden and the Headmasters, during Scorponok's scheme to explode the planet and harvest its plasma energy. Explosion on Mars!! MegaZarak Appears On Earth, the Terrorcons united into Abominus to fight Computron for a supply of energy. He fell before his foe's flying feet. For sure. SOS from Planet Sandra
Abominus joined the Decepticons on their space mission to gather energy from throughout the universe. He battled Computron on the Twin Star planets. Battle for Defense of the False Planet He also helped collect energon on Paradise. Abominus battled the Autobot Monsterbots, but was driven off by their flame breath. Or, rather, by their flame breath igniting a cache of energon cubes. (A civilization that uses a highly explosive substance as both food and money. No wonder they've been at war off-and-on for 11 million years.) Head Formation of Friendship
As the Decepticons returned to our solar system, Sixshot made heavy use of Abominus on Earth. He was dispatched to Miami to raid an Autobot energy facility and had fun body-slamming Computron around the landscape. Ultra Magnus Dies!! Later, he was dispatched as part of Sixshot five-fold simultaneous attack on Autobot outposts around the globe. The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg Abominus also joined Predaking in double-teaming Raiden on the Kamchatka Peninsula, in the Pacific Ring of Fire. I Risk My Life for Earth
On the planet Master, Abominus was with the Decepticons when Chromedome and his young allies launched an ill-fated assault on MegaZarak. Abominus shot down Kirk, leader of the young warriors Chromedome had been training. Operation: Destroy the Decepticons Abominus was present at the North Pole for the final battle with the Autobots over the crysmagnetal and Scorponok's Death Towers. He and Bruticus double-teamed Computron during the fight. Abominus escaped into deeper space with the rest of the Decepticons after Fortress Maximus brought an end to Scorponok's plans. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)
Zone cartoon
- Voice actor: Yukimasa Kishino (Japanese)
Over fifteen years later, Abominus joined several other powerful Decepticons in an assault on planet Zone, led by the reborn Dark Emperor Deathsaurus. Attempting to steal their Energon Z, the Decepticons proved no match for the Micromasters and were driven away. Zone Project Story
Seeking to create a Decepticon Zone to counter the Autobot Zone, Decepticon Emperor Violengiguar gathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. Abominus was selected to be one of those Generals and was given the rank "Monster General" as well as new power and weaponry to make him an even greater threat than before. Zone Part 1 The Generals managed to school Metrotitan and the Metrosquad in the ways of evil, making them more than formidable foes for the Powered Masters. Zone Part 7
Abominus was sent to the Planet Feminia to wreak havoc along with Menasor and Overlord. Together, they destroyed the entire planet and nearly killed Victory Saber in the process. Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!
Generations Selects Special Comic
After Megatron gained the upper hand on the Terrorcons by absorbing their Angolmois Energy, they panicked and transmitted a request asking their Quintesson masters to allow them to combine into Abominus. The Quintessons then deployed the flying shield Terrorbreaster, allowing the Terrorcons to unite into the merciless combiner. However, Megatron used his absorbed Angolmois Energy to evolve into Megatron Omega, and promptly attacked Abominus. Unfortunately, Abominus simply shot a hole in the mighty Decepticon leader's chest and tossed him away. Abominus comic 1
Abominus continued to wreak havoc in Neo Scramble City while Megatron Omega merely recovered from his injury. Computron, Superion, and Defensor ganged up on Abominus, but were split into their individual components by his Angolmois-infused chest cannon. However, the individual Autobots retaliated by combining into Comperian and kicking Abominus... just above his crotch plate. The bestial combiner was conveniently sent flying into fellow Decepticon combiners Bruticus and Menasor, allowing Abominus to assimilate their limbs and become the new combiner Abomenaticus.
Abomenaticus thus continued his assault on Comperian until Megatron Omega declared himself the strongest Angolmois user, prompting Abomenaticus to reform into Abominus and divert his attention to the Decepticon commander. However, Megatron Omega effortlessly counterattacked him, causing Hun-Gurrr's Hellspark to release all of its absorbed sparks. The Dinobot combiner Volcanicus valiantly stepped in, using his Angolmois-forged Magma Blade to protect Abominus from Megatron Omega's blast. He then offered a hastily made alliance with the Terrorcon combiner; agreeing that they defeat Megatron and then have a 1-on-1 brawl. Abominus then threw his Terrorbreaster chestplate at Megatron Omega, slicing off the Decepticon leader's head—at which he just picked up his disembodied head and reconnected it. Abominus and Volcanicus later prepared to enter a portal opened by Primus on Optimus Prime's orders. Abominus comic 2
TV Magazine comic continuity
The Great Transformer War
Abominus fared poorly in battle with the new Autobot combiner, Computron. The weapon upgrades given to him by Doctor Dalton, the famous scientist, were almost overpowering. The Terrorcons were forced to implement Galvatron's back-up plan, splitting Abominus back into his individual parts and assaulting Computron with Cohesive Control Liquid. They briefly took control of Computron, but Spike Witwicky managed to neutralize the control liquid with Dalton's help. The Great Transformer War #2
Zone comic
Seeking to create a Decepticon Zone to counter the Autobot Zone, Decepticon Emperor Violengiguar gathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. Abominus was selected to be one of those Generals and was given the rank "Monster General" as well as new power and weaponry to make him an even greater threat than before. Zone Part 1 The Generals managed to school Metrotitan and the Metrosquad in the ways of evil, making them more than formidable foes for the Powered Masters. Zone Part 7
The Nine Great Demon Generals united to attack planet Feminia, destroying it utterly. Violengiguar next charged his Generals with collecting Energon Z and the all-powerful Zodiac, which he intended to use to fuel his conquest. Overlord, Menasor, Bruticus, and Abominus attacked planet Zone, defeating the Micromaster teams and stealing their Energon Z core. The Micromasters pursued them into space, only to be stopped by BlackZarak and his energy web. Zone
Marvel Comics continuity
Marvel The Transformers comics
The Terrorcons were part of Scorponok's crew on Cybertron, and when he led his troops to the world of Nebulos, they came along as well. The Terrorcons and Horrorcons were, naturally enough, terrorizing the resort city of Splendora, when they came under attack by Brainstorm, Hardhead, and the Technobots. The Terrorcons responded by merging into Abominus.
Rather than actually attacking his enemies, Abominus began brainlessly smashing his way through the city, till the Technobots combined into Computron and blasted him with acid pellets. Computron then bashed Abominus with a steel beam, hitting him so hard that he broke apart into the Terrorcons, who promptly retreated. Love and Steel!
In the 21st century, the Terrorcons were repaired and rejoined the Decepticons under Bludgeon's control. While anticipating an attack from Megatron's loyalists, Bludgeon came to believe that Hun-Grrr had willingly compromised his battle plans. When Hun-Grrr saw Bludgeon and the Seacons approach, he offered then some of the Energon Stars he was munching on. Bludgeon accused the Terrorcon leader of treachery. Hun-Grrr, shocked at their rejection of his snack, and outraged at these false charges, was soon brawling with the Seacons. Both groups continued the fight in combined modes, with Piranacon finally stabbing Abominus in the back. The five Terrorcons sunk into stasis lock, and Bludgeon, disgusted, ordered them taken away. Hun-Grrr's defeat, however, merely made Bludgeon blind to the true traitors in his army. At Fight's End
Transformers '84
After Straxus had become Decepticon leader, he sought to reactivate Project Dreadnought, posting Abominus to defend the control hub in Stanix. When the Wreckers arrived to shut down Dreadnought, Abominus quickly responded only for Rack'n'Ruin to manage a blow to his face, sending the combiner stumbling back into the solar wind pylon where he was assaulted by the ground forces. Faced with so many small targets, the Terrorcons decombined and fought them individually. Secrets & Lies #4
Transformers in 3-D
The Terrorcons and Cyclonus intercepted Ultra Magnus's team during the search for Metascan Alpha. The Terrorcons united into Abominus, but the Autobots ignored them and continued with their mission. A short time later, Abominus came under attack from the Destructons and was blasted apart. The Terrorcons began a retreat and found themselves being aided by Ultra Magnus, resulting in Cyclonus agreeing to a truce between the two factions. The War Against the Destructons, Chapter 1 of 3
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe
Abominus was among the Decepticons forces nestled safely behind Trypticon's force field when the combined forces of the Autobots and G.I. Joe came to stop them from absorbing the sun. Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12
2019 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Galaxies #1
"Many, many cycles" before the War of the Threefold Spark a group of Cybertronians discovered the Enigma of Combination and used its energies to turn themselves into a combiner. However, the group lacked any purpose of unity, which resulted in the "Abomination" being governed only by the basest impulses of its components. As a result, the giant, which carried with it the Enigma, lumbered across Cybertron in a destructive hunt for energon. Constructicons Rising, Part 1 The Cybertronians of the day tried everything to halt Abominus's rampage, until it became clear the combiner couldn't be stopped, bargained, threatened or reasoned with. Escape Part Three Abominus was eventually felled at Rivets Field, where its components were separated and the Enigma buried. Both Nominus Prime and Termagax bore witness to the Abomination's reign of terror, with the former being haunted by it. Constructicons Rising, Part 1 Constructicons Rising, Part 3 Escape Part Three
History would later record Dai Atlas as having taken Abominus down single-handed, something he was quick to dismiss. Escape Part Three When a new hunt for the Enigma of Combination began, Shockwave remembered Abominus as one of only two examples of the Enigma's power since the Age of Primes. Sea of Rust I
Commercial appearances
After the Terrorcons' initial assault on Fortress Maximus was rebuffed, they regrouped and combined into Abominus to tear into Maximus's armament. Fortress Maximus commercial
Transformers: The Headmasters
When the Decepticons captured some of the Autobots' greatest warriors, Menasor and Abominus stood guard over Hardhead and Brainstorm on the Jail planet. They were defeated and their prisoners were rescued by Chromedome and the other freed Autobots. Transformers: The Headmasters
The Transformers (PS2)
- Voice actor: ???
Abominus appeared before the Autobots when they reached the halfway point to ELTA. When Rodimus Prime announced that the gestalt was trouble, the Terrorcon combiner said that he was going to pound the Autobots into scrap. Nevertheless, Abominus found himself defeated like all the others. Deciding that he had to get away, he flew off. The Transformers
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Abominus participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! Abominus could be recruited to a team if all of his components were at max level. Transformers: Battle Tactics
Transformers: Earth Wars
Once Hun-Gurrr, Blot, Cutthroat, Rippersnapper, and Sinnertwin had all made it to Earth, the Decepticons used the Enigma of Combination to create the fearsome Abominus.
To obtain Abominus, one has to collect all five three-, four-, or five-star Terrorcons and combine them in the Combiner Lab.
- Class: Combiner
- Abilities:
- Toxic Zone: Jump and shoot an acid ball dealing damage in a large area over 8 seconds.
- Electrical Rush: Rush into combat dealing damage to the final target. You spread electrical fire along the way disabling targets and causing them damage over 6 secs. If you hit a target affected by Toxic Zone, the electrical fire propagates in a large area.
- Force Shield: Generate a force shield reflecting 90% of the damage. After 6 seconds, the shield explodes causing damage in a large area. Upon death, the Combiner shields your allies from 50% of the damage received for 10 seconds.
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Abominus was the monstrous combined form of the Terrorcons. Decepticon Directive
The Transformers
- Hun-Gurrr (Boxed Terrorcon, 1987)
- Blot (Carded Terrorcon, 1987)
- Cutthroat (Carded Terrorcon, 1987)
- Rippersnapper (Carded Terrorcon, 1987)
- Sinnertwin (Carded Terrorcon, 1987)
- Released in the fourth year of Hasbro's US The Transformers toyline (third year in Europe and in Takara's Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers line), Abominus is a super robot formed out of all five Terrorcons. As a "Scramble City" style combiner, each smaller Terrorcon attaches as a limb into the central body, Hun-Gurrr. He is completed by attaching fists, feet, a large chestplate, and head and is armed with Hun-Gurrr's rifle.
- Despite being designed for completely interchangeable limb-bots, it may be inadvisable to use Sinnertwin as an arm, as the clearance between his chest-parts and connector peg/head is juuuuust a bit too tight, making it very hard to swing down without adding severe stress to the piece and risking breakage.
- Due to the extensive jointing of Hun-Gurrr's dragon-necks, which form Abominus's upper legs, he ends up with considerably more lower-body posability than any other combiner in the line. Of course, he's so top-heavy this can make maintaining poses tricky.
- Nominally, each component was sold individually; the smaller carded limb-bots could also come with a randomly-packed Decepticon Decoy.
- Abominus (Gift set, 1987)
- Takara ID number: D-84
- Accessories: All individual-release toys' accessories
- The entire Terrorcon team was also sold in a large box set, but only in Italy and Japan. All of the toys within are identical to their individual-packaged releases; while it is has not been confirmed to be the case, it is highly likely that only the rubsign-having versions of the toys were sold in gift set form.
Power of the Primes
- Terrorcon Hun-Gurrr (Voyager Class, 2018)
- Terrorcon Rippersnapper (Deluxe Class, 2018)
- Terrorcon Blot (Deluxe Class, 2018)
- Terrorcon Cutthroat (Deluxe Class, 2018)
- Sinnertwin (Deluxe Class, 2018)
- Known designers: John Warden and Aaron Gray (Hasbro)
- Part of the Power of the Primes subline of Generations, Abominus is formed from Voyager Class Hun-Gurrr and the sold-separately Deluxe Class toys Blot, Cutthroat, Rippersnapper and Sinnertwin. As a Combiner Wars-style combiner, Abominus can also utilize any Combiner Wars-style Deluxe as a limb.
- The Terrorcon Enigma of Combination included with Hun-Gurrr can be stored in Abominus's chest, hands or feet. Due to Abominus's unique chest design, the Enigma can also be hidden away beneath the built-in hatch. Prime Masters, other Enigmas of Combination, or Matrix cores can also be stored in any of the aforementioned ports, although the chest hatch cannot conceal them as it can the Terrorcon Enigma due to their thicker shape (though Inferno's redecoed Autobot Enigma can fit just like it would Hun-Gurrr's). Abominus' head sculpt is rather pointedly based on his "Call of the Primitives" appearance, with a pronounced helmet brim, thin face, elongated antennae, and a far more angular "shades" style of visor than the usual cartoon character model featured in other episodes.
- Abominus's packaging art (seen on the sides of the individuals' packaging) uses the combiner's original design, although the actual toy has a modified torso design, which omits the dragon heads from the combiner's knees due to the thighs being formed from Hun-Gurrr's arms instead of his legs, as well as a visibly different chest design. On another note, all of the Deluxe Terrorcons come with Prime Armor/hands from Volcanicus, although due to the hands being packaged with the limb-forming Terrorcons, cast in a multitude of different colors, Abominus always has different colored hands rather than uniform magenta no matter which hands are used. The combined figure also has an unfortunate tendency to lean forward, though not enough to topple over thanks to his long feet. Speaking of which, the Terrorcons' instructions depict him with Volcanicus's feet, rather than the original-toy-inspired ones that actually came with Hun-Gurrr.
- Extreme care should be taken when plugging a hand or foot into Rippersnapper's combiner peghole, due to the fact it is molded very thin and easy to break. Should this happen, the peghole's tension will be severely reduced and cause the hands and feet to lose any grip when inserted. Due to this, it is ill-advised to use Rippersnapper as a leg, as Abominus' combined weight puts the most amount of weight against the peghole. The other Terrorcons, including Rippersnapper's retool Blot, thankfully do not share this issue.
Generations Selects
- Abominus (Multi-pack, 2021)
- Release date: April 17, 2021
- TakaraTomy ID number: TT-GS12
- Hasbro ID number: TT-GS05
- Accessories: Individual Terrorcon weapons, left & right Abominus hands, 2 Abominus feet, "Terrorbreaster" chestplate
- Initially developed by TakaraTomy, Generations Selects Abominus is a redeco of Power of the Primes Abominus with a couple of new accessories. As you might expect, this version of Abominus features a much more cartoon-accurate coloration: the head is purple with a white face, Abominus' upper legs (formed from the backs of Hun-Gurrr's arms) are grayish-white as opposed to dark gray, stickers adorning Hun-Gurrr from the Power of the Primes release are gone, and the Terrorcon limbs have more saturated plastic colors, among a slew of other deco changes we won't get into here.
- TakaraTomy also went the extra mile to create the hilariously-named "Terrorbreaster" piece, which attaches to Hun-Gur (the original combiner-chest having been mostly-removed from this relases) to form Abominus' chest, making it more closely resemble the animation model. Abominus also features new foot and hand pieces cast in uniform magenta, which are mostly recolored from TakaraTomy's Selects Seacons, with the exception of the new detachable toe pieces and the new small cannons for Hun-Gurrr that double as heel stabilizers for Abominus. Unfortunately, the dragon-head knees are still absent.
- Additionally, Abominus has a new rifle that is also recolored from TakaraTomy's Selects Turtler, and decked out with a plethora of 5 mm ports, allowing for the smaller Terrorcons' guns to be attached to it and form a slightly bigger weapon.
- He was only available as a massive box set with all five Terrorcons: Blot, Cutthroat, Hun-Gurrr, Rippersnapper and Sinnertwin. This set was a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive in Japan, with a small-ish number imported and made for sale through Hasbro Pulse; originally slated for release on March 27, Abominus's release was pushed back to April 17.
Transformers Caramel
- Abominus (1987)
- A soft-rubber figurine of Abominus was available as part of Kabaya's Transformers Milk Caramel line of "candy toys" in yellow, red, or blue. Like all the figures from the Headmasters assortment, the figure was permanently attached to a flat base that had a rubber stamp of Abominus's face and name on its underside.
- Abominus had the working name of Horriblus.
- The colors of Abominus' head vary wildly between different forms of media. In some cases, Abominus has a white-colored head with a purple face and yellow eyes. Other times, he has a purple-colored head with a white face and red eyes. The former is most typically associated with his toys, while the latter is largely used within animation, though there are exceptions to these examples.
- Abominus' 1987 toy instructions depict Cutthroat as his right leg, with Sinnertwin as his left. However, most forms of media depict the "wrong" limb configuration, featuring Sinnertwin as his right leg and Cutthroat as his left, stemming from his original package art. Transformers: Earth Wars depicts the "correct" configuration, while Transformers: More than Meets the Eye depicts Cutthroat as his right arm and Blot as his right leg. Shattered Glass Abominus uses the limb placement from Abominus' original package art.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Abominus (オボミナス Obominasu)
- Italian: Tundertron
- Mandarin: Qiúyǔguǐ (China, 求雨鬼, "Rain-seeking Ghost")
- Russian: Oblomius (Обломиус, "Failurius")