Barricade (Movie) - Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Barricade" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Barricade (disambiguation).
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- Toys & Merchandise
- Barricade is a Decepticon from the Movie continuity family.
Barricade (aka N.B.E. 04[citation needed]) is apparently a complicated robot. He's considered "fractious" even by Decepticon standards, yet is willing to give Starscream the benefit of the doubt and follow where he leads, at least for the time being. Though not totally dedicated to the service of the Decepticons' current leader, he is much more cautious and reserved about expressing mutinous dissent than say most.
Barricade believes that Starscream is vital in their search for Megatron and the AllSpark, making him Starscream's closest ally in the naturally combative Decepticon ranks. Then again, it's been said that he likes to trick people into trusting him, just so he can see their reactions when they find out just how much of a bad idea it was. As such, he has disguised himself as an Earth police car in an attempt to fool the humans around him.
If his attitude toward his fellow Decepticons is inconsistent, his attitude toward the Autobots is not: kill them all. Barricade might not be as large as most of his peers, but he is every bit as deadly. He thoroughly relishes every chance in fighting the Autobots. He's smart enough to let one live, if he thinks he or the Decepticons can use it to their advantage. But most of the time, they're dead before someone's even thought of a plan.
The most frustrating part about Barricade is that he always manages to come back no matter how many times he has been brought down.
Autobots, foul Autobots, here we come. Let our long war resume—and let it end here.Barricade, Ghosts of Yesterday
- 1 Fiction
- 2 Games
- 2.1 "Flight of the Bumblebee" online game
- 2.2 Transformers The Game (console)
- 2.3 Transformers: The Game (PSP)
- 2.4 Transformers Autobots/Decepticons (Nintendo DS)
- 2.5 Allspark Highway
- 2.6 Transformers Video Mash-Up
- 2.7 Second Life
- 2.8 Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Decepticons (Nintendo DS)
- 2.9 MechTech Weapons Challenge
- 2.10 Cyberverse Battle Builder
- 2.11 Bot Shots Battle Game!
- 2.12 Angry Birds Transformers
- 2.13 Transformers Online (2017 video game)
- 2.14 Transformers: Forged to Fight
- 3 Toys
- 4 Merchandise
- 5 Notes
- 6 See also
- 7 References
- 8 External links
The six movies are the primary component of the live-action movie continuity family. Their events should be taken as canon for all other pieces of fiction listed below, unless otherwise specified.
Transformers film
- Voice actor: Jess Harnell (English), Katsuhiro Kitagawa (Japanese), Zhang Wei (Chinese), Oliver Siebeck (German), Júlio César (Brazil), Salvador Reyes (Latin American-Spanish), Jordi Varela (Castilian Spanish), Achille D'Aniello (Italian), Pascal Massix (European French), Lee Jang-won (Korean)
After being active on Earth for some time, Barricade arrived to pick up Frenzy after the smaller Decepticon's attempt to hack into and sabotage the United States military network on Air Force One. From data Frenzy had acquired, the two learned of Sector Seven, "Project Iceman", and the "Witwicky man", the discoverer of the entombed Megatron. Using the internet, the duo learned that Megatron had accidentally marked Witwicky's glasses with the location of the long-lost AllSpark—glasses which were now being auctioned on eBay by his descendant, ladiesman217.
Tracking the human to the town of Tranquility, Barricade appeared in the path of ladiesman217 as he was attempting to flee Bumblebee, whom he mistakenly believed was out to harm him. Believing Barricade to be a legitimate police vehicle, ladiesman217 requested the "officer's" help, only for Barricade to transform right in front of him. As ladiesman217 fled, Barricade knocked him onto the hood of an abandoned car, then violently demanded information on "eBay item 21153". Ladiesman217 and his female friend, who had been drawn into the encounter, managed to escape him when Bumblebee convinced the boy to trust him, and Barricade pursued both the Autobot and two humans to a junkyard. After temporarily losing and then regaining their position, he charged into battle, activating his mace/rotating blade, and dispatched Frenzy to chase down the humans. The battle started off pretty well and worked in Barricade's favor until Bumblebee slammed him into an office. Barricade then rolled over and took back control by bashing his fists against Bumblebee's head. However, their battle ended with Barricade heavily damaged.
Barricade had repaired himself by the time Frenzy (who infiltrated Sector Seven) transmitted both Megatron and the AllSpark's location to his fellow Decepticons. Knowing that the Decepticons were coming, the humans and Autobots tried to transport the AllSpark to Mission City for extraction, but Barricade and Bonecrusher caught up to them on the highway into the city. Barricade attempted to clear a path through the traffic by activating his sirens; Bonecrusher simply rammed everything in his way. Ladiesman217—riding inside Bumblebee—recognized Barricade, and in response to his call for action, Optimus Prime, Ironhide, and Ratchet realigned to block the Decepticon from getting to the human and the AllSpark. Barricade was last seen as Bonecrusher pulled ahead to attack Optimus; he was absent from the subsequent battle in Mission City for unknown reasons. Transformers
Barricade's involvement in the preceding events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the novels Transformers, Transformers: The Junior Novel and "The Quest for the AllSpark"; the Transformers: Movie Adaptation and "Movie Trilogy" comics; the activity book "Look and Find Transformers"; and the storybooks "Bumblebee Rumble", "Optimus Prime Versus Megatron", "Sam's New Car", "Transformers Play-a-Sound", "Meet the Autobots", "Meet the Decepticons", "Transformers Mix & Match" and "Transformers: The Movie Storybook". Many of these adaptations were based on earlier drafts of the movie's script; in several, most prominently the novelization and comic adaptations, Barricade engages Optimus Prime on the highway after he takes out Bonecrusher and is destroyed as a result, explaining his disappearance from the film's final act.
Dark of the Moon film
- Voice actor: Frank Welker (English, see notes), Bernard Métraux (European French), Luiz Carlos Persy (Brazilian Portuguese), Leonardo García (Latin-American Spanish)
Barricade was one of the Decepticons present in Chicago when Megatron and Sentinel Prime unleashed their plan to use a space bridge to bring Cybertron to Earth, and assisted in the takeover of the city. Under the command of Soundwave, he aided in rounding up several Autobots that had infiltrated the city, including his old foe Bumblebee, to whom he delivered a hard kick to the back for fun. At the behest of the human traitor Dylan Gould, Soundwave ordered Barricade to execute the Autobot prisoners, starting with Que; Barricade laughed as he slew the Autobot with a shot in the back. Fortunately, Wheelie and Brains intervened to prevent any further executions, causing a distraction that allowed the other Autobots to escape.
Following the Autobots' getaway, Barricade joined up with Shockwave, and was in the process of chewing out the Decepticon ground troops when he suddenly found himself blinded by sniper shots to his eyes courtesy of the Autobots' NEST allies. As he stumbled around in pain, the humans got in close and jammed a bomb into his leg, which brought him tumbling to the ground when it went off. He was last seen trying to crawl to safety as the human troops fired on him. Dark of the Moon
Age of Extinction film
Footage of Barricade at the Battle of Chicago was shown by Harold Attinger to demonstrate how Transformers were dangerous. Age of Extinction
The Last Knight film
- Voice actor: Jess Harnell (English), Katsuhiro Kitagawa (Japanese), Zhang Yaohan (Chinese), Mauro Horta (Portuguese), Salvador Reyes (Latin-American Spanish), Oliver Siebeck (German), Achille D'Aniello (Italian), Berk Avcı (Turkish dub), Wojciech Chorąży (Polish)
Having survived the injuries he sustained in the Chicago war and avoided being hunted down by the humans in the years since, Barricade had been rebuilt into a sleeker new form. In the seven years since the Chicago conflict, he had acted as Megatron's spy and scout in his search for the Guardian Knights' talisman. Perhaps unknown to Barricade, he had long been under surveillance by the U.S. government. In the ruins of Chicago, he witnessed the talisman being bestowed to Cade Yeager by one of the Knights. He was however unable to claim it due to arrival of the heavily armed TRF, and he watched from a distance as they entered a stand off with Yeager and the Autobots.
Barricade reported back to Megatron, accidentally angering his leader by flashing his light in his face. He reported the events of his mission, and Megatron was further angered by his failure to retrieve the Talisman, which was needed to find the Staff they required. Barricade managed to salvage the situation, indicating he knew who could lead them to the Staff: the TRF themselves. Unknown to either Decepticon, their conversation was being monitored by William Lennox and General Morshower. Based on Barricade's plan, Megatron used human hostages as leverage to broker a deal with TRF and secured the release of fellow Decepticons Mohawk, Dreadbot, Nitro Zeus, and Onslaught.
Barricade later joined his leader and cohorts in their hunt for Yeager. They arrived at Yeager's scrap yard but Yeager had already fled to a nearby town and they followed. They were met with some not-quite-unexpected resistance in the form of the Autobots Bumblebee, Drift, and Crosshairs and blasted by a trap set by Yeager. Barricade took point in pursuing Yeager through the town. Barricade ordered Yeager and Izabella to freeze, but was surprised and swiped through a wall by the newly arrived Grimlock's tail. Luckily for Barricade, Grimlock was then focused on attacking Megatron and crunching on Dreadbot. After Dreadbot and Onslaught perished in battle, Barricade fled when Megatron gave the order to retreat.
Hey Barricade, ready for a flashback to Dark of the Moon?
He and his comrades then followed Yeager to England, knowing he was the key to finding the Staff. In London, he chased down the fleeing Bumblebee, who had Yeager and Viviane Wembly with him. He attempted to ram them but was blasted away by his Autobot nemesis. He transformed to catch himself but fell into oncoming traffic and was rammed by a large truck. Commenting on how much it hurt, he had been hit hard enough that he was too weak to continue the pursuit.
He later rendezvoused with Megatron and Nitro at Stonehenge, the site which would drain Unicron, who lay deep within the Earth, of his energy and revive the recently arrived Cybertron. He happily gloated that he had lived to kill a planet and commented on the ease with which they could kill Unicron. They soon came under attack from the British Armed Forces and Barricade returned fire. The Last Knight
Ghosts of Yesterday
Barricade acted as pilot and chief science officer for the Nemesis during the quest to find the AllSpark. When they encountered an alien ship, he analysed it and discovered that it seemed to be of Cybertronian design, leading to a disagreement between himself and Starscream regarding whether to study it or destroy it. He claimed to have chafed under Starscream's leadership, but was willing to tolerate him for the moment.
During Starscream's later absence, Barricade was against Blackout's plan to attack the Autobots, and remained on the Nemesis while the others got their tailpipes kicked. Following the defeat, he contacted Starscream to warn their leader that Optimus Prime was on his way to the planet below where Starscream had been misleading the occupants of the alien ship. Starscream ordered an attack on the Autobots while their numbers were diminished, so Barricade placed Bonecrusher in charge of the assault, while he himself elected to stay on the ship and use it as a distraction. And sang. He supplied support fire as the others fought the Autobots. On Starscream's return, the Decepticons leader was challenged by Blackout, and Barricade decided they should see things resolved once and for all. After Blackout's defeat, Barricade asserted that he'd known what the outcome would be even before the fight began.
When Optimus and Bumblebee entered the fray, Starscream ordered Barricade to leave the Nemesis to reinforce their numbers. He proved most effective in battle against Bumblebee and Ratchet. The fight ended when Starscream was badly damaged by the alien ship and, to Barricade's disbelief, called a retreat. The Decepticons returned to their ship and departed. Ghosts of Yesterday
The Veiled Threat
After the traitorous businessman Bruno Carrera and Starscream had trapped Optimus Prime in the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, Starscream turned the situation over to Barricade, who was more than delighted to see his old enemy in such a prone state. However, before he could strike the final blow, a bunch of humans began attacking, which wouldn't have been a problem if they weren't equipped with the scientific genius of Kaminari Ishihara and Petr Andronov, in addition to William Lennox and Robert Epps firing sabot rounds into him. He was about to stomp on the insects when Prime broke free of the trap and engaged him. Once the humans were clear, Optimus pulled a surprise move by jumping out of the pit and dumping rock on top of him.
Once he was buried, Optimus melted the top layer of rock, trapping Barricade long enough for the NEST team to defeat Starscream and take him in. Unfortunately, Barricade was nowhere to be found; Instead, a passing crew working on the subway found a strange new tunnel, leading from the Colosseum to the center of a park. Whatever had dug the new passage overnight was nowhere to be seen. The Veiled Threat
IDW movie comics
Many years in the past, when Cybertron had just come under the rule of the Defense Force and the Science Division, Barricade was a member of the Defense Force under the command of High Protector Megatron. He participated in missions to rid the planet of "malcontents" who protested against the new order, and like many of his peers, he did so ruthlessly. Foundation #2
When unknown alien hostiles attacked Cybertron after the discovery of a mysterious relic, Barricade and Scorponok were sent to perform recon. Defiance #1 Following battle with the aliens Megatron changed significantly, altering the military's mission from one of protection to making war upon the hostile aliens and anybody who would stand in their way. As Megatron's ambition grew, he determined to eliminate Science Division leader Optimus, sending Barricade and a team of other Decepticons to slay Optimus's allies and bring him in.
Barricade and Crankcase stood by as Brawl nailed the "traitors" with an explosive round; Barricade was eager to get into the fight, but was ordered back by the glory-hound Starscream so his aerial forces could swoop in to finish the job. This turned out to be lucky for Barricade, as Optimus managed to bury Starscream's team under a mountain of rubble. Though defeated, they all soon returned to Trypticon, where Megatron rechristened them and the rest of his Defense Force the "Decepticons." Defiance #3
During the subsequent civil war between the Decepticons and Optimus's Autobots, Barricade was one of the Decepticons under the command of Starscream who took part in a battle outside of Tyger Pax. As they were mopping up the last remnants of Autobot resistance, Barricade amused himself by playing with the decapitated head of a fallen Autobot, but mood turned somber when he saw the AllSpark jettisoned into space. Barricade realized that Cybertron would soon die without the AllSpark, but Bonecrusher had little time for his remarks, suggesting he should die along with the planet. Planetfall Megatron immediately took off to pursue the AllSpark, leaving Starscream with orders to eliminate the Autobots in advance of his return. When the Autobots departed the planet to hunt down the AllSpark themselves, Barricade was part of the crew of the Nemesis assembled by Starscream to give chase. Confident in Megatron's abilities to deal with any pursuing Autobots, Barricade questioned both the need to hurry, and Starscream's motives for doing so, but was quickly reprimanded by Starscream for speaking out of turn. The Reign of Starscream #1
After thousands of years of searching, the Nemesis crew tracked the AllSpark's energy to Earth's solar system. After setting their ship down on Mars, Movie Prequel #3 The Reign of Starscream #1 Barricade, Starscream, Blackout, Brawl, Bonecrusher and Wreckage continued on to Earth itself, where they touched down in Afghanistan in 2003. They immediately attacked a nearby United States military installation, where Barricade used a facade of friendliness to trick nearby human soldiers into lowering their guard, whereupon he slaughtered them at point-blank range. As the fight continued, he was almost hit by a localized EMP weapon from a human, but it instead hit his comrade Wreckage. Barricade objected to leaving Wreckage behind when Starscream ordered them to pull out, but was forced to abandon him. Planetfall The Decepticons subsequently scattered across the planet to search for Megatron and the AllSpark; Barricade scanned a Saleen S281 police car, then destroyed the original human vehicle to cover his tracks. Movie Prequel #4
"Planetfall" and Movie Prequel #4 offer contradictory accounts of Barricade and the Decepticons' arrival on Earth, with the former showing them arriving in Afghanisation shortly before the events of the film, and the latter placing them in North America in 2003. The Reign of Starscream movie sequel comic would corroborate the "Planetfall" account, but the timing involved means it must take place in 2003 as in Prequel #4.
Learning that the Autobot Bumblebee was also on Earth, Barricade tracked him to just outside of Denver, Colorado, arriving just as the Autobot was eluding Sector Seven while working on a new lead on the Witwickys. Interlude Bumblebee managed to escape, but Barricade pursued him to New Mexico, where he had a new idea: allow the Autobot to get away, so that they could track him from afar to see what leads and information he had already turned up in his search. Starscream agreed to the plan, but ordered Barricade to superficially rough the little Autobot up a bit before letting him go, just to make it look convincing. Movie Prequel #4 Bumblebee subsequently found his way to Tranquility and Sam Witwicky, and the battle over the glasses to learn the location of the AllSpark ensued. Transformers: Movie Adaptation During the subsequent highway chase to Mission City, Barricade attempted to close in on Bumblebee to "settle the score" with him, but found his way obstructed by Ironhide, causing him to crash into a pillar. Knocked offline by the crash, he missed out on the Mission City battle; he was conscious again by the time the battle's sole survivor, Starscream, came looking for him. Informed that Sam had destroyed the AllSpark and Megatron, Barricade suggested recovering the lost Frenzy so they could access his data files on the boy. The Reign of Starscream #1
While Starscream returned to Cybertron to enact a plan of his own, Barricade remained on Earth, watching over a Sector Seven research base. The Reign of Starscream #3 He spied upon the Autobots as they made plans with Captain Lennox and Sergeant Epps to dispose of the Decepticons' bodies, then broadcast the information he had learned into space on a Decepticon frequency, hoping someone would hear and take interest. As it turned out, Starscream, having returned from Cybertron to Mars, was ready and willing to answer. Alliance #1 Soon after Starscream made it back to Earth, however, Decepticons under the command of the long-absent Soundwave also began arriving, and Barricade provided them with intelligence on which Autobots they were facing. He continued to plague the Autobots and the new NEST team, escaping each time. Alliance #4 Soundwave sought the final remaining shard of the AllSpark in order to revive Megatron, so Barricade was sent to Tranquility to capture Sam and force its location from him—or failing that, ransom him for it.
Barricade took the boy to a junkyard to interrogate him, but Bumblebee soon arrived to rescue him. A protracted battled followed, concluding when 'Bee knocked Barricade into a pool of gasoline and ignited it, setting off a massive explosion. Barricade survived the blast, though, and drove off in car mode after Bumblebee and Sam had left. Tales of the Fallen #1
Following the resurrection of Megatron and The Fallen's failed plan for revenge, Barricade was among the Decepticon troops that Shockwave sent to attack Sam's college in order to recapture a rogue Decepticon brain unit Brains. Barricade initiated the assault, smashing his way into Sam's dorm and renewing his rivalry with Bumblebee, who stood ready to protect his human friend. Rising Storm #2 The pair grappled and traded blows for the duration of the attack Rising Storm #3 until Bumblebee ended the battle by slamming Barricade to the ground with a sickening crunch. Rising Storm #4
Transformers: Beginnings
- Voice actor: ? (English)
The Decepticon infiltration unit under the command of Starscream arrived on Earth in the year 2003. Barricade scanned a Saleen S281 police car, then destroyed the original human vehicle to cover his tracks, as did his fellow Decepticons when choosing their new forms. His proceeded to tail Bumblebee while the Autobot was on his way to New Mexico, but unfortunately, Bumblebee identified him before Barricade could eliminate him. Barricade was inspired to come up with a new plan: allow the Autobot to get away, so that they could track him from afar to see what leads and information he had already turned up in his search. Starscream agreed to the plan, but ordered Barricade to superficially rough the little Autobot up a bit before letting him go, just to make it look convincing. Transformers: Beginnings
"Transformers: Beginnings" is a condensed, Flash-animated retelling of the IDW Movie Prequel that is detailed above this section.
Schick Hydrobot and the Transformers
Barricade was among the Decepticons who attacked Doctor Hiroshi Benson's laboratory. Holding his own for much of the battle, he was later incapacitated when Hydrobot and Bumblebee unleashed a powerful shock attack with the latter's stinger, forcing them into a retreat. A New Friend
Titan movie comics
Barricade was killed in the Mission City Los Angeles battle. Immediately after the battle's conclusion, Starscream resurrected him, Blackout, and Devastator using AllSpark energy plucked from the mutations created during the chaos, turning all three into mindless, relentless zombies. Holding his own decapitated head in his hand, the zombie Barricade took on Optimus Prime; his noggin chewed on the Autobot leader's arm while the rest of his body kept him busy. The battle lasted only mere minutes, as Ratchet soon realized what was animating the Decepticons' bodies and instructed his fellow Autobots to target the AllSpark energy signatures, putting Barricade and his fellow zombies down permanently. Starscream's Militia
"Starscream's Milita" was written using IDW's comic book adaptation of the movie as a springboard, and so incorporated Barricade's death as seen in it. Just as IDW themselves would ignore the scene in their future comics thanks to its deletion from the film, all subsequent Titan stories ignored Barricade's death and presented him as being alive.
Several years later, Barricade joined Starscream in a hit and run on the Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose during an anti-Transformer rally. Barricade's contribution mainly consisted of being beaten up by Ironhide. Even grabbing Ironhide from behind didn't work, as Ironhide's weapons worked as rocket boosters to throw the pair backwards, and Barricade was body-slammed into a nearby building. Things were looking up after Ironhide was caught in an explosion, but the two Decepticons were mobbed by humans and when Optimus Prime turned up as well, the pair fled. Automatic for the People
Alternate timeline
In an alternate timeline in which Megatron triumphed in the battle of Mission City and the victorious Decepticons set about conquering North America, Barricade was part of two punitive Decepticon attacks: a raid on a supply convoy at Shreveport, Louisiana Dark Spark and after aiding Starscream taking over the Decepticon headquarters Return to Cybertron: Part 3, a solo strike on Cincinnati, Ohio as part of a "Stop supporting Autobots OR ELSE!" campaign. Revolution Part 1
When Starscream started open warfare, he made Barricade one of his generals. However, Barricade soon found himself bogged down in fighting Stockade's "New Decepticons". Revolution Part 2
Letters page
Starscream considered Barricade a good candidate for second-in-command once he vacated the position to take over the Decepticons. #16's Star Screams As irony would have it, Barricade did soon take over Starscream's job when the air commander had a nervous breakdown... his job as respondent for the comic's letters page! Unwilling to let the Decepticons turn the page into a propaganda machine, the Autobots dispatched Ironhide to co-run it with him, much to Barricade's irritation. He shared Starscream's contempt for you, the reader (#1), and continued the tradition of threatening violence against anyone who cosplays as an Autobot (#7). This, however, didn't stop him bragging to Ironhide when letters would be pro-Decepticon, and at one point he held a popularity contest to see who the kiddies wanted to be "subjugated by this issue!" (#6).
By the time of Barricade's stewardship of the letters, relations had broken down between the Decepticons and DreamWorks, and they had returned to targeting Michael Bay and company for the pro-Autobot bent of their films. Though Barricade personally enjoyed the scene in the first film when a dog peed on Ironhide, (#1) he refused to appear in the second, and would not even allow his likeness to be used in the video games. (#4) (He claimed he never wanted to be in War for Cybertron but his tears disproved that (#12)) He later decided fame was more important than principles though, submitting a script and auditioning for a part in the third film by threatening the director with death (#8). He was absolutely disgusted by our enjoyment of the films: he lost friends during filming, man. (#10)
In the early days, he appeared to be separated from the rest of the Decepticons, as his knowledge on their current status was spotty; while he knew Wheelie had turned traitor, he seemed unaware that Ravage had been terminated. (#4) He later re-established contact, being aware of Grindor's status and The Fallen. (#7) He also had a shockingly bad knowledge of Transformers units of time. (#8)
Barricade stated how he doesn't think much of Starscream's intelligence or ability to lead (a bit of a pisser when Starscream considered him to be 2IC material!), but much prefers him over Megatron. (#1) He once explained some of Megatron's flaws, only to get scared and state how he totally respects him really. (#3) He also dislikes Soundwave, claiming the guy never pulls his weight and is just Megatron's fave. (#7) On top of that, while he followed the party line and claimed the Decepticons have "policies" (#7), he began showning signs of discontent with being a Decepticon—the long hours, the lousy food, the admin work (#5)—leading Ironhide to start offering him the chance to defect to the Autobots. Barricade outright rejected this offer the first time, saying he couldn't bear the thought of listening to Optimus moralise (#9); the second time, however, he merely stated the horrific penalties for defecting Decepticons (#10) and the third, he desperately said he just couldn't do it, even if it would be nice to hang with other cars for once... BUT HE CAN'T! Ironhide's friendliness began starting to disturb him. (#11) He did, however, become fed up of Ironhide bringing up how Bumblebee kicked his arse, and became determined to get revenge on "that little yellow cretin"...
Barricade would reveal other assorted factoids about his history and personal tastes during his time as host. Like Starscream, he was active on Earth during the 1980s, at which time he was a Micromaster. (#12) He watched the original Transformers cartoon broadcast at the time (#3) and approved of humanity's fascination with giant robots. In contrast, he is completely bewildered by pop music. (#7) He's terrified of Unicron. (#6) He's apparently got an optic for the ladies, or at least the heavily armed ones, making sure to flirt right back when a neutral femme wrote into the letter's column looking to play "bad cop/bad cop pretending to be good cop" with him. (#5)
Toy bios
As a born liar, the greatest thrill in Barricade's life is knowing people trust him because of the decorations on his police car mode's panels. The look of betrayal they get when they realize what they are really dealing with is as sweet as candy. However, he likes chasing down Autobots and breaking them into pieces with his bare hands even better. Transformers Deluxe Barricade
Barricade would serve as a spy for Megatron, sneaking in among enemies and learning as much as he can before destroying every trace he was ever there with his powerful lasers. His whirling Blade Shield could carve through even the toughest materials, making it the perfect tool for breaking into secure buildings or carving through armored data cases. Blade Shield Barricade
Being physically equal or better to Cliffjumper, Barricade became extremely annoyed that he could not match the Autobot's skill in insults. Cliffjumper Vs Recon Barricade
Once the AllSpark was located and Megatron was freed, the Decepticons infiltrated the Hover Dam with Barricade leading the charge. Disguised as local security, he gazed hungrily at the dam's fragile structure and the destructive power of the millions of gallons of water trapped behind it. To him, one missile could unleash a storm of destruction he has never seen before. Recon Barricade (Deluxe)
Supercharged by the AllSpark, Barricade gained the ability to disguise himself, becoming almost impossible to detect among similar human law enforcement vehicles. This superpower gave him opportunities to cause havoc among the Autobots' human allies. Allspark-Enhanced Barricade
Recovering from the damages he sustained during the battle of Mission City, Barricade was at a loss from there. With Megatron destroyed and his other teammates missing, it became more and more difficult to catch an Autobot alone. Tormenting humans also became less enjoyable than he thought it would be. Fading into the background, he decided to keep his armor polished and his vehicle mode looking sharp in the hope that Megatron will one day return and lead the Decepticons to glory. Premium Series Barricade
Electing to remain on Earth while Starscream returned to Cybertron, Barricade devoted his time on Earth to gathering intelligence for the inevitable rise of the Decepticons. He would stalk and capture important humans to scan and interrogate before disposing of his captives using the highly sensitive probes built into his vehicle mode. Interrogator Barricade
Barricade has worked together with Frenzy for centuries, their perfect partnership designed for one purpose: to hunt down and destroy whatever target Megatron assigns to them. Frenzy would use his hyperactive hunger for information to guide the relentless pursuit at which Barricade specializes. Human Alliance Barricade with Frenzy
Barricade and Sideswipe had been stalking each other for a long time, each of them determined to catch the other by surprise. After a days-long game of cat-and-mouse, they came together in inevitable combat where only the most skillful warrior would walk away. Hunters Rumble
Though he has been deactivated more times than he can count, Barricade's "deaths" have all been in service to Megatron. All he would ask for is the opportunity to hunt, which his master is generous to provide. As long as he is given this privilege, Barricade will gladly suffer a thousand deactivations. Cyberverse Barricade
Barricade prefers to find potential victims over making friends. Due to his reputation of tricking people into trusting him using his vehicle mode, he can stalk and eliminate nearly any Autobot he wishes. They and their human allies alike should take cover when they notice police sirens in the distance because it could otherwise be the last thing they ever hear. Dark of the Moon Deluxe Barricade
Transformers Mix & Match books
Due to the malleable storytelling format of the Mix & Match books, listed here is Barricade's story role if all the segments visually featuring him are lined-up. For all the possible iterations of his role in the story, see the Transformers Mix & Match page.
Barricade hung out with Soundwave and Ravage and spied on Bumblebee. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Mix & Match
Cyber Missions
- Voice actor: Bronco D. Jackson (English), Óscar Flores (Latin American-Spanish), Duda Espinoza (Brazilian Portuguese)
After a high speed pursuit through Scramble City, Barricade managed to ditch Sideswipe and used his holo avatar to break into a secure facility. Standing guard while Frenzy raided the computers, he somehow failed to hear Sideswipe bushwhack his partner and was only alerted when Frenzy's crumpled-up form rolled into his foot. After throwing Frenzy at Sideswipe, Barricade engaged the Autobot in combat, managing to defeat him by freezing him to a wall. He then made off with Frenzy and the NEST access codes. Cyber Missions 6
Later, Barricade and Lockdown confronted Ironhide. Looking to steal one of Ironhide's weapons, Lockdown took a missile instead, which blew up in his face. While Lockdown was dazed, Ironhide punched Barricade out and dumped a truckload of rocks on top of him. Barricade pleaded with Lockdown for help, but the explosion damaged Lockdown's optics, and he fled. Cyber Missions 11
Later, Barricade was among the Decepticons Megatron led on a mission to free the captured Soundwave. He arrived after Megatron derailed the train Soundwave was believed to be on, but true to his history, disappeared from sight soon after. Decepticons Attack
Transformers Annual 2011
Barricade and Grindor were sent to Tokyo to cause a diversion. The Autobots soon turned up, and Barricade clashed briefly with Sideswipe before being hoisted into the air by Optimus. A short time later, Grindor crashed on top of him. Defeated, Barricade was picked up by Grindor and they departed, but not before letting Optimus know he'd been had. Sam in Danger
BeCool shorts
American Patrol Car (アメリカンパトカー Amerikan Patokā) spoke English, but was still capable of communication with his Japanese-speaking fellow BeCool Transformers, albeit with a heavy English-speaking accent. He was part of the audience of Quiz! BeCool The Story of Quiz! BeCool and later joined his police force partner Patrol Car to welcome audiences to the world in which the BeCool robots lived. The pair failed to notice when Garbage Truck accidentally dropped a banana peel in the course of his job, so when Yellow Sports Car hit the peel and went spinning through the city streets, they thought he was just driving recklessly and sped after him. Unfortunately, they failed to stop him before he crashed into a bunch of other 'bots, necessitating the medical aid of Ambulance, who American Patrol Car explained to the audience was the town doctor. The Story of Protecting the Signal!
Mission to Cybertron comic
I want to tell you about the Transformers!
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"Flight of the Bumblebee" online game
Barricade was one of a group of Decepticons who trapped Bumblebee in a canyon. He stood around on a rocky butte, walking back and forth and waiting for Bumblebee to drive up to him. When the Autobot dropped in, Barricade immediately opened fire, blasting Bumblebee continuously. Unfortunately, Bumblebee had the idea to shoot back, blasting him right out of the picture with just one shot. Flight of the Bumblebee
Transformers The Game (console)
- Voice actor: Keith David (English), Frédéric Norbert (French), David García Vázquez (Castilian Spanish), Pietro Ubaldi (Italian)
Autobot campaign
Barricade was sent to Tranquility to hunt down Sam Witwicky and the glasses that held the location of the AllSpark. He attempted to capture Sam and Mikaela outside their high school, but Bumblebee stepped in. The humans fled for the nearby baseball field with Barricade in pursuit, but Bumblebee beat him to them, protecting them while they ran away again. He followed them to the power plant, but was once again foiled by Bumblebee and sent packing.
Later, in Mission City, Barricade made one last grab for the AllSpark after Starscream, Blackout and Brawl had each fallen to the Autobots. However, he was once again intercepted by Bumblebee, and finally defeated for good. Transformers The Game
Decepticon campaign
Upon reaching Tranquility and choosing his alternate mode, Barricade attempted some recon, but encountered a squad of Autobot drones, a battle which spilled out to the local baseball field. Shortly afterwards, he was informed by Starscream that Frenzy had information they needed, but the diminutive Decepticon had been captured by Sector Seven agents. Barricade tracked them to the power plant, then hounded the agents across town in their highly resistant van, wrecking every building in his path until Frenzy was recovered.
Finally on the trail of Sam, he was stopped cold by Sam's protector Bumblebee. Barricade got the upper hand, but the Autobot led him on a chase that ended in Bay's Demolition lot, and an ambush courtesy of a lot of Autobot drones. Barricade overcame the odds and hunted down Bumblebee once more, finally besting the Autobot and taking the glasses from Sam. Decoding Megatron and the AllSpark's location from them, Barricade relayed his findings to Starscream, who, together with Blackout, soon struck Hoover Dam and liberated their leader.
When the Decepticons converged on Mission City, Barricade was tasked with taking out the Autobot Jazz. He later stood in Megatron's presence after the AllSpark had been recovered and Megatron ordered the Earth to be destroyed before they left it on their way to conquering all of known space. Transformers The Game
Transformers: The Game (PSP)
- Voice actor: Keith David
Barricade and a platoon of Decepticon drones pursued Sam Witwicky in an attempt to obtain his grandfather's glasses, but were defeated in a battle at a steel processing plant by the human's protector, Bumblebee. A short time later, learning from Frenzy that Megatron's frozen body was being held at Hoover Dam by Sector Seven, Barricade and Starscream attacked the facility. Barricade penetrated the dam and located Megatron's body, deactivating the machines that were keeping him frozen. When Megatron did not immediately reactivate, Barricade assumed his leader was dead after all, but Megatron soon shook off the deep freeze treatment to prove his subordinate wrong. Megatron jetted off to acquire some fresh energy for himself, while Barricade reported on Megatron's awakening to Starscream, who was not best pleased with the news. Transformers The Game (PSP)
Transformers Autobots/Decepticons (Nintendo DS)
- Voice actor: Keith David (English)
Transformers: Autobots
When Bumblebee went to investigate the source of an image found on the internet, he found Barricade waiting for him. Barricade blew up a nearby car and took off, sending out messages on the police radio that Bumblebee was responsible. After failing to lose Bumblebee in spite of all of Tranquility's police force being after him, he engaged him in combat. Unable to defeat Bumblebee, he hastily retreated. Later on, he encountered Bumblebee and Optimus Prime as the two were leaving Hoover Dam. With a large helicopter Decepticon at his side, he tried to persuade Optimus to let him have the Allspark. After Prime predictably refused, Barricade started to demand the AllSpark from Prime, not even caring about the consequences. He was killed, but revealed to Prime he was merely a distraction while other Decepticons freed Megatron from his icy prison. Transformers: Autobots
Transformers: Decepticons
"Weakness breeds fear, and fear makes every ally an enemy, that's why we Decepticons don't tolerate weakness!" Barricade's lesson to the player
When the Decepticon Create-A-Bot arrived on Earth, his mentor, Starscream, directed him to rendezvous with Barricade, already active on the planet and commanding some of the Decepticon forces there. Barricade was not enamored with the idea of a partner, feeling that the Create-A-Bot would only slow him down, but after putting the rookie through his paces, he permitted him to join him on his mission in the town of Tranquility. Barricade revealed to the Create-A-Bot what Starscream had not—that the signal which had brought the Decepticons to Earth had come from Megatron himself. The rookie dismissed Megatron as a relic, and was struck by Barricade for the insult. With some help from the rookie, Barricade discovered that the Autobot Bumblebee was already on Megatron's trail; Barricade pursued Bumblebee, defeated him in battle on the outskirts of Tranquility, and acquired the data he had gathered.
Now aware that the human military organization Sector Seven was holding Megatron, Barricade arranged for Blackout to transport the Create-A-Bot to a Qatar military base, where they and Brawl hacked Sector Seven's databanks. The file they obtained was brought back to Barricade in Tranquility for deciphering, and revealed that Megatron was being held by Sector Seven in the Hoover Dam. The Create-A-Bot suggesting relaying this to Starscream, but Barricade loudly refuted the idea, happy that the impending resurrection of Megatron would mean that he would no longer have to serve under a cowardly, back-stabbing bureaucrat like Starscream. Swayed by Barricade's words, the rookie revealed a fact that Starscream had told only him—that the AllSpark was also present on Earth. Shocked by the revelation, Barricade realized that Starscream had been scheming to acquire the AllSpark for himself, to ensure that not even Megatron could remove him from power. With the rookie now turned from Starscream and on his side, Barricade was able to liberate Megatron from Sector Seven, and the Decepticons pursued the Autobots, now in possession of the AllSpark, back to Tranquility.
During the ensuing battle, Starscream finally claimed the AllSpark from Bumblebee, and Barricade stood against him, intent on bringing him in for treason. Alas, the AllSpark-powered Starscream destroyed Barricade, but in death, Barricade proved to the Create-A-Bot what it truly meant to be a Decepticon. Transformers: Decepticons
Allspark Highway
Barricade and the Decepticons tried to keep the Autobots from delivering the Allspark to safety. There were lots of him. Allspark Highway
Transformers Video Mash-Up
Various short clips featuring Barricade were available for users to custom-create their own short film about the Transformers.
Second Life
In the virtual world simulator/online game Second Life, there was a full replica of the Sector Seven base which contained a giant discussion room where Michael Bay held a question board. This room contained a giant frozen Megatron replica and offered free avatars of both Bumblebee and Barricade. Both freebies were non-transforming.
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Decepticons (Nintendo DS)
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Decepticons
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MechTech Weapons Challenge
Bumblebee could use Barricade's robot wrecking claw to aid him in his missions to retrieve MechTech weapons technology stolen by the Decepticons. MechTech Weapons Challenge
Cyberverse Battle Builder
Barricade joined the rest of the Decepticons in combating the Autobots on battlefields on Earth, the Earth's Moon and on Cybertron. Sometimes there were many of him! Cyberverse Battle Builder
Bot Shots Battle Game!
Barricade participated in numerous one-on-one matches against other Autobots and Decepticons, using his fists, his sword, or his gun to defeat his opponents. Sometimes, he even faced off against himself! Bot Shots Battle Game!
Angry Birds Transformers
Barricade appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events. He is portrayed by Moustache Pig. Angry Birds Transformers
Transformers Online (2017 video game)
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!
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Transformers: Forged to Fight
Barricade was one of the Decepticons pulled from his universe by the Quintessons and forced to fight. He eventually joins the Commander. There are at least a few of him running around! Transformers: Forged to Fight
Optimus Prime encountered Barricade on one of their missions, and Barricade demanded to know if he was Ladiesmans217. Prowl got a read-out on the Decepticon, and they eventually had a Good Cop vs. Bad Cop showdown. Good Cop Bad Cop2nd Encounter It's in our DNA
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!
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Transformers (2007)
- In an early version of the movie's script, Barricade and Frenzy's roles were shared by a single character named "Soundwave". He would have infiltrated the CIA headquarters (rather than Air Force One) in the form of a "portable stereo" and then transformed (and size-shifted) into a Humvee for his escape.[1]
- Prowl was originally part of the Autobot line up for the movie, but was removed, as the writers loved the perverse idea of making the police car a Decepticon.
- An early working name for Barricade was Brawl,[2] which was later given to another movie character. Early concept art of the character created when he was going by this name[2] (pictured at right) suggests that he was originally going to transform into a white and black Crown Victoria (somewhat akin to Prowl's original G1 color scheme). The head design from this early concept artwork managed to show up on a few pieces of merchandise for the first film (such as a set of temporary tattoos), was used as inspiration for Barricade's Cybertronian-mode head in IDW's "Planetfall," and would later inexplicably show up as a profile link for Barricade's Battle Bio on Hasbro's website.
- In the first movie, Barricade sports the license plate "1-4027E", registered in Oklahoma. It can be briefly glimpsed when he slows down after having seemingly cornered Bumblebee, but is more clearly seen in set photos. Oddly enough, that plate also shows up on Jazz's robot mode chest in the same movie. The Deluxe Class Recon Barricade redeco toy, meanwhile, sports the plate "SAGE2764", a reference pertaining to deco designer Joe Kyde, the Premium Series redeco of the Deluxe toy sports the plate "DCPTCN" for "Decepticon", and the Revenge of the Fallen Human Alliance toy sports the plate "2PN-SLV", referring to Barricade's infamous "To punish and enslave..." markings.
- The promotional Saleen S281E cars that appeared at events and premieres featured the slogan "Power in the hands of a few" rather than the "To punish and enslave" motto, as well as Saleen decals rather than the Decepticon decals seen in the movie.
- By placing Barricade's arrival on Earth in 2003, IDW's Movie Prequel seems to contradict the very existence of his alternate mode, since it is a 2006 model car. Not so— the Mustang design that would eventually be the 2006 model debuted sometime in 2003, with police car modifications showing up in car shows not long after. It could very well be that, similar to when/how Jazz scanned a Solstice in a dealership late at night, Barricade scanned a Police Mustang in one such car show display after-hours, explaining why there were "no witnesses" after he assumed this form and why his police deco has no state or city markings/I.D.
- In a deleted scene set during Barricade's pursuit of Bumblebee, the Decepticon was to deploy serrated drill-like missiles from his hood and fire them at the fleeing Autobot. The scene was filmed, as evidenced by artist Sean Haworth's photograph of the constructed and fitted weapon prop (right), and its removal at least partially helps to explain the abrupt shift from day to night that occurs during the chase. The scene remains in IDW's comic book adaptation of the film, and the weapons are optional extras for RadioShack's XMODS® Evolution Barricade model kit.
- If one were to only accept the film itself as canon, there is no real evidence of his supposed "rivalry" with Bumblebee which Hasbro and IDW kept pushing as a defining trait of his character since 2007. He just happens to be the Decepticon to first make contact with Sam Witwicky, Bumblebee intervenes and then fights and defeats Barricade. There is nothing in the film itself that would suggest that the two have a history, or even actually know each other personally beforehand. However, Hasbro gave the pairing of the two as enemies a lot of prominence in their toyline that accompanied the film, and IDW's prequel and sequel comics established previous and subsequent encounters of the two on Earth. Barricade's two subsequent film appearances eventually do establish a recurring history/rivalry with Bumblebee of sorts, though: In Dark of the Moon, he delivers a captured Bumblebee a kick to the back, and the two briefly face off again during The Last Knight.
Other films
- When asked about Barricade's disappearance from the first film, writer Roberto Orci stated in a message board Q&A session that it was a "thread for Movie 2".[3] As it happened, Barricade didn't turn up in Revenge of the Fallen; two years later, Orci stated that he honestly couldn't remember why.[4]
- A common misconception among fans is that Barricade's Saleen Mustang alternate mode was spotted on the set of Revenge of the Fallen. This is not true. In fact, a truck transporting three "Barricade" prop vehicles was spotted in Culver City, California, in March 2008, more than two months before principal shooting for Revenge of the Fallen started.[5]
- An early idea writer Chris Mowry had for the Revenge of the Fallen comic book prequel Transformers: Alliance was to depict Barricade's transformation into new movie character Sideways, but Hasbro rejected the idea.[6] Another of Mowry's ideas for Alliance involved having Barricade reformat into a police boat to retrieve Megatron's at-sea remains. Mowry notes he would have been confronted by Storm Surge; whether this means Storm Surge was an Autobot at this point in development, or if there was dissension in the Decepticon ranks, is unclear.[7]
- Barricade doesn't technically speak in Dark of the Moon, but an editing gaffe as he kicks Que around before executing him sees Soundwave's voice (provided by Frank Welker) coming out of his mouth for the scene.
- A similar issue is present during the The Last Knight. A voice reminiscent of Welker's Soundwave voice is present during the Stonehenge sequence near the end of the film. As Welker's voice had been used for Barricade in the past, it's rather tempting to write this off as him talking, despite Harnell providing most of the dialogue in the film.
- Despite all the marketing and promotional material leading up to the release of The Last Knight portraying him with a mask/helmet, he never uses it in the film itself and has a fully exposed face all throughout. One piece of concept art even depicts him with police shades. Seriously.
- Barricade's vehicle mode color in The Last Knight varies from scene to scene: He possesses a glossy midnight blue color on his vehicle prop shells. During his transformation sequence, his midnight blue is painted in a brighter metallic shade.
- Barricade's appearance in The Last Knight serves as the basis for the Evergreen design used to create the Transformers: Earth Wars version of the character.
Disappearances and reappearances
- Barricade abruptly disappears from the first live-action film during the highway battle, last appearing as Bonecrusher moves forward to engage Optimus Prime. As evidenced by scenes in the novelization and comic book adaptations of the film (right), he was supposed to join Bonecrusher in attacking the Autobot leader, and would have been destroyed by Optimus after Bonecrusher.
- Alternatively, the children's chapter book adaptation of the film, The Quest for the AllSpark, describes Barricade as being destroyed by the US military.
- At the time, Barricade's fate caused a great deal of speculation, and IDW Publishing capitalized on the character's ambiguous fate to "overwrite" his death from their comic adaptation, revealing instead in The Reign of Starscream that he had been forced off the road by Ironhide and drove into a roadway bridge pillar, knocking himself out.
- Barricade subsequently reappeared in several further IDW comics before returning to the screen in Dark of the Moon, where he lost his eyes and leg by NEST soldiers before disappearing, presumably killed by NEST or the Autobots.
- However, Barricade appears alive and well in The Last Knight, retconning his potential death in Dark of the Moon. Oddly enough, it is mentioned in that film that he has been under government surveillance. Last seen coming under attack by the British military, Barricade apparently continuing his tradition of having an ambiguous fate near the end of every odd-numbered film.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Barricade (バリケード Barikēdo)
- Mandarin: Pàn Gūan (Taiwan, 叛官, "Treacherous Official"), Lùzhàng (China, 路障, "Barricade")
- Ukrainian: Barycada (Барикада, "Barricade")
See also
- ↑ Details from an early script draft summed up here, confirmed as authentic by Roberto Orci here.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Early design for Barricade with working name "Brawl" shown during the BotCon 2007 Hasbro Tour
- ↑ Roberto Orci on Barricade's fate in the movie, at the official movie boards
- ↑ Orci's Q&A at TFW2005
- ↑ Superhero Hype reporting on the spotting of Barricade vehicles in March 2008
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ [2]