Bee Prepared - Transformers Wiki
Wedge is excited when his hero Bumblebee visits the Academy as a guest teacher, but the young bot's attempts to impress backfire.
The other recruits are helping Hot Shot move his junk from the student lounge. Hoist suggests they put it in a room which he believes to be empty, but Wedge desperately tries to put them off—as it turns out, the room is housing his Bumblebee shrine. As they're admiring the shrine, they spot the Sigma coming in to land, and they all rush out to greet it. Blades introduces them to their new guest teacher as Bumblebee steps off the ship. Wedge is dumbfounded and trips over his words, but is determined that he'll impress his hero.
As the recruits speculate over what cool exercise Bumblebee will assign them, their new teacher reveals it's time for maintenance day. Wedge is confused and not sure how this is going to help him impress Bumblebee, but starts interpreting Bumblebee's comments to mean he should follow Bumblebee and Blades to Griffin Rock and find a rescue mission to impress them with. Abandoning the search for rust spots, he heads to town where he unsuccessfully attempts to help an old lady cross a street. Attempt number two ends up with him scaring a cat and demolishing a fruit stall. Next he spots a young couple in distress, however it turns out the entertainment for their daughter's birthday party has failed to turn up, so they conscript Wedge to do tricks. This naturally ends with Wedge covered in birthday cake.
Wedge returns to base, where Bumblebee announces that everyone's earned a rescue simulation. As the recruits head up the simulated mountain to rescue hikers, Wedge begins malfunctioning thanks to skipping out on maintenance. He conks out, realizing he should have stayed to make sure he was in working order. Bumblebee suggests he get that maintenance done. Once Wedge is repaired and ready, Bumblebee restarts the simulation, and Wedge is soon already halfway up the mountain.
Featured characters
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
"It's not junk, it's treasure. You never know when you'll need an inflatable palm tree or a monkey that tells you the time."
"It's time for COCONUTS!"
- —Hot Shot and his clock.
"Beeblebum? I mean, uh, Bumblebee? It's an honor to meet you, sir."
- —Wedge
Continuity notes
- After multiple references and image appearances throughout the show, Bumblebee appears in person at last.
- Blades repeatedly calls Bumblebee his "best friend" and talks about how much they have to catch up on since they last saw each other, referring back to their dynamic in Rescue Bots.
- Hot Shot mentions that Wedge's progress would get himself his own Heroes of Cybertron card, seen back in "Battle of the Bots" (Hoist even made a custom card of him in the episode).
Transformers references
- Wedge's Bumblebee collection appears to include figures and stickers based on both his Animated incarnation, his earlier Robots in Disguise body, and toys of the Bumblebee film's eponymous version of the character.
- Amid Wedge's Bumblebee collection is a replica of the AllSpark, drawn in its design from the Cyberverse cartoon.
Real-world references
- One poster in Wedge's Bumblebee collection is a Kill Bill parody, with Bumblebee holding a sword and "Kill Bee" in Autobot alphabet.
Animation and technical errors
- The produce seller's cat looks an awful lot like Mister Pettypaws.
Foreign localization
Home video releases
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