Blades (RB) - Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Blades" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Blades (disambiguation).
- Blades the Copter-Bot is an Autobot from the Rescue Bots portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Ask for volunteers for a dangerous aerial mission, and you'll find Blades... slouched towards the back of the crowd trying not to be noticed. Timid by nature, acrophobic despite his aerial alternate mode, and more interested in consuming Earth pop culture than actually living an adventure, Blades seems a very unlikely member of Rescue Force Sigma-17.
But Blades' sensitivity also makes him very empathetic to those in danger, and can push him past his fears to come to the rescue. Working with the energetic and daring human Dani Burns, while at first incredibly nerve-wracking for the Cybertronian, has resulted in something of a streak of genuine courage. He also has a huge case of hero worship for the legendary Autobot Bumblebee, and having gotten to work with the scout on numerous occasions —and more importantly being called a friend by Bee— has given Blades an ego boost to further embolden him. Blades will make a fine Rescue Bot...
Even if he'd rather be doing arts and crafts or playing video games.
Rescue Bots storybooks
Defensor? Never heard of 'em. Check out these sweet decals!
Blades was part of Heatwave's team of Rescue Bots — he was the smart one who made up all the plans. When the team received a message from Optimus Prime, they hopped in their spacecraft and joined him on Earth, where he was given the alternate mode of a helicopter. Inexperienced at flying, Blades accidentally sliced a tree with his rotors, and it had to be dealt with by the rest of the team. They eventually arrived in Griffin Rock, where Optimus introduced them to Chief Charlie. Rescue Bots Roll Out
After some time away from Griffin Rock, Blades returned to Prime Fire Station to join the team, and introduced himself to Cody Burns. He, Heatwave and Cody were soon called out on a mission, however Blades's broken radio caused problems, and he inadvertently fanned the forest fire with his rotors until the others could warn him away. Instead he found his partner Sawyer Storm helping humans trapped by the fire and assisted in the rescue. Back at the fire station, Blades and the team were congratulated on a job well done, and Blades got his radio fixed. Rescue Bots Respond He was on hand to welcome Chase and Boulder when the remaining members of the team arrives. Rapid Rescue
Rescue Bots cartoon
- Voice actor: Parvesh Cheena (English), Lacey Chabert (English, "Switcheroo"), Simon Duprez (French), Bernhard Völger (German), Gábor Seder (Hungarian), Klaudiusz Kaufmann (Polish), Moisés Ivan Mora (Latin American-Spanish, first voice), Jesús Guzmán (Latin-American Spanish, second voice), Daniel Rey (Castilian Spanish), Tommi Haapaniemi (Finnish), Paolo De Santis (Italian), Sérgio Rufino (Portuguese, seasons 1 to 3), Thiago Longo (Portuguese, season 4)
Blades was part of a team of Rescue Bots who were finishing a routine patrol in space when they received a distress call. Investigating, they found they'd been marked as lunch by an Energon eater, and had to put themselves in stasis and power down their ship to escape it. Unfinished Business Sometime later, the Sigma received a transmission from Optimus Prime and landed on Earth. After dropping the bombshell that Cybertron was no more, Optimus assigned the team to Griffin Rock to work with the Burns family. Blades was not keen on the helicopter alternate mode he was forced to take, as his previous form had wheels and he was afraid of heights. The four Rescue Bots were presented to the public by Chief Burns at a ceremony, following which Blades discovered that his new partner, Dani Burns, could yell really loud when she wanted him to fly faster as they went to the museum to attend to a fire. That night, Cody Burns discovered the Rescue Bots' secret, and after they helped stop a rogue robot Tyrannosaurus rex, Chief Burns revealed the truth to the rest of the team. Family of Heroes
Dani and Blades continued to have trouble working together, arriving late to an emergency. Cody tried unsuccessfully to get the pair to bond, until there was another emergency when Mount Magma began threatening the island with lava. Blades and Dani operated the switch to open the volcano's crater as a relief measure, but when they were subsequently caught in an ash cloud, Dani had to cajole a panicking Blades into flying out of it. He managed to earn her respect when he subsequently braved the ash to pick up a water tower and douse the lava with it. Under Pressure
After Blades felt like he wasn't contributing enough, Dani fitted a scoop claw to him, something he wasn't that enthusiastic about, and made him look fat in robot mode. The claw soon proved its worth, though the other Rescue Bots were annoyed Blades and Dani were hogging all the rescues and even threatened to forcibly remove it. When during a patrol, Blades was forced down by a lightning strike, the other Rescue Bots came to his aid, and he and Dani decided to use the claw scoop a little less often in the future. Hotshots Blades and Dani retrieved a lobster parade balloon after it carried away Doc Greene. Three of the Rescue Bots took part in the technology parade during the Lobster and Technology Festival but the town was attacked by flobsters, who seemed to have a liking for Blades's face. He and Dani helped round them up using a cage and the lobster balloon, so they could be neutralized. Afterwards, Blades finally worked out the joke. Flobsters on Parade
After helping prevent a hazardous chemical spill, the Rescue Bots were forced to endure a screening of The Natives of Tatooie that resulted in Huxley Prescott causing a mass panic when he reported an alien invasion. The Rescue Bots had to help during the ensuing chaos and destroyed Huxley's SETI dish to avoid the island's destruction. The Alien Invasion of Griffin Rock After Boulder got the idea to adopt a pet, Blades helped him by shutting down the power to Griffin Rock Zoo. They spent the rest of the night trying to find the lion that Boulder had let loose, and Blades ended up catching it in a cage. Walk on the Wild Side
After Cody souped up a go-kart, Blades was worried he wouldn't want to hang out with them any more. The go-kart turned sour when Cody tried to soup it up with nanites, which instead ran rampant, and the Rescue Bots had to help him. Cody on Patrol Cody roped the Rescue Bots into helping him take care of a Robo-Baby. They found Blades's rotors had a soothing effect on the baby and put it to sleep. When the bank was in danger of falling into a sinkhole, Blades and Dani had to rescue Mr. Harrison again, and in the meantime the baby escaped from the fire station, forcing Cody and the Rescue Bots to track it down. Four Bots and a Baby
During a snowfall caused by a weather machine, Dani and Blades helped save City Hall by flying upside-down and clearing the snow off the roof. Unfortunately this left Blades too frozen to fly when they later needed to rescue Frankie from a chunk of ice on the river. Christmas in July Blades and Dani rescued Mayor Luskey when his boat, the Floating Xanadu was in danger of running aground. He and the other Rescue Bots were invited on a fishing trip with Chief Burns and Cody the next day, and Blades, who had been watching too many pirate movies, began affecting pirate talk. After the Bots encountered and fought a shark submarine, the sub started a self-destruct sequence, and Blades had to fly it out to sea before it exploded. Deep Trouble
Blades was happy at being grounded due to fog, but had to fly anyway when the dinosaur from the museum was spotted near the lab. Though it turned out the dinosaur had been reprogrammed, a short time later the island's technology went wild, and the Rescue Bots had to deal with the out-of-control devices and a hacked Trex. After they subdued the beast, Blades had to fly Doc Greene back to his lab to remove the virus from Trex. Return of the Dino Bot When Doctor Morocco turned up with his MorBot and threatened to overshadow the Rescue Bots, the team was forced to compete with the doctor's invention to prove themselves worthy. Thanks to Morocco's machinations, they failed and were stood down from service. The Other Doctor Blades turned to television. He was pressed into service by Cody, who had Dani fly him over to spy on the lab, which worked until they were spotted by the MorBot which chased them back to the fire station. After being called out to a fire at the lab, the Rescue Bots got the chance to exact some payback on the MorBot. The team was subsequently reinstated as Griffin Rock's rescue service. The Reign of Morocco
Though Blades and Dani turned up to rescue Hayley, Kade insisted on doing it himself so he could impress the girl. The team turned up to a break-in at the Hall of Inspiration, during which Blades, Heatwave and Boulder were shrunk to the size of ants by the Minimizer and ended up in the sewer. After braving huge rats and a torrent of water, they made it to the Griffin Rock dam, where they rescued Kade and alerted the rest of the team to the fact that the dam was near bursting. Cody later used the Minimizer to return them to their normal sizes. Small Blessings While trying to save Captain Wild's boat, Blades was pulled under the sea but managed to save the boat with the help of the rest of the team. He helped Cody search the tunnels under the island to find a mooring station, leading the team to venture into the sea where they helped Professor Baranova seal the vent causing the Griffin Rock Triangle. The Griffin Rock Triangle
After the daring rescue of Huxley Prescott by the four bots, Chief left them with strict orders not to go to Griffin Crest. After receiving an apparent SOS from Cody, Blades and the others went there anyway and ended up immobilized by an EMP field, leaving them in need of a rescue. Rules and Regulations Blades had a rotor bend during a rescue at the airport, so when he and the other three Bots were washed out to sea with Cody and ended up on an inhabited island, he was unable to fly back to Griffin Rock for help. The Bots' attempts to build him shelter and gather food were less than successful, but they did manage to find traces of the Oaken Crow, which led to them finding the ship and getting off the island. The Lost Bell
While on a mission to Wayward Island, Blades was excited to meet Bumblebee, however his attempting to show off backfired when he got stuck to a tree and Bumblebee had to rescue him. Back on Griffin Rock, the team attended another rescue, but when the other three Rescue Bots seized up, Bumblebee once again had to help Blades complete the rescue. As it turned out the others had been infected by a virus from the meteorite, Blades stayed at the fire station while the humans and Bumblebee went to deal with it, but ended up flying out himself to rescue Bumblebee from an undersea trench. Faced with an out-of-control bomb, the two Bots used it to destroy the meteorite, but were infected by the virus themselves. Luckily a sample of the meteorite they'd obtained resulted in the finding of a cure, and Blades was overjoyed to get some photos of himself with Bumblebee. Bumblebee to the Rescue
When the Rescue Bots were called out to deal with a huge blob of space goo, Blades was horrified by it eating Mister Pettypaws and tried fruitlessly to hit it with a park sculpture. He and Dani tracked the Squilsh from the air, and later provided an air lift when the team cornered it at the Griffin Rock Community Pool. You've Been Squilshed Blades and Dani rescued Frankie from tracers after most of the townspeople were teleported elsewhere by them, and had to fly through the wind farm to try to lose a swarm of the bugs. Back at the fire station, the Bots had their work cut out squishing bugs, though Blades managed to catch one, enabling Boulder to find a way to neutralize them. The four Bots later tracked down the cavern where the townsfolk had been teleported and rescued them all. Countdown When Griffin Rock was hit by an infestation of what appeared to be ghosts, Blades was particularly hesitant to deal with them, having watched all fourteen Haunted Halls movies. He was especially unnerved when one manifested right inside his cockpit. The Haunting of Griffin Rock
Blades helped search the island for Chief Burns and Chase after the pair went missing, though when the trail led to the old lead mine, he was almost too worried about blood-sucking bats to go in. He, Graham and Dani followed Boulder's sonar and managed to find Chase. Little White Lies The Rescue Bots were forced to be extra attentive to their cover as robots when Frankie started filming them for a school project. They stopped a swarm of earthquakes by tracking down the cause in the caves under Griffin Rock. Shake Up Following Blades's discovery of fireworks, Cody got a repulsor badge, granting the boy superhero-like powers. When the badge overloaded, trapping Cody in an energy bubble, Blades declared it his mortal enemy, as he and the other Bots worked to rescue Cody. Rescue Boy
Blades, the other Rescue Bots, Cody and Frankie were sent back in time to 1939 in a time travel accident. There they fell into the hands of a team of scientists headed by Doctor Morocco who performed experiments on them. Morocco was getting to the point of dissecting the four Bots when Optimus and Bumblebee came to their rescue. On returning to the present, they found that Morocco had taken over the town with the aid of his MorBots. It's a Bot Time The four bots managed to elude the MorBots and soon established that leaving Dither in the past had resulted in the changed. After an encounter with an alternate version of the Burns family, including a version of Dani who didn't like flying, the Rescue Bots returned to 1939 and retrieved Dither, returning the timeline to normal. Bot to the Future
Blades took to playing a dance video game with Frankie, once she and Doc Greene knew the Rescue Bots' secret. He assisted in the rescue of Taylor, whom he was amused to note that Dani had taken a liking to, and had to rescue the other Bots when Doc Greene's Vacuum Accelerator warped them to the top of Mount Griffin. Road Trip The Rescue Bots helped construct Frankie Greene's Sky Forest, only to have to rescue the town's citizens when the plant life grew out of control. Sky Forest When Chief Burns was ill, the four bots had to contend with Kade appointing himself new team leader, and Cody being aged into an adult in a lab experiment. Blades's attempt to salvage a crashed rocket from where it was tangled in power lines resulted in it exploding. One for the Ages
He and Dani tracked an iceberg, only to discover it was actually a ship frozen by a piece of cargo it was carrying, the Sub-Zero Expander. After accidentally getting frozen by the machine, Blades returned to base, and took part in an attempt to get rid of the device by blowing it up, which was aborted when it turned out Doctor Morocco had claimed the vessel as salvage. The team had to deal with the fallout when the device exploded and froze a five-mile section of ocean. Tip of the Iceberg After a rescue mission where Blades became frightened of the snowy weather, Cody took Blades to the Hall of Inspiration where they played the Doc's new virtual reality game. Inside the game, Cody taught Blades about video games, such as power-ups and boss fights, but the game bugged out when lightning struck the Hall. The bosses could hurt the two and Blades overcame his fear and gained the courage to protect Cody, much to Heatwave's surprise. The three beat the game, thanks to Blades, and were teleported out of the game. Heatwave later commented on Blades's courage. A Virtual Disaster
When the rest of the team was mesmerized by cellphones, Blades escaped by virtue of being out on patrol at the time, though it did mean he and Dani had to put out a fire without Heatwave's help. They were subsequently mind-controlled as well, and forced to excavate Blossom Vale until the cell tower was taken out. Spellbound Huxley Prescott's reality show featuring the bots was approved by the mayor, and Blades was caught up in the idea of gaining fame. He began trying to think up catchphrases, but was disappointed when it turned out Prescott had begun manufacturing emergencies to make the show more exciting. Prescott's Bots
Blades took part in a rescue when Taylor's plane was stricken with an electrical fault. He and the rest of the team later had to face a horde of gremlins conjured from Kade's nightmares. Blame the Gremlins When a monster was spotted during a star-gazing expedition with Cody, Blades and the other Rescue Bots helped the boy hunt for the beast, resulting in an encounter with it at an old cannery. It transpired that the "Magic Meat" that Mayor Luskey had been selling was Fo-Foo, an experimental food with lycanthropic side effects, and the team had to track down Luskey and Graham who were both infected. Feed the Beast
A picnic Blades and Cody were helping Dani with was interrupted by the arrival of Woodrow Burns. The revelation that there was energon under the island resulted in Optimus Prime arriving, and the whole team had to go rescue Woodrow and Cody after the pair became trapped in a cavern deep underground, which ended up with Blades having to fight giant spiders. What Lies Below After Blades, Boulder and the three older siblings were separated from the others, Blades had to brave luminous fungus, pterodactyls, and giant fish as they searched for a way out. Once the team was reunited, they escaped from underground by blasting themselves out of the top of Mount Magma. What Rises Above
The Rescue Bots had to bring out their spaceship for another mission to save Graham and Doc Greene after the space elevator they were on was hit by an asteroid. Space Bots The team had to deal with a runaway mechanical bull. When a mishap occurred while transporting the creature to the Island of Misfit Tech, Blades, Chase and Boulder ended up tussling with a prototype Scrapmaster. The Island of Misfit Tech The town's new central computer Vigil was unable to control the four Rescue Bots, so when it attempted to take control of Griffin Rock, the Bots were able to get the rest of the team into its vault to stop it. The Vigilant Town
Blades finally achieved his ambition to become a Lad Pioneer when he was appointed troop mascot. Going on a nature hike, Blade was linked with Cody via Buddy Bracelets, the keys for which were accidentally destroyed. Consequently, Cody had to come along with Blades when the Rescue Bot took part in a snake hunt around town. Buddy System After an earthquake and a rash of objects being pulled into the air, Blades became convinced that invisible griffins were to blame. He and the other Bots accompanied Graham and Cody to Wayward Island, where it turned out that it was just a super-magnet causing the trouble. In Search of the Griffin's Nest
When Chase appeared to join with Evan and Myles during their crime spree, Blades and the rest of the rescue team found themselves going against him. He later rejoined the team and the four Rescue Bots disabled the Tech Wrecker Evan and Myles had created. Bots and Robbers Following the rescue of a dog, the Rescue Bots were joined in their work by Noble, at least until the dogs real owner turned up to claim him. Rescue Dog The team had to deal with a storm without Heatwave. When their leader returned with a second alternate mode, Blades was interested in finding out how to acquire one himself. Changes
After a sea rescue Blades took part in resulted in everyone's midwinter holiday presents sinking to the bottom of the ocean, Blades and the rest of the team took on the mantle of the Rider of Midwinter and delivered loaves of bread to the townsfolk. The Riders of Midwinter When a Power Planter was struck by lightning and ran wild, the team was forced to respond to a number of emergencies caused by it. They eventually succeeded in luring it into a trap using Boil Coils and destroyed it. Movers and Shakers When Chief Burns was off the island, Woodrow ended up as part of the team. Blades found himself being used as a ramp during a rescue of the mayor, something he didn't enjoy much, though he later got to help rescue some dolphins. Chief Woodrow
Blades was excited at the news that Bumblebee was coming and made plans to enjoy his friend's visit, however it turned out Bumblebee was there on a relic-finding mission. What's worse, Dani's pilot license was suspended, so unable to fly in Blades, she was partnered with Bumblebee. Though he grew jealous of the pair's growing bond, Blades was soon distracted by helping Optimus retrieve the relic from the ocean, and was later happy when Bumblebee saved Dani from quicksand. Odd Bot Out The rescue team was roped into completing a rail tunnel to the mainland, mainly because Mayor Luskey regarded the Bots as heavy machinery. When the Griffin Rock Express went out of control, the Bots had to rescue everyone on board, with the help of Frankie and her phasing technology. The Griffin Rock Express
Following a game of Rescue Ball and an impromptu rescue mission, Blades's attempt to watch Cupcake Hoarders was thwarted when he was lured into a trap and kidnapped by Dr. Morocco. Morocco used a memory-erasing ray on him and convinced him that the doctor had been assigned as the Rescue Bots' liaison on Earth by Optimus Prime. Once the other Rescue Bots were similarly brainwashed, Morocco put Blades in charge and sent the team to a cavern under Griffin Rock to mine gold. Unfortunately Blades accidentally set off a methane explosion and when the Bots climbed out of the crater, they were confronted by the dastardly Burns family. Double Villainy
The suspicious Bots were taken back to the fire house, where the evidence soon convinced them that the Burns family was on their side and they'd been misled by Morocco. Unfortunately the methane explosion cause the island to begin to sink, and given the choice between helping out or regaining their memories, the Bots chose the former option. Blades was relieved to discover he wasn't team leader though. With the help of some tech from Doc Greene, the team was able to raise the island once again, and Morocco was forced to restore their memories. Rise of the Heroes
During a routine inspection by Optimus, Blades and Dani encountered an unexpected pterodactyl. After they captured and tagged it, the team tracked the creature back to Wayward Island where they found a whole group of dinosaurs, one of which damaged Blades's tail rotor. The team was subsequently chased into a tar pit and had to be rescued by Optimus Prime. Once they established what the dinos were upset about, the team was able to get them to return to the underground cavern they'd come from. Land Before Prime When Optimus was abducted by big game hunter Quint Quarry, Heatwave, Chase and Blades headed to Quarry's island to mount a rescue. After catching Blades repeatedly with nets, the hunter managed to trap the trio in a cage and was about to take them off the island in his heli-jet when Optimus and Boulder came to their aid. Big Game
Following the accidental creation of four extra Kades, Blades found himself having to take them all back to the first station after their squabbling caused an accident. He later attempted to rescue the rest of the team from a gas leak, but ended up himself needing rescuing by the quintet of Kades. Too Many Kades The team was sent ten years forward in time when they boarded the S.S. Phantom Voyager, however Boulder and Graham were able to reverse the time machine stored in the ship's hold, returning them to present day. Phantom of the Sea After having to deal with a flooding disaster, Blades and Heatwave had to try and cover for Chase and Boulder during their mission in space. Unfinished Business
After the town was sealed inside an energy dome by Vigil, Blades and the others pursued the AI to try to beat it to the dome controls in the lab. Despite being injured during the chase, Blades beat Vigil to the lab along with Chase, but Vigil stuck them to the floor using the Collision Foam Cannon, leaving it to Frankie and Cody to save the day. No Place Like Dome Blades attempted to help Graham gain confidence to talk to Amy via role playing. He later saved the day, using Confident Me to lure a swarm of mutant army ants to a place where they could be successfully captured. Bugs in the System
During a trip on the space elevator Asgard, Blades switched bodies with Dani. He binged on yogurt and potato chips, much to her disgust, and she forced him to exercise to work off the calories. For his part, he was smug when she found being a helicopter wasn't as much fun as she thought. They were eventually swapped back into their own bodies. Switcheroo Blades and the rest of the team were shrunken down to microscopic size so they could enter Kade's body and retrieve the scrubmites he'd accidentally ingested. Bot-Tastic Voyage Following Professor Baranova's abduction at the hands of Colonel Quarry, Blades scanned a pterodactyl alternate mode so he and the other Rescue Bots, plus Optimus, could masquerade as the dinobots Quarry wanted Doc Greene to build. Unfortunately Blades then found he could no longer transform, and ended up bringing Cody along by accident when Quarry took them all to an island. As Quarry was taking the other Autobots to be sold, Blades finally found the strength to transform so that he could rescue them. Quarry's Quarry
The team visited Wayward Island to search for an energon trace, which Blades hoped would mean a visit from Bumblebee. They found only a caveman frozen in ice, who turned out to be still alive once he was thawed back in Griffin Rock. While the others helped "Ira" acclimate, Heatwave and Blades returned to Wayward Island and found cave paintings depicting Autobots in the caveman's era. Did You See What I Thaw? The team had to cope with giant Kaiju created when Doc Greene's new projector was used to screen Attack of Humungado, and ended up using their dino modes to combat the beasts. The Attack of Humungado
The mayor decided to honor the rescue team by holding Bot Appreciation Week, however a clash in schedules resulted in the Burns family being off the island for the start. The Rescue Bots found they had to contend with the souvenir versions of themselves running amok thanks to Evan and Myles reprogramming them. All Bots Great and Small When Cody began experiencing repeated time, his foreknowledge allowed the rescue team to prevent a number of disasters and mishaps during the dedication of the town's new clock tower. Time After Time
After the discovery that the Burns family had a pirate in their ancestry and the suspension of the rescue team, Blades took Woodrow, Cody and Dani to look for pirate treasure, though he was too big to enter the cave they were led to, and built a firehouse out of sand while he waited. Clues eventually led the team to the treasure, and they were subsequently reinstated by the mayor. Pirates Ahoy When the Rescue Bots were assigned to training with High Tide, Blades found the old bot particularly fearsome and messed up repeatedly. After taking some time to rescue a human in trouble, Blades earned a chewing out from High Tide. He later steadied an oil rig long enough for the other Rescue Bots to rescue Doc and Frankie. Turning the Tide When the time traveler Jules Verne visited, Blades helped apprehend Dr. Morocco. The Last of Morocco
When the Rescue Bots found two Autobots, Blurr and Salvage, on Wayward Island, Optimus assigned the team to train the two newcomers. Blades was unimpressed with Blurr's lying about his past, but Optimus convinced the team to let Blurr have another chance. The New Recruits After hours of failed rescue simulations, Cody suggested more personal training for the newbies, so Blades constructed a highlight reel of his own rescues. Rescue Bots Academy After Blurr stole the ship and a solar flare knocked out the island's power, Blades was reluctantly forced to fly rescues in the dark, backwards. Blurr later returned having saved the island from a rogue satellite, and was assigned elsewhere along with Salvage. A New Hero
The Rescue Bots were forced to hunt for Servo after the dog went missing in action and left a trail of destruction in his wake. Four-Legged Hero Blades joined Boulder, Chase and the kids in guarding some woodpeckers Boulder found, however they were forced to go into damage control mode when word of the discovery got out, and had to deal with a fire in Blossom Vale. Endangered Species
After Chase injured himself, Blades prescribed a week of rest off his feet, and as a result Chase took the job of dispatcher and managed to send the team on a number of false alarms. More than Meets the Eye When Doc Greene's Tone-O-Tuner caused everyone in town to sing instead of talk, Blades took part in a video call to educate new recruits and though reluctant, ended up singing a duet with Dani. I Have Heard the Robots Singing
Blades and the other Rescue Bots took part in the opening of a time capsule, during which a quantum crystal mishap resulted in the entire island being teleported to the Arctic. The four Bots had to deice the generators so that the island's dome could be raised. Now and Then Blades and Dani attempted to go for help, only to find that the conditions were too harsh and Heatwave had to help them return to town. As the team enacted a plan to fill the dome with floatium and fly the island back, the Rescue Bots had their work cut out keeping people safe. The journey continued, but the Rescue Bots were forced to use their own energon to power the dome. They successfully reached Griffin Rock's old location, and after some medical attention, the Rescue Bots recovered. Optimus gave them a new mission, to let the rest of the town in on their secret. Today and Forever
Despite Blades being in favor, three years on they still hadn't told the humans about themselves. An invasion by the Velgrox, which Blades found out about when they captured Dani, resulted in the four Rescue Bots having to reveal themselves to the townsfolk. New Normal Blades immediately started organizing his own fan club, however he proved unable to interest any of the townsfolk in joining and had to offer free helicopter rides instead. Bridge Building When a race between Blades and Heatwave ended in an emergency situation, Blades had to help clean up the mess. Heatwave subsequently restricted the team to their official duties and had Blades flying patrols over the island. It was not long after that the team encountered a new Rescue Bot named Quickshadow. Arrivals Quickshadow assigned him and Dani to fly over the island while Heatwave transported dangerous chemicals for Doc Greene. After a mishap spread acid clouds around downtown, he carried Heatwave back to the clouds to help neutralize them. Plus One
Following a mishap in which the town pool froze over, Blades went to the Fun Zone to play games. When the Morocco virus invaded the Element Quest game, Blades was eliminated while protecting Cody from a dragon. Back to Virtual Reality When investors were looking at redeveloping the island, the Rescue Bots used Velgrox technology to make themselves invisible and pretend to be ghosts to scare them off. Vanishing Returns
The team took part in Earliween celebrations, though Blades was keen on dressing in a costume himself. They also came up with a plan to foil Evan and Myles when the pair tried to carnap Quickshadow. Ghost in the Machine When Whiskers was abducted from the zoo, the Rescue Bots used their dino modes as bait to lure big game hunter Lord Chumley. Though they themselves were captured, they made the most of their situation, both finding Whiskers and bringing the rest of the team to help arrest Chumley. Enemy of My Enemy
Blades helped Chase run for mayor by campaigning, however when Chase actually took office, the changes he made interfered with the team's ability to do their job. Mayor May Not Blades was keen to celebrate All Spark Day, and actually got to do so with the rest of town — after the team had to deal with a giant-size CeCe Greene. All Spark Day When the town's communications tower required replacing, the team took on second jobs — Blades and Dani operated a traffic report for Huxley. The townsfolk later chipped in with enough cash to replace the tower. Part-Time Heroes
When the new mainland Rescue Bot Training Center was reaching completion, Blades planned a housewarming party, but was upset when it turned out a fair portion of the team wouldn't be able to make it. He ended up abandoning the idea and headed back to Griffin Rock. The More Things Change... Cut off from the training center after the computer system malfunctioned, Chase, Blades and Chief instead dealt with the problems on Griffin Rock. Blades was called on to fly over to the mainland and assist Heatwave in reactivating the center's holographic disguise. The More Things Stay the Same
During a series of motor races, the Bots had to first deal with a collapsing stand full of spectators, and then with runaway racers thanks to an errant invention. Dani presented him with the race cup for being understanding about her sneaking off to take part in the races with Blurr. Hot Rod Bot Blades accompanied Heatwave, Chief and Dani to Africa when Woodrow Burns appeared to need help, and ended up helping a family of gorillas survive baboons and an erupting volcano. King Burns Blades was honored to be made a judge in one of the competitions for the town's Pizza Pi Party, though the event was interrupted by out-of-control pizza dough. Pizza Pi Party
While running practice drills in the Training Center, the team had to save a Cybertronian ship that crash-landed. Blades found himself reunited with Bumblebee, but was startled by the changes in his friend. When the tour of the training center was interrupted by an energon eater which has stowed away on the ship, Blades and Bumblebee ended up teaming up to capture it. Before leaving, Bumblebee suggested Blades come on a mission with his team. Uninvited Guest
Blades finally got the last Lad Pioneer badge he needed, only to find he wouldn't be able to attend the level up ceremony because it was on the mainland. Graham made him a holographic disguise so he could become a Teen Pioneer, and he pretended to be Swedish to explain why he couldn't touch anything. At Camp Itsa Craftsee, he, Cody and Graham ended up getting mixed up in Chickadee's plan to find some lost emeralds, but ended up helping the rest of the team apprehend her. Camp Cody
Blades joined Dani in trying to rescue Taylor only for Taylor to be turned into a frog by fairies. Blades kept the frog safe until the trio were reunited with the rest of the team and Taylor was transformed back. Once Upon a Time When the Mini-Con Bounce escaped to Griffin Rock, the team helped Sideswipe recapture him. The Need for Speed
When Madeline Pynch got hold of a chunk of Energon, the rescue team put into action a plan to recover the Energon and arrest Pynch. Blades's job under the code name Rain Cloud (after Irrelevant was first considered) was to fly over Pynch's compound disguised as a cloud, and drop Heatwave and Chief inside. Cody's 11 While Blades grew increasingly anxious at the dangerous test missions Dani was undertaking, he was alarmed to hear she might take up test-piloting full-time. When her test space mission ran into trouble, the team came to her rescue in the Sigma, and Blades managed to reach her stricken craft and guide it on a slingshot trajectory around the Moon. To Infinity... And Back
Dani and Blades tried to get Cody interested in being a medical responder when the boy was deciding what sort of rescue worker he'd become. Family Business The Bots found themselves having to maintain their robot disguises when Maven Danger stayed at the firehouse as research for his new movie, though it later turned out the visit was just so Maven's agent Skip Scobble could attempt to steal a rare book. A Brush with Danger
The team was surprised to discover a whole town in China knew about them, when they were called there to deal with some out-of-control Scrubbers. Afterwards Optimus promptly reassigned them, with Blades leading Quickshadow and High Tide in China — though Blades was initially hesitant, an encounter with some Blades fans left him more enthusiastic. When it turned out the Morocco virus was back and had built a new MorBot, Blades and his team were unable to prevent him getting away with tech from the Faxian laboratory. Upgrades When Morocco set his sights on abducting Cody, Blades and Dani flew back from China at high speed thanks to some rocket boosters, and joined in trying to prevent Morocco's forces coming ashore on Griffin Rock. Optimus later assigned Blades and his team Faxian on a permanent basis. Transformations
- Voice actor: Parvesh Cheena (English)
Blades had been left alone back at the Rescue Bots command center when he was abducted by a mysterious force, pulled through a trans-dimensional portal to another universe. He found himself within a metallic labyrinth, where he met the Dinobot Snarl. Several cannons then popped up throughout the corridor, prompting Snarl to tell the Rescue Bot to draw out his swords. A bewildered Blades explained to Snarl that his blades were for flying, not fighting! Snarl picking up the slack, the duo made their way to the middle of the maze via a "graphic and expensive-looking battle sequence." Upon reaching their destination, Blades was relieved to find an authority figure in the form of Ultra Magnus. He also met five other 'bots who had similarly been abducted from their home dimensions: Arcee, Sureshock, Ravage, Ironhide and Sonar. Blades found them all terrifying.
A mysterious voice then made itself heard, and stated that it had brought the group together in a ploy to get revenge on the Autobots. Blades pointed out that a bunch of them weren't Autobots, and asked to be excused from the whole brouhaha. The voice declared that it didn't care about the semantics of their factions, and unleashed a "horde" of Sharkticons on them... and by a horde, it meant a single sickly and rusted Sharkticon. Embarrassed, the group's abductor ordered them to fight to the death instead of bothering with the Sharkticon. Blades had difficulty wrapping his head around the idea that someone could fight so hard with their friends or coworkers that they'd just drop dead, before it was explained to him what the voice actually meant. This only served to terrify Blades further, who pondered that this was weird way to learn a valuable lesson about responsibility and teamwork.
Annoyed that its prisoners weren't killing one another already, the voice threatened to detonate a Dark Energon bomb if they didn't get on with it. But Blades managed to bluff his captor into admitting that he didn't have a bomb, using some of the "mad scientist lingo" he had picked up around Griffin Rock. The architect behind the whole plot revealed himself to be the Skuxxoid, whom Snarl dealt with in short order. The abductees, now left to devise a way to get themselves back to their homes, began to brainstorm on how to accomplish such a feat. They settled on all laughing together, as characters in cheesy cartoons are prone to do when an episode comes to an end. This, surprisingly enough, worked out. Finding himself back in Griffin Rock, Blades was puzzled over the fact that he hadn't gotten any character building lesson out of his adventure... He decided that the only thing he learned was that weird things just happen sometimes. Prevenge
2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon
Following the restoration of Cybertron from the Great War, Blades was one of the many Autobots blacklisted by the new High Council for being a supporter of Optimus Prime. Enemy of My Enemy
Rescue Bots Academy cartoon
- Voice actor: Michael Hansen (English), Simon Duprez (French)
A giant statue of Blades's face was carved into a mountain near Griffin Rock, alongside the faces of the other Rescue Bots. Mount Botmore Heatwave called in Blades to help train Hot Shot in the proper use of his jet alternate mode. Whirl joined in as well, as Blades had them learning to hover in place and fly slowly and carefully. Blades later took part in controlling a forest fire, but was unable to go in himself to rescue some firefighters, so Hot Shot went in in his stead. The Secret of Flight
Blades almost caught the recruits with an illicit pooch in the Academy. Dog Stray Afternoon Blades's cheering during a rescue simulation prompted Whirl to get the recruits practicing cheerleading. When Blades later had them evacuate citizens in Griffin Rock while he and the other Rescue Bots dealt with a flood, they made use of the skills they'd learned. Go Team, Go!
During a mission to the Asgard, the Rescue Bots got trapped outside and had to wait for the recruits to come to their rescue. Space Case The Rescue Bots were later on another urgent off-world mission. All Washed Up When Heatwave had the recruits be teachers for the day, Boulder and Blades decided to join the class and later employed what they'd learned during a rescue. Who's Teaching Who? Blades and the other teachers were away from the academy when a dinosaur got loose in it, leaving Hoist to be the one to deal with it. Dino Hard
Blades had the recruits carry out a series of search and rescue exercises, and awarded Hoist with his choice of sims, unaware that Hoist had cheated to win the exercises. All that Glitters Blades brought Bumblebee to the academy to teach, the two friends later catching up on recent events while heading into Griffin Rock to pick up supplies. Bee Prepared When Whirl had trouble mastering a maneuver, Blades spun a fictional tale about a Rescue Bot guru who'd once helped him. Whirl set off to find the guru, an Blades flew ahead to disguise himself so he could pose as said guru, however Whirl learned all she needed to know while on her journey. Whirl's Wise-Bot Quest
Blades took part in a student versus teacher relay race, carrying Grimlock as a pretend rescue victim through a canyon. He lost to Whirl when she took a faster route while he had to fly over a tornado. Best Bots Forever Part 1 Blades was later in attendance when the recruits graduated from the first year of the academy. Best Bots Forever Part 2
At the start of year two, Blades was selected to mentor Medix. Back to School He and his student manage to invent a new bandage adhesive. In Training Discovering that Medix had compiled lists to deal with every expected situation, Blades had him look after Heatwave the dog to teach him that some situations weren't that simple. Heatwave's Shiny Coat Blades had just finished a lesson with Medix when Whirl arrived looking for a student to partner with for an exercise. Wild Ghost Chase Blades took part in the rescue of Doc Greene and Frankie when a force field dome trapped the two humans in the lab, lifting Medix up so the recruit could use magnets to open a hole in the dome. Partners
Blades instructed the recruits on the use of a Stokes basket, and also had to give Medix advice when the other students objected to the young bot's overly-zealous criticism of their attempts. Critical Condition Blades attended the charity performance of the Griffin Rock Ballet School. Shall We Dance? Medix forced Blades to change a blown light in the academy. Good Advice
Blades took part in a "rescue-athon" paired with Medix. First Responder He and Chase conducted a window washer rescue sim with the recruits. Realizing Medix was having trouble getting used to his new helicopter mode, Blades encouraged the young bot. He then discovered Whirl was worried she'd been benched and had to assure her she wasn't, leading her to realize that Medix genuinely just needed help. Helicopter Heroes Chase and Blades attended a rescue which the recruits missed. Rescue Teens
Blades was among the observers as the recruits undertook their final test of year two. He later attended the party aboard Citadel Secundus, and was put into stasis lock when an asteroid hit the Titan and created an anti-energon field. Space Party He and the rest of the teaching staff were revived after Secundus was landed safely on Earth, and attended the recruits' graduation ceremony. Crash Of The Titan
Commercial appearances
- Optimus, Bumblebee, Heatwave, Chase, Blades and Boulder rushed out of Fire Station Prime in response to a nearby fire. They watched Heatwave put out the blaze, then all posed heroically in a v-formation. Rescue Bots toys commercial
- The Rescue Bots responded to a fire emergency. Once on-scene, Blades energized his hook weapon to better deal with the situation. Energize figures commercial
- A child playing with the "Optimus Primal" Rescue Bots toy was turned into an animated version of himself and met with the Rescue Bots! While he directed a rescue operation for Chase, Blades watched from afar in his pterodactyl mode. Rescue Bots Optimus Primal toy commercial
Rescue Bots
- Blades the Copter-Bot (Rescue Bot, 2011)
- Blades transforms into an orange and white rescue helicopter of a likely fictitious origin, but with design details common to several real-life helicopters. In keeping with the simplified transformations of the line, Blades can be transformed from helicopter to robot simply by twisting the knob on his propeller. His rotors are free-spinning in this mode, and the design of his tail / legs is such that he can be held by the bottom portion of the tail beneath the tail rotor. Care must be taken, however, as the free-spinning nature of his blades means that they can sometimes spin when the knob is twisted.
- This figure was redecoed for the Energize toyline, casting some parts in translucent blue plastic. It was also retooled to give it sockets capable of holding the newly included eponymous implement. The retooled version was later redecoed in cartoon-accurate colors and given a limited re-release in 2018.
- Blades the Copter-Bot (2018)
- After 5 years of discontinuation, the original Blades figure saw a limited rerelease in late 2018. The figure's colors now look more towards the show, and the energize version's tooling is left intact. His hook accessory is now silver.
- Blades the Copter-Bot (Rescue Bot, 2013)
- Accessories: Rescue hook
- A redeco of the original mold for the line's Energize subline imprint, Blades's arms and the cap on his rotors are transparent blue plastic. He has also been retooled to remove the Autobot insignia on his chest in favor of a Rescue Bot insignia. He comes with a "rescue hook" accessory, that he can hold or attach to the underside of his landing skids.
- Blades the Copter-Bot & Dr. Morocco (Figure 2-Pack, 2013)
- Blades is a non-transforming PVC figure with basic articulation. He is sculpted after his on-screen appearance, and features his Energize rescue hook tool in place of his left hand. Blades is packaged with a static PVC figure of Doctor Morocco.
- Blades the Flight-Bot & Dani Burns (Figure 2-Pack, 2014)
- Blades is another articulated PVC figure, this time in a new rescue jet body. He is packaged with a static PVC figure of Dani Burns.
- Blades the Flight-Bot & Dani Burns (Figure 2-Pack, 2014)
- The helicopter Blades originally available with Dr. Morocco was later released alongside an unchanged Dani Burns.
- Shark Sub Capture (Mini Scene Pack, 2015)
- The playset repackages the PVC Blades and Dr. Morocco two-pack alongside a Shark Sub with chomping action for Morocco to ride in. Blades lacks some paint operations from the previous release, but Morocco is unchanged.
Beam Box
- Blades the Copter-Bot (Beam Box Figure, 2013)
- Blades is a static plastic figure in a similar style to his 2-Pack release, mounted on a 'rocky' base. Placing Blades inside the Beam Box Game System allows him to be played in-game.
Rescan Series
- Blades the Flight-Bot (Rescan, 2014)
- Known designers: Brian Parrish (Hasbro)[1]
- Blades is a transforming mold, about two-thirds the size of his original toy. He transforms into a rescue jet by swiveling his wings forward, which folds down the cockpit, revealing the head, and splays out the arms and legs. Transforming him any other way, such as folding down the cockpit directly can cause the internal gearing mechanism to skip, preventing his parts from properly lining up when returning him to jet mode. Although many such affected examples are often described as "broken," the problem can be corrected by removing a couple of screws from the underside, realigning the gearing mechanism and then re-assembling the figure. And then transforming him properly from then on.
- Like other 2014 figures, Blades is missing several paint details seen on his packaging stock photos.
- Blades the Flight-Bot (Rescan 2015)
- Released in the fourth wave of 2015 Rescan figures, Blades is functionally a smaller version of his original toy but features a more show-accurate design. He transforms from copter to robot with a simple pull/push of his arms. In an undocumented feature, his helicopter rotors can be bent downward by hand for a more show-accurate robot mode.
- Stock photography on Blades' packaging shows him with a few paint applications that the final toy lacks; namely, blue paint on the lower half of the helicopter cockpit, black paint on the hands, and additional orange paint on the forearms and kneecaps.
- Blades has 5 mm fist holes, although since he lacks any useful articulation in his arms, accessories placed in his hands will be pointed downward.
- This toy was also included in the "Griffin Rock Rescue Team Set" with no notable changes. its engineering and transformation pattern were later used for Rescue Bots Academy Whirl.
- Griffin Rock Rescue Team Set (4-pack, 2016)
- This box set contains the show-based "Rescan" versions of Blades, Chase, and Boulder, plus the "Hook & Ladder Heatwave" cab-robot minus the trailer unit. All four toys are identical to their individual releases.
- Blades the Flight-Bot (Rescan 2018)
- This version of Blades was released in 2018 and is a retool of the VTOL jet version of Bumblebee. In addition to a new head, Blades sports significant changes all over, covering the cockpit/chest, larger VTOL engines, re-sculpted main wings, changes to the rear fins, legs and feet, including little VTOL engines on the re-designed rear stabilizers, and even a modified fuselage. Given the relatively small parts count of bother versions, this means only the forearms and undercarriage flap to cover the head in VTOL mode were carried over from Bumblebee. As with Bumblebee, this gives him articulated elbows that are not related to transformation in any way.
- Blades was subsequently redecoed and given a new head for the "Academy Rescue Team" version of Rescue Bots Academy Whirl, which was later released singly, while the original version was differently retooled into the plane version of Rescue Bots Academy Hot Shot. The character art on Blades' box is based on his appearance in his Rescan jet form. This figure was later re-released unchanged under Rescue Bots Academy branding, sporting the new-look RBA-style character art on the package.
Mini Dinos
- Blades the Rescue Dinobot (Mini Dino, 2014)
- Blades the Rescue Dinobot is a small figure that autotransforms into a robotic Pteranodon. The toy lost huge swathes of paint operations between initial stock photography and the final toy. This toy has the distinction of being the first transformable Rescue Bot figure with functional articulation, having swivels at the arms.
- This mold was later redecoed into Dinobot Adventures Dinobot Striker Swoop.
Epic Figures
- Blades the Flight-Bot (Epic Figure, 2014)
- Epic Blades is a 12-inch-tall non-transforming figure. His chest opens up to fit a 2-Pack human figure, and features 5 mm fist holes to hold rescue tool accessories from other figures.
- Copter Crane Blades (Megabot, 2016)
- Accessories: Claw clamp
- Part of the fourth wave of Megabots figures, Blades changes from an ocean rescue helicopter to robot in a few quick steps. He features articulation at his shoulders and 5 mm fist holes as well as a large claw clamp that he can either hold in his fist, store under his cockpit in vehicle mode, or hook it up to his winch system on his underside. Slight assembly is required for Blades out of box; one must attach his rotor prop plate to his back. His rotor connects to a peg which allows one to activate his working winch in helicopter mode. When his claw is hooked onto the winch, rotating the rotor clockwise booms the claw down, while rotating it counterclockwise reels it back up.
Flip Racers
- Airport Blastoff Blades (Playset, 2017)
- Part of the first wave of Flip Racers Launchers, Blades transforms automatically from a four-wheeled jet to robot when the vehicle mode is lifted up and placed on its end. A spring-loaded launcher will shoot Blades under the airport at a high speed. The launcher is compatible with the Chomp & Chase Raceway.
- Blastoff Blades (Flip Racer, 2018)
- The same Blades figure was later rereleased without the playset as part of the fourth wave of single releases.
Rescue Bots Academy
- Blades the Flight-Bot (Rescan, 2020)
- The VTOL version of Blades was re-released with no changes under the Rescue Bots Academy toyline.
Playskool Friends
- Transformers Collector Pack (Canceled)
- Intended to be released as part of the 7-pack for the Playskool Friends lineup, this Blades is a very adorable non-transforming figurine. He would have come packed with Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Arcee, and the rest of the Rescue Bots: Heatwave, Chase, and Boulder.
- His coloration and function are more reminiscent of Evac than the traditional, Decepticon fighting interpretation of previous versions of Blades.
- For Christmas 2013, The Hub aired a special "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" video yule log. This hour-long special consisted of music and cameo appearances by several characters or pieces from Hub properties in addition to the ponies themselves. Among the characters who made cameos were Beast Hunters Bumblebee (who beeped as he drove across the screen), Rescue Bots Blades (who stumbled onto the screen before being pulled back off), Strawberry Shortcake, Lil' Bat (mascot for The Aquabats), a Sorry! game piece, Niblet from "Pound Puppies", the main lead from "SheZow!", the Mane Six from MLP: FiM (in what can only be considered a jumpscare), and several characters from the "Littlest Pet Shop" cartoon. This special was aired back-to-back for four hours on Christmas morning, possibly as a means of giving the bulk of the network staff a chance to spend Christmas morning with their families.
- Before his new setting made it largely unnecessary, Blades functioned as the team's field medic. Probably has something to do with why he trained Medix.
Foreign names
- Hungarian: Penge ("Blade")
- Mandarin: Dāofēng (China, 刀锋, "Blade")
- ↑ December 9, 2024 Interview with Hasbro designer Brian Parrish on the "Triple Takeover" podcast, from their YouTube channel.