Bonecrusher (BW) - Transformers Wiki
- Bonecrusher is a Maximal from the Beast Era portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Stubborn and strong, Bonecrusher loves to battle Predacons. Despite the urging of his commanders, he cannot overcome his urge to engage the enemy violently. His personality has two settings—calm and crazed—and he knows just one strategy: CHARGE! Thankfully, his beast head and horns are super-reinforced to withstand any impact. It's a trait he puts to good use plowing through absolutely anything in his way. He's been known to charge through forest, rock, defensive emplacements, enemies, bunkers, more rock, more forest, more enemies, more rock, and so on...sometimes ending up nearly 30 miles behind enemy lines! Understandably, he tends to be held in reserve for last-ditch efforts, but when given reign, one of his unstoppable charges can easily turn the tide of a battle.
Toy bios
Bonecrusher was one of the Maximals under Optimus Primal's command. Despite his commander's urging for him to lighten up (fearing he will overheat an internal coolant co-processor), all Bonecrusher ever thought of was engaging the enemy. Bonecrusher bio
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
Rattrap was on the run from Dinobot when three unfamiliar Maximals—Bonecrusher, Optimus Minor, and Wolfang—came to his rescue and pulped the evil clone. They asked Rattrap to keep their existence a secret, for there was something of grave importance other than the Beast Wars that required their attention. Rattrap then seemingly woke up from a dream. Ain't No Rat
Shell Game was never published. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.
Bonecrusher, Optimus Minor, and Wolfang appeared to Rattrap in a vision while he and the rest of Optimus Primal's crew were leaving the planet at the end of the Beast Wars. The three of them guilted the Maximal for abandoning them, but for some reason, Rattrap was unable to recall his previous encounter with the trio. Bonecrusher and the other two Maximals pleaded with Rattrap to return to Earth. Shell Game #1
2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity
Bonecrusher was one of the protoforms jettisoned by the Axalon on prehistoric Earth. He was activated and put in chronal phase by Razorbeast at Magmatron's request, but was protected from Magmatron's Predacon shell-program by Razorbeast's viral code. He was one of the first Maximals to hear Razorbeast's signal. The Gathering #1
Razorbeast's small group split up to search for Ravage's transwarp cruiser. Razorbeast, Snarl, Bonecrusher, and B'Boom were attacked by Magmatron, who was also looking for the cruiser. They escaped and met up with the other group, who had located the cruiser, and taken its damaged signal amplifier. The Gathering #2 To find spare parts to fix it, Bonecrusher and a few other Maximals journeyed to the Ark. Bonecrusher returned, bearing spare parts, and Snarl proceeded to fix the amplifier. The Gathering #3
As the Maximals prepared to send a signal back to Cybertron, the Predacons attacked. Bonecrusher rushed out to face the enemy, but he was vastly outnumbered. As if on cue, the rest of the wayward Maximals, also protected by Razorbeast's viral code, arrived on scene. In the ensuing battle, Bonecrusher bashed Scavenger in the face. The Maximals won, and waited for a response to their distress call. The Gathering #4
Bonecrusher was later part of a defense against a Predacon attack. The Ascending #1 Lio Convoy and the Pack arrived to turn the tide of battle. The Ascending #2 When Rartorata arrived and filled Razorbeast with Angolmois, Bonecrusher was the first victim of the frenzied pig's rage. The Ascending #3 Convinced by Ravage to go back to Cybertron, Lio Convoy took some Maximals along, including Bonecrusher. There, Bonecrusher participated in the attack against Shokaract. The Ascending #4
Beast Wars
- Bonecrusher (Deluxe, 1997)
- Accessories: Missile
- Known designers: Yuichiro Hira (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist), Doug Hart (packaging artist)
- Part of the second wave of second-year Beast Wars Deluxes, Bonecrusher transforms into a grey and black organic bison. In both beast and robot modes, pulling back on his beast mode tail causes his robot mode head to launch forward in a lunging headbutt attack. This attack also launches a spring-loaded missile from his robot-mode mouth at the end of his lunge.
- This toy was released in Japan as an import in Hasbro packaging with a Takara-applied sticker. This mold was also redecoed to make Beast Wars II Bighorn.
- In The Gathering, Bonecrusher and Razorbeast both feature septum rings in their beast modes, however, Bonecrusher's septum ring also appears in robot mode while Razorbeast's does not. Dreamwave's "Ain't No Rat" also features Bonecrusher with a septum ring.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Bonecrusher (ボーンクラッシャー Bōnkurasshā)
- French: Fracturos (Canada)
- Italian: Bison[1]
- Spanish: Rompehuesos
- ↑ For some reason, Hasbro/GiG failed to add Italian names to the English/Spanish/Italian Biocombat packaging for most 1997 Basic and Delxue figures. As a result, Bonecrusher's Italian name only appears in the cross-sell on the back of the English/Spanish/Italian Biocombat "video-pack" releases of Airazor and Razorclaw.