Breakaway (Classics) - Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Breakaway" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Breakaway (disambiguation).
- Breakaway is an Autobot first seen in the Classics portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Breakaway doesn't remember much about his past, other than the hazy light and warmth of the Cybertron he left a long time ago. His present, in turn, only contains two certain bits of knowledge: that the pool of Rarified Energon he's slumbered by these millions of years on Earth is of the utmost importance and must be guarded closely, and that he can trust in the help of his Caretaker supercomputer. Ability-wise he is a gifted healer, able to use his almost supernatural powers of energon manipulation to repair even the most grievous of wounds. There are also the wounds of the spirit to deal with, which the good-natured Autobot tries to soothe with kind words and a (sometimes too) trusting nature.
The full truth, however, is that Breakaway is part of an ancient combiner, split apart long ago and its components scattered to the cosmos. Breakaway himself was sent to his current place and time by Primus, and Vector Sigma created his supercomputer assistant.
And now that he has been awakened by two of his gestalt brethren, Breakaway must leave the safety of his Caretaker and travel to find their group's remaining members and fulfill his true mission.
Later he becomes known as Quakebreak.
Fun Publications comics
Breakaway was once part of the multiversal singularity known as Nexus Prime of the Thirteen. In order to prevent the power of the Star Saber from falling into the wrong hands, Nexus Prime split himself and the Saber into pieces, scattering them throughout the multiverse. Heatwave ended up in the negative polarity universe. Out of the One, Many
Eventually, Breakaway ended up on Earth. At the time, it was still a barren planet. His task was to defend the rarefied energon there, until Primus called him once more. Breakaway's profile in Club magazine #15
While in the midst of a battle in South America, the Autobot Cliffjumper and dimension-travelers Skyfall and Landquake fell into an underground cavern containing a pool of Rarified Energon. The pool was overlooked by a mysterious stone slab, depicting images of Skyfall and Landquake alongside a third Transformer. When the triggerhappy Cliffjumper accidentally set off an explosion in the energon pool, the stone opened up to reveal a hidden CR chamber containing the third Transformer, Breakaway. Breakaway demonstrated his unique energon-manipulating abilities by healing Cliffjumper's injuries with a mere touch, and pleaded for peace inside the shrine. Non-violence is rarely an Autobot's lot, however, as the arrival of Laserbeak and Ravage forced the Transformers to flee deeper into the caverns. Crossing Over: Part 4 The Coming Storm: Part 1
At Skyfall's approach, a portion of the wall opened up, and they were beckoned inside by a voice Breakaway identified as the Caretaker. Breakaway complied instinctively with the voice, and the suspicious Skyfall and Landquake soon followed. Crossing Over: Part 5
The Caretaker had information about the trio's ultimate purpose, which even Breakway lacked. Like the other two, he had no memories about his early life, which the Caretaker attributed to a failure in his memory buffers to back-up after so many millions of years of experience. Indeed, Breakaway had not even left his CR Chamber to communicate with the Caretaker in some time. Regardless, there was no more time for talking about the past. Reunification was at hand, and the entire multiverse was at stake. The Caretaker informed Breakaway and his colleagues that they were three parts of one of the original Transformers created by Primus, and it was necessary for them to reform for the sake of all Cybertronians. The Caretaker opened a portal to the next hop of their multi-dimensional journey to find another member of their group. The Autobots entered into the portal... Crossing Over: Part 6
...and arrived in a city the likes of which none of them had ever seen before. They were soon greeted by one of the city's residents, Silverbolt, who welcomed them to Axiom Nexus. He also asked them to come with him to Processing, and Breakaway followed unquestioningly. As they all walked along, Silverbolt explained how they had intercepted the travelers' dimensional transit, and routed them to their primary bleed facility.
Skyfall then suddenly noticed that Cliffjumper was no longer with them, and started to panic, accusing Silverbolt's people of having done something with him. Silverbolt told him that there had been an anomaly that wasn't their fault, and Cliffjumper had ended up somewhere else that they had no way of finding out about. Breakaway tried to calm Skyfall down as well, by saying that he "just knew" the Transcendent Technomorph official was telling the truth. Skyfall relented a little at that, and they kept going.
After Processing was finished, though, Breakaway agreed aloud with Landquake's comment that he found their new identification bolts uncomfortable. They were overheard by their newly arrived assigned guide, Alpha Trion, who assured that they would get used to the bolts eventually.
As they headed towards the "outworlder" sections, Trion explained further about the city and its inhabitants. Breakaway only heard part of the commentary, however, as one of the "inhabitants" grabbed him quietly from behind, then shocked him offline. Transcendent: Part 1
When he came to, Breakaway found himself gagged and strapped down to an operating table in a laboratory in the Transwarp Complex. The laboratory's owner, Shockwave, apologized for Breakaway's uncomfortable status. He explained that their studies showed that Breakaway was a highly advanced being who was both a potential threat to be defended from, and in possession of potentially useful abilities to copy. Shockwave then began at Megatron's orders what appeared to be a decidedly painful experimentation, assuring Breakaway that his suffering would be for a greater good... Transcendent: Part 2
As the unfortunate Autobot suffered in the laboratory, two separate plots revolved around his predicament. On the TransTechs' side, Megatron and Shockwave attempted to make a case to Ratbat, Optimus Prime, and Prowl. They pointed out that Breakaway had numerous unique and advanced abilities they had never seen before, and that they should be allowed to experiment fully for the secrets it would teach them, even though the process would kill their subject. Meanwhile, Landquake, Skyfall, and Alpha Trion's group learned where Breakaway was being held and made plans for a rescue. Transcendent: Part 3 Transcendent: Part 4
Alpha Trion's group was eventually successful in entering the Transwarp Complex, and Breakaway soon found himself looking up at the concerned faces of Skyfall and Landquake, as a battle between the rest of Trion's group and the TransTechs went on around them. Landquake sensed that Breakaway's wounds weren't fatal, but he would need to be taken to safety in order to heal properly. Transcendent: Part 5 Landquake carried Breakaway along as they made good their escape from the laboratory, to head to a nearby dimensional transit room. Once there, Breakaway and Landquake were ushered through the gate by Nightscream... Transcendent: Part 6
...and came out of the other side in a disused laboratory. Trion came through the gate soon after with Skyfall's newly-dead body, much to the dismay of both Breakaway and Landquake. The two moved Skyfall's body to a nearby table, and Breakaway examined it as Landquake pestered Trion for answers. Trion claimed that Skyfall had supposedly been shot while entering the gate.
Breakaway then briefly hid along with the others when Trion's technician and the fourth of Breakaway's "kin", Topspin, noticed that an Autobot scout was approaching. Trion surprised the scout and struck him down with his sword, then ordered Landquake to clean up the body. Landquake protested that Trion's act contradicted his claim that his world was at peace, and that he refused to take Trion's orders. As Trion started to counter, Breakaway interrupted with a report that Skyfall's wound had been caused by a blade rather than gunfire.
This caused Trion to change tactics, and Breakaway soon found himself, Landquake, and Topspin held captive by Trion's acolytes. Trion then revealed his true plans for Breakaway's group—to use them as tools for his plans for personal conquest, then kill them. Reunification: Part 1
After finding out that Trion at least wasn't willing to kill them right away, Landquake started whispering plans for an escape, and Breakaway agreed to carry Skyfall's body. Landquake then shot his own captor and impaled Breakaway's captor with a telekinetically-created energon spike, and the two escaped.
Once the two reached the outside, Breakaway hesitated and called out for Topspin, but Landquake told him that they should keep moving. However, Topspin soon emerged after all, and the three made a run for it, with Breakaway carrying Skyfall.
Millicycles later, the three were holed up in a derelict building with some empties that seemed to respect Breakaway as a healer. Breakaway and Topspin in turn looked to Landquake for guidance, but Landquake grew increasingly frustrated with their suggestions, and being treated as a leader when he had no idea what to do. Breakaway tried to give him a pep talk, saying he could feel important things were happening, and they all had a great destiny, but it would pass them by unless Landquake gave them a way to grasp it. Then Topspin interrupted by saying that something strange had just happened... Reunification: Part 2
The "something strange" turned out to be their latest visitor, Aquarius, having encased them all in a slow time bubble. Aquarius explained that he was actually the one who had brought them to their current universe, and he was there to help them. Breakaway and Topspin were then pulled aside by Landquake, who complained that he didn't like Aquarius. Breakaway countered that Landquake didn't seem to like anybody, and that he thought Aquarius seemed "fine".
Landquake countered that Aquarius seemed less "fine" and more "crazy and disquieting", but Topspin noted they didn't exactly have any other options at the moment. Landquake finally relented and asked Aquarius to explain further.
Aquarius started to explain that the Autobots were creating a dangerous superweapon called Omega Doom, and that Breakaway's group and Skyfall's body would somehow be able to help, once they went to this universe's Megatron and asked after their last member. However, the rest of the explanation was postponed by Computron suddenly ripping the roof off their hideout. Reunification: Part 3
They all made a run for it once again. Breakaway asked where they should go, and Landquake reluctantly said they needed to go to Megatron. As they made their way to the Decepticon base, Aquarius continued his explanation: He had activated a Vector Sigma recall program for a warrior to defeat Omega Doom, which had delivered Breakaway's group as the response. They then almost ran into Abominus, who waved them on to continue to the base, promising to deal with Computron for them.
Once they reached the base's entrance, they were greeted and taken inside by Megatron. Landquake explained their situation, and Megatron brought out and introduced their last member, Heatwave, to them. The reunion was cut short, however, by Cyclonus assassinating Megatron on Alpha Trion's orders. Reunification: Part 4
Landquake had no idea what to do, until Breakaway suggested they try to revive Megatron. Landquake didn't think it would be any more successful than their attempt to revive Skyfall, but Breakaway pointed out that Skyfall had been dead a while before they tried, and this time they had Heatwave to help. Breakaway then asked Heatwave if he happened to have any special abilities, and if he'd be willing to help with an experiment. Heatwave said he did indeed have a special power—the ability to communicate with non-sentient machines—and asked what Breakaway had in mind. Breakaway confidently said they were going to resurrect Megatron.
As Breakaway's group started applying their energies to the body, strange things started happening, leaving them all confused and disoriented. Breakaway had a flashback to when he had first awakened from his CR chamber, then he and the others were transported to a strange, white, featureless place. There they were greeted by Primus, who welcomed them home, and gave the now-reunited gestalt a choice: to die, live as they currently were and eventually fade away, or be reborn as what they were meant to be. Breakaway presumably chose along with the others to be "reborn", as Primus then commanded, "Arise, Nexus Prime". Reunification: Part 5
After being reborn, Nexus Prime finally entered the battle with Omega Doom he had been summoned for, as the Autobot superweapon had recently arrived. When Omega shot a missile into Cybertron's sun, Nexus Prime had to follow to repair the sun before it went nova. The Decepticon parts of his mind wanted to stay on Cybertron to fight, but were overridden by the Breakaway and Skyfall parts of him who knew that all of Cybertron would burn unless the sun was healed. Reunification: Part 6
Breakaway returned as part of Nexus Prime's components to stop Ultra Magnus from misusing the Terminus Blade. Restoration Nexus Prime brought together the Terminus Blade and the united Star Saber, using them rewrite the rules of the multiverse. Out of the One, Many
After the Shrouding, Breakaway was reincarnated as a natural resident of the negative polarity universe named Quakebreak, along with his teammates Heatwave, Spinaway, Landfall, and Skytop. Working as menial laborers, Quakebreak and the team seemed to have no first hand knowledge of their previous incarnation, although Aquarius apparently maintained the awareness to tell them the legend of the Prime of Combination they once were. Quakebreak and his comrades desperately wanted some quest to prove they were as worthy as the original Nexus Prime, and eventually stole the shuttle Buoyancy to make their own way in the universe. Coalescence
- Breakaway (Basic, 2007)
- Accessories: 2 "energon" blasters, brace, Autobot energon chip
- Known designers: Dan Khanna (concept artist)
- Breakaway is a redeco of Energon Energon Class Treadshot/Windrazor, transforming into a fighter jet kinda sorta like an F-22 Raptor. He comes with two double-barreled guns and a connector piece, which can form hand-held weapons as well as become a footplate or "hand" for his combined mode, plus an Autobot-style energon star. He can also form a leg or arm to any Energon-series "Powerlinx Combiner" super robot, but he is specifically intended to combine with Landquake, Skyfall, Topspin, and Heatwave to form Nexus Maximus.
- He was the 2007 "early bird freebie" toy exclusive to the Transformers Collectors' Club, sent to members who signed up before the deadline (and also at BotCon 2007, apparently). Like his fellow freebies, he is also available for sale on the Club store for those who didn't make the deadline, or future members.
- This mold was also used to make Universe Air Raid and Airazor along with Revenge of the Fallen Air Raid and Airazor.
- Breakaway's name was taken from the 2004 Kelly Clarkson song of the same name.
- The names of the reincarnated members of Nexus Prime (sans Heatwave) are the combinations of the names of two of the original members. In Quakebreak's case, his name is a combination of Landquake and Breakaway.
- The name "Quakebreak" was an unused alternative in the Fan-Built Bot poll that produced Victorion for Combiner Wars.