Butch Witwicky (SG) - Transformers Wiki
This article is about the scam artist from Shattered Glass. For the forgotten heroic Witwicky son from Generation 1, see Butch Witwicky (G1).
- Butch Witwicky is a human from the Shattered Glass continuity family.
You can't see me!
This character has no official visual representation in any Transformers product or media... yet, at least.
Butch Witwicky, like his brothers, was raised as a thief. He sees himself as the brains; Spike and Buster are just dumb muscle. It'll be a few months until he's old enough to drive, but that won't stop him from stealing cars.
He's got an eye on a black hot rod that totally isn't an alien robot in disguise.
Fun Publications Shattered Glass continuity
To Butch's irritation, his two annoying brothers followed along with him when he went to steal a car. When he finally spotted a tricked out hot rod, Spike and Buster thought he was an idiot for picking such a traceable car. Butch, however, was in love and figured he'd put on a new spoiler and paint it red. When he went to steal it, the trio discovered it was the recently arrived Autobot Rodimus Prime who quickly announced that he was their leader now. Rodimus took the three brothers to Arizona Bay and introduced them to Goldbug, Big Daddy, Brawn, and Beachcomber. In the Ark, they were impressed by the amount of money the Autobots had found in the ruined cities on the ocean bed, and began to try to educate their new friends on the ways of planet Earth.
Butch and his brothers helped the Autobots infiltrate and take over Burpleson Air Force Base using a Trojan horse gambit to get themselves inside. After escaping their guard, they found their brother Bruce, who was working at the base as a sergeant, and he helped them overcome more of the base's personnel. When the Decepticons attacked the base and set the Global Orbiting Defense Satellite it controlled to destroy it, the four brothers heard the evacuation alarm and made their escape before the area was blasted by the G.O.D.S. Eye in the Sky
Some time later, Butch decided to take some revenge out on his old school, Franklin Burns High School. He took Tailgate along to terrorize his former classmates, especially that Lisa Presser who turned him down for the prom. Unfortunately it was all ruined when Sephie Beller, one of the Decepticons' friends, turned up and blasted Tailgate somehow. Butch ended up face down in the dirt. He narrowly avoided being zapped by her himself, and when she overloaded her tech, Butch saw the opportunity for him and Tailgate to make their escape. Transhuman