Changeling - Transformers Wiki


The only good bug is a dead bug.

Changelings are insectoid creatures who hail from the land of Equestria; true to their name, they possess the power to magically mimic other beings. While some changelings follow the malicious Queen Chrysalis, others have renounced their evil ways and subsequently metamorphosed into a more beautiful form.


My Little Pony/Transformers

Queen Chrysalis and her followers once cast a spell attempting to summon changelings from other worlds to Equestria. The spell didn't work quite the way she intended it, and instead accidentally summoned the Autobots and Decepticons to Equestria. Transformation Is Magic After joining forces with Megatron's forces, Queen Chrysalis and her changelings joined Megatron's siege of the Crystal Empire, but ultimately retreated when Grimlock and Spike arrived. Finale

A reformed changeling named Ocellus was one of the many Equestrian natives who was inadvertently transported to the planet Cybertron during King Sombra's invasion of the Transformer homeworld. Sick Beats


Transformers Roleplaying Game

Cybertron possessed a number of convergently evolved robotic lifeforms that resembled Equestrian changelings, with the additional power to assume an alternate mode. [1]

External links

  • Changelings at the My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Wiki
