This article is about the 2010s Aligned combining toyline. For the 2010s Generation 1 combining toyline, see Combiner Wars (toyline).
Combiner Force is a subline imprint used for the third year of the Transformers: Robots in Disguise toyline. In addition to reissues of several core figures, a diverse array of new figures were introduced, including several Generation 1 homages. Also, as the name implies, the combining gimmick picked up the mantle from Generations's Combiner Wars, introducing three new Team Combiner gestalts, and several two-figure Crash Combiner sets that harken back to Transformers: Energon.
Legion Class
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
Wave 4

Wave 1 Springload
Warrior Class
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
Wave 4

Wave 3 Twinferno
Activator Combiners
- Deluxe-ish-level toys with extra "assault vehicle" modes (akin to the "Stealth Force" of the past) that are activated by plugging in their packed-in Mini-Con partner.
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3

Wave 3 Laserbeak and Soundwave
One-Step Changers
- Sub-Deluxe-scale figures with (mostly) single-step transformations, as advertised.
Wave 1
Wave 2 (incl. Wave 1 reissues)
Wave 3
Wave 4

Wave 2 Blurr
Three-Step Changers
- Three-Step Changers, now known as "Hyper Flip Heroes" has new or re-tooled molds and slightly more action-y transformations. In the case of Prime and Bumblebee, they transform into their "Activator" Vehicle modes.
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3

Wave 2 Thunderhoof
Crash Combiners
- Scout-sized individuals with simple transformations to robot mode. Crash them together in vehicle mode to form a super robot!
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
Wave 4

Wave 3 Shocknado
Team Combiners
- Scout-class figures with simple transformations. The full groups of 4 or 5 can combine into larger robots.
Wave 1
Wave 2

Wave 1 Menasor