Combiner Slayer - Transformers Wiki


She stole Pyramid Head's knife AND painted it pink?? Boy, he's going to be pissed.

Arcee wields the mighty Combiner Slayer, which delivers a circuit-scrambling poison to her gestalt opponents via its toximech sawteeth.


Combiner Wars

  • Combiner Hunters (gift set, 2015)
The Combiner Hunters redeco (and slight retool) of Arcee mostly stands out for its new accessory: a gigantic Combiner Slayer sword that is both taller and wider than Arcee herself. The tooling for this weapon was originally used by the Beast Hunters Ultimate Class Optimus Prime figure. Arcee herself has her hands retooled in order to allow her to wield said sword, but as a consequence can only wield her other accessories in an awkward manner.
This version of Arcee was only available in a gift set together with Combiner Hunters redecos of Generations Windblade and Chromia, each with their own new giant melee weapons. In the U.S., this set was exclusive to the Hasbro Toy Shop website and the Hasbro Toy Shop booth at San Diego Comic-Con 2015. In Asia, it was also available at Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong 2015 and subsequently stocked by Toys"R"Us Hong Kong. Later, it was also available at The Falcon's Hangar booth at the Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention 2015.
This mold was also used to make the Matrix Breaker included with Unite Warriors Grand Scourge.