Cupcake Hoarders - Transformers Wiki
Cupcake Hoarders is a television show Blades likes to watch. It involves humans hoarding small cakes in paper cups.
Rescue Bots cartoon
Arriving back at the fire station, Blades switched on Cupcake Hoarders, only to have his viewing interrupted by what sounded like Heatwave's voice coming from the tunnels. When the rest of the Rescue Bots arrived back, they found the TV on and Blades missing. Griping about the show being on again, Heatwave switched it off. Double Villainy
Mayor Luskey was also prone to relaxing in front of the show. All Spark Day
There was a "Celebrity Edition" version of the show which featured Maven Danger as a guest. To Infinity... And Back
- This is likely a reference to the A&E documentary series Hoarders, as well as the Food Network competition Cupcake Wars.