Destron (PCC) - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Destron" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Destron (disambiguation).

The Destrons are a series of Decepticon drones from the Power Core Combiners portion of the movie continuity family.


And just as Japan starts to phase out the name in favor of Decepticons, it shows up in America!

The Destrons are a series of Super Mode Drones for Crankcase. They allow him to bully those around him to vent his own frustrations, if even for a short period of time before the depression sinks back in.

The Destrons include:

  • Assault Vehicle Drone
  • Attack Helicopter Drone
  • Missile Carrier Drone
  • Spy Plane Drone


Power Core Combiners

  • Crankcase with Destrons (Power Core Combiners 5-pack, 2010)
Part of the third wave of Power Core Combiners 5-pack figures, the Destrons are a set of four military vehicle drones. Each one has a square socket for a Power Core Combiner connection; when attached via the blue plugs on a Commander figure, the vehicles automatically transform into a super-robot limb, and snap back to vehicle mode when disconnected. Despite the universal connector, each drone can only form one limb type (but can be swapped from left to right):
  • Missile Carrier Drone — Arm (Crankcase's right)
  • Spy Plane Drone — Arm (Crankcase's left)
  • Attack Helicopter Drone — Leg (Crankcase's right)
  • Assault Vehicle Drone — Leg (Crankcase's left)
The Missile Carrier and Assault Vehicle drones are redecoes of two of the Combaticons. The Attack Helicopter and Spy Plane drones are redecoes of two of the Aerialbots. (The other two Aerialbots and two Combaticons were redecoed to create Stakeout's Protectobot drones.) This particular set of drones was later redecoed again to create Assaultmaster's drones.
  • Power Core Combiners Special Value Offer (Value Pack, 2011)
Crankcase and the Destrons were also released as part of a Walmart-exclusive Black Friday value pack, combining a 5-pack team with a Commander 2-pack via packaging tape and a couple of stickers, and costing all of ten dollars. Wow.
Crankcase has been found packed with the Salvage/Bomb-Burst, Skyhammer/Airlift, Sledge/Throttler, and Undertow/Waterlog 2-packs.


  • The Destrons were obviously named after the traditional Japanese name for the Decepticons.