Dirge (G1) - Transformers Wiki

  • ️Sun Sep 15 2019

The name or term "Dirge" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Dirge (disambiguation).

Dirge is a Decepticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.


"Death comes to he who— wait, no, death comes to ME. I've been saying that wrong this whole time."

Dirge is a master of using fear as a weapon. Mournful, morose, and silent, his behavior gives even close comrades like Ramjet the creeps. Dirge actively cultivates this atmosphere; his engines are even tuned to generate fear in all who hear them. Few realize, however, that this need to instill fear is part of an overwhelming need for control over his own situation. Should things spiral out of control, Dirge falls victim to paralyzing fear himself and his usefulness as a warrior vanishes.

However, those who know Dirge realize that his gloominess and cowardice are indicators that he was never cut out for conquest. Deep down, all he wants is his old, quiet life back, and doesn't want any trouble for it. But he knows that's probably not an option for him, regardless of whoever wins.

Besides, he has every reason to be gloomy. True to his name, he tends to die. A lot.



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Bud Davis (English), Keiichi Nanba (Japanese), Kenyū Horiuchi (Japanese, "Dinobot Island, Part 2"), Masashi Ebara (Japanese, "Triple Takeover"), Yū Shimaka (Japanese, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1"), Wang Xiaobing (Chinese), Roberto Alexander (American Spanish), Gerd Wiedenhofen (German), Holger Schwiers (German, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2"), Thomas Rau (German, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5"), Ulf-Jürgen Wagner (German, Generation 2 "The Golden Lagoon", "Auto-Berserk"), Tonio von der Meden (German, Generation 2 "Triple Takeover", "Ghost in the Machine"), Georges Atlas (European French), François Leccia (European French, "Auto Berserk"), Henry Djanik (European French, "Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1"), Francis Lax (European French, "The Golden Lagoon"), Albert Augier (European French, "The Gambler"), Serge Lhorca (European French, "Sea Change"), Marcos Miranda (Portuguese), Orlando Drummond (Portuguese, "Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1", "The Gambler", "Triple Takeover"), Hélio Ribeiro (Portuguese, "The Golden Lagoon"), Ronaldo Magalhães (Portuguese, "The Girl Who Loved Powerglide", "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5"), Nilton Valério (Portuguese, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1")


This one's just a warning. From now on, you won't get off so easily.

Dirge appeared without explanation on Earth under Megatron's command a year or two after the Ark-borne Transformers awoke. His first notable activity was joining in a raid on Dinobot Island, where he was eventually chewed on and thrown bodily by a time-lost Tyrannosaurus rex. Dinobot Island, Part 2

Dirge served as part of Megatron's personal guard when the Decepticons confronted the Constructicons about their dubious loyalties. The Master Builders He was also briefly involved in an aborted air strike to seize the Negavator, and was present for the next raid on the Negavator's holding pen. Once Red Alert rigged the Negavator to explode, however, Dirge led his fellow Seekers in retreat, against Megatron's direct orders. Guess he didn't feel like dying that day. Auto Berserk

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When a new solar energy facility opened up in Central City, Starscream led Dirge, Ramjet and Thrust to steal its power. The facility proved to be a trap, however, set by Shawn Berger to elevate himself in the public eye by taking down the Decepticons with his private militia. Berger's operatives failed, but the Autobots soon arrived to engage the Decepticons as well. Tracks took to the air and zapped Dirge with his blackout beam. Luckily for Dirge, Ramjet managed to pull off a loopity-loop and ram the flying Autobot into the ground. Megatron then "requested" the pleasure of Shawn Berger's presence, not to punish him, but to play a subtler game. He attempted to convince the industrialist that the Decepticons were good, and the Autobots evil. He had Dirge escort Berger home so that the human could think about his proposal of alliance against the "Evil Autobots". Dirge was also one of the key players in Megatron's staged videos to tarnish the Autobots' reputation. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1 Later, after the Autobots were successfully vilified in the public eye and exiled to deep space, the Seekers turned on the people of Central City, opening fire in the middle of the streets. Although Dirge and the Seekers fared well against an attack by the Air Force, the eventual return of the Autobots proved to be more than the Decepticons could handle. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 2

Dirge next participated in Megatron's scheme to block all radio transmissions on Earth with the Voltronic Galaxer. He joined Ramjet in attacking several Autobots as they attempted to save motorists trapped on a frozen highway. They were defeated. Blaster Blues


Even when he's invulnerable, Dirge loses.

When the Decepticons uncovered a pool of electrum, a strange element that rendered them totally invincible to harm, they thoroughly enjoyed taunting the Autobots with their superiority. Dirge, unfortunately, drew the short straw and was left to guard the pool with Long Haul, right up until the Constructicon abandoned him to go fight the battle as well. Dirge was in the middle of...*ahem*exhorting Long Haul's virtues when Beachcomber and Seaspray jumped him from behind, giving the Autobots a chance to use the electrum pool as well. The supply was quickly exhausted with both armies using it, however, reducing the war back to stage one. The Golden Lagoon Dirge was also part of Megatron's team working with the Insecticons, producing energon cubes from the insects' feasting. They were eventually defeated by the Autobots and a grove of robotic space plants called Morphobots. Quest for Survival


"Can't you die on someone else?"

Later on, Dirge, Ramjet and Astrotrain came to Monacus to look after Megatron's interests in Sheol, and his less than reputable partner, Lord Gyconi. They were putting the squeeze on Gyconi when a program caught Dirge's optic, inviting one-and-all to see the Autobots in pit battle against Gyconi's animaliens. They decided to take in a show while on Monacus, but quickly realized what was going on when Smokescreen flooded the arena with smoke to stop the games and save his friends. Dirge and Ramjet set off after the Autobot in jet mode, and very nearly destroyed him before the bounty hunting Autobot named Devcon stepped in to blast them out of the air. There's nothing a Decepticon fears more than a fair fight, and the two Seekers skedaddled as soon as they were able to get back in the sky. They retreated back to Astrotrain with their share of Gyconi's energon, and eventually fled the planet, with Devcon chasing their smoke trail. The Gambler

On another occasion, Dirge accompanied Megatron to help their ally Deceptitran against the Tlalakan rebels. After the Decepticons captured Bumblebee (who was aiding the rebels), Dirge was eager to try out his mind probe on the little Autobot, but was interrupted by a rebel attack before he could really get into it. Sea Change


He even dies in jet mode!

When the Triple Changers temporarily disposed of Megatron and Starscream, Decepticon leadership became a free-for-all. Instead of choosing sides like the Constructicons, Ramjet and the Seekers were mostly content just to watch the hilarity ensue, like Blitzwing's football antics and Astrotrain's army of idiot trains. He even actually avoided death for a change and was seen successfully escaping from a train tunnel flooded by Astrotrain's Astroforce. That must have made his day.Triple Takeover


"Weird! It's like it lost all will to live and just tried to crash into the ground."

Megatron said Dirge and the other two Coneheads were "supposed to be the most powerful jets in the galaxy." The Girl Who Loved Powerglide But if Megatron was serious, then they certainly didn't do much to live up to that reputation. They were loyal enough troopers, participating in all the usual Decepticon mischief, but not much more than that. Dirge was once ordered to transport an unknown invention stolen from Wheeljack's lab on Cybertron to their home base, and ended up crashing in a swamp and temporarily deactivating due to its weight, prompting the other coneheads to save him. Hoist Goes Hollywood In fact, the general incompetence of Dirge and the Seekers in the air was one of the reasons Megatron chose to try fighting the Autobots on the roads with the Stunticons. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1


Turns out Unicron didn't have a secret weak spot in his mouth. Thanks for trying, though!

Dirge and Ramjet were briefly seen using Megatron's Lightning Bug in defense of the Decepticons' undersea base. Cosmic Rust The two were later captured by Starscream and the renegade Combaticons, and pilfered for their energy absorbers. Starscream's Brigade Still, Dirge was repaired rather quickly, and was seen helping Megatron and the Insecticons in another joint scheme soon thereafter. He and Ramjet were commissioned to find the Insecticons when Shrapnel stole a vital part of the space bridge machinery. The Revenge of Bruticus During a Decepticon mission in the Middle East, Dirge inexplicably showed up with the Combaticons just long enough to get shot down by the Autobots. Aerial Assault

Dirge's first apparent death was during Unicron's attack on Cybertron in 2005. All three coneheads (or Seekers who looked like them) were seen flying into Unicron's mouth and exploding. The Transformers: The Movie

Dirge’s involvement in these events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the comic mini-series "Transformers: The Animated Movie."

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However, Dirge soon turned up again in Carbombya, hiding with Ramjet amongst President Fakkadi's air force. Fakkadi denied their presence to the Autobots, but Outback psyched the two Decepticons out by walking around the airfield with what he claimed was a "Decepticon detector." When the coneheads tried to escape, Outback used a smoke grenade to make them crash, then tore the location of Chaar out of them with his steely gaze. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1


Maybe he shouldn't take his nitroglycerin collection everywhere with him.

The two hapless Decepticons somehow escaped Autobot captivity, though. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3 They later participated in a full-scale assault on Cybertron and chose to strafe Ultra Magnus—who dispatched them both with well-timed punches that sent them careening into buildings. They exploded quite spectacularly (even Ramjet, who you'd think would be used to it). Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5

Later, after some much needed repairs, Dirge and Thrust accompanied Galvatron's lieutenants in pursuing Rodimus Prime and the Autobots through space. Once they reached the Autobot funeral barge, however, the Seekers did not enter the vessel after the Autobots. A very wise decision, as it turned out. Dark Awakening Sometime afterwards, Dirge came to Carbombya with Galvatron in search of Octane and Trypticon. The Decepticons briefly seized control of the country and its oil supplies, but were driven off by the Autobots. Thief in the Night


Uncharacteristically AVOIDING death somehow.

And yet they later appeared again on Chaar, failing to defend Trypticon against the ghost of Starscream. In fact, Galvatron tried to execute the coneheads and the Battlechargers for their inability to stop the wraith. But they were saved when Starscream possessed Trypticon himself and launched into space, Dirge and the others on board. When they saw that Starscream was using Trypticon to connect Unicron's head to Cybertron, they sabotaged the dinosaur from within. Ghost in the Machine

Japanese cartoon continuity

Following Trypticon's first defeat at the hands of Metroplex, Dirge and Thrust recovered Full-Tilt from the wreckage. LG-43 Trypticon Project Chapter While participating in an attack on the Ark to steal the Transform Super Cog, he was taken aback by Triggerhappy's strategy of firing randomly in all directions. Slugslinger's Ambition

The Battle of the Star Gate

Dirge was amongst the Decepticons who attacked the Trigger as it neared completion. They took it over easily, thanks in part to the human collaborator, Trov. One human, Makoto, had been overlooked by the Decepticons however, and managed to pin down Dirge and the rest of the group under Megatron's command in the Trigger's rail room with a powerful electromagnetic field. Dirge was almost sent hurdling to the farthest side of the galaxy by the Trigger, but a blast from Megatron's fusion cannon disabled the portal. Then the Autobots showed up, and the two factions began their battle aboard the space station. The Decepticons lost the fight and fled. First Contact

Dirge was amongst the Decepticons Megatron brought to the Trigger to confront two Starscreams, one from the present, one from the future, who were in the middle of conspiring against the Decepticon leader. When Starscream combined himself with the Trigger to create a powerful new body for himself, Dirge had to contend with the volley of asteroids thrown towards both Autobots and Decepticons from Starscream's star gate. He was then almost sucked into a portal to a black hole when Starscream neared defeat, but was instead sent plummeting down to Earth when Optimus and Megatron worked together to defeat Starscream. The Battle of the Star Gate

The Headmasters cartoon
Voice actor: Ken Yamaguchi (Japanese), Roberto Alexander (Latin American)

Dirge was among the Decepticons gathered by Galvatron for the invasion of Cybertron. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky

Dirge and Thrust stood guard outside the Decepticon headquarters on Earth when Twincast was ordered to infiltrate it. The two Seekers got into a firefight with the Autobot and his Mini-Cassettes and were too distracted to notice Rewind sneaking past them and into the base. Explosion on Mars!! MegaZarak Appears

Generations Selects Special Comic

In 2050, Dirge was one of the Decepticons supporting the Selector revolt at Neo Scramble City. Volcanicus comic 1

Madman The Transformers comic

In the year 2001, the Decepticons had managed to conquer Cybertron completely. Dirge was one of the many 'cons who attacked the Autobots as they were evacuating the planet. The Transformers

Ask Vector Prime

In an unstable amalgam universe, Dirge was one of the many Decepticons who assaulted Guardian City in the year 2005. He killed Dive-Dive in the battle, but was himself shot down by Leader-1 when the Guardian leader arrived. Echoes and Fragments


In an alternate universe where Megatron died at Autobot City, Dirge was one of the many Decepticons who were forced to retreat aboard Astrotrain. Back on Cybertron, Dirge was present to witness Starscream's coronation. The ceremony was interrupted by Unicron, who chose to reformat Starscream into his new servant "Megascream." As part of Starscream's bargain, Dirge was one of the warriors who received enhancements.

During Unicron's final attack on Cybertron, Dirge accompanied Megascream when the Decepticon leader attacked Optimus, and merged with Megascream to form a massive combiner. Dirge was presumably killed when Hot Rod opened the Matrix shortly afterwards. Deviations

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.


You know, a guy who dies a lot probably shouldn't be hanging out with a guy who's got a bad habit of killing his own troops.

Dirge was on Cybertron serving under Straxus when contact was first made with the long-lost Earthbound Decepticons. Along with the Insecticons and the other coneheads, he pursued another sextet of Autobots who had just carried out some sort of raid on the smelting pool, only to be forced to retreat by a torrent of liquid metal that had just been siphoned off of it. The Smelting Pool!

He was one of the Decepticons' greatest killers, with Macabre desperately wanting acknowledgement from him. After Shrapnel received some information about a major meeting of the Autobot resistance chiefs at the Imperial Amphitheatre, Dirge led his fellow elite killers to the meeting, hoping to capture the infamous Emirate Xaaron and siphon some information from his old cranial cavity. Mere yards from their goal, however, the Decepticons were halted by a communique via communicube from Megatron, demanding they return to Polyhex at once and ready the Insecticons for an Earth-bound mission. Pissed about missing their chance, but not foolish enough to disobey Megatron, Dirge turned the troops around, little realizing how close they came to being ambushed by the Wreckers. Target: 2006


Dirge miscolors his wings, hoping death won't recognize him.

Dirge, his fellow "coneheads", and the Insecticons dutifully travelled to Earth via the space bridge. Megatron had instructed that Seekers be altered to resemble "Terran craft". Their mission was to defend a giant drill that would bore through Hoover Dam and siphon the Colorado River through the space bridge to the waterless Cybertron, where Decepticon turbines would generate "enough energy to power Cybertron for years". But just as the drill began its work, the Aerialbots intervened. Dirge found his fear-inducing ability was particularly effective against the acrophobic Silverbolt, but the other Decepticons fared poorly enough that a retreat was eventually called. Aerialbots over America!


"Gimme your force field projector! I need it more than you do!"

Dirge and Kickback accompanied Soundwave when he took control of a NASA space transmission facility to send a message to Cybertron. Prowl, Jetfire and Trailbreaker attempted to stop them but were outmaneuvered by the Decepticons when Kickback shrank to insect size and avoided Jetfire's clumsy attack, giving Dirge the opportunity to beat the snot out of Trailbreaker, pick up Soundwave and escape. The Gift

Optimus Prime later reviewed footage of the Coneheads' attack on Hoover Dam as he contemplated how well the Autobots would cope without him. Prey!

Having usurped Megatron as Decepticon leader, Shockwave detected the sounds of conflict near the Wyoming base and believing it to be Megatron, he mustered his troops, including Dirge, to meet this threat to his command. However, when they discovered a group of Autobots and Dinobots fighting Galvatron instead, Shockwave ordered Dirge and the others to attack the time traveler and, unwilling to kill his fellow Decepticons, Galvatron retreated. Fallen Angel


He couldn't even kill Duke, but he wasted you?

Megatron sent Bombshell and Dirge to try and take Power Station Alpha for the Decepticons. Blood on the Tracks When the Decepticons later allied with Cobra, Dirge was assigned to be an emissary among the humans. Power Struggle This would be unfortunate for the luckless Seeker. When Serpentor realized the Decepticons were going to destroy the Earth, he needed a token of conciliation to show the Autobots. So in the middle of a battle against Omega Supreme, Serpentor goaded Dirge into attacking the giant with everything he had. Serpentor then pressed a button in the cockpit of his own jet, "jamming" Dirge's "frequencies", which caused the Seeker's weapons to lock up and explode when he tried to fire. The explosion tore Dirge apart, and he wouldn't be seen again for years. Ashes, Ashes...

The G.I. Joe and the Transformers series is the only US story that was ignored in the UK comic. Consequently, Dirge is not dead in the UK continuity.

Dirge was one of the Decepticons who took part in the operation to recover Megatron from the River Thames. Salvage!

Transformers Annual 1985

Due to being published early in the franchise, these stories are out of continuity with the above.

Shortly after the Decepticons' arrival on Earth, Megatron built a replica of his Cybertronian fortress in South America. There, he planned to mine for rare crystals, as yet unknown to humans, that he could use to create new Decepticons. When this operation was discovered by the Autobots, Dirge used his fear-inducing powers to defend the fortress. But he hadn't counted on Prowl keeping his nerve and shooting down the Decepticon jet with his acid pellet rifle. The Decepticons were forced to flee, the mining operation a bust. Hunted!


These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.

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With Soundwave in command, Dirge joined a massive Decepticon offensive against the Autobot Earthbase. Their goal was to kill some Autobots while also distracting them as Starscream looted a human oil tanker in the Gulf of Mexico. Both goals proved fruitless, and the Decepticons were driven off. Divide and Conquer!

Marvel UK future timelines

The movie adaptation, originally published by Marvel US, is in italics

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Dirge was one of the Decepticons seriously wounded at the Battle of Autobot City and subsequently thrown out of Astrotrain to be recreated as Cyclonus, Scourge, Cyclonus's Armada and the Sweeps. The Planet-Eater!

In an alternate 2008, Dirge was serving Soundwave while on Cybertron. He went into battle alongside Astrotrain and the other flyers, after Soundwave had been fed information that the Autobots were mostly off-world, leaving their territories vulnerable. This turned out to be a Quintesson ruse, and the Decepticons were ambushed by the aliens. Dirge fought against the Quintessons' Trident assault crafts while Soundwave was forced to call upon the Autobots for help in thwarting the invasion. Space Pirates!

Marvel Generation 2 comic


Dirge reappeared among the Decepticon forces just long enough to sacrifice himself futilely against the Swarm, self-destructing alongside Nightbeat. Moments later, Megatron showed up with the rheanimum that could have saved him. A Rage in Heaven!



You only get so many do-overs, pal.

While the war seemingly ended with Bludgeon's defeat at Klo, Megatron was quietly gathering the remains of forgotten Earthbound casualties and rebuilding them. Dirge was among his resurrections, but the Seeker chose to follow the exiled Bludgeon instead. Thundercracker's Timelines bio This would prove an unfortunate choice, as Dirge soon ended up in the cerebro-shelled thrall of Bug Bite.

When Bug Bite decided to try and subvert Megatron himself, Dirge was on the team accompanying him to Earth. As Bug Bite and Megatron confronted each other, the Autobots ambushed them, freeing many of Bug Bite's troops with a cerebro-shell jammer. It's unclear whether Dirge's shell was disabled, but the point is somewhat moot; Grimlock shot him in the chest, leaving him lying on the floor with extinguished optics. Games of Deception

Dirge was eventually revived and compelled into serving Megatron again. He attacked a human city on Earth with his old wingmen, Ramjet and Thrust. At Fight's End

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As he had dodged death so many times, Dirge began to garner a reputation among the Decepticons: that death itself was afraid of him. Megatron promoted Dirge to a higher rank to that he might scare the other Decepticons into subservience. Aboard the Talon starship, the Decepticons began to reacquire territories that had previously been conquered by Bludgeon's splinter faction. During their travels, Dirge intercepted a distress call from Earth, and the Talon headed to investigate the S.O.S. after it had piqued Megatron's curiosity. En route, the Decepticons encountered the Autobot starship Graviton. The Decepticons engaged their enemies just as space-time itself ripped itself asunder nearby. Dirge's profile in Club magazine #50 The Talon was pulled into the Primax -408.24 Epsilon universe and shot down over prehistoric Earth. The Decepticons swiftly discovered that the local energon radiation was going to be a problem, and Dirge suggested they adopt organic alternate modes. Megatron rejected the idea in favor of energon-absorbing armor. Shattered Time When the Decepticons detected three stasis pods, Dirge and Seawing were sent to shoot down the Autobots' sky-sled, allowing Megatron to reach the pods first. Dirge returned to Megatron's side, and was blasted by Ultra Magnus after the three new Decepticons failed to terminate the Autobots. Shattered Expectations

The Decepticons pursued the Autobots to a chasm, where they watched Megatron take on Ultra Magnus and be defeated. They climbed to the bottom of the chasm to retrieve their fallen leader and found a giant face hewn into the rock. It cheered Megatron up immensely once they dug him out of the rubble. Shattered Paths Dirge watched Megatron play with the ancient equipment in the cavern they'd found. Shattered Hope The Predacons including Dirge accompanied Megatron as he used the giant mech he'd built to try and claim the matrix the Maximals had found. Shattered Balance They battled the Maximals once more, until they were all sucked into a dimensional rift thanks to Ultra Mammoth. Shattered Destiny

Transformers '84

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Dirge was among the troops gathered by Megatron to crew the Nemesis. Shortly before the vessel's launch, Shockwave went missing and Megatron ordered Dirge, Ramjet, and Thrust to go and find him, acting on Counterpunch's suggestion that they might find him at the Project Dreadnought control hub. They arrived to find Shockwave standing over the wrecked bodies of Skyfire and the Dynobots and when they relayed Megatron's orders to return, Shockwave acquiesced and they boarded the Nemesis together. Secrets & Lies #1

Dirge and the other Coneheads subsequently took part in the assault on the Ark as it emerged from the Stellae Cimeterium but were ordered by Megatron not to board the vessel with the rest of the Decepticons, instead remaining in flight mode to prevent any Autobots escaping. After the Ark crashed into prehistoric Earth with everyone aboard, Dirge, Ramjet, and Thrust returned to the Nemesis to confront Shockwave over his inaction regarding their comrades' fates but Shockwave incapacitated them with a derivative of the Scraplet virus before heading down to the surface of the planet himself to clear up some "loose ends". Secrets & Lies #2

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Upon awakening, Dirge, Ramjet, and Thrust travelled to Earth in pursuit of Shockwave but on arriving at the Ark they were instead confronted by five drones, constructed in the images of Grapple, Hoist, Skids, Smokescreen, and Tracks by the Ark's computer AUNTIE to defend against the impending threat of Grimlock. The Coneheads engaged the drones in battle but found them tough to outmanoeuvre, unencumbered as they were by Autobot morality. Secrets & Lies #3

They were then shocked to see Grimlock burst out of the Ark, locked in combat with Megatron, who was also being controlled by AUNTIE. Realising that the Decepticon leader was channelling pure anti-matter from a black hole through his eyes, Dirge warned Grimlock out of respect that Megatron was not in control and the three Seekers retreated back to the Nemesis. Subsequently, they reported back to Lord Straxus that they had located Megatron and the Ark, but that their ship was too badly damaged to return to Cybertron. Straxus agreed to send a rescue ship for them and offered them places in his new hierarchy if they conveniently forgot all about the location of the Ark; given that the alternative was a slow and painful death, all three readily agreed to his terms. Secrets & Lies #4

Milton Bradley mini-comic

Dirge was among the Decepticons under Megatron's command who ambushed the ark and was knocked offline when it crashed into Earth. He and the others were repaired four million years later when a volcanic eruption caused the ark's systems to spring into life. The Transformers

Sticker Adventures books

Under Galvatron's orders, Dirge attacked a water tower on Metroplex in an attempt to flood Autobot City. He was stopped by Swoop, who pelted him with missiles. Galvatron Attacks

Marvel coloring books

Dirge joined Galvatron in a mission to steal oil from Oil Valley. By pure happenstance, they arrived in the oil drilling area at the same time as Hot Rod and Daniel did. Dirge and the other Decepticons gave chase, only to encounter the Dinobots. Though Dirge managed to land a hit on Swoop, his firepower was mostly ineffective against the Dinobot warrior. The Decepticons were eventually chased off when more Autobot reinforcements arrived. Battle at Oil Valley

When the Decepticons learned that the Autobots had long ago lost a large shipment of Energon cubes at the Ark's original crash site, Galvatron ordered them to head to Mt. St. Hillary to uncover it. There, Dirge fought the Autobots over possession of it. The brawl ended when Starscream scarfed down all of the Energon, and proceeded to pick a fight with Galvatron. The Lost Treasure of Cybertron

The Special Teams

Dirge was summoned by Megatron to raid a power plant of its energy, after it had been evacuated of its human occupants due to the danger of landslides in the area. When Megatron demanded to know of Starscream's whereabouts, Dirge reminded him that he hadn't been spotted ever since venturing to Cybertron to fetch the Stunticons. The Special Teams

Big Looker storybooks

Dirge was present when Megatron threatened his troops into coming up with a battle plan for him. After the Insecticons kidnapped the architect Grapple, Dirge fought against the Autobots who arrived to save him. Insecticon Attack!

Island of Fear

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.


"You are the product of everything you fear. Violence. Darkness. Helplessness."

Dirge was on a mission to the island of Nali to tap into the Earth's core to power the Decepticons' weapons.He brought along his pet Denebian Stalker to guard his volcano lair while on this mission, and spread terror amongst the island's populace thanks to his fear-inducing engines. He (might have) encountered you, Beachcomber and Seaspray while on this mission. Dirge's fate depended on what choices you made! Island of Fear

Find Your Fate Junior

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Attack of the Insecticons

Dirge was present, yet mostly uninvolved, in a number of possible adventures revolving around the Sun-Pak, a device invented by the Autobots' human ally Sparkplug. Attack of the Insecticons


In one possible sequence of events, Dirge happened upon Beachcomber snooping around the Decepticons’ secret fortress. Easily overpowering the Autobot, Dirge disassembled him and then replayed the last few minutes of his memory tape to find out what he was up to. Discovering Beachcomber had allies snooping around the base as well, Dirge contacted Megatron, and the Decepticons were able to capture the Autobots quickly.

In another possible scenario, Dirge, Megatron, Thrust and Starscream captured Beachcomber and Buster sneaking about the Decepticons’ fortress. They then led their prisoners to Megatron's lab to gloat. Earthquake

Desert Flight


Who should kill Dirge? To have Windcharger kill Dirge, turn to page 23. To have Cosmos kill Dirge, turn to page 39.

Dirge was one of the most fearsome Decepticon warriors, feared by all Autobots.

Dirge was part of a Decepticon deployment stationed in a desert base. The Decepticons plotted to lure the Autobots in a trap through the use of an anti-gravity beam. Using the beam on a nearby human settlement, the Autobots would be duped into coming to the fleshliness’ rescue, only to be themselves trapped by the effects of the beam. Dirge lured the Autobots to the desired location by creating his signature loud explosions, courtesy of his concussion missiles.

If the Autobots fell into the Decepticons’ trap, Dirge, alongside Buzzsaw, Thrust, and Ramjet would swoop down upon their helpless prey for the kill. The Autobots destroyed, they would then turn off their gravity weapon, and force the townsfolk to drill oil to fuel the Decepticon army.

If the Autobots bypassed the anti-gravity field, Dirge was part of the squad that intercepted the Autobot convoy headed for the Decepticon base. Though Dirge was ready to take on Optimus Prime so long as he had Ramjet backing him up, as soon as Powerglide took out the later, Dirge sounded a retreat back to the Decepticon base.

In a possible iteration of the battle that ensued within the Decepticon base, Dirge attempted to cripple Optimus as the Autobot leader was sabotaging the anti-gravity gun.

In a completely different possible sequence of events, Dirge and Buzzsaw captured Cosmos when he attempted to investigate the Decepticons’ base on his own. The pair then brought their captive before Megatron.

In a completely different possible sequence of events, Thrust, Dirge, Buzzsaw and a small squadron of other Decepticons spotted a squadron of Autobots driving towards the Decepticon base. The Autobots, in a disadvantageous position as they had no weapons in their vehicle modes, were easy pickings for Dirge and the others.

In one possible ensuing scenario, the Autobots were able to create cover for themselves with their exhaust fumes, allowing them the time to transform and fight back. Dirge tipped the battle once more in the Decepticons’ favour with the use of his fear-inducing engines.

In the ensuing battle, Dirge was shot out of the sky by either Cosmos or Optimus Prime. Desert Flight

Autobot Alert!


In one possible scenario, Dirge accompanied Galvatron on a campaign to retrieve an ancient sphere of cybertite that contained the secrets to an ancient Autobot power-booster. Learning that the sphere was located within a sunken ship off the California coast, Dirge and the others headed for its location.

If they found the Autobots in the middle of retrieving it, the Decepticons destroyed both the ship and the sphere, and proceeded to rain superior Decepticon firepower upon their foes.

If the Decepticons found the coast deserted, they retrieved the ship themselves, using the might of Devastator.

If Ironhide, Brawn and Grapple attempted to snatch the ship away from the Decepticons, Dirge and his comrades destroyed the ship and the sphere contained within to keep it out of Autobot hands. The Decepticons then proceeded to pin down the Autobots in their hiding spots, leaving the heroic robots at their mercy.

If Springer, Topspin and Seaspray executed their plan to retrieve the sphere from Decepticon clutches, they successfully distracted the evil robots for long enough to whisk the cybertite sphere back to Metroplex. Autobot Alert!

Project Brain Drain

Dirge was involved in a Decepticon plot to use a Brain Drain device on the crowd goers of a rock concert to syphon their intelligence into Decepticon fuel.

In one possible scenario, Galvatron had to recall his troops from the concert at the last minute when Ultra Magnus and his troops began a timely assault on the Decepticons’ headquarters. Dirge participated in the battle that ensued, which ended in a loss for the Decepticons when Ultra Magnus triggered an avalanche, burying Galvatron and shattering the Brain Drain device.

In another possible scenario,Dirge and the rest of the Decepticons were surprised to find the Autobots hiding amidst the parked vehicles surrounding the concert just as they were about to put their plan into action. Having been tasked in setting the parking lot aflame to prevent the concert-goers from escape, Dirge and the other Decepticon jets continued with the plan, dumping down gasoline onto the Autobots.

If the Autobots moved towards the crowd to protect them once the parking lot was set ablaze, Dirge and the other Decepticon jets continued their assault, able to bypass the inferno that kept the land bound Decepticons away from their enemies. Whether the Decepticons triumphed or not that day depended on which choices the Autobots made from this point forward.

In a completely different scenario, when Dirge arrived at the concert to put Galvatron's plan into action, he was immediately shot out of the sky by a small group of Autobots, and crashed down into a flaming heap of metal. Project Brain Drain

The Invisibility Factor


In one possible scenario, Dirge was one of the Decepticons that happened upon Sarah Sanders’s ship when it landed in the desert. While Scavenger held the woman captive, Frenzy and the other Decepticons dragged the ship itself to a hidden location.

In one scenario where the Autobots rescue Sarah, Galvatron decided that only he would possess the secrets of invisibility, and sent Dirge out to kill the woman. Dirge was unsuccessful due to Hot Rod and the other Autobots’ interference.

In another possible scenario, Dirge and the other Decepticons happened upon Sarah Sanders's ship before any Autobots had come in contact with her. While Scavenger held the woman captive, Dirge and the other Decepticons dragged the ship itself to a hidden location. In whichever scenario that followed, the Autobots managed to steal the Invisibility Device from the Decepticons, either dazzling Dirge and the others with their headlights while Hot Rod took the device right out of their hands, or tricking him and most of the other Decepticons into leaving the spaceship behind while they pursued the young Autobot on a wild goose chase. The Decepticons did not succeed in catching Hot Rod no matter what scenario ensued. The Invisibility Factor

Ladybird Books continuity


One mission and he almost dies. Luckily for him, he was only in one book.

Thanks to a new surveillance system, the Decepticons were alerted to the fact that the Autobots were searching an old battleground for cybernite. Dirge was among the jets led by Starscream who went to attack the scavengers, however the Autobots drove into a narrow part of the canyon, and unable to pull up in time, Dirge damaged his wing on the canyon wall. As they were unable to follow the Autobots, Starscream's team returned to base where Galvatron ordered Dirge to get repaired and have some flying lessons. Galvatron's Air Attack

Dreamwave Generation One continuity


Dirge picked the faction that gets beat up the most, of course.

Dirge participated in Shockwave's offensive against Iacon shortly after Optronix took the Matrix and became Optimus Prime. The War Within #3 He was on the front lines when the Decepticons managed to breach the last of the Autobots' defenses and penetrated the Decagon. At this time, Optimus and Megatron beheld visions of the future, in which Dirge participated in an attack on a hydro-electric dam on Earth. The War Within #5

During the Dark Ages, he joined up with Starscream's Predacon faction and attempted to disrupt the peace treaty at Tyger Pax, only to have the combined forces of the Autobots, Decepticons, and Ultracons brought against him. The battle was interrupted, however, by the return of Megatron. The Age of Wrath

Megatron disappeared once more after briefly gaining control of Cybertron, and Dirge came to work under Shockwave. When Skystalker took over the Decepticons and posed as Shockwave to retain command over the other full-sized Transformers in the ranks, Dirge was among the troops duped by the diminutive 'bot into launching an all-out offensive, despite their resources being at an all-time low. Recipe for Hate During what was meant to be a suicide mission, the Decepticons nearly claimed victory against the Autobots... until both factions' Micromasters turned up to put an end to the conflict. After the miniature 'bots revealed that Skystalker had engineered the recent conflict to take over himself, the Decepticons retreated from the battlefield. Victims of the Revolution


Better listen, Prime... Dirge knows of that which he speaks.

After the Great Shutdown was over, Dirge became one of Shockwave's top agents and traveled to Earth to help collect the former crews of the Ark and Nemesis. New World Order Despite initial resistance, Optimus Prime surrendered his forces to Shockwave, and they were collected for detention by Dirge and the other troops. Brothers' Burden Back on Cybertron, he helped defend Shockwave's empire when the Autobots finally rose up against him. Dirge and Thrust nearly managed to obliterate Huffer during the insurrection, only for Optimus to come to the smaller Autobot's rescue. Countdown to Extinction Dirge next tried to attack Mirage, only for Cliffjumper to jump him from behind. Dirge easily swatted Cliffjumper away, but turned his back to Mirage in the process... this allowed Mirage to use his invisibility powers to sucker-punch Dirge, knocking him out of the fight. Shockwave's planetary reign was ultimately brought to an end, and Dirge was escorted out of the battlefield in energy cuffs, alongside his fellow Decepticons. Revelation

Somehow, Dirge escaped detention and joined up with Shockwave and his remaining flunkies in the Wastelands, hidden in an underground bunker while planning their next move. When Megatron arrived with his new Predacons, though, Dirge quickly assessed his priorities and agreed to serve under the old Decepticon commander for the duration. Lost and Found

Dreamwave Armada continuity

Ask Vector Prime

In one of the many Primax 1003.30 Kappa variations, Dirge encountered the Jewel of Mystery and was blasted into unspace. Unicron subsequently plucked him from the void to deal with a particularly tenacious Lukas reality, adding him to his roster of Heralds. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/19

Dreamwave Armada comic


Even in a new continuity, he can't get a break.

Along with Scourge, Bludgeon, Thunderwing, and Galvatron, Dirge traveled to the Earth of a new reality to prepare the way for Unicron. Worlds Collide, Part 1 of 4 Together, they opened up a large amount of space bridge portals in close spatial proximity to one another in order to weaken the quantum event horizon that separated this universe from the one they had traveled from. Leaving Bludgeon to guard the portals, the rest of the group then journeyed to Earth to confront the Transformers there. Worlds Collide, Part 2 of 4 While Galvatron dueled the local Megatron, Dirge, Thunderwing an Scourge scoured about the Decepticons' headquarters. Worlds Collide, Part 3 of 4 They came upon Thrust, and tortured him for information, but ultimately yielded nothing of interest out of him. They next crossed paths with Jetfire, who detonated the Decepticon Command Headquarters to escape his opponents. Dirge was killed in the explosion. Worlds Collide, Part 4 of 4

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

Dirge was based on Cybertron, serving as one of Shockwave's bodyguards. Along with Ramjet and Cyclonus, he tried to stop a group of Autobots from stealing a load of energon cubes from the Decepticons, and almost managed to shoot Jazz. Shockwave later led Dirge and the others to capture Teletran 3, but they were stopped when Ultra Magnus set up a force field around the computer. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #1 The field eventually went down, and the Decepticons attacked, capturing the Autobots. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #3

When the Dinobots attacked, several of Shockwave's forces were killed. The remainder withdrew to Shockwave's command tower, where they were destroyed when Cobra Commander detonated explosives hidden on Starscream. So one way or another, Dirge died again. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #4

The Beast Within

Dirge joined several other flying Decepticons in attacking The Beast during a particularly violent battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons. The Beast Within

3H comics

During the Quintesson invasion of Cybertron a week after the Great Transformation, Overseer Rexian and his Sharkticons came upon an untransformed portion of Cybertron with non-technorganic Cybertronians claiming to be Decepticons freed by the defeat of Megatron. The Decepticons loudly argued over who was the big-shot Thundercracker, and decided that whoever could take down the most Sharkticons could be Thundercracker, the loser getting to be Dirge. Wreckers: Finale Part II

Lil Formers

When he was called useless and ineffective, the only response Dirge could muster up is asking if anyone had seen his chapstick. Lil Formers

Universe cartoon

Dirge was one of the many Cybertronians caught up in a civil war that emerged due to greed, corruption, and malice emerging in their planet's halls of power. He was one of the first Decepticons to travel to Earth, and looked on as the Autobots took on alternate forms to disguise themselves amongst its populace. Action Blast 1

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: All Hail Megatron #7


Both he and Thundercracker are a lot nicer after the war's over.

Dirge and several other Decepticons ambushed Orion Pax's team of Autobots near the borders of Kaon, stopping them from apprehending Soundwave. The Hunt for Soundwave He was then present at the Jump Joint during Orion's little chat with Megatron. Cause and Effect Megatron led him and several other Decepticons to Nyon, where they prevented Zeta Prime from killing Orion Pax. Choices Dirge was soon one of the Seekers providing air support in a joint Autobot-Decepticon attack on Zeta Prime's forces. Overthrown Following their victory, the Decepticons betrayed and captured the Autobots, and Dirge was assigned to guard one of the cells together with Thundercracker. He was blasted by Hot Rod when he showed up to free the captive Autobots. Rise

Dirge was present when Scorponok took control of the Decepticons, and got annoyed that Swindle and Frenzy were chattering away during his inaugural speech. Wreckage He participated in Scorponok's attack on the Toraxxis mega-refinery where he was injured by Slag. Faces of Darkness Alongside some other fliers he also attacked Starsreach Spaceport and helped shoot down civilian vessels participating in the Exodus. Massacre


Starscream knows a good bullet sponge when he sees it.

Four million years later, after the War had rendered Cybertron uninhabitable, Dirge was part of Starscream's unit. In the 19th century, the group had conquered the Huni System before the group was approached by the Dire Wraith Vekktral, who proposed an alliance. Initially disinterested, Vekktral managed to convince Starscream by showing him Stardrive prompting Dirge to pull his leader aside and voice his concerns. Unsurprisingly, Starscream didn't care much for what Dirge said and agreed to the alliance. Shining Armor #2 After the Wraiths had sown chaos among the ranks of the Solstar Order, Dirge was part of the squad that broke into Orchid Crossing. Shining Armor #1 When the Autobots arrived, Ultra Magnus singled out Dirge and began beating him for information until Sky Blast was partially assimilated by a Dire Wraith. With the hybrid proving unstoppable, Dirge and Ramjet decided to hightail it before Ultra Magnus suddenly condemned the station to a fiery demise. The Decepticons regrouped in the skies of Xetaxxis where Vekktral observed that the Wraith/Cybertronian had survived reentry. Shining Armor #2 On the surface, Dirge joined in the Seeker attack on the ruins of Orchid Crossing, Shining Armor #3 before Livia and Rom overpowered him and knocked him into stasis, sending him tumbling into Starscream. After Starscream used his unconscious body as a shield, Dirge rebooted and rode Starscream's jet mode to make a getaway. Hovering in the skies, he, Ramjet and Starscream watched Stardrive suffer a mental breakdown before Bumblebee fixed it. As they discussed their next move, Dirge spotted a Vekktral possessed Ultra Magnus flanked by an army of Wraiths. When the Decepticons landed however, the Wraiths turned on their allies. Shining Armor #4


Operation: Cannot Possibly Fail

Roughly a century afterwards, Dirge and Deluge escorted defeated Autobots to exile on Cybertron via a space bridge. But when Optimus Prime sabotaged the bridge on his way through, the two Decepticons found themselves trapped on Cybertron with their "prisoners". All Hail Megatron #7 Dirge and Deluge were kicked around and left to fend for themselves on the hostile planet. The Seeker watched as the Insecticon swarm tore apart Deluge.


Me? Not dying for once? Lies.

After the rebirth of Cybertron, a Decepticon crowd gathered after the death of Senator Ratbat. Dirge refused to believe Starscream and the Autobots' claims that Ratbat committed suicide, and angrily stormed off. The Aerialbot Barrel Roll followed him, and offered his friendship. Before Dirge could answer, a mysterious explosion engulfed Barrel Roll. Dirge's life was spared, but his injuries had him brought into Fixit's care.

As a witness to the explosion, Dirge was interrogated by Wheeljack. Silverbolt, blaming Dirge for the death of Barrel Roll, took a shot at Dirge, missing thanks to Wheeljack's intervention. Dirge became infuriated at this example of "Autobot mercy", believing that the explosion and other events were caused by the Autobots themselves to gain justification to execute the Decepticons. Stick Together

Dirge then worked in the reclamation tunnels alongside other Decepticons. There, he found the dead body of Skydive and caught a glimpse of Bombshell, who affixed a cerebro-shell on Dirge to keep him quiet. He was soon found by Autobot authorities, and Prowl deduced the culprit from the cerebro-shell's presence. Using a device from Wheeljack, Prowl used the shell on Dirge to track down Bombshell and eventually killed the Insecticon, breaking his hold on Dirge. Arcee was sent to chase the fleeing Seeker, but let him go after he made a plea for his life. Devisive


I'm not dead yet!

After having witnessed Prowl killing both Bombshell and the Constructicons in cold blood, Dirge feared that he was next and went into hiding. He told his story to Swindle and Needlenose, who protected him and shared his information with new arrival Sky-Byte as well. However, their hiding place was discovered by the Autobots and Dirge and Swindle escaped, leaving Needlenose and Sky-Byte behind. A Better Tomorrow Swindle then had him tell Shockwave about Prowl's crimes. Dinobot Hunt When this was followed by a bombing that crippled Omega Supreme, Dirge worried that it was part of some plan Shockwave had cooked up after hearing his story, making him indirectly responsible. In order to avoid getting involved with any further plots, he and Swindle approached Starscream, giving him the dirt on Prowl in exchange for being safely hidden away from both Prowl and Shockwave. The End of the Beginning of the World


Flirting with fate here, Dirge...

Dirge's attempts at staying out of the spotlight were futile, and he was plucked out of his safehouse by Arcee who took him to Maccadam's Old Oil House and asked him testify against Prowl to Autobot leader Bumblebee. He accepted, claiming he didn't become a Decepticon just to let Autobots get away with murder. The Verge Brought to Autobot High Command, Dirge convinced Bumblebee that they had to investigate Prowl's actions and subsequently followed the Autobots to the Black Room, where they found that Prowl had been under the control of Bombshell all along. Before the Dawn As the Decepticon army, led by a returning Megatron, began conquering Iacon, Dirge turned his back on them and joined forces with Metalhawk who was looking to save Starscream from Megatron's clutches. Plan for Everything They were aided by Bumblebee's Autobots, but Dirge was quick to point out that they were only out to kill Megatron rather than rescue a fellow Cybertronian. When they reached Megatron, he was blasted by his former leader while trying to stop him from forming Devastator. Heavy Is the Head

Dirge survived the attack and remained in Iacon to receive medical attention while the rest of the Autobots and Decepticons were exiled by Starscream. Second Exodus As he lay damaged, he was approached by Starscream, who offered his fellow Seeker a place at his side now that he was the ruler of Cybertron. Dirge had no interest in helping him, however, as Starscream had left him to die during the battle, and chose to sock him in the face instead. Starscream threatened to kill him, but Dirge pointed out that would be difficult now that he was in charge and all eyes were on him. Three Monologues Six months later, Dirge attended Wheeljack's welcome-back party at Maccadam's. The World of Tomorrow


Well, it had to happen eventually.

Dirge was interviewed for his opinion on Earth joining the Council of Worlds. While able to rationalize the humans killing Ramjet and Thrust after the Decepticon invasion, he was horrified by the humans using their corpses to make the Seeker clones and haunted by the prospect of humans on Cybertron. Primeless, Part 1

Following the Iron Ring's invasion, Dirge hit the bars where he was approached by Thundercracker who was doing research for his movie about Starscream. Dirge had few kind remarks to say about his former commander, having largely lost his faith in the Decepticon higher-ups when he and Deluge had been stranded on Cybertron and having to watch his friend be devoured by the Insecticon swarm. Starscream: The Movie

Refitting himself into an old wartime chassis, Dirge was one of the Cybertronians who attempted to defend Caminus from Unicron. He saved Lightbright and Sparkstalker from Unicron's Maximal supporters, managing to shoot at one, only to be cut in half and killed by another himself. Last Stand When Skywarp disdainfully listed Dirge among the Seekers not under his command, Starscream brought up his demise. In response, Skywarp lamented that he had actually kinda liked "[the] idiot". Assembly As Soundwave sacrificed his life to help defeat Unicron, he glimpsed Dirge's spirit among the many other deceased, welcoming him into the Afterspark. Ceremony

Hearts of Steel


With his fellow Decepticons, Dirge fell under the thrall of an Elder God in 1888. As part of the Elder God's forces, Dirge, with the other Decepticons, defended Port Cenotaph from intruders. Infestation 2: The Transformers #1 He soon defended the town against an international fleet. Infestation 2: The Transformers #2

"Strange Visitors" establishes that events identical to those of Hearts of Steel and Infestation 2 occur in the 2005 IDW continuity; however, they happened to Maximal explorers brainwashed by Shockwave into believing they were the Autobots and Decepticons of the Great War.

Transformers: All Spark


I want to tell you about the Transformers!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

The Fated Rival, Once Again... Plans of the Emperor of Destruction Revenge (All Spark) Ray of Hope Great Aspirations

Kre-O cartoon

Dirge took part in a game of soccer against Airachnid and the Constructicons. It's unclear why he was playing on the Autobot side. Ultimate Defender

Kre-O online manga

Dirge was among Bludgeon's troops who discovered the legendary Red Bucket, only to be interrupted by the arrival of Bluestreak and Jazz. On Bludgeon's order, Dirge tipped the bucket over on the Autobots, burying them in blocks, but this only led to the Decepticons' defeat when Jazz used the blocks to his advantage. Treasure Competition! Defeat with Block Power!

Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Dirge followed Megatron to Earth in his quest for the AllSpark. There, he encountered Omega Supreme. The fight did not go in Dirge's favour, and Omega snatched Dirge out of the air as the Decepticons attempted to retreat. The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Combiner Wars cartoon

Dirge was among the Decepticon troops who bore witness to a pivotal duel between Optimus Prime and Megatron, one meant to end the war before the never-ending arms race between the two factions spiralled further out of control. Prelude to Transformers: Combiner Wars - Optimus Prime

Star Trek vs. Transformers

When World War III consumed Earth, the Decepticons fled the blighted planet aboard Trypticon, trailing the Autobots aboard Fortress Maximus. When the two Titans reached Cygnus Seven, the Decepticons attacked, the battle sending Maximus hurtling into the planet and causing everyone to fall into stasis lock. Eventually, the Federation moved onto Cygnus Seven with a survey team accidentally rousing Maximus's autonomic systems. By random chance, the repair beam first struck Megatron who proceeded to revive the other Decepticons and lead an attack on the surface. Prime's Directive, Part Two Dirge joined his fellow Seekers in attacking the mining colony before the Decepticons were scared away by a photon torpedo barrage from the USS Enterprise. Prime's Directive, Part One

After the Decepticons had reunited with Trypticon and allied with the Klingon Empire, they resumed their attack on Cygnus Seven. When Fortress Maximus resurfaced, the Coneheads swarmed him before Dirge began dogfighting Windblade. Prime's Directive, Part Three As the dogfight continued, Megatron caught sight of Starscream deserting, ordering the Decepticons away so they could pursue the traitor. Prime's Directive, Part Four

Catching up to the traitor on the planet Kronos, the Klingon homeworld. Despite managing to defeat the Autobot/Starfleet alliance, the Decepticons were caught unawares by a warbird fleet, being taken into custody by the Klingons for study. Prime's Directive, Part Five

Precursor World

A Warrior of the Seven Lights resembling Dirge was a member of the Blue Order of the Primus Vanguard. He and his comrades followed their commander Blue Big Convoy into battle when a duel between dimension-tossed future warriors Ultra Megatron and Star Convoy threatened the Blue Planet and its people. The Warrior received a direct hit from Ultra Megatron for his trouble. Super Megatron comic 2

War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material

With Cybertron's fate sealed and the Autobots gone, the Decepticons followed them closely through space aboard the Nemesis in pursuit of the AllSpark. Earthrise webpage[1] Dirge was an Air Force Infantry Sergeant and a member of the Seeker Elite team. After crashlanding on Earth, the Seeker Elite battled the "Autobot Alliance", consisting of Ironhide and Prowl. Seeker Elite marketing material[2]

War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon

Voice actor: Jay Sanford (English), Sergio Becerril (Latin-American Spanish)

Dirge was a member of Doubledealer's crew of Mercenaries, hired by Quintesson Judge Deseeus to bring in the Autobots aboard the Ark to Chaar. Earthrise episode 2

Aboard the Fool's Fortune, the crew flew to the adrift Ark and infiltrated the ship. Earthrise episode 1 The Mercenaries reactivated the ship and successfully brought the Autobots to Chaar, though after Deeseeus refused to pay them and Doubledealer made a new deal with Megatron, Dirge and the others battled the Quintesson's forces and helped the Autobots escape. Earthrise episode 2

After Deseeus took control of Doubledealer's mind, Dirge and his fellow Coneheads left the crew. Exhaust later stated he was going to do the same as them. Earthrise episode 6

2019 IDW continuity

LightStar Coneheads.jpg

Dirge, Ramjet, and Thrust were hired enforcers enlisted by Thunderwing to increase security at the Hexagon outpost, security for Thunderwing's...personal pursuits. Matters became tense when a rogue Titan named Vigilem docked at Hexagon, and Colonial Security's Technical Solutions Team insinuated themselves in the situation to apprehend him. Lightspeed's snooping around a secure area led the Seekers to open fire on the visitors. The Technical Solutions Team located Airachnid's laboratory where she sought to artificially recreate the Enigma of Combination. They absorbed the power of her Combination Core, becoming a new Combiner named Computron that Dirge, Ramjet, and Thrust tried to contain. Thunderwing ended up ejecting that section of Hexagon, and it's unclear whether the Seekers were able to navigate their way back inside as Computron was forcibly jettisoned out into space. Light/Star

Commercial appearances


The Transformers (PS2)

Voice actor: Alex Easley (English)

Dirge is a non-playable character. He appears among the legion of Decepticon duplicates in the Autobot campaign.

The Transformers

Dirge was amongst Megatron's troops ages ago, before the Cybertronian war found its way to Earth. The War Within He was part of Sunstorm's team which unsuccessfully attempted to intercept Bumblebee and Cliffjumper as the pair returned to Iacon after an energon scavenging mission. More than Meets the Eye

Dirge was involved in a battle between the Decepticons and the Dinobots when the later went berserk and set out to attack the Decepticon base. Day of the Dinobots - Part 1 During a Decepticon attack on a major human city, Thundercracker and Dirge used their sonic powers to make things difficult for the Autobot rescue team of Ratchet, Inferno and the Protectobots. To the Rescue

After the discovery of a lagoon filled with Electrum, Dirge was amongst the Decepticons who found themselves invulnerable to Autobot firepower after being coated with the substance. Although they managed to defeat Omega Supreme at first, they found themselves at a standstill with the Autobots who had also managed to gain access to the Electrum. In the end, Dirge and the rest of his comrades were forced to retreat from the Autobots when their Electrum coating wore off first. The Golden Lagoon While transporting a stolen Autobot weapon, Dirge crashed into a swamp on a movie set and had to be rescued by the other Decepticons. Hoist Goes Hollywood

Dirge was among Galvatron's Decepticon troops who attacked a small group of Autobots, forcing them into hiding in the Autobot Mausoleum. Dark Awakening

Angry Birds Transformers

Dirge appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events. He is portrayed by a Minion Pig. Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Great, now it's easier for him to just die!

Dirge participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Uncommon character who could be recruited after collecting 45 units of Cybermetal and 20 units of Transmetal. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif

The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers: Earth Wars

Dirge Earth Wars.jpg

  • Class: Air
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 star
  • Weapons:: Blades dual-wields pistols to attack targets on the ground at short range.
  • Ability: Safe Zone - Drop a hack bomb dealing 69.0 damage in an area. Confuse the targets for 5 seconds (reducing their attack speed to 40% and making them attack your foes). Upgrading this ability increases the damage and duration.

Dirge at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers: Forged to Fight

Dirge is a Decepticon seeker pulled from his universe by the Quintessons and forced to fight. He eventually joins the Commander. There are at least a few of him running around!

As a Warrior, he strikes Fear into his opponents, reducing their Attack power and severely Bleeding out whenever they're dodging and not attacking. He also makes a Grim Mockery out of their missing melee hits, increasing his confidence and Attack and makes it harder for the opponent to overcome their fear.

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif

The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their video game appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive


Dirge is featured as a boss battle once the player reaches a whopping 67,500,000 points. He is in command of the eighteenth Decepticon base attacked and destroyed by the Autobots during a raid.

Transformers Roleplaying Game

The morose Dirge was an expert in psychological warfare and a depressing conversationalist. Decepticon Directive On Earth, Dirge and a number of other low-ranking Decepticons were recruited by Soundwave to keep an eye on Starscream's latest scheme and undermine his operation from within. After infiltrating his team, the group helped recover some Polarity gauntlets from an ancient Cybertronian shipwreck, and came into conflict with Rollbar after foiling Starscream's attempted doublecross. Catch a Falling Starscream



  • The original character models of the coneheads all feature design elements simplified from Dirge's robot mode stickers–which were themselves originally recolored from Thundercracker's robot mode stickers.
  • Simon Furman originally planned for Dirge and the other "coneheads" to appear and defend the Nemesis in the conclusion to Beast Wars, but this plot point was dropped due to time and budget constraints. Furman was so disappointed at his missed chance to use Dirge (whom he appreciated because he has "...a cool doom-laden name") that he chose the character to be one of Unicron's Heralds in the Armada comic's "Worlds Collide" arc.
  • Colorist Drew Eiden stated at the Collector's Club panel at BotCon 2007 that the day after final colors were applied to the Timelines comic where Dirge apparently falls dead, he found this article and noted to editor Pete Sinclair how ironic it was. Whether the comic was actually intended to continue Dirge's death-trend is unknown.
  • According to his Gentei! Gentei! bio, his engines generate a super sonic wave that can destroy buildings.
  • Rather than being based directly off of his Earthrise toy, Dirge's War for Cybertron Trilogy character model only retains the toy's head, with the rest of his body being a carbon copy of the Siege Seeker model.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Dirge (ダージ Dāji)
  • French: Funébro (Canada)
  • Italian: Sparviero ("Sparrowhawk")
  • Mandarin: Wǎngē (China, 挽歌, "Dirge")
  • Portuguese: Funebre (Portugal comic), Dirgo (Brazil comic), Funeral (Brazil comic)
  • Russian: Smert (Смерть, "Death"), Tupik (Тупик, "Deadlock"), Grobovshchik (Гробовщик, "Undertaker")


  1. Earthrise website
  2. Seeker Elite on Amazon