Doctor Who - Transformers Wiki
Doctor Who is a BBC television show featuring time travel. It might, just maybe, have something to do with the Doctor.
2005 IDW continuity
Hunter O'Nion told Ratchet that he had plenty of TV shows to catch up on, including Doctor Who. Our Steps Will Always Rhyme
Ask Vector Prime
Vector Prime enjoyed Doctor Who, despite the show depicting time travel inaccurately. Ask Vector Prime
Bumblebee film
Memo had a Doctor Who poster in his room. Bumblebee
- Various Marvel UK Transformers creators have written for Doctor Who Magazine, itself a Marvel UK title:
- Simon Furman wrote several stories at the same time he was writing for the Marvel Transformers comic. This included the first crossover between Death's Head and the Doctor, and a Death's Head story featuring DWM character Keepsake.
- Dan Abnett wrote a number of Magazine strips in the late 80s and early 90s, as well as The Incomplete Death's Head.
- Steve Parkhouse and John Ridgway are famous in Who fandom for their work on the Magazine, which included a long run of Sixth Doctor strips. Sleepy Stansham is not too far removed from Stockbridge, a sleepy village from Parkhouse's strips.
- Mike Collins has a lengthy, still-going association with the strip.
- The UK Marvel Generation 1 comic featured Octus, who has a Dalek alt-mode, and the 2017 Transformers annual has a generic Transformer based on the character K9.
- The character Natasha Pyraniac from the Animated adventure Time-Quake seems to be based on / influenced by one of the Doctor's foes, The Rani.
- Other Doctor Who references in Transformers include Skaro, Trenzalore, the sonic screwdriver, and Verronian Warp Stars.
- The Ask Vector Prime logo is a parody of the Doctor Who logo used from 2010 to 2014.
- In a 2013 episode of Doctor Who, "The Crimson Horror," the character Clara Oswald is shown to have a G1 Galvatron figure.
External links
- Tardis Wiki, the Doctor Who wiki
- Doctor Who at Wikipedia