EDEL:kids - Transformers Wiki
EDEL:kids is the children's sub-label of the German home video distribution company EDEL. It released the German DVDs for several Hasbro properties since 2011, including Transformers: Prime, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and Transformers: Rescue Bots.
Transformers: Prime
- Individual Volumes
- Contains the first five episodes.
- Contains the episodes "Meister und Schüler", "Invasion der Scraplets", "Der Maulwurf" and "Konvoi".
- Contains the episodes "Die Energon Erntekugel", "Nur dieses eine Mal", "Die Trophäenjägerin" and "Die Cybonische Pest".
- Contains the episodes "Außer Kontrolle", "Die vierte Dimension", "Operation Breakdown" and "Der Hinterhalt".
- "Metallische Anziehung" (November 9, 2012)
- Contains the episodes "Metallische Anziehung", "Unter der Erde", "Rache" and "Bulkhead, das Superhirn".
- "Die Prophezeiung" (November 9, 2012)
- Contains the episodes "Gegen die Vorschrift", "Die Prophezeiung", "Die Prophezeiung erfüllt sich, Teil 1", Teil 2 and Teil 3.
- Contains the episodes "Orion Pax, Teil 1", Teil 2 and Teil 3 as well as "Operation Bumblebee, Teil 1" and Teil 2.
- Contains the episodes "Das wandelnde Pulverfass", "Das Insecticon", "Der falsche Prime" and "Agent Fowler im Verhör".
- Contains the episodes "Angriff auf Megatron", "Das fliegende Gehirn", "Im Untergrund von New York" and "Allianzen in der Antarktis".
- Contains the episodes "Der Resonanz-Blaster", "Bulkheads Mission", "Der Rachefeldzug" and "Schatten der Vergangenheit".
- "Die Omega-Schlüssel" (November 9, 2013)
- Contains the episodes "Der neue Rekrut", "Der menschliche Faktor", "Megatrons dunkelste Stunde" and "Die Omega-Schlüssel".
- Season Sets
- "Staffel 1 - Das Bündnis" (November 9, 2012)
- Contains all episodes from Season 1 and is available on DVD and Blu-Ray.
Transformers: Rescue Bots
- Contains the episodes "Eine Familie von Helden", "Unter Druck" and "Teufelskerle".
- Contains the episodes "Invasion der Krustentiere", "Außerirdische in Griffin Rock" and "Ein Löwe auf Abwegen".
- "Weihnachten im Juli" (November 29, 2013)
- Contains the episodes "Cody wills wissen", "Vier Bots und ein Baby" and "Weihnachten im Juli".
- "Die Rückkehr des Dino Bots" (November 29, 2013)
- Contains the episodes "Ärger auf hoher See", "Die Rückkehr des Dino Bots" and "Familie Burns in Bedrängnis".
- "Cody und der Bösewicht" (February 28, 2013)
- "Bumblebee eilt zu Hilfe" (February 28, 2013)
- EDEL:kids originally announced that Transformers: Prime would be released with German audio only and just on DVD. However, after many fans asked for the original English audio and an HD Release, they went back to Hasbro and acquired the rights to make those changes.
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