Fire Blast effect - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Fireblast" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Fireblast (disambiguation).


Kingdom Tricranius, god of Fire Blast effects. This isn't even all of them.

"Fire Blast effects" are brightly colored translucent accessories that plug into Transformers toys or their weapons in order to simulate energy blasts, burning damage, jet exhaust, or other action features. They were first featured as part of the Siege toyline and have continued sporadically ever since.

Depending on the toy and their intended placement, these effect parts can be specifically shaped around a corresponding weapon, or have a more universal 3 mm port and/or 5 mm post. Effect parts can be layered to form extra-large simulated fires, explosions, etc., and toys at higher pricepoints may include a half-dozen or more. Some, like Siege Lionizer's, can be creatively used to represent speed from a Micromaster-sized vehicle.

Broad types of effect parts include:

  • Small gun bursts/impacts
  • Melee weapon movement/impacts
  • Rocket plumes
  • Large gun bursts
  • Energy auras

Unfortunately, the chemical composition of their soft bendy plastic makes them subject to relatively rapid decomposition similar to previous figures that relied on softer plastics. Collectors quickly learned that if the effect parts are left attached to more rigid pieces such as guns or jet thrusters for a prolonged period of time, they may become so firmly bonded together that separating them causes physical damage, or more mildly, paint stripping. For this reason, it is recommended to store your effects pieces separately from your figures.

Fire Blast effect accessories

The following sections only cover the different types of Fire Blast effect, grouped by type. For a complete visual gallery of all the effect pieces in all available colors, see Fire Blast effect/gallery.


Generations pioneered effect parts during the War for Cybertron: Siege subline, before they spread into other parts of the War for Cybertron Trilogy and beyond into other lines. Fire blast parts are listed here in the order they were first introduced, matched up with any subsequent redecoes. All of the following accessories feature 3 mm ports and 5 mm posts—usually with the 3 mm port inside the 5 mm post to act as a universal connector—unless otherwise noted.


Siege Firedrive

  • Siege Firedrive (Battle Master, 2018)
  • Siege Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron (multi-pack, 2019)
  • War for Cybertron Trilogy Megatron (Voyager Class, 2020)
  • Generations Selects Artfire & Nightstick (2-pack, 2021)
Siege Battle Master Firedrive transforms into a double-barrelled blaster, and includes two red fire blast effects in the rough shape of a candle flame. Phantomstrike Squadron member "Decepticon Fracas" comes with redecoes of these in yellowish-orange, while Trilogy Megatron's pack-in partner "Captive Pinpointer" includes them in hot pink. Selects Artfire and Nightstick feature them in a pale blue to simulate their firefighting water cannons.


Siege Lionizer

  • Siege Lionizer (Battle Master, 2018)
  • War for Cybertron Trilogy Megatron (Voyager Class, 2020)
Siege Lionizer includes a light blue effect to represent a slashing motion for his sword mode. This piece introduces a different type of connection consisting of two 3 mm ports with a longer groove in the middle, allowing it to clip onto other melee weapons, like the swords included with Siege Voyager toys Megatron and Springer and Battle Masters based on Pteraxadon (see below). This effect is not 5 mm compatible, and while it does attach to standard 3 mm posts, it looks less effective connected to blasters than it does to, say, a Transformer receiving slash damage. With Lionizer's redeco "Captive Lionizer" (War for Cybertron Trilogy Megatron's other partner), this effect is hot pink.


Siege Blowpipe

  • Siege Blowpipe (Battle Master, 2018)
  • War for Cybertron Trilogy Hotlink (Voyager Class, 2020)
  • Kingdom Tricranius Beast Power (Deluxe Class with accessories pack, 2021)
  • Generations Selects Cyclonus and Nightstick (multi-pack, 2022)
Siege Blowpipe comes with a yellow blast effect that begins as an explosive discharge at the base, going up to a rounded tier of fiery tips, with a taller point at the centre. Blowpipe's effect is something of an anomaly in that it can be separated into two pieces, with the explosive discharge section towards the base disconnecting into a ring that can be mounted onto 5 mm posts. This two-part piece is included in the War for Cybertron: Kingdom Tricranius Beast Power set, redecoed in bright seafoam blue, and with Generations Selects Cyclonus and Nightstick in purple. Elsewhere, the "Fire Twins"–War for Cybertron Trilogy Hotlink's partners Heatstroke and Heartburn–each include one of this blast effect in bright orange, deliberately omitting the ring part to accentuate the piece's resemblance to a flame.


Siege Pteraxadon

  • Siege Pteraxadon (Battle Master, 2019)
  • Siege Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron (multi-pack, 2019)
  • Kingdom Golden Disk Collection Autobot Jackpot / Autobot Sights (multi-pack, 2022)
  • Shattered Glass Collection Decepticon Flamewar / Fireglide (multi-pack, 2022(?))
Siege Pteraxadon transforms into an axe, and so includes a blast effect with the same connection type as Lionizer, allowing it to clip onto other War for Cybertron melee weapons. Pteraxadon's effect is dark blue, and represents his axe mode impacting with a target or surface. Though it features no 5 mm compatibility, a 3 mm hole in the underside allows it to be used as an explosion or particularly large blaster discharge. This effects piece is also included with Pteraxadon's mold-mate, Phantomstrike Squadron member Terror-Daxtyl, cast in yellowish-orange. An orange redeco is included with the Kingdom "Golden Disk Collection" two-pack containing "Autobot Jackpot" and "Autobot Sights". Another yellowish-orange one comes with Shattered Glass Collection "Decepticon Flamewar" and Fireglide, this time with stripe of orange paint across the underside.


Siege Aimless

  • Siege Aimless (Battle Master, 2019)
  • Siege Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron (multi-pack, 2019)
  • Siege Singe (Battle Master, 2019)
  • War for Cybertron Trilogy Sparkless Seeker (Voyager Class, 2021)
  • Generations Selects Artfire & Nightstick (2-pack, 2021)
Siege Aimless includes a pair of two similar but slightly different red blaster effects; both are shaped like a wispy beam that splits and recombines near the base. These are included in blue with Aimless' redeco, the Phantomstrike Squadron's Shrute. Afterwards, they see use with the other Battle Master gun mold, coming in green with Siege Singe, and slightly darker green with "Sparkless Singe", a zombie version partnered with War for Cybertron Trilogy Sparkless Seeker. A pair is also included with Generations Selects Artfire and Nightstick, in an aquatic blue.


Siege Dazzlestrike

  • Siege Autobot Greenlight & Dazzlestrike (2-pack, 2019)
While Dazzlestrike is a very minor repaint of Lionizer, the two lion bots have completely different effects parts. This piece is shaped like a thin strip of fire, and, like Lionizer's effect, features melee weapon-style connection ports to simulate a flaming slash attack. This piece lacks 5 mm compatibility, and is not especially suited to 3 mm post blaster weaponry–and since Dazzlestrike turns into a "Shadowsteel Iceblade", perhaps it's not really suited to them either.


Siege Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce Trenchfoot

  • Siege Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce (multi-pack, 2019)
  • Siege Caliburst (Battle Master, 2019)
  • War for Cybertron Trilogy Sparkless Seeker (Voyager Class, 2021)
  • Kingdom Tricranius Beast Power (Deluxe Class with accessories pack, 2021)
  • Generations Selects Cyclonus and Nightstick (multi-pack, 2022)
Included for the first time with Siege Alphastrike Counterforce member Trenchfoot, this effect is shaped like a conical blast on the end of a twisting tail. Trenchfoot's is in G1 cartoon Autobot yellow, while Caliburst's is in Decepticon purple. Like Singe, Caliburst was zombified into "Sparkless Caliburst", War for Cybertron Trilogy Sparkless Seeker's other partner, and he comes with a darker purple piece. Another purple version of this piece is included with Selects Cyclonus and Nightstick. This effect, in bright seafoam blue, is also one of the ones that comes in the Kingdom Tricranius set; curiously, the two components to this release of the effects piece are not glued together, resulting in a separate head and tail with limited compatibility to the play pattern (though they can still hold together with friction).


Siege Smashdown

  • Siege Smashdown (Battle Master, 2019)
  • Earthrise Smashdown (Battle Master, 2020)
  • Legacy: United Doom 'n Destruction Collection 3-Pack (Multi-pack, 2024)
Siege Smashdown transforms into a hammer, and includes an orange blast effect that plugs into a 5 mm port in the business end to simulate... well, smashing down. Unlike the other War for Cybertron melee weapon effects, Smashdown's piece does not include the modified groove connection; instead, a 3 mm hole runs through the centre, allowing it to attach to the appropriate posts to serve as a (particularly wide and flat) explosion or blaster discharge, and it has a shallow post in the concave side to fit into 5 mm ports. Smashdown saw a straight repackage in War for Cybertron: Earthrise, with this effect still included. When Smashdown was eventually redecoed into Legacy: United Malleus Minotaurus, he included a redeco of this piece in dark turquoise, as well as an additional, unique blast effect.


Siege Rung

  • Siege Rung (Battle Master, 2019)
  • Earthrise Rung (Battle Master, 2020)
Released at the tail end of Siege, Rung includes a pair of blue blast effects, which are pointed in shape and jagged with an electric-like appearance. Like Smashdown, Rung also received a second release in Earthrise, with unchanged blast effects. A prototype of Siege Rung was displayed with different effects pieces; see the entry for "Battlefield Rung" below for more information.


Siege Jetfire

  • Siege Jetfire (Commander Class, 2019)
  • Earthrise Scorponok (Titan Class, 2020)
  • Kingdom Autobot Ark (Titan Class, 2021)
  • Kingdom Tricranius Beast Power (Deluxe Class with accessories pack, 2021)
  • Collaborative J. Balvintron (2021)
  • Shattered Glass Collection Jetfire (Commander Class, 2021)
  • Legacy Victory Saber (2022)
  • Legacy Decepticon Deathsaurus (2023)
  • Buzzworthy Bumblebee Ironhide / Prowl (2023)
  • Legacy Evolution Armada Universe Powerlinx Hot Shot / Armada Universe Jolt (2023)
  • Studio Series Brawn / Autobot Ratchet (2024)
  • Legacy TL-EX Starscream Super Mode (2024)
  • Age of the Primes Star Optimus Prime (Titan Class, 2025)
Now we're into the big leagues. Ringing in the Commander Class, Siege Jetfire includes six blast effects in the form of a pair of (identical) three-stage rocket plumes. The tip of the plume is a lengthy fireblast. The two lower pieces of each plume feature 5 mm posts underneath and 5 mm ports on top, making them stackable with any other compatible effects and accessories–one could even make a huge five-part rocket blast with just the pieces included in the set. Only one trio of these effects is included with Earthrise Scorponok, in the same orange colour as Jetfire's. Kingdom Autobot Ark includes all six in a deep turquoise, while Kingdom Tricranius' copies are a bright seafoam blue. Jetfire's rifle accessories are redecoed for inclusion with Collaborative J. Balvintron, and the blast effects follow suit, decoed in a suitably vibrant gradient of colours. The later Shattered Glass Collection Jetfire is bundled with all six, this time in a deeper shade of blue. All six pieces in a new, aquamarine color were included with HasLab Victory Saber; the Fire Blasts along with the "V-Lock Cannon" accessory were the "Tier 1" bonus rewards which were unlocked when the project passed 14,000 backers on October 6, 2021. The six pieces, now in Decepticon purple, were also included as a "Tier 1" bonus for the similarly crowdfunded "Decepticon Deathsaurus" to plug into his Living-Metal-Destroying Cannon when his project also passed 14,000 backers on December 5, 2022. The Buzzworthy Bumblebee Ironhide and Prowl two-pack comes with all six pieces in dark violet, presumably to be used on the new ports on their retooled chests. The Legacy: Evolution multipack of Armada Universe Powerlinx Hot Shot and Armada Universe Jolt (phew!) also includes all six pieces in slightly orangey red. The Studio Series Brawn and Autobot Ratchet two-pack again comes with all six pieces in a purplier, more matte finish. The 40th Anniversary Transformers Expo 2024-exclusive Starscream Super Mode redeco includes all six pieces in bright pink to represent his final null laser cannon attack from the Armada episode "Cramp". Age of the Primes' big ticket item Star Optimus Prime comes with all six pieces in yellow-orange, along with some of these and one of those.


Siege Omega Supreme

  • Siege Omega Supreme (Titan Class, 2019)
  • Earthrise Sky Lynx (Commander Class, 2020)
  • Kingdom Rodimus Prime (Commander Class, 2021)
  • Kingdom Tricranius Beast Power (Deluxe Class with accessories pack, 2021)
  • Generations Selects Guardian Robot and Lunar-Tread (Titan Class, 2023)
  • Studio Series Ultra Magnus (Commander Class, 2023)
  • Legacy: United Beast Wars Universe Magmatron (Commander Class, 2024)
  • Synergenex Megatron Type Godzilla (Leader Class, 2024)
  • Age of the Primes Star Optimus Prime (Titan Class, 2025)
Siege Titan Class Omega Supreme comes with seven effects pieces, five of which can be stacked via 5 mm posts and ports to form a tall, smoky explosion inspired by a rocket blasting off. The remaining two effects are copies of the explosion's tip, for use as a fiery weapons discharge or damage impact. These are the first blast effects to feature paint, as they are cast in yellow plastic with charcoal paint gradients towards their 5 mm posts to simulate an inner glow. They are unpainted in most subsequent releases: the full set of seven is included with Earthrise Sky Lynx in bright orange, Kingdom Rodimus Prime in blue, Kingdom Tricranius in hot pink, Omega's Selects redeco Guardian Robot in darker orange, and Legacy: United Beast Wars Universe Magmatron in purple. The set included with Studio Series Commander Class Ultra Magnus comes in an apple-juicy orange, and features flat grey paint applications. Synergenex Megatron Type Godzilla includes three of the stackable parts in blue, to represent Godzilla's fiery breath. Age of the Primes Star Optimus Prime includes an entire set in dark orange, with stock images showing them being used in conjunction with his Matrix hilt accessory to give him a flaming sword; the toy also comes with a set of these and a unique effect of its own.


War for Cybertron Trilogy Battlefield Rung

  • War for Cybertron Trilogy Spoiler Pack #1 (Leader Unboxing, 2020)
Partnered with Ultra Magnus in the first War for Cybertron Trilogy Spoiler Pack, "Battlefield Rung" comes with two pink, flimsy blast effects designed to look like arcs of lightning. When a hand-painted prototype of the original Siege Rung was displayed at San Diego Comic-Con 2019, he was equipped with blue versions of these blast effects, instead of the ones he actually comes with.


Earthrise Soundbarrier

  • Earthrise Soundbarrier (Battle Master, 2020)
  • Kingdom Tricranius Beast Power (Deluxe Class with accessories pack, 2021)
The new Battle Master molds introduced in Earthrise transform from robot into a ramp mode which can be used as a shield by a larger figure, and Soundbarrier is no exception. With a flat surface destined to get hit during battle for an alt mode, Soundbarrier's included orange blast effect more closely resembles a damaging explosion than previous effects, though it can also be used as a weapons discharge in 5 mm blasters if one chooses. Kingdom Tricranius includes two copies of this effect in hot pink. The instruction sheet for the third War for Cybertron Trilogy Spoiler Pack shows two of these effects as components of Fossilizer Skelivore—in particular, they're depicted plugged into Skelivore's 5 mm ports, which the effects actually included in the set can't do.


Earthrise Slitherfang

  • Earthrise Slitherfang (Battle Master, 2020)
  • War for Cybertron Trilogy Spoiler Pack #2 (Leader Unboxing, 2020)
  • War for Cybertron Trilogy Spoiler Pack #3 (Leader Unboxing, 2021)
Another of Earthrise's ramp/shields, Slitherfang includes a round, orange explosion impact with a particularly tall vertical point. Leaning into the idea that these effects should be for damage rather than weapons fire, this accessory lacks the standard 5 mm post, allowing it to sit more flush on Slitherfang's 3 mm posts and against other flat surfaces. A pink version of this effect is included with Fangtron in the second War for Cybertron Trilogy Spoiler Pack, and a blue one is hidden in the modelling compound of the third War for Cybertron Trilogy Spoiler Pack; according to the instructions, the latter is supposed to interact with Skelivore, but since they completely lack 3 mm posts, you'll have to put it on Megatron instead.


Earthrise Decepticon Doublecrosser

  • Earthrise Decepticon Doublecrosser (Battle Master, 2020)
  • War for Cybertron Trilogy Spoiler Pack #3 (Leader Unboxing, 2021)
The third and final of the Earthrise ramp/shields, Doublecrosser comes with a small, orange explosion impact with outward-spreading points. As with Slitherfang, Doublecrosser's piece lacks a 5 mm post to more closely simulate battle damage. A blue copy of this piece is hidden in the modelling compound of the third War for Cybertron Trilogy Spoiler Pack and, as above, is advertised as interacting with Skelivore, but only compatible with Megatron.


Studio Series Autobot Hot Rod's flame effects

  • Studio Series Autobot Hot Rod (Voyager Class, 2021)
  • Legacy Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection Autobot Hot Rod (Voyager Class, 2022)
  • Shattered Glass Collection Rodimus / Sideswipe & Decepticon Whisper (Multi-pack, 2023)
As a smaller-sized Voyager toy in the Studio Series line, "Autobot Hot Rod" fills out the price point with a handful of accessories, including a pair of light blue blast effects shaped like flames. These effects each feature two 3 mm ports shaped to attach to Hot Rod's exhaust pipes in either mode. They can be used on any 3 mm post, but due to their shape, they do not feature a 5 mm post. Hot Rod was due to receive a G1 toy-accurate redeco in the Legacy "Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection", with his blast effects coloured orange, though this did not come to pass. The Shattered Glass Collection redeco, Rodimus, comes with two of these effects in eeevil red.
The Studio Series Hot Rod mold set also includes an effect for its Matrix, listed below.


Studio Series Scourge

  • Studio Series Scourge (Voyager Class, 2021)
  • Studio Series Decepticon Sweep (Voyager Class, 2021)
Another "Studio Series 86" Voyager toy, Scourge includes a long, twisting, purple laser blast of varying thickness. Scourge features 3 mm hardpoints on his rifle and... spacey jet engine fin things, meaning that yes, you can attach the blast effect to his head-mounted gun in his secondary vehicle mode configuration. As a retool of Scourge, "Decepticon Sweep" includes the same laser blast is a marginally variant shade of pinkish purple.


Kingdom Rodimus Prime's exhaust smoke effects

  • Kingdom Rodimus Prime (Commander Class, 2021)
In addition to seven redecoed Omega Supreme blast effects, Kingdom Rodimus Prime also comes with two new exhaust pipe smoke effects. Unlike the vast majority of blast effects, these ones are cast in hard plastic instead of the rubberized stuff; oddly, they are made of translucent blue plastic, then painted over entirely black. With a row of two-and-a-half 3 mm ports, they're designed, unsurprisingly, to attach to his vehicle modes' exhausts, which are usually depicted as forearm-mounted blasters in fiction. They can attach to any 3 mm post but, owing to their design, they lack 5 mm interactivity. Rodimus Prime also includes a Matrix aura effect, listed below.


Collaborative Ultimate X-Spanse's weapons

  • Collaborative Ultimate X-Spanse (2021)
As a crossover with the X-Men franchise, Collaborative Ultimate X-Spanse includes a handful of accessories inspired by the merry Mutants. In terms of blast effects, X-Spanse is armed with two bright pink, 5 mm compatible accessories intended to plug into the back of his hands: one is a Wolverine-inspired, three-pronged claw, while the other is a blade/blast inspired by Psylocke's psychic knife. Both of these effects have a small hole in the side so that they can be stored underneath X-Spanse's wings or on his landing gear/robot mode waist; however, unusually for blast effects, neither has a 3 mm port, and so they are incompatible with much of the play pattern. X-Spanse also has another trend-bucking blast effect accessory, which you can read about below.


Studio Series Spike Witwicky

  • Studio Series Exo-Suit Spike Witwicky (Core Class, 2022)
The diminutive Spike Witwicky released in Studio Series includes a pair of bulb-shaped boost effects featuring one tall point surrounded by a ring of smaller spikes (no pun intended), cast in translucent, yellow-orange hard plastic. They can be used on the back of Spike's exosuit in vehicle mode as an eruption of exhaust; the same 3 mm mounting points end up on his elbows in bipedal mode, which stock images show by rotating his forearms around to become wrist blasters. Owing to their small size, these effects are only compatible with 3 mm posts.


Legacy Transmetal II Megatron

  • Legacy Transmetal II Megatron (Leader Class, 2022)
  • Legacy: Evolution Transmetal II Megatron (Leader Class, 2023)
Part of the Legacy toyline, Transmetal II Megatron comes with a long, orange, kind of flat blast effect in the shape of a billowing plume of fire. It is about the same length as his beast mode's neck, which is no slouch in the size department itself, and it can be plugged into his dragon mouth to simulate fire breath. Stock images also show it being used as a club in robot mode. Unlike most blast effects, this one is made of rigid plastic, and the hole in the 5 mm post is not compatible with 3 mm hardpoints. Megatron received a package refresh in Legacy: Evolution, with no changes to his blast effect.


Collaborative Dilophocon

  • Collaborative Dilophocon / Autobot JP12 (2023)
Celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the original Jurassic Park film, Collaborative Dilophocon comes with a translucent blue splurt of a blast effect with pea green paint on the business end. The (presumably 5 mm) post on its underside can be put into position on her handheld blaster, though its primary purpose is horribly maiming JP12 by being plugged into her beast mode mouth, simulating the venom spit attack of a real Dilophosaurus! [citation needed]


Collaborative Code Red

  • Collaborative Code Red (2023)
Another entry in the Collaborative line, Code Red is a Surfer Boy pizza delivery Volkswagen vanagon based on the vehicle from Stranger Things. His roof-mounted decorative light becomes a shoulder cannon in robot mode, complete with a blast effect shaped like a billowing plume of flame, cast in translucent blue plastic and with a painted gradient of yellow/orange that becomes more opaque towards the tip.


Collaborative Frankentron

  • Collaborative Frankentron (2023)
Another Collaborative effort, Frankentron comes with a wildly jagged, cascading blast effect cast in purple, for use with his Tesla coil cannon, in homage to the lightning that gave Frankenstein's monster life.


Legacy: United Malleus Minotaurus

  • Legacy: United Doom 'n Destruction Collection 3-Pack (Multi-pack, 2024)
A redeco of Smashdown, Legacy: United Malleus Minotaurus not only comes with a redeco of that toy's blast effect piece, but also a squat and square piece to fit over either end of the hammer head to simulate it being covered in melted slag. Both pieces are molded in dark turquoise.


Studio Series Optimus Prime

  • Studio Series Optimus Prime (Commander Class, 2024)
The second Commander Class figure of the Studio Series toyline, this Optimus Prime comes with a pair of molded orange blaster effects, each with a spherical base and a long tip. These are compatible with 3 mm hardpoints both on the underneath and on the side, allowing them to mount in dedicated spaces inside the toy's trailer. Prime also comes with a pair of nonstandard blast effects.


Collaborative The Mandalorian/N-1 Starfighter

  • Collaborative The Mandalorian/N-1 Starfighter (2025)
This Collaborative toy changes from an N-1 Starfighter into the character The Mandalorian from the Star Wars franchise. He comes with four fire blast effects each cast in translucent blue and shaped like fiery plumes. One of these effects is longer than the others for use with his rear blaster weapon, one is short for use with his pistol accessory, and two are at a medium length for his backpack jets–but since they're all 3 mm post compatible, you can swap and change around as you see fit. The Mandalorian also comes with a pair of nonstandard blast effects.


Collaborative Kurama

  • Collaborative Kurama & Gamakichi (2025)


Age of the Primes Megatronus the Fallen

  • Age of the Primes Megatronus the Fallen (Leader Class, 2025)


Collaborative Wingtail

  • Collaborative Wingtail & Blue Booster (2025)


Age of the Primes Star Optimus Prime

  • Age of the Primes Star Optimus Prime (Titan Class, 2025)


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From Cyberverse

Not to be left out of the fun, when the Cyberverse toyline introduced its own Deluxe Class assortment, pitched at slightly older kids than the standard Cyberverse range, each release included at least one unique blast effect to that character. The accessories listed below are completely compatible with the Generations play pattern unless otherwise noted (although this range also had a few major departures in that respect; see below for more information).


Cyberverse Optimus Prime

  • Cyberverse Optimus Prime (Deluxe Class, 2019)
  • Buzzworthy Bumblebee Heroes of Cybertron 3-Pack (Deluxe Class 3-pack, 2022)
Optimus Prime comes with a two-piece, deep blue energy blast shaped roughly like a mushroom. It can be separated into the tail (resembling a wide blast) and the head (resembling... a squat splodge) to attach to any of the standard ports, but the main draw here is fitting it into the 5 mm post in his open chest for what the packaging calls his "Matrix Mega Shot". Optimus received an unchanged re-release in the Buzzworthy Bumblebee Heroes of Cybertron 3-Pack, once again including the blast effect.


Cyberverse Decepticon Shockwave

  • Cyberverse Decepticon Shockwave (Deluxe Class, 2019)
"Decepticon Shockwave" is molded with a neon pink blaster shot effect with a long beam and a short explosive discharge near the base. Like Blowpipe's effect above, Shockwave's blast is composed of two pieces; together, they are only compatible with 3 mm ports, but when separated, the beam can also fit into 5 mm holes, and the explosive ring can mount on 5 mm ports. Shockwave's signature attack is the "Shock Blast", achieved by putting the combined blast effect on the barrel of his grey handheld blaster, but why do that when you can attach the separated beam piece to the 3 mm port on his face to give him a frikkin' eye laser?


Cyberverse Megatron

  • Cyberverse Megatron (Deluxe Class, 2019)
A hot pink blast effect is included with Megatron. A bit like Blowpipe's and Shockwave's accessories, Megatron's effect is shaped like a thick blast with a discharge near its peg. Similarly, it does separate into two pieces, but since the resulting hole on the beam and the resulting port on the discharge are too big for 5 mm connections, the separation might not be intended. What is intended is plugging the piece into Megatron's ever-present fusion cannon, forming his "Fusion Mega Shot" Action Attack.
Some of Megatron's stock photos omit the longer part of the blast effect.


Cyberverse Grimlock

  • Cyberverse Grimlock (Deluxe Class, 2020)
As a first for blast effects (but not an isolated case), Grimlock's orange plume effect is intended for his beast mode, plugging into the port in his T. rex mouth to simulate fiery breath for an Action Attack the packaging calls "Chomp Jaw"... for some reason. Grimlock includes no weapon accessories, so to prevent him from being unarmed in robot mode, you can also use this piece in his 5 mm-compatible hands as some kind of flame club.


Cyberverse Autobot Hot Rod

  • Cyberverse Autobot Hot Rod (Deluxe Class, 2020)
  • EarthSpark Prowl (Deluxe Class, 2023?)
In what seems to be a new tradition for Rodimuses, "Autobot Hot Rod" comes with a pair of flame effects for his exhaust pipes, this time in orange. Unlike the other two sets of flame effects, this Hot Rod's pair is compatible with both 3 mm and 5 mm mounting points. The effects are mirrors of each other, and both feature two teeth towards the base to allow them to clip into grooves between Hot Rod's three pipes; in robot mode, this becomes his wrist-mounted "Fusion Flame" attack.
Hot Rod was redecoed into EarthSpark Prowl, which included the flame effects in yellow.


Cyberverse Arcee

  • Cyberverse Arcee (Deluxe Class, 2020)
Arcee comes with two long, light blue blast effects, shaped similarly to Siege Jetfire's plumes. The suggested configuration is putting them on the 3 mm ports on her blaster, resulting in her "Dual Energon Lasers" Action Attack, though their length and 5 mm compatibility mean they could also be used as handheld weapons, if you're feeling the influence of a particular sword lesbian.


Cyberverse Prowl

  • Cyberverse Prowl (Deluxe Class, 2020)
Prowl is bundled with two yellow effects parts. While they are similar in length, and both feature explosive discharges near the base, their designs differ: one is a laser with a thin tail and a spearhead-shaped tip, while the other more closely resembles a spray of fire or liquid. With one on each shoulder cannon, Prowl assumes his "Siren Shot" Action Attack position. Owing to the round, bulbous shape of the bases of these pieces, they are only compatible with 3 mm ports.


Cyberverse Soundwave

  • Cyberverse Soundwave (Deluxe Class, 2020)
Soundwave includes a squat, purple, octagonal effects part with a triangle wave design on its front face. Fittingly, when attached to the "battery" cannon on his right shoulder, this configuration is known as the "Sound Blast" attack.


Cyberverse Starscream

  • Cyberverse Starscream (Deluxe Class, 2020)
Rounding out the Cyberverse assortment, Starscream comes with three sizeable blast effects. The first two effects are a pair of lengthy, orange bursts for his forearm-mounted null rays. The third effect is a launching cluster of missiles which can attach under his jet mode nosecone or, to enact his "Seeker Strike" Action Attack, it can peg onto his... general chest area. Since all three effects are rather wide around the base, they are only compatible with 3 mm posts.


Cyberverse Dinobot Slug

  • Cyberverse Dinobot Slug (Deluxe Class, 2021)
As part of the line's Dinobots Unite subline imprint, "Dinobot Slug" includes an opaque red, twin-headed, combustive blast effect for his double-barrelled blaster. Though it represents two weapons discharges, even featuring a gap between the two shafts of the blast, this effect is one solid piece. Combining his effect, blaster, and Energon axe accessories and mounting them on his back results in the "Blaster Fire Fury" signature attack. This effect is only compatible with 3 mm posts, with it featuring two 3 mm holes in the base. Slug's axe and beast mode horns are cast from the same red plastic, but those don't count as blast effects for obvious reasons (though the handle of the axe has a 3 mm post to attach effects pieces to it in its blaster configuration).

Other contemporary 3 mm compatible accessories

Borne of the same design team, and often made from the same constituent materials, the following accessories are also compatible with the 3 mm posts found in the fire blast effect play pattern—but are not fire blasts in the strictest sense. So you can use them as damage impacts and weapons discharge, but they'd look pretty silly.


Siege Kremzeek

  • Siege Refraktor Reconnaissance Team 3-Pack (multi-pack, 2019)
Included with the exclusive Siege Refraktor Reconnaissance Team 3-Pack is a small rubberised figurine of Kremzeek, the electric reprobate from the episode of the same name. Each of Kremzeek's feet features a 3 mm hole.


Collaborative Slimer

  • Collaborative Ectotron (2019, 2024)
  • Collaborative MP-10G Optimus Prime Ecto-35 Edition (2019)
  • Collaborative Ectotron (2021)
The inaugural release in Transformers Collaborative, Ectotron includes a 3 mm compatible figurine of the Ghostbusters' troublemaker-cum-mascot, Slimer, in translucent green plastic. Slimer also comes with "Optimus Prime Ecto-35 Edition", this time opaque with a painted mouth and eyes. With the second release of Ectotron, Slimer is once more translucent and unpainted, but in a slightly darker green.


Earthrise Arcee

  • Earthrise Arcee (Deluxe Class, 2020)
  • Earthrise Galactic Odyssey Collection Paradron Medics (2020)
  • War for Cybertron Trilogy Autobot Elita-1 (Deluxe Class, 2020)
  • Kingdom Arcee (Deluxe Class, 2021)
In the interests of completeness, we'll take the opportunity to note that Earthrise Deluxe Class Arcee makes use of 3 mm posts and holes to ride her hoverboard in robot mode. As such, her feet are completely compatible with anywhere you can mount blast effects. This holds true with her "Galactic Odyssey Collection" redeco Lifeline, her War for Cybertron Trilogy retool "Autobot Elita-1", and her package refresh in Kingdom.

Fireblast Centurion Drone Energon cubes.jpeg Earthrise Centurion Drone Soundwave.jpeg

War for Cybertron Trilogy Deluxe Centurion Drone Weaponizer Pack Energon cubes and Soundwave

  • War for Cybertron Trilogy Deluxe Centurion Drone Weaponizer Pack (Deluxe Class with accessories pack, 2020)
Among many many other accessories, the War for Cybertron Trilogy Deluxe Centurion Drone Weaponizer Pack includes two energon cubes. These cubes are made of solid plastic, unlike the majority of blast effects, and each one features a 3 mm port in one corner. The set also contains a miniature accessory of Soundwave's microcassette recorder mode, which has a 3 mm hole on the underside.


War for Cybertron Trilogy Kranix

  • War for Cybertron Trilogy Quintesson Pit of Judgement (multi-pack, 2020)
The unfortunate guest of the War for Cybertron Trilogy Quintesson Pit of Judgement, this small, non-articulated figurine of Kranix features a blast effect-port compatible 3 mm hole in his left foot. (Incidentally, his right foot has a hole compatible with the Titan Master pegs found on Titans Return toys.)


Collaborative Maverick

  • Collaborative Maverick (2020)
Released to tie in with Top Gun, Collaborative Maverick includes an interchangeable pair of hands with 3 mm posts in the palms specifically so he can hold the included "blast effect" volleyball accessory. That's right – this toy uses a homoerotically-charged beach game as a selling point. Transformers has peaked.


War for Cybertron Trilogy Spoiler Pack Allspark

  • War for Cybertron Trilogy Spoiler Pack #3 (Leader Unboxing, 2021)
  • Buzzworthy Bumblebee Worlds Collide (4-pack, 2021)
One of the goodies buried in the compound of the third War for Cybertron Trilogy Spoiler Pack, this Allspark accessory is bright yellow and just shy of 11 millimetres cubed. Based on the model from the War for Cybertron Trilogy show, the Allspark features a 3 mm hole in one face so it can peg onto the included Megatron to recreate events from the cartoon. The Allspark's opposite face has a shallow 3 mm post of its own, so other blast effects can be mounted onto it. A redecoed Allspark, this time in a dark gold colour, is included as an accessory for the Bumblebee included in the baffling Buzzworthy Bumblebee "Worlds Collide" multi-pack.


Collaborative Muncher

  • Collaborative Ectotron (2021)
The second Collaborative Ectotron is released in promotion of Ghostbusters: Afterlife, and includes a translucent blue figure of that film's hideous cute merchandisable character, Muncher. As with Slimer, Muncher features a 3 mm port on the underside.


Legacy: Evolution Paradise Parakeet

  • Legacy: Evolution Beachcomber & Paradise Parakeet (Deluxe Class, 2023)
Receiving top billing alongside Legacy: Evolution Beachcomber, "Paradise Parakeet" is a funny little guy based on Beachcomber's iconic avian friend from the The Transformers cartoon episode "The Golden Lagoon". The bird's base can perch on 3 mm posts, like on Beachcomber's shoulder, or in any 5 mm ports.


Legacy: United Origin Wheeljack

  • Legacy: United Origin Wheeljack (Voyager Class, 2024)
The Legacy: United toy "Origin Wheeljack", based on the character's appearance from "More than Meets the Eye, Part 1", includes a pair of "fan blade" accessories that mount on 3 mm posts on his front bumper to represent the scene from that episode in which Wheeljack deploys the rotors against a wall of fire. However, they're more visually based on the dominator disks from the episode "The Core", allowing you to simulate heroic Autobot mind control over any figure that has a 3 mm post.

Nonstandard blast effects

Pretty much the opposite of the previous category, the following accessories are undoubtedly blast effects, but they feature no 3 mm ports or 5 mm posts; instead, these effects often feature unique connections, usually with a singular intended use.


Cyberverse Bumblebee

  • Cyberverse Bumblebee (Deluxe Class, 2019)
  • Buzzworthy Bumblebee Heroes of Cybertron 3-Pack (Deluxe Class 3-pack, 2022)
Cyberverse Deluxe Class Bumblebee includes a dark blue, bladed burst effect with an underside designed to fit over the triangular shape of his included 5 mm Stinger accessory. The back of the packing calls this the "Sting Shot" Action Attack. Bumblebee received an unchanged re-release in the Buzzworthy Bumblebee Heroes of Cybertron 3-Pack, once again including the blast effect.


Cyberverse Thunderhowl

  • Cyberverse Thunderhowl (Deluxe Class, 2020)
Cyberverse Deluxe Thunderhowl comes with a long, light blue effect designed to look like overlapping bolts of lightning. This piece is compatible only with Thunderhowl's sword, simulating it surging with electric power, and his beast mode's tongue, a configuration the box calls his "Lightning Blast".


Studio Series Autobot Hot Rod's Matrix glow

  • Studio Series Autobot Hot Rod (Voyager Class, 2021)
  • Shattered Glass Collection Rodimus / Sideswipe & Decepticon Whisper (Multi-pack, 2023)
In addition to the two flame effects detailed above, Studio Series Hot Rod also features a light blue irregular starburst-shaped effect that clips onto the front of his Matrix of Leadership to recreate his ascension to Rodimus Prime at the climax of The Transformers: The Movie. His villainous redeco in the Shattered Glass Collection, Rodimus, includes a redeco of this effect cast in eeevil red plastic.
Given that the majority of Matrices across the War for Cybertron Trilogy play pattern are roughly the same size and shape, this effect can also be used with the Matrices from toys based on Earthrise Optimus Prime and Kingdom Galvatron... as well as...


Kingdom Rodimus Prime's Matrix glow

  • Kingdom Rodimus Prime (Commander Class, 2021)
Kingdom Rodimus Prime includes a Matrix of his own and, in addition to his nine other blast effects above, also comes with a rich blue Matrix aura with seven points. As with Studio Series Hot Rod's, this effect is compatible with the other three Matrix molds in the War for Cybertron Trilogy. Like Rodimus' smoke effects, this Matrix aura is cast in hard, translucent plastic (probably from the same sprue as his vehicle mode windscreen).


Collaborative Ultimate X-Spanse's "psychic butterfly"

  • Collaborative Ultimate X-Spanse (2021)
As well as his other X-Men-inspired accessories, Ultimate X-Spanse comes with an energy effect based on the butterfly-shaped aura that manifests around Psylocke's eyes when she uses her psychic powers. Oddly, this effect is too small to attach to X-Spanse's face in this way, and is instead presented by the instructions and stock images as clipping around the waists of the included Wolverine and Sabretooth mini-figures.


Studio Series Optimus Prime's launch effects

  • Studio Series Optimus Prime (Commander Class, 2024)
In addition to his more conventional blast effects, Studio Series Commander Class Optimus Prime comes with a pair of two-piece accessories cast in orange plastic and molded like jets of smoke and flame. These plug into unique ports underneath his truck cab mode to simulate the scene from The Transformers: The Movie in which Prime launches into the sky to transform. These effects can be stored in a dedicated compartment on the underside of the toy's trailer.


Collaborative The Mandalorian/N-1 Starfighter's engine exhausts

  • Collaborative The Mandalorian/N-1 Starfighter (2025)
In addition to his four blast effects listed above, Collaborative The Mandalorian comes with two thick fiery exhaust burts for use with his Starfighter mode's engines. These pieces make use of a unique connection with a tapering hole that allows them to slide over the engines' rear finials. The hole on the fiery end of each piece is a standard 5 mm connection, and the underside has grooves to connect it to the Mandalorian's hover pram accessory, giving buyers options on how to display the pram on the toy's flight stand.

Similar accessories in other lines

The War for Cybertron Trilogy toylines may have refined the concept, but fire blast effects are far from unique in the toy industry – nor are they new to Transformers! A good handful of Transformers toys had previously included similar effects pieces and, following the debut of Siege, their numbers continue to grow. The following accessories are incompatible with the standardised system above unless otherwise noted.




Masterpiece Red Alert

  • MP-14 Alert (December 15, 2012)
  • MP-14+ Alert Anime Color Edition (September 24, 2016)
Masterpiece Alert includes a spiky, translucent-blue headband that fits over his "horns" and around the back of his head, not unlike earmuffs, to simulate the electric spark damage he received in the episode, "Auto Berserk". The later, show-accurate redeco Alert Anime Color Edition featured a redeco of the effect in orange. This effect is also compatible with Masterpiece Clampdown, due to him reusing Alert's head tooling.


Masterpiece Ironhide

  • MP-27 Ironhide (January 30, 2016)
  • MPG-11 DK-2 Guard (2025)
Masterpiece Ironhide includes a gallimaufry of weapon and gadget accessories, among them a jetpack as seen in the episode "The Immobilizer". The jetpack is complemented by two orange flare effects, which can also peg into Ironhide's battle sled when not in use (pointing straight upward, like he just set his sled on fire).


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Masterpiece Ratchet

  • MP-30 Ratchet (April 23, 2016)
One of Masterpiece Ratchet's many accessories is a "repair beam emitter" that plugs into his forearm, complete with a yellow repair beam effect. As with Ironhide, it can also store, pointing straight upward, on his separated battle sled.
The top of the beam is just slim enough to fit into a 5 mm hole, but not securely and certainly not on purpose.


Masterpiece Inferno

  • MP-33 Inferno (November 26, 2016)
Masterpiece Inferno includes a gushing water-spray effect piece that can plug onto his truck mode ladder nozzle, or onto his wrist barrel blaster, head mounted nozzle, or fire hose accessory in robot mode. This piece is also compatible with Inferno's redeco Artfire, as well as with his retool, Grapple, who makes use of the same wrist blaster toolings.


Masterpiece Megatron

  • MP-36 Megatron (April 1, 2017)
Making his second appearance in the Masterpiece line, Megatron includes accessories based on weapons he used in The Transformers: The Movie in the form of his energy dagger and small laser pistol. The bright pink blade of the dagger can be removed from the hilt and plugged into the barrel of the pistol to act as a laser blast effect.
This blast effect makes use of a stepped peg (5 mm for dagger configuration, 3 mm to fit into the pistol), meaning it is also compatible with the relevant ports on War for Cybertron Trilogy toys, provided the inside of the port isn't too shallow!


Masterpiece Dinobot

  • MP-41 Dinobot (Beast Wars) (July 28, 2018)
Masterpiece Dinobot comes a translucent effect representing his characteristic laser eye beams. The piece attaches by friction to only one of Dinobot's four interchangeable faceplates, the eyes of which are clear to allow the LED bulb inside his head to illuminate the beams.

Other lines


Transformers Protoform Optimus Prime

  • Transformers (2007) Protoform Optimus Prime (Deluxe Class, 2007)
  • Transformers (2007) Protoform Optimus Prime Fusion Cluster Edition (Deluxe Class, 2007)
  • Transformers (2007) Deluxe three-pack (multi-pack, 2007)
  • Transformers (2007) Gold Protoform Optimus Prime (Deluxe Class, 2008)
  • Lost Age Protoform Optimus Prime (Deluxe Class, 2014)
  • The Last Knight Optimus Prime 2-Pack (multi-pack, 2017)
Part of the "movie preview" wave of the first live action film toyline, Protoform Optimus Prime transforms into a teardrop-shaped atmospheric entry mode. The included fiery effect piece, cast in translucent orange with the narrow end painted gold, fits to the back of the vehicle mode, creating the illusion of a flaming comet's tail. In robot mode, the narrow end of the effect can fit into Optimus' included gun, though it is too small to fit into 5 mm ports. This toy and its effect piece saw an unchanged re-release as part of a UK exclusive multi-pack. Over in Japan, the toy was redecoed as the limited release "Protoform Optimus Prime Fusion Cluster Edition", with the effect cast in blue translucent plastic with a painted gold tip; the later Lucky Draw "Gold Protoform Optimus Prime" included the piece in unpainted orange, but since only five of these toys were ever produced, good luck getting hold of one. Later on, the Lost Age: Movie Advanced Series redeco, again named "Protoform Optimus Prime", included the piece in unpainted translucent blue. Later still, the The Last Knight Premier Edition "Optimus Prime 2-Pack" included another redecoed Protoform Optimus, this time with a red translucent flame with orange paint.


Transformers Protoform Starscream

  • Transformers (2007) Protoform Starscream (Deluxe Class, 2007)
  • Transformers (2007) Protoform Starscream Fusion Cluster Edition (Deluxe Class, 2007)
  • Transformers (2007) Gold Protoform Starscream (Deluxe Class, 2008)
Released concurrently with the above Optimus, Protoform Starscream transforms into a similar entry mode, and comes with his own orange and painted gold effect piece to represent his comet-like tail. The narrow end of the piece is cross-shaped, allowing it to fit into Starscream's robot mode missile launcher, though it lacks the ability to be used as a projectile. As with Optimus, Starscream saw two Japanese exclusives made in limited quantities: the redeco "Protoform Starscream Fusion Cluster Edition", with the effect piece decoed in a Bunsen burner-ish translucent blue with gold paint, and the Lucky Draw "Gold Protoform Starscream", with an unpainted reddish orange effect; only five samples of the latter toy were made.


Hero Mashers Electronic Grimlock

  • Hero Mashers Electronic Grimlock (Electronic Action, 2014)
Part of the first (and only) wave of Electronic Action Hero Mashers toys, Grimlock is a non-transforming figure that includes a fire blast effect part that can be slotted into his mouth and illuminated by an LED in his head. The part can be pegged onto any other Hero Mashers figure.


Robots in Disguise Twinferno

  • Robots in Disguise Twinferno (Warrior Class, 2017)
Warrior Class Twinferno includes two opaque flame blast effect parts that can be pegged into the turbines of his jet mode, or held by his dragon-heads/hands via square pegs that are not compatible with other figures.


The Last Knight Megatron

  • The Last Knight Megatron (Leader Class, 2017)
  • Movie The Best Megatron (Leader Class, February 24, 2018)
The Last Knight Premier Edition Leader Class Megatron includes two elongated, billowing, orange flame effects. As a pair, they can each be plugged into one of his turbine exhausts in jet mode, or one of them can be used with his wrist-mounted fusion canon in robot mode.
These pieces make uses of 5 mm pegs, meaning they are compatible with any suitable port! However, like Ultimate X-Spanse's accessories above, these effects feature no 3 mm holes inside their pegs, leaving them incompatible with some of the play pattern.


Though this portion of the list may appear to be a similar length, consider that it took six years for the Masterpiece toyline to rack up six unique blast effects while, post-Siege, the line exceeded that number in less than a year.



Masterpiece Megatron

  • MP-43 Megatron (Beast Wars) (March 30, 2019)
To represent his robot mode arm cannon, Masterpiece Megatron includes a long, pinkish blast effect that plugs into his T. rex mode mouth. The effect piece uses an uncommon (unique?) stepped 3 mm/ 4 mm peg that leaves it incompatible with... pretty much anything other than its intended use!


Masterpiece Streak

  • MP-18+ Streak (July 27, 2019)
This Masterpiece Streak release in cartoon-accurate colours includes an innovative set of six modular effects pieces: three swirling yellow laser beam pieces of varying length, and three adaptor pieces to actually attach the beams to Streak's weapons, with one to fit over his dispenser rifle, and one for each of his shoulder-mounted cannons. As a result, each of the three beams is completely interchangeable on each of the adaptors, and since it required no new tooling to the base mold, all of these blast effects are compatible with previous Masterpiece Streaks and Prowls. Additionally, a bonus fourth adaptor is included to allow the beams to interact with Masterpiece MP-44 Convoy.


Masterpiece Convoy

  • MP-44 Convoy (August 31, 2019)
  • MP-49 Black Convoy (July 25, 2020)
  • MP-44S Optimus Prime (February 2024)
  • MPG-12 Shattered Glass Optimus Prime (2025)
Among a plethora of other accessories, the third Masterpiece Convoy comes with not one but two orange blast effects compatible with his Ion Blaster accessory. Why two? Because they are also compatible with the included jetpack accessory, serving as booster flames. The obligatory redeco Black Convoy includes only one of the blast effects, now cast in translucent teal plastic.


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Masterpiece Bumble

  • MP-45 Cybertron Espionage Bumble (Ver. 2.0) (November 23, 2019)
Proving that big things come in small packages, Masterpiece Bumble's small handgun is paired with an extended yellow laser blast effect that's about twice the length of the gun!


Masterpiece Hound

  • MP-47 Hound (December 26, 2019)
Masterpiece Hound includes a conical blue blast effect, compatible with his handheld gun, to represent the projection of one of his famous holograms.


Masterpiece Smokescreen

  • MP-19+ Smokescreen (January 27, 2020)
This cartoon-accurate redeco of Masterpiece Smokescreen includes a large, grey tinted exhaust smoke effect. It can be separated into two pieces and attached under his feet in robot mode and either on his sides or in the tailpipe in altmode.


Masterpiece Arcee

  • MP-51 Arcee (December 29, 2020)
  • MP-55 Nightbird Shadow (February 28, 2022)
Masterpiece Arcee comes with three yellow blast effects: one short, fiery blast that fits around the barrel of her small pistol; one arcing, electrical beam that plugs into her blaster; and one long stream of laser that plugs into her rifle (though the latter two effects are interchangeable between those weapons). All three blast effects, now in purple, are included with Arcee's redeco Nightbird Shadow, though Nightbird doesn't count the rifle among her many accessories.


Masterpiece Starscream

  • MP-52 Starscream Ver. 2.0 (June 26, 2021)
  • MP-52+ Thundercracker Ver. 2.0 (September 2021)
  • MP-52+ Skywarp Ver. 2.0 (December 2021)
The updated Masterpiece Starscream includes five blast effects, all in Decepticon purple. Three of the effects are intended to fit over the muzzles of Starscream's null rays and the barrel of the included gun mode Megatron accessory, and they consist of a squat, rounded discharge, an explosive blast with a short tip but a wide spread at the base, and an elongated laser beam. Starscream also comes with two fiery effects to plug into his jet mode exhausts, or under his feet in robot mode, to simulate him flying. All five of Starscream's effects are included with each of his redecos, Thundercracker and Skywarp, with the sole difference being that their jet exhaust blasts are now in yellow-orange. Fans who purchase all three Seekers will have the opportunity to send away proofs of purchase in exchange for a coronation-themed add-on kit for Starscream, which also includes a pair of jet exhaust blasts, now in bright yellow.


Masterpiece Movie Series Blackout

  • MPM-13 Decepticon Blackout & Scorponok (2022)
This huge toy of Blackout comes with two bright orange blast effects; one is a spiky burst of flame, while the other is a small burst with three spearhead-shaped missiles snaking out. Both can be plugged into each of Blackout's weapon accessories interchangeably, as well as a port on the centre of his chest.


Masterpiece Trailbreaker

  • MP-56 Trailbreaker (2022)
Masterpiece Trailbreaker includes a spiky, dark yellow blast effect, compatible with either of his wrist nozzles or his shoulder-mounted cannon barrel.


Masterpiece Skyfire

  • MP-57 Skyfire (2023)
  • MPG-13 Shattered Glass Jetfire (2025)
Another big boy, Skyfire comes with two long, orange, flame boost-style blast effects for use with his double-barrelled rifle or his booster pack's thrusters.


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Masterpiece Movie Series Bonecrusher

  • MPM-14 Bonecrusher (2023)
Masterpiece Movie Series Bonecrusher includes six orange flamey effects to clip onto specific parts of his body to recreate the scene where he rollerskates through a bus.


Masterpiece Hoist

  • MP-58 Hoist (January 25, 2024)
A heavy retool of Trailbreaker, Masterpiece Hoist includes an orange, Star of Bethlehem-y shaped blast effect that plugs onto his wrist cannon so that its pointy convex side faces forward.


Masterpiece Riggorus

  • MP-56+ Riggorus (2024)
Another retool of Trailbreaker, Masterpiece Riggorus comes with a flat, semi-translucent disc decorated with yellow concentric circles to represent a "force barrier" when attached to his chest. Presumably, it is still compatible with notable forcefield user Trailbreaker.


  • MPM-15 Decepticon Brawl (2024)


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  • MP-60 Ginrai (2024)
  • MPG-09 Super Ginrai (2024)


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MPG Lift-Ticket

  • MPG-10 Lift-Ticket (2025)


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R.E.D. [Robot Enhanced Design]


R.E.D. Arcee

  • Arcee (2021)
Released as part of the Transformers R.E.D. series, this toy of Arcee includes her characteristic forearm-mounted blades as accessories; one blast effect is supplied for each blade, sliding onto its sharp end to represent a slash attack. Arcee's stock CG renders show her slash effects variously in translucent purple or the same colour as her blue paint applications, but the toy as released has them in unpainted grey.


R.E.D. Cheetor

  • Cheetor (2021)
  • Galavtron (2022)
R.E.D. Cheetor comes with two different blast effects that clip into and around the barrel of his handheld blaster. Both effects are purple in colour; one is a long beam with a small blast at the base, while the other features a much larger discharge at the base and a more pointed tip. Both of these effects were later included with R.E.D. Galvatron in a more pinkish shade, for use with his particle cannon.


R.E.D. Bumblebee

  • Bumblebee (2021)
R.E.D. Bumblebee includes a pair of yellow, billowing laser blast effects to insert into the barrel of his blaster; one is long and thin, and the other is, like Bumblebee himself, short and squat.


R.E.D. Coronation Starscream

  • Coronation Starscream (2021)
  • Shockwave (2022)
  • Thundercracker (2022)
R.E.D. Coronation Starscream comes with two blast effects to peg onto his null rays. Purpley-pink in colour, these effects are chaotically explosive starting at the base, ending with a wispy tip. A pair of hotter pink blast effects were included with R.E.D. Shockwave, proving compatible with either of his interchangeable gun hand barrels or the included pistol mode Megatron accessory. Starscream's redeco Thundercracker also included both blast effects, now in purple.
These effects make use of ports that are just about 3 mm, meaning they are partially compatible with War for Cybertron Trilogy and Generations toys!


R.E.D. Megatron

  • Megatron (2022)
This R.E.D. figure of Prime Megatron comes with two blast effects, one for each of his characteristic weapons: his blade has a criss-cross of arching, deep purple, Dark Energon-style electricity that slides over the business end, and his fusion cannon has a long and girthy blaster discharge in the same colour.



BotBots Pew Pew Pew

  • Gamer Geeks (5-pack, 2023)
  • Outta Controller (vehicle pack, 2023)
Part of the sixth series of BotBots, Pew Pew Pew transforms from a tiny robot into a blaster pistol/light gun with G1 Megatron theming. He comes with a tiny little pink blast effect in a similar shape to the one that comes with Siege Blowpipe, which can plug into his gunbarrel or be held in one of his little hands. The attachment peg is 3mm wide, which makes it compatible with many other toys.
Pew Pew Pew was released in a Gamer Geeks 5-pack, and also packaged in with the Outta Controller vehicle.

See also

Many, many toys of missiles are shaped like plumes or flame or lasers blasts; even putting aside that assembling a list of every missile would be a fool's errand, missiles are excluded from counting as blast effects as they serve a different purpose: a launching projectile play pattern. Also excluded are effect-like pieces that are integral to the operation of the toy; for example, the Earthrise Quintesson Judge would not be able to stand up without its "levitation beam" piece. Remember, kids: the moment a part serves more of a function than merely being cosmetic, it is no longer a fire blast effect.


  • Though comparatively new to Transformers, this is not the first time one of Hasbro's action figure lines have used similar effects accessories. The 2002 Star Wars Saga series in particular made ample use of clear-plastic effects parts. Sadly, those toys use much thinner pegs, making them incompatible with most Transformers toys.