Flamefeather (G1) - Transformers Wiki

This article is about the Generation 1 Decepticon. For the Aligned Decepticon, see Flamefeather (RID).

Flamefeather is a Decepticon Firecon from the Generation 1 continuity family.


"Here, shake my hand so I can punch you in the face. Repeatedly. It'll be fun."

In an army populated by inadequate and crazed warriors like Misfire and Fangry, Flamefeather is still the worst of them all. He was actually thrown out of the Decepticon Military Academy for being too violent. Normally that's like Wreck-Gar throwing out a Junkion who talks too much TeeVee, but in this case it was warranted. Flamefeather's lust for destruction supersedes all other concerns like discipline, orders, or the difference between insignias. He was only let into the Decepticons because his instructors figured he'd get himself killed and solve their problem. Countless battles later, he's still here somehow.

Sometimes he is inexplicably more intelligent and has the title of "Raid Planner".


Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.


Flamefeather is so dumb he stands up to Galvatron.

Flamefeather and the Firecons operated from Cybertron under the direction of the Decepticon High Council. On behalf of their masters, they came to Earth looking for Galvatron, in the hopes of negotiating an alliance with the powerful Decepticon. There, they had some fun burning a trio of Autobots who were also looking for Galvatron. Despite Sizzle socking him good in the beak, Flamefeather soldiered through the battle, and met with Galvatron as he emerged from the nearby shore. He then voiced his proposal to the super-Decepticon, only for Galvatron to reject it outright. Flamefeather wound up being able to do little else but stare as Galvatron took off on his own. Enemy Action! Sometime later, Flamefeather and the Firecons reopened the Jekka Amphitheatre in the city-state of Tyrest for gladiatorial combat. Working with the overseer, Zabra, they managed to make a tidy profit until Ultra Magnus and the Sparklers got involved. The Firecons decided to cut their losses, and left Zabra and the Autobots to sort out their differences. Deadly Games!


Flamefeather is the dumb one on the left.

Flamefeather and the Firecons were working detention at a Decepticon prison camp when they got word from Scorponok on Earth to set loose three Autobots as guinea pigs for a new weapon in development. This didn't sit too well with Flamefeather, and he made a point of egging the Autobots on when the Firecons came to collect the prisoners, prompting a brief but fierce battle. Still, he remembered his place enough to avoid permanently damaging the prisoners, and sent them on their way. Ca$h and Car-nage!

Decepticon High Command decreed that the Transformers Annual 1989 was anti-Decepticon propaganda and sent the Firecons to Earth to incinerate every copy not protected by the Autobots. Transformers Annual 1989

On another occasion, Flamefeather came to Earth for the High Council with Quake and the Triggercons to retrieve Thunderwing. Thunderwing had made a bid for Decepticon leadership, but failed the required test due to the intervention of Autobots Nightbeat and Siren. Enraged by his loss, Thunderwing refused to return to Cybertron in the shuttlecraft with Flamefeather and the others. Instead, he commandeered the Decepticons for an all out assault on the Ark, in the name of vengeance. Rage! Naturally, the assault failed and Thunderwing, Flamefeather and the other Decepticons were repulsed by the united Autobot forces. Thunderwing received leadership anyway, though, just for having the chrome steel bearings to try the assault in the first place! Assault on the Ark!

Transformers Comic-Magazin

The Decepticons stole nuclear missiles and planned to use them to extort oil from the world powers. The Firecons guarded the Decepticon base where the missiles were set to launch, prompting the Autobots to call in the Classic Pretenders to defeat them. Transformers in Action: Megatron's Ultimatum

Fleetway Generation 2 comic

War Without End movie theatre.jpg

After a long absence, Bludgeon and the Decepticons returned to Earth to wreak havoc on the humans, in order to draw out Optimus Prime. Flamefeather and Sparkstalker were among the 'Cons who laid waste to London at Bludgeon's command. War Without End Later, they were both seen attacking Megatron, when the former Decepticon leader arrived to try and reclaim his throne. Upon the arrival of the Dinobots, Slag shot Flamefeather and Sparkstalker down with fire of his own. War Zone

Wings Universe


Flamefeather and the Firecons were among the first generation Decepticons sent back to Earth by Galvatron once he heard of the new faction of Decepticons that had formed there. Flamefeather joined up with Clench and the Decepticon Syndicate along with several others first gen warriors like Breakdown, Double Punch, and Slicer. He was one of the first Decepticons exposed to the power of forestonite, developing enhanced fire-breath as well as a brilliant canary yellow color scheme. Flamefeather and the Syndicate turned their new power against the Autobots, but an accident in the lab soon spread the forestonite to the Autobots as well. Clench was defeated and fled with most of his soldiers, but Flamefeather was captured by the Autobots. He was later seen leashed by Motormouth, maybe as a new pet. Polly want some energon? Generation 2: Redux

Having somehow escaped from the Autobots, the three Firecons were presented to Jhiaxus as a "bonus incentive" on Clench's behalf. A Flash Forward, Part 2 Under his new leader, Flamefeather was made to undertake training to temper his volatile personality. Jhiaxus saw potential in Flamefeather, and set him in charge of the Battlechargers. Together, they gathered several supplies needed for Jhiaxus's future plans to succeed. Flamefeather's profile in Club magazine #45 When some captive Autobots freed themselves, A Flash Forward, Part 5 the trio attacked them, only to be blasted by a tornado from Windbreaker. A Flash Forward, Part 6

2005 IDW continuity

Flamefeather city of steel.jpg

During the war, the Firecons torched an outpost on Varas Extrinsecus, attracting the Dinobots and the Wreckers who followed them to Varas Centralus. The Killing Jar During the great battle that followed, the Firecons burned the planet's atmosphere while other Decepticons reverse-engineered their abilities to create nasty infernus bullets. Quest for Fire Forever Is a Long Time Coming

Once the war was over, the Firecons came to live in a Decepticon ghetto on Cybertron, where Flamefeather took particular offense at a visit from Optimus Prime and attacked him with fire-breath, triggering an angry mob to attempt to lynch Prime, City of Steel who escaped thanks to Starscream. Fight or Flee Shortly afterwards, Gutcruncher's bar was burned down, and the Firecons suspected—and feared—Autobot reprisal. Their hideout was then attacked by Sandstorm and the Dinobots, suspecting their involvement in recent murders making use of infernus bullets, and Flamefeather found himself violently taken out by Snarl's thagomizer. Quest for Fire Their lives were spared thanks to the intervention of Optimus Prime, who had them taken into custody and later realized that the Firecons were innocent as they didn't need infernus bullets to kill people with fire. The Killing Jar

Flamefeather was part of a Decepticon crowd attending a speech by Galvatron, who asked them to join him and conquer Earth. Aphelion They thought this sounded great and marched on Cybertron's space bridge, seeking to use it to travel to the Ark-7 near Earth. Lagrange A number of them, including Flamefeather, successfully penetrated the bridge and took control of the Ark-7, crashing it in Shanghai. Perihelion

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

Flamefeather was among the Decepticons and Cobra soldiers who attacked Metroplex, where he was held at bay by Scarlett. Everybody Hates Metroplex

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #35


Flamefeather was part of a large army deployed to the Sea of Rust under Sixshot's authority to capture the Enigma of Combination. Lord of Misrule: Sea of Rust II He was seen fighting with Springer as the battle raged on. Enigmatic

During a raid on Swindle's casino, Sixshot brought a Decepticon detachment that included both Flamefeather and Cindersaur. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Two In the ensuing battle against the Autobots, Windblade knocked a chunk of masonry onto Flamefeather's head and knocked him out. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Three When the battle ended with the triumphant return of a reborn Exarchon, Sixshot and his unit pursued the ancient villain to the Sonic Canyons. War's End Part Two They entered an uneasy alliance with Pyra Magna's Autobots to destroy the Threefold Spark. The Firecons engaged with Exarchon's clone drones long enough for Mindwipe and Cyclonus to trap Exarchon in a spark cage, rendering him helpless. War's End Part Four

In the final battle with the Autobots at Darkmount, Flamefeather was seen contending with Computron. Fate of Cybertron

Commercial appearances

The Firecons battled the Sparkabots in the middle of a Cybertronian city, with Flamefeather taking on Fizzle. Seacons / Sparkabots / Firecons commercial


The Transformers

G1-toy Flamefeather.jpg

  • Flamefeather (Firecon, 1988)
Released in the fifth year of the original Transformers toyline (fourth in European markets), Flamefeather transforms from a robot to a bipedal bird-monster thing. In this mode, his rear limbs can be swung up, allowing him to be rolled forward on the rubber gear-wheel on his belly. This activates the Firecon team's gimmick, shooting "cold" sparks from their beast mode mouths. In monster mode he can swing slightly at the hips; however, the trade-off for this is that - like his fellow Firecons - Flamefeather has a very simple robot mode, with the arms fixed parallel to the torso, though the same hip movement is retained. Also like the other Firecons and Sparkabots, the need to add pressure to activate his sparking gimmick and the low clearance of the creature belly around the rubber wheel that activates it means the underside of vintage Flamefeathers can get scratched and worn.
This toy was released without changes in Super-God Masterforce as the Sizzle-type Sparkdash drone.

Generation 2


'So, dude, we are totally radioactive, now what?'

  • Flamefeather (Sparkabot, 1994)
Flamefeather was redecoed and re-released as part of the first year of the European/Australasian Generation 2 toyline, in really garish colors. He of course retained his cold-spark-spitting gimmick, though the use of a softer rubber for the friction-wheel makes it a little harder to work the gimmick thanks to reduced traction.
The clear plastic is sadly quite brittle and breaks easily, so care should be taken.


Transformers Trading Card Game


  • Raider Flamefeather, Black Ops-Soldier (2019)
    • Wave 3: War for Cybertron: Siege I
    • Rarity: UT
    • Card Number: T29/T48
    • Stars: 8
Sergeant Flamefeather, Black Ops-Soldier is one of forty-eight double-sided character cards available in Wave 3 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, War for Cybertron: Siege I.
The card's features original artwork, with line-art by Marcelo Matere and colors by Volta.


  • All of the Sparkabot/Firecon molds have indentations on their beast mode legs seemingly meant for a rubsign, but both Hasbro and Takara stopped using rubsigns after 1987, so the spaces are "filled" with normal faction sigil decals.
  • In the European G2 toyline micro-continuity, Flamefeather's package information implies him to be (or have become?) drastically more intelligent than most portrayals and has the function of "Raid-Planner", with a motto declaring how he can give any plan put in front of him "a twist" to confuse enemies.

Foreign names

  • French: Plume de Feu (Canada)


  • TFCC-45-profile-Flamefeather.jpg