Fortress of Despair - Transformers Wiki
- The Fortress of Despair is a building on Nebulos from the Marvel portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
The Fortress of Despair is a Decepticon base on the planet Nebulos.
Marvel The Transformers comics
The Decepticons had captured Autobot Targetmasters and taken them to the Fortress of Despair. The Autobots thought the Decepticons intended to dissect them in order to understand the Targetmaster technology better, so the Autobot Headmasters set out to free them. Infiltrating the Fortress of Despair was suspiciously surprisingly easy, as was finding the Autobot prisoners, who were strung up to the ceiling.
Before Sureshot could warn the Headmasters it wasn't the Targetmaster process the Decepticons couldn't perfect, the Decepticons blasted a hole into their own base to capture an Autobot Headmaster. As Scorponok took off with Highbrow, the Decepticon troops tried to kill the remaining Autobots, but were defeated when the Autobot Headmasters freed their Targetmaster comrades. Worlds Apart!
- "Worlds Apart!" is difficult to place in continuity with the Headmasters series, but while the story's events are somewhat compatible, the Fortress of Despair hardly is. In the Headmasters series, the Decepticons initially take up residence in an abandoned industrial complex on the Plains of Thok and soon afterwards relocate to a base in Koraja, neither of which is the Fortress of Despair. For the Fortress of Despair to exist in the Headmasters series continuity, it'd have to be a secondary base built and used while the Decepticons were pretending to be the Nebulans' saviors. This doesn't sound much compatible with keeping the Nebulans' trust though.
- Highbrow calls the fortress "notorious". Neither time nor circumstances have been available for it to earn a description like that, but perhaps the Fortress of Despair is one of those structures that the Decepticons have created off-world in the image of a building on Cybertron and so inherited the infamy.