Franklin Burns High School - Transformers Wiki

Franklin Burns High School is located in the United States of America, within driving distance of the volcano where the Nemesis crashed.

Known students:


Shattered Glass

After Butch made friends with the Autobots, he and Tailgate paid his old high school a visit so they could terrorize the students. Butch particularly wanted revenge on Presser for laughing at him when he asked her to prom. They were interrupted by Sephie Beller, who had obtained a suit made of Cybertronian tech from Jetstorm. After she zapped Tailgate a couple of times, he picked her up and tried to drain her power, only to be blasted back into the school's main building. When Sephie's suit suffered a meltdown, Butch and Tailgate escaped but the students came to her aid. Transhuman
