G.H.O.S.T. - Transformers Wiki
This article is about the human-Autobot alliance. For the supernatural entities, see Ghost.
G.H.O.S.T. (Global Hazard and Ordinance Strike Team) is a government organization based in Witwicky, Pennsylvania. They are focused on rebuilding human-Autobot relations, capturing rogue Decepticons, and finding ways that Cybertronians can help Earth's communities. While much of their operations are covert, they operate publicly, and represent the face of a post-war world.
Their relationship with the Autobots is...tense, to say the least. Their ethically dubious policy towards the Decepticons, including restraints and long-term incarceration, combined with an eccentric and extreme staff, means that neither G.H.O.S.T. nor the Autobots fully trust each other. Even the bot who should be their greatest ally, Optimus Prime, keeps more than a few secrets from them.
One of their favorite pastimes seems to be cheesy slogans.
Significant human personnel include:
- Executive Agent Karen Croft
- Special Agent Jon Schloder
- Agent Dot Malto
- Agent Bala
- Agent Bagheri
- Cadet Kwan
- Cadet Conway
- Cadet Rosato
- Dr. Meridian (former)
EarthSpark cartoon
G.H.O.S.T.'s origins are top-secret and shrouded in mystery—while its existence became public knowledge sometime during the Transformers war, it seems that the organization may have been operating for quite some time beforehand, possibly even before the arrival of the Autobots and Decepticons in 1984. The Official Guidebook Their subterranean headquarters in Witwicky lay atop a much larger network of unmapped caverns that seemingly dated back to Quintus Prime's time on Earth; in addition to a rogue Dweller, What Dwells Within they also contained advanced Cybertronian technology, abundant supplies of raw energon, a damaged spacebridge, and an ancient superweapon capable of deactivating Transformers. The Last Hope, Part 1
Thirty years before the present day, Optimus Prime and the other Autobots ratified a formal alliance with G.H.O.S.T. in their war against the Decepticons. Age of Evolution, Part 1 The first generation of G.H.O.S.T. troopers were comprised of military veterans from across the planet who'd survived Decepticon encounters; as the war expanded, however, G.H.O.S.T. began recruiting personnel directly from military academies, law enforcement organizations, and technical institutions. In addition to supporting the Autobots in frontline combat operations, G.H.O.S.T. maintained a network of research facilities across the country, including Philadelphia and San Francisco; here, a network of leading scientists worked on a variety of secret projects, which included reverse-engineering Cybertronian technology. The Official Guidebook One such scientist, Doctor Meridian, lost his arm when Autobot friendly fire struck his lab during the Battle of the Bay. Age of Evolution, Part 1
During the war, G.H.O.S.T. developed and deployed a number of weapons that incorporated hybridized Cybertronian technology, including energon scanners that could detect disguised Decepticons and anti-energon fields capable of incapacitating them. An orbital satellite network allowed G.H.O.S.T troopers to track Cybertronians over long distances and calculate probable trajectories, allowing them to intercept their targets from afar. The Official Guidebook G.H.O.S.T. maintained a large motor pool, including armored cars, surveillance vans, Secret Legacy, Part 1 and trucks and rail vehicles used to transport energon, technology and captured Decepticons. Moo-ving In
Following the end of the conflict, G.H.O.S.T. announced that it would monitor all remaining Autobots and Decepticons as part of their post-war cleanup operations. The Official Guidebook Optimus, a repentant Megatron, and several other Autobots entered into a formal partnership with G.H.O.S.T.; in exchange for a secure, hidden headquarters, Optimus and his team spent the next fifteen years helping G.H.O.S.T. operatives round up any remaining Decepticons, Secret Legacy, Part 1 and imprisoned them in a top-secret wing of their base. Optimus attempted to pivot the organization's focus to promoting peaceful interspecies relations, but Executive Leader Karen Croft didn't see eye-to-eye with the Cybertronians; Classified under her watch, G.H.O.S.T. maintained a number of off-the-books projects, including an effort to restore the spacebridge. Stowed Away, Stowaways Some Cybertronians suspected that the organization was more concerned with its own best interests, and some chose not to work with G.H.O.S.T.— when Bumblebee went into hiding, some G.H.O.S.T. agents wondered if he'd somehow left the planet or defected to the Decepticons. The Official Guidebook
In the present day, G.H.O.S.T. created Dot Malto's job as a park ranger to move her closer to their headquarters in Witwicky. Secret Legacy, Part 1 Elita-1 and Optimus Prime lured Swindle and Hardtop into a trap with the anonymous tip of G.H.O.S.T. having an unguarded shipping container of energon, managing to apprehend Hardtop. A G.H.O.S.T. convoy transporting Hardtop was attacked by Arachnamechs, allowing Meridian to steal the prisoner Decepticon, and catching Robby and Mo Malto in the crossfire. Secret Legacy, Part 1 When Meridian kidnapped Twitch and Thrash under the guise of a G.H.O.S.T. transport vehicle, agents on the scene had no records of the truck or driver. Secret Legacy, Part 2
Swindle attacked a G.H.O.S.T. vehicle being driven by Agent Bala, hoping to steal the energon scanner inside, but was stopped by the forcefields. Later, Dot was called to close down the area, putting out a fire started by Swindle to distract them. Swindle later tried and failed to get Mo and Thrash to steal the scanner from the G.H.O.S.T. truck. House Rules
When Robby and Twitch went out for a night walk, Agent Schloder and a group of G.H.O.S.T. cadets mistook Twitch for a child-stealing Decepticon.
An elevator down to G.H.O.S.T. headquarters was installed in Dot's park ranger office; Agent Schloder used it to enter the office and get Dot's help in tracking down the Decepticon. Later, Dot went through G.H.O.S.T. orientation led by Optimus Prime. After orientation, Dot and Optimus went to go get her kids and the two saved them from G.H.O.S.T. cadets that had cornered them into a training room. To prevent Schloder from finding them, Optimus decided to sneak the family out of a secret entrance, through a prison holding Decepticons. Classified
Following his capture, Soundwave was placed in G.H.O.S.T.'s holding facility, but he managed to release Ravage into the facility, observed by the also-imprisoned Starscream. Decoy
G.H.O.S.T. held a G.H.O.S.T.-Autobot Alliance ceremony that was promptly crashed by Skywarp and Nova Storm, attempting to steal Optimus Prime's left arm under orders from Meridian, now known as Mandroid. Age of Evolution, Part 1
Foreign names
- Japanese: G.H.O.S.T. (ゴースト Gōsuto)
- French: G.H.O.S.T. (Groupe des Hautes Œuvres de Sécurité Terrienne; "Group of the High Works of Earth Security")
- Hungarian: SZE.LL.E.M. (Szervezet a Leglényegesebb Elhárító Manőverekért; "GHOST", "Organization for the Most Significant Defense Maneuvers")
See also
- NEST, another backronym organization that works with Autobots