Go-Bot (species) - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "GoBots" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see GoBots (disambiguation).


Let's seigō!

The Go-Bots are a small-numbered race of robotic lifeforms bent on making the universe a better place. Most of them possess the skill of transformation.


1-2-3 Transformers

Rescue Roy, Airlift Andy, Charlie Chopper, Fire Marshal Mike, and Policeman Pete likely are Go-Bots. The AllSpark Almanac II


Go-Go-Go-Bots!The Go-Bots' call to action

Hasbro press release

Go-Bots are made from a material known as Go-Brillium, an amazingly flexible metal that can instantly convert from gas, to liquid, to solid. This made the Go-Bots one of the most adaptable creatures in the universe, as it gave them access to a virtually unlimited number of body-types and alternate modes.[1]

Go-Bots cartoon

The Go-Bots were a nomadic species that traveled the galaxy by virtue of living on a comet. On said comet, they had built themselves a city called Botropolis, which was ruled by its High Council. The Go-Bots had a tradition that each year, the council chose a planet they considered in need of help and selected a team of outstanding Go-Bots to assign the job of Go-Bot Protector to.

In the year 2003, Aero-Bot, Speed-Bot, Strong-Bot, Beast-Bot, and Buzzer-Bot were selected to protect, serve, help, and guide the planet Earth. Accompanied by Kid-Bot and Gas-Bot, they set up base underneath an amusement park. It didn't take the group long to gain the trust of Earth's population, which welcomed its new protectors warmly.

Over the course of their stay on Earth, the Go-Bots prevented and provided help during many disasters, but the bulk of their time was spent dealing with the misdeeds of a variety of intergalactic creatures. Somewhat oddly, most of those alien menaces were of the Go-Bot species too. Go-Bots

Rescue Hero Go-Bots manga

Rescue Hero Go-Bots


The Go-Bot Buzzer-Bot was one of the multiversal travelers who got stuck in the city of Axiom Nexus. Transcendent: Part 4




  • Go-Bots are Transformers, but not in the sense of them being from Cybertron or otherwise part of its population, as the word usually is understood. For all intents and purposes, Cybertron and its inhabitants don't exist in the Go-Bots continuity family.
  • Despite the Cybertronians not existing in the Go-Bots continuity family, the insignia worn by the Go-Bots is strikingly similar to that of the Autobots. What this means is uncertain.
  • The Go-Bots have been referenced both in the Generation 1 continuity family and Transformers Animated. The former has its own Reptron, who doesn't seem to be a Go-Bot in that continuity family, and the latter has its own Botropolis, though there's no information on whether it has a population at all.
