Great War (Cyberverse) - Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Great War" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Great War (disambiguation).
- The Great War is a historical event from the Cyberverse continuity family.
A long, as in more than 66 million years, and brutal conflict, the Great War saw the collapse of Cybertronian civilization across both the species' ancestral homeworld and its colonies, heralding a new dark age for the Transformers.
Cyberverse cartoon
The Great War began when Megatron gathered a large number of followers, who dubbed themselves the Decepticons, in response to the corruption practiced by the ruling class of Cybertron. As time passed however, it became clear that Megatron only served his own powerlust, plunging Cybertron into war for control of the planet. Megatron Is My Hero One of the opening acts of the war was Megatron murdering the High Council. Matrix of Leadership
Early on in the war, some of Cybertron's colonies, such as Caminus, were untouched by the conflict, prompting Chromia to try and have Windblade return home. Maccadam's
Well into the war, Megatron conspired to use Vector Sigma to reprogram the Allspark and have it birth an endless legion of Decepticons, Megatron Is My Hero only for the Autobots to launch the artifact off Cybertron. Allspark As a result of this, Cybertron's condition began to decline, prompting Optimus Prime to commission the Ark so the Autobots could locate the Allspark and bring it home. Matrix of Leadership
Some 66 million years later, the Great War seemed to have turned into a more "cold war" state, at least from the Decepticons' point of view, with the Autobots reduced to a small resistance on Cybertron as the Decepticon fleet travelled the galaxy in search of the Allspark. Fractured Sabotage
When the crew of the Ark reawoke on Earth in the year 2007, and the Nemesis arrived, the Great War resumed on the planet, Sea of Tranquility for a brief period before both Autobots and Decepticons returned to Cybertron. Escape From Earth
Following the Autobots returning the Allspark to the Well of the Allspark, the Great War was considered over, Battle For Cybertron IV though factional divides remained in Cybertronian society. Enemy Line After the death of Megatron and the defeat of his alternate universe counterpart, the war was formally declared over with the signing of the Treaty of the Wall. The Immobilizers
Alternate universe
In another reality, Megatron killed Optimus in the early stages of the Great War and claimed the Matrix of Leadership. Without Prime leading the Autobots, the Decepticons quickly won the war with Megatron using the Allspark to create his Decepticon supersoldiers. The Other One