Griffin Crest - Transformers Wiki

RulesAndRegulations Griffin Crest.jpg

Griffin Crest is a piece of land near Griffin Rock in which electronics will not work. It's surrounded by fence to keep the bears out, however it also has an active geyser named Old Parker in the middle of it.


Rescue Bots cartoon

In the 1960s, scientists set up an EMP generator on Griffin Crest to create a safe zone in case the technology on the island ever became out of control. The site underwent regular security inspections to make sure it was kept safe. Fifty years later, when Charlie Burns and his son Cody were carrying out one such inspection, the Rescue Bots misinterpreted a call from Cody and raced there. Naturally, Heatwave, Blades and Boulder fell victim to the EMP as soon as they entered the EMP zone and had to be towed back out. Also a bear got in and had to be ejected before they fixed the fence. Rules and Regulations

When the keys to their Buddy Bracelets were destroyed, the Lad Pioneer hikers had to hike to Griffin Crest and used the EMP to disable the bracelets. Buddy System

When the Rescue Bots were replaced by fakes, the Burns family ordered the fakes to walk into the EMP zone, knowing that the real Bots wouldn't go in there. The fake Bots entered the zone and promptly shut down, at which point the Burns family discovered the switch. Double Villainy

When tyrannical supercomputer Vigil made its way back to Griffin Rock from the Island of Misfit Tech, Frankie put an end to its threat for good by tricking it into inhabiting a model rocket, and then steering said rocket directly into the EMP zone. No Place Like Dome