Headmaster (Animated) - Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Headmaster" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Headmaster (disambiguation).
- The Headmaster is a L33T H4x0r human from the Animated continuity family.
The Headmaster is the alternate identity of Henry Masterson, a disgruntled Sumdac Systems employee who can take control of robots by replacing their heads with his Headmaster unit. He's a gigantic dork who plays too many video games and seems to have crossed the line between reality and fiction. His vocabulary is littered with slang from the internets, with terms like "n00bs" and "Total ownage!"
“ | TOTAL OWNAGE! | ” |
—The Headmaster... all the time, "Headmaster" |
Animated cartoon
- Voice actor: Alexander Polinsky (English), Kōsuke Okano (Japanese), Alexander Doering (German), Artur Święs (Polish), Luca Bottale (Italian), Jari Salo (Finnish), Frédéric Popovic (French), Sergio Rodríguez-Guisán (Castilian Spanish), Alejandro Trejo (Latin-American Spanish, seasons 1 and 2), Javier Rodríguez Castellanos (Latin-American Spanish, season 3), Silvio Giraldi (Portuguese, seasons 1 and 2), Vagner Santos (Portuguese, season 3)
Henry Masterson grew up tinkering with Sumdac Systems robots and got a job as an engineer for them at a relatively young age. His genius caught the attention of his superiors, and he eventually had the honor of presenting his "Headmaster" project, a human-piloted transforming battle suit that could remove and replace the heads of automatons, to Isaac Sumdac himself. The demonstration went awry when the Headmaster unit proved to be too heavy for his robotic test subject, making it collapse and sending its weaponry towards Detroit. Sumdac, incensed by Masterson's plans to put his invention to military use, fired him in a fit of rage.
Masterson apparently absconded with his Headmaster prototype and went off to sulk and play with his Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Robots. He decided that having his own company would be "wicked sweet", as would exacting his revenge on Sumdac. Needing a robot sturdy enough to support his control unit, he chanced upon a news report on Bulkhead. The emo jerk ambushed and decapitated Bulkhead and subsequently went on a rampage in the Autobot's body.
He demolished several Sumdac police drones en route to a solar power plant. Dubbing himself "the Headmaster", he hijacked local television broadcasts to deliver his ultimatum: Unless he was paid $700 billion, personally delivered by Isaac Sumdac, he would set the solar fusion reactor to overload, which would result in the obliteration of the entire state of Michigan (including Masterson himself). Sumdac arrived in a tractor trailer, accompanied by his daughter, Captain Fanzone, and a small convoy of vehicles. Sumdac offered Henry the money, but the Headmaster grabbed him and announced his intention to take the ransom money and destroy the city of Detroit anyway, then use the threat of future robot attacks to sell his Headmaster units to the military.
When he checked the trailer for the money, he found only the enraged head of Bulkhead. The convoy of vehicles revealed themselves as the Autobots and engaged the Headmaster in combat. After taking a pounding from them, the Headmaster unleashed the weaponry of his control unit. He managed to corner Optimus Prime and began to slice the Autobot leader's head off. Prevented from doing so thanks to an ambush by Bulkhead's severed head, the Headmaster was soon felled by Prowl. Masterson decided to flee, but his flying Headmaster unit was knocked out of the sky by the still-disembodied Bulkhead. With the Autobots distracted by the overloading reactor, the Headmaster transformed his head unit into robot mode and fled. Headmaster
Once Porter C. Powell took control of Sumdac Systems, he was quick to rehire Masterson in the interest of reaping that lucrative arms market for which Isaac lacked the taste. Powell gave Masterson Sari's bedroom as his office while in the process of kicking her out of it. Masterson was quick to make himself comfortable and started planning renovations to hook the place up for some major gameage. Powell wasn't about to let his employee just slack around, though, and put him to work on a new Headmaster Unit project, even giving him Tutor Bot and Sparkplug to outfit with smaller Units and laser-shooting upgrades.
The Headmaster wanted more than just little bots to tinker with, however, and stole Sentinel Prime's body, upgrading it as well. He would have gotten away with it, but Optimus managed to track him down, defeat Sentinel's possessed body, and take the Headmaster to justice. At least, he was almost brought to justice, until Powell showed up and wriggled his employee out of a legal loophole. The Return of the Headmaster
Furious that his Headmaster unit had been absconded with, Masterson was unintimidated when Sari returned to Sumdac Tower with Isaac in tow, informing the Sumdacs that the Autobots would return his Headmaster unit to him or "heads would roll". At which point Optimus Prime picked him up from behind and asked for clarification on whose heads would be rolling. Furious at their actions while running the company, Isaac Sumdac immediately fired both Porter C. Powell and Henry Masterson.
Enraged that he had been fired again, Masterson tracked his Headmaster unit to the mine, where he discovered Starscream's body, ready to be taken over. After a brief fight with Bulkhead the next day, Masterson returned to Detroit, then listened in on Isaac Sumdac's phone calls. Learning that Sumdac was heading to meet Sari at Burger Bot, Masterson ambushed the "happy family", only to be interrupted by Optimus Prime again. A struggle followed, destroying the Burger Bot in the process.
Finally, Prime taunted Masterson into transforming, saying that a "n00b" like him might have trouble with it. Screaming that nobody called him a "n00b", Masterson initiated a transformation, only to discover the headmaster unit was far too large to accommodate the transformation, causing his Headmaster unit to be crushed and pop off. As Starscream's body flew into the river, Masterson was captured by Optimus Prime and turned over to the police. TransWarped
Kre-O comic
The Headmaster was wanted as one of the Earth's most high-profile criminals. Alongside Robot Master, Doctor Arkeville, Autobot Spike and a small army of Nightbirds, he stormed Metroplex to steal the giant robot's brain. While the others fought, he managed to swipe Sentinel Prime's body and gained access to Metroplex's processing core. After having downloaded Metroplex's brain onto a floppy disk, the Headmaster attempted to make good on his escape, only for Carzap to catch up to him. The Autobot snatched the disk from the Headmaster, and then G.B. Blackrock used his Circuit Smasher to separate him from Sentinel's body. The Headmaster and his accomplices wound up fleeing empty-handed. The Brick List: Earth's Most Wanted
Transformers Animated: Action Packs
The Headmaster is featured as a playable game card. He is a purple card, has a value of 1 point, and has the following power: "-2 to any Autobot in play."
Transformers Animated: Action Packs
- Earth's Most Wanted (Kreon multi-pack, 2015)
- Accessories: Kre-O stand-plate
- The Kreon Headmaster uses Kre-O Sideswipe's helmet and a Cityville micro-Kreon body, even though the other two humans in his set are regular-scaled. He is paired with Sentinel Prime (naturally) and shares a flat Kre-O stand with him. As both he and Sentinel Prime are Kreons, you can of course remove Sentinel's head and replace it with that of the Headmaster if that floats your boat.
- The "Earth's Most Wanted" Kreon pack was originally available only at BotCon 2015, and also includes Kreons of Nightbird, Robot Master, Dr. Arkeville, and Autobot Spike.
- Headmaster seems to be the Transformers equivalent of Control Freak from the Teen Titans cartoon, even having the same voice actor, creator, and similar manner of speaking. The only difference between them is that Headmaster's peculiarities are centered around video games, whereas Control Freak's were centered around television.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Henry Masterson (ヘンリー・マスターソン Henrī Masutāson), Headmaster (ヘッドマスター Heddomasutā)
- French: Cérébro-pilote ("Cerebro-pilot")
- Portuguese: Unidade Mestre ("Master Unit")