Heath Blaisedale - Transformers Wiki

Heath Blaisedale is a human from the Colorforms audiobooks portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.

You can't see me!

This character has no official visual representation in any Transformers product or media... yet, at least.

Doctor Heath Blaisedale is a brilliant scientist with the voice and personality of a certified airhead.

Yes, well, uhm... I don't think I should get in the middle of a war right now.

—Doctor Heath Blaisedale


Listen 'n Fun audiobooks continuity

Voice actress: ???

The Autobots found themselves in hot water when they were low on fuel with a Decepticon attack coming up. So, Optimus Prime ordered Cliffjumper to make contact with and collect Doctor Heath Blaisedale, whom he heard had found a way to convert solar power into an energy source richer and safer than nuclear energy.

At that time, Blaisedale had just received the "The President's Award for Outstanding Scientific Breakthrough". On her way home, Cliffjumper stalked her in altmode. At first, Blaisedale couldn't figure out why anyone would follow her, then decided "Cliffjumper" was just another creep, pulled over and marched up to him to tell him to back off. To her surprise, there wasn't a driver, and to her even bigger surprise, the car suddenly turned into a robot. Cliffjumper introduced himself and explained the situation, asking her to come with him. Blaisedale understandably had her doubts on getting involved in a war, so Cliffjumper opted to abduct her. Blaisedale put up a good fight, but obviously was no match for the Autobot. However, just as she had been maneuvered inside Cliffjumper, Ravage attacked the two with the intent of bringing Blaisedale to Megatron. Cliffjumper glass gassed him, and Blaisedale opted to come with him voluntarily.

Back at Autobot Headquarters, Optimus Prime explained the situation to Blaisedale again and apologized for Cliffjumper's behavior. Blaisedale accepted the apologies and offered to bring the Autobots to the solar reactor, a facility she had designed for the collection of solar power. Just as the Autobots and Blaisedale were about to leave, Windcharger came in to report that the Deceptiplanes were on their way to take over the solar reactor. The group rushed to the facility, arriving there before the Decepticons. Blaisedale arranged for the Autobots to be recharged, allowing them to fight off the Deceptiplanes when they showed up mere moments later.

Despite the success, the Autobots knew that the Decepticons would return for the solar reactor. Their prediction was proven correct even before all of them had gotten a chance to recharge. Megatron sent Ravage to abduct Blaisedale, forcing a large portion of the Autobots from defending the reactor in order to save her. Blaisedale was eventually retrieved, but not before the battle had taken its toll on the facility; When finally the Decepticons retreated, little more than ruins remained. Doctor Blaisedale was devastated, but she appreciated Optimus Prime's offer that the Autobots would help rebuild the reactor. In return, she offered to contact the President to tell him about the Autobots and their fight, so that perhaps they could receive a permanent power supply.

With all that agreed on, Blaisedale wished to go home and asked if "her friend Cliff" was available to give her a ride. He was. Sun Raid (Listen 'n Fun)