Heavy Soldier - Transformers Wiki

Heavy Soldiers are a body-type from the War for Cybertron portion of the Aligned continuity family.


If you think this gun is big, you should see my spare.

What the Brutes do with melee, Heavy Soldiers (aka Heavy Gunners) do with big fragging guns. Standing taller than the average Transformer, Heavy Soldiers roam the battlefield carrying their ion displacers, pouring out firepower that devastates any opponent foolish enough to come within range. However, they roam slowly, due to the massive size of their guns. This leaves them "vulnerable" to attack, although the term only applies loosely due to their considerable armor and stamina. Just don't try to take them head on—you may be left with a few hundred bullet holes in your chassis. A pack of these soldiers can easily fill the battlefield with more artillery fire than a small war. When they die, they leave behind their guns, so grab 'em fast!


Transformers: War for Cybertron (360/PS3/PC)

Voice actor: Troy Baker (English, Autobot versions), Richard Epcar (English, Decepticon versions), Bernard Métraux (French, Decepticon versions)

Heavy Soldiers were a common sight on both sides of the Great War. Transformers: War for Cybertron

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (360/PS3/PC)

Tffoc heavy gunner.jpg

During the final stages of the preparations for the Ark, only Autobot Heavy Soldiers remained. They were equipped with X18 Scrapmakers. They were also renamed to Heavy Gunners, Decepticon versions of the Heavy Gunners appear on Escalation mode. Transformers: Fall of Cybertron

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark


Heavy Gunners were among the Autobot forces trying to stop Shockwave during his path through Kaon, most of them were destroyed by Sharpshot and Swindle. Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark


  • Like most Decepticon troops, the Decepticon Heavies vaguely resemble either the Generation 2 Cyberjets or Cobra Battle Android Troopers (especially their faceplates) while Autobot Heavy Soldiers bear a certain resemblance to Roadbuster, the gun-loving Wrecker (which is fitting, really).
  • Even though both variants of these characters have cannons, neither of them turn into a tank-like alt mode; instead, they turn into trucks. Go figure.