John (disambiguation) - Transformers Wiki
The name John, Johnny, or Johnnie has been chosen by the parents of several real-life humans involved with the Transformers property in an official capacity or fictional characters.
- 1985 — Johnny, a young human member of S.T.A.R.S.
- 1987 — John, the failed Decepticon who transformed into a toilet in Robo-Capers.
- 2003 — Jhon Thompson, the news anchor from Transformers: Armada.
- 2004 — John Kelly, the police officer from The Transformers Trilogy.
- 2004 — John, the secretary of state from The Transformers Trilogy.
- 2006 — John Henry, the steel-driving man from Hearts of Steel.
- 2007 — John Keller, the Secretary of Defense portrayed by Jon Voight in the 2007 Transformers movie.
- 2008 — John Hawkins, a time-displaced Minuteman from Time-Quake.
- 2010 — Johnny 5, a robot featured on the Maccadam's Old Oil House menu, from the AllSpark Almanac II.
- 2011 — John F. Kennedy, President of the United States from Dark of the Moon.
- 2015 — Johnny, a jerky kid from the Robots in Disguise portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Lots of real-life people have worked on Transformers. Most of them were called John:
- John Aldrich, the comic letterer for Marvel UK.
- John Barber, the comic writer for IDW Publishing.
- Johnny Yong Bosch, American voice actor of War for Cybertron Bumblebee.
- John Braden, the Kid Stuff storybooks author.
- John Burns, the colourist from the Marvel UK comics.
- John Byrne, the Transformers: Dark Designs cover artist.
- John Cena, the actor you can't see for Jack Burns in Bumblebee.
- John Detra, a sound editor on The Transformers.
- John Di Crosta, the voice actor for Scalpel in Revenge of the Fallen.
- John DiMaggio, the voice actor on Revenge of the Fallen: The Game.
- Johnny Douglas, an English composer who created the background music for the original Generation 1 cartoon.
- John Flores, the fan-turned-bio-artist.
- John Freeman, director on The Transformers.
- John Gibbs, another director on The Transformers.
- John Grant, the Ladybird Books author.
- Johnny Haymer, an American actor who voiced Generation 1 Swindle, Vortex, and Highbrow.
- Johnny Hartmann, a writer on the 2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon.
- John Helfers, the short story author for Transformers Legends.
- John Benjamin Hickey, an American actor who played National Security Advisor Director Theodore Galloway in Revenge of the Fallen.
- John Higgins, the cover artist and comics all-rounder from Marvel UK.
- John Hostetter, the voice actor from the Generation 1 cartoon.
- John McCrea, the comics artist from the Titan Transformers comic.
- John Malkovich, the American actor in Dark of the Moon.
- John Mariano, the voice actor for Transformers Animated Dirt Boss.
- John Marshall, the penciler for Marvel UK.
- John J. Miller, another short story author for Transformers Legends.
- John Moschitta, the voice actor from Generation 1 and Animated.
- John Noble, the voice actor from Prime.
- John Pozer, the director for Beast Wars and Beast Machines.
- John Rauch, the colorist for IDW Publishing.
- John Ney Rieber, the Transformers/G.I. Joe writer.
- John Ridgway, the comics artist from Marvel UK.
- John Robinson, the actor who played Miles Lancaster in the 2007 movie.
- John Rogers, the first-draft writer of the 2007 movie.
- John Singleton, a sound editor on "The Transformers: The Movie".
- John Stephenson, the Generation 1 voice actor.
- John Stokes, the Marvel UK penciller and inker.
- John Tomlinson, Marvel UK designer and editor.
- John Turturro, the actor who portrayed Agent Simmons in Transformers, Revenge of the Fallen, Dark of the Moon and The Last Knight.
- John Walker, director on The Transformers.
- John Warden, Hasbro toy designer.
- John Watson, the Transformers: Trial By Fire cover artist.
- John Workman, the letterer for Marvel Comics.
- John Wycough, the comics inker who has worked on some of IDW Publishing's Transformers titles.
Not to be confused with those named Jon, Jonathon, or Jonathan.
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