John Kelly - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Kelly" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Kelly (disambiguation).

The name or term "John" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see John (disambiguation).

John Kelly is a human from the Dreamwave portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.

You can't see me!

This character has no official visual representation in any Transformers product or media... yet, at least.

John Kelly is an officer in the Decepticons' Las Vegas Police Department. A fair-minded tough guy, he enjoys throwing a punch when duty requires it, and is willing to take one if he has it coming (he likes that one less). He's in his mid-30s.

Officer Kelly, like many police officers in New Vegas, has been augmented with Decepticon technology, allowing him to stun anyone he's touching with an electrical jolt delivered through his hands.


Dreamwave Generation One continuity

The Transformers Trilogy

John Kelly encountered the "followers" Paul Charteris and Melony Harcourt when they appeared in Las Vegas. Hoping for some inside information, Paul introduced himself as a fellow cop. Officer Kelly responded by tazering him into unconsciousness and bringing him back to the station until they could check his ID. Standard operating procedure in the Decepticon New Vegas, it discourages reporters and other undesirable snoops.

John Kelly was later among the officers Chief Carl Lomax chose to escort Paul and Melony to Starscream's base at the MGM Grand for interrogation.

Paul decked Kelly—payback for the tasering earlier. Officer Kelly let it go just this once—he did have it coming. Annihilation