Kingdom episode 4 - Transformers Wiki

Optimus Prime and Optimus Primal journey within the Allspark to put old wounds and old ghosts to rest.


On Earth, Optimus Prime rushes through a forest, singularly focused on reaching the Allspark before Megatron does. A group of Autobots and Maximals wait behind, after Prime tells them that only he can access the Allspark with the Matrix. Airazor, Rattrap, and Cheetor disagree with Sideswipe, Prowl, and Arcee about the importance of the Allspark. Arcee challenges them; if the Golden Disk was worth the lives of two hundred Maximals, the Allspark is more so. As the Maximals look to Optimus Primal for guidance, they find that he's gone, swinging through the forest. He arrives behind Prime, who stands before the Allspark temple... when the figure of Elita-1 emerges!

Elsewhere in the forest, a cloaked Starscream prepares to grovel to Megatron and beg to rejoin his ranks, when Blackarachnia presents another option: stop cowering before Megatron, and seize control of the Decepticons "the hard way". As she reveals a weapon to Starscream, "Beast" Megatron silently watches the pair from afar.


I'm too pro a gamer to deal with that now

Optimus approaches "Elita" tentatively with his weapon drawn. After cryptically repeating everything he says, Prime realizes that "Elita" is in fact a manifestation of the Allspark. As Prime attempts to run into the Allspark, it forces him back, cryptically vowing to protect itself from its "nemesis". As the Allspark takes the form of Ultra Magnus, Prime attacks its projection with all his might. The Allspark uses the very ground as a weapon, but Prime declares himself as the Matrix-bearer, which finally brings an end to the hostilities. The Allspark says that it has suffered from so much death and being apart from Cybertron. Prime ponders if Cybertronians and the Allspark have a symbiotic relationship. The Allspark once again chooses Elita's form as a projection, and "she" collapses into Prime's arms.

Nearby, Primal himself encounters an apparition: that of Dinobot. Primal expresses his frustration, stating that he's not impressed with the Allspark's illusions and that he just wants to get the Allspark back to Cybertron. But the spirit responds and claims to be the real Dinobot! Primal follows the ghost, not believing its supernatural nature. The ghost claims that soon, it will join the Allspark. Primal doesn't understand and tries to block its path, but the ghost passes through him, causing Primal to see Dinobot's life flash before his optics. Having now convinced Primal that he is truly Dinobot, the ghost changes to a beam of energy and heads to the Allspark temple, exhorting him to keep fighting with the Autobots.

Megatron, still searching for the Allspark, encounters an Ultra Magnus projection of his own and battles it. As "Beast" Megatron rushes to his liege to inform him of Starscream's treachery, Megatron waves him aside and appears to fire his fusion cannon at nothing in particular-but in fact, he has shot a cloaked Starscream, whose exact location was specified in the Golden Disk. He steps on Starscream's arm, forcing the ejection of Shockwave's cloaking chip from his wrist. After Megatron equips the cloaking system, Blackarachnia arrives and is bewildered about how Megatron could have targeted him while cloaked. While Starscream laments the lack of the Golden Disk, Blackarachnia finds a pool of Megatron's energon from an earlier battle. She adds it to a canister and notes that the Golden Disk only responds to Megatron's energy signature, which they can now produce with the energon sample.

Prime listens to the Allspark describe its journey through space, and learns that it passed through the Dead Universe. It even claims to have seen something called a "Dead Multiverse". Prime doesn't understand, but he knows that journeying through the Dead Universe can damage one's mind. Thus, he radios Rhinox and has him transmit a signal that deletes Dead Universe data. He applies the data upgrade to "Elita", who falls unconscious. In the same moment, the Allspark temple door opens at last, and the Matrix shines a light inside the dark structure. Prime recalls the Allspark's words: "Only he who holds the Matrix will be seen", but does not see the cloaked footsteps behind him. Inside the temple, Megatron and Prime are face-to-face at last. Prime taunts Megatron for using such a passive approach to gain entry, but Megatron claims perfect knowledge of the future, and knows that he will win the Allspark. Prime disagrees, and says that Megatron's future self was desperate to give him the Golden Disk because this is where Megatron loses.

Outside, Primal tries to break into the temple, and is approached by Starscream and Blackarachnia. Primal reluctantly proposes an alliance to break inside just as "Beast" Megatron arrives, chastising the spider for conspiring with a Maximal. "Beast" Megatron easily swats Starscream and Blackarachnia aside and clashes against Primal. Primal seeks revenge for the two hundred Maximals lost during this mission, and is aided by the arrival of the other Autobots and Maximals. Primal uses the distraction to seek a way into the temple. Right on cue, the spirit of Dinobot arrives, and combines with Primal, briefly making him intangible. Primal steps through the temple and sees Prime knocked unconscious by Megatron, and tackles the Decepticon.

Half-dazed, Prime sees "Elita" in a bizarre landscape, helping him to his feet. "She" begs him to win the battle by surrender, advice that Prime struggles to understand or agree with. He snaps awake and tells Primal to stand down, offering the Matrix to Megatron, who takes it greedily. He is granted entrance into the temple's central tower-and is immediately greeting with a vision. Megatron sees himself back on Cybertron at Decepticon headquarters, presiding over a legion of cheering Decepticons. But in a flash, the Matrix turns red, rejecting him; the adoring Decepticon crowd suddenly become Sparkless, and once again, Megatron is drawn into a void.

As Primal questions Prime's judgment, the central tower opens up, and the two are urged inside by Elita's voice. Prime and Primal find themselves into an infinite cooridor. The Matrix floats back to Prime, and suddenly the room goes dark, and the two leaders are surrounded by Sparks, merging with the Allspark to sustain it. Primal is taken aback by the unity of Predacon and Maximal sparks. Finally, the Allspark compresses itself into a polyhedral shape in Prime's hand, and the temple becomes infused with a blinding light. The temple dissolves, and Prime hovers in the sky as the Golden Disk lies among the debris on the ground.

Featured characters

Characters in italic text appear only in imaginary sequences or as Allspark spirits.

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


Arcee: "Was chasing down the Golden Disk worth the lives of 200 of your comrades?"
Cheetor: "Hey!"
Airazor: "Woah!"
Rattrap: "Yo! Slow it down, there!"

Arcee starts to make things personal, and the Maximals aren't too happy about it.


Continuity notes

  • Optimus Primal's reconciliation with Optimus Prime was foreshadowed in the Kingdom webpage as his message from the future, which stated that "someone from the past (i.e. Prime) has the power to reshape [Primal's] future".

Continuity errors

Transformers references


Foreign localization