Morocco virus - Transformers Wiki

The Morocco virus is a virus from the from the Rescue Bots portion of the Aligned continuity family.


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Surreptitiously concealed in a game update by Dr. Morocco, the Morocco virus is every bit as wily as his creator.


Rescue Bots cartoon

Voice actor: Jonny Rees (English)

BackToVirtualReality Morocco virus.jpg

Hidden within an update for Griffin Rock Element Quest, the virus was released when Frankie Greene installed the patch and gave it a test run with Cody, Chief and Heatwave. He immediately started infecting other computer systems around Griffin Rock and took control of the virtual world, sending its various dangers against Cody, Chief, Heatwave and Blades as they tried to stop him. Though he succeeded in eliminating the two Rescue Bots, Chief won the game, resulting in a loss for Morocco. The virus managed to escape into the real world using the Fun Zone's 3D printer however during the following chase, he was captured when he fell into the town pool. Frozen in a block of ice, he was sequestered in the Best Left Forgotten Room. Back to Virtual Reality

Transformations MorBot Scrubbers.jpg

Tramsformations MorBot vehicle.jpg

"Minutes before the moment of truth sails towards us on time's winged chariot. I love a really juicy mixed metaphor, Stevens. Oh, very well, phase two."

A power failure resulted in Morocco thawing out and escaping his icy prison. Cody's 11 He relocated to a disused room in the Griffin Rock laboratory where he was able to steal the parts and tech to build a new, more advanced MorBot. Overhearing talk of the Scrubber Initiative, he activated the MorBot and was able to hijack the rescue team's GroundBridge, as well as taking over the mainframe in the Training Center, all so he could steal the tech developed for the project and incorporate it into his MorBot. Unfortunately for him, Heatwave boobytrapped the GroundBridge, destroying his MorBot. Upgrades

As he still had control of the Training Center, Morocco was able to 3D print an army of Scrubbers and set them to work. He downloaded himself into the repaired MorBot and attacked Heatwave, Kade and Cody when they arrived to repair the GroundBridge. Following their escape, he realized the one thing the Rescue Bots had which he lacked was a human partner and set his sights on kidnapping Cody. After he sent a swarm of Scrubbers to Griffin Rock, the Training Center was the scene of a pitched battle when part of the rescue team arrived, and Morocco escaped through the GroundBridge to Griffin Rock where he successfully grabbed Cody and hypnotized the boy. On Cody's instruction, he attempted to escape via the sea, however Frankie managed to get on board the MorBot and rescue Cody, sending Morocco hurtling into an undersea trench. Transformations


Rescan Series


  • MorBot (Rescan figure, 2016)
Part of wave 3 of the 2016 Rescue Bots "Rescan" figures, the MorBot transforms into a futuristic Formula 1 racecar when his spoiler is flipped up. He seems to share his engineering with fellow Racecar-bot Blurr, though is a completely new mold.
This figure has the distinction of being the first transformable bad guy toy in the Rescue Bots line, and the closest the line will ever have to a Decepticon.