Nine-of-Twelve - Transformers Wiki
- Nine-of-Twelve is a Transformer from the IDW portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Nine-of-Twelve is a member of the Functionist Council, where he fills the role of "Inquisitor".
2005 IDW continuity
The Functionist Universe
In an alternate timeline, the Functionist Council came to blows with the Senate over what to be done with Nova Prime's stockpile of Sparks. The Functionists deemed the Sparks an act of blasphemy against Adaptus and waged a war on the Senate, seizing the Matrix of Leadership before executing them along with Nominus Prime. A World Misplaced
Five million years later, Nine-of-Twelve attended a meeting of the Functionist Council at the Cog where the Evaluator Ten-of-Twelve reported on the replacement of the Primal Vanguard's eyes with cameras, successfully converting them into the first of the Council's full spectrum surveillance agents and the Enactor Six-of-Twelve reported that their theoconomists had consulted the Grand Cybertronian Taxonomy over the proposed mass recall of the data slugs. While a strict reading suggested that they still had functional value, their ability to store large amounts of data threatened the Functionists' ability to rule, so the Convener One-of-Twelve overruled the theoconomists and ordered their obsolescence chips to be detonated. The Custom-Made Now
Eighteen months after that, Six-of-Twelve began to believe Primus was speaking to him via the Matrix to warn him to arm Cybertron for an upcoming war. The hypocrisy of his blasphemous experiments with sparks caused Nine-of-Twelve to join the Anti-Vocationist League and turn his city of Adaptica into a safe haven for those deemed obsolete by the Council. At some point, Anode became his second in command. While Nine-of-Twelve knew the Council let him get away with this in case they needed him for the Key to Vector Sigma, A World Misplaced he was unaware they also were using his grand sanctuary to blackmail Rung and planned to massacre the city the instant they had access to Vector Sigma by other means. Eighteen months after he'd left, they had it and Nine was gonna be surplus... Bad Moon Rising Modes of Production
When Team Rodimus arrived, Nine-of-Twelve greeted them and expressed his belief that they had come to save Cybertron from the Council before he gave them a rundown of recent history. When Rung was shown on television, Nine-of-Twelve explained to Team Rodimus why Rung had vexed the Council before his supposed alternate mode was unveiled: A massive mining tank with a giant crystalline drill to dig down to Vector Sigma. While Nine-of-Twelve wanted to watch the broadcast, Anode forcefully grabbed him and showed him the strange U.F.O. they'd been tracking. To his shock, it was Luna 2, having somehow returned from the Black Box Consortia. A World Misplaced
When the moon "grew" new craters, Nine-of-Twelve realized the truth. Six-of-Twelve had not sold the moon as he had announced but had repurposed it into a harvester unit which began using its tractor beams abducting the people of Adaptica for raw materials. Even as Megatron tried to rally a defence, Nine fell into a deep depression informing him that Adaptica only had a few proton cannons and missile launchers. Megatron made the best of it by ordering Anode to place the weapons in the best places and Nine-of-Twelve to lead the people underground via multiple routes. Bad Moon Rising Even as the moon tore up the landscape, Nine-of-Twelve stood firm and directed the evacuations. Modes of Production When Team Rodimus returned and found a way to both get home and save Cybertron, Nine-of-Twelve led them to a matter teleporter only for it to be broken. Undeterred, he led them to another which was not broken. As the group prepared to teleport, Nine informed them that Luna 2 was completely automated and had no guards before wishing them good luck. This Machine Kills Fascists
In the aftermath of the crisis, the AVL fell under the command of the stranded Megatron who rallied them into a true fighting force. When the rest of the Council turned Cybertron itself into their cosmic instrument of destruction, Nine joined the Last Light, using the Warren to alert the larger galaxy of the Council's plans. When the Last Light crossed over into Megatron's native universe, Megatron caught up Team Rodimus on what they'd missed where Nine-of-Twelve insisted Megatron was understating his heroism. The Return of the King Once the Grand Architect had been defeated, the group brainstormed ideas on how to defeat the Council's avatar of Primus. Once they'd hit on a solution that didn't involve blowing "Primus" up, the enraged Omega Guardians, speaking through the Magnificence, unleashed a bolt of energy that tore through Froid, Sunder, and Nine-of-Twelve, killing all three on the spot. The Unremembering