Pirates Ahoy - Transformers Wiki

The Rescue Team is suspended when evidence arises that the Burnses are pirate descendants.



"So here's what we're gonna do: Grease ourselves up real good and trash that place with a baseball bat."

It's once again Founders' Day, and time for Mayor Luskey's speech. Dani has been chosen to light the ceremonial flame, though Heatwave is uncomfortable about having fire used so flagrantly. As she's about to light the flame, Huxley Prescott dashes up to interrupt the ceremony and announce that he's found out that Bertha, wife of town founder Horace Burns, was a pirate who stole the guild hall charity fund. When Dani demands proof, Prescott shows off a portrait of Bertha, who looks like Dani. Outraged, Luskey goes to light the torch himself and accidentally sets fire to an overhead banner. The rescue team swings into action and puts out the fire, but the mayor is soaked, not helping his mood. He suspends the entire rescue team and grabs Mr. Harrison, Mr. Alper and Milo to form a "Citizen Safety Board". When Prescott tries to press Dani for an interview, the team uses footage of him at karaoke night to pressure him into giving up his source, which turns out to be Woodrow Burns, currently in the library.


"That's preposterous. Now get out! You're banned from this Historical Society. You, and your children, and your children's children! ... for 3 months."

The team heads there and finds Woodrow engrossed in old maps. After they haul him back to the fire station, he reveals that he's found a map to Bertha's lost treasure. Boulder scans it and tries to search his database, but Graham points out the colors on the map have been inverted. They soon identify the location as some caves on Griffin Rock. Cody, Dani and Blades volunteer to go with Woodrow to check out the caves. The Citizen Safety Board encounter some malfunctioning traffic lights, and Mr. Harrison attempts to direct traffic, only to cause a disaster when he's attacked by a wasp. With the cave too small for Blades to enter, the three humans head in but some time later they're lost. After sliding down an underground stream, Dani attempts to contact Blades to no avail, though Cody thinks he'll have gone for help by now; Blades is instead cheerfully and obliviously building a sand castle of the fire house. As well as locating an exit from the caves, the underground trio find a hidden door, beyond which is a chest.


"Jebediah Springfield has been replaced with a skeleton!"

Back at the fire station, the rest of the team are impressed by the chest, though Dani hopes it'll be empty to prove their ancestor isn't a pirate. It does indeed turn out to be empty, but Cody spots an inscription inside: "Only the last key will unlock the treasure." They soon reason it means keys as in island and while Chase stays behind to keep an eye on things, the rest of the team head to the last island in the Griffin Rock keys. As they head through the dense foliage, Kade accidentally knocks a wasp nest. At Woodrow's suggestion, Heatwave knocks Kade into a nearby stream with a jet of water, saving him from being stung. Back in Griffin Rock, the Citizen Safety Board is having to deal with a number of crises, including a lost python, and Mayor Luskey is regretting suspending the rescue team.


"Can't we have one meeting that doesn't end with us digging up a corpse?"

After wandering aimlessly, the rescue team spot a pair of crossed palm trees and assume that's a huge 'X'. Boulder starts digging, but excitement turns to disappointment when all he unearths is a rotted piece of wood. Despite general discouragement, Dani is determined to continue and tells Boulder to keep digging. He soon reveals the crow's nest of a sailing ship, and they eventually uncover the entire pirate ship. Within they find a chest of actual treasure and Bertha's log book. Reading from it, Dani discovers that Bertha gave up the pirate life to marry Horace Burns, and hid the treasure to prevent a scandal. Back in Griffin Rock, Mayor Luskey attempts to hold Founders' Day (Part 2), but the citizens are demanding the reinstatement of the town's rescue team. The team returns with the chest fill of treasure, and Dani announces that the treasure will go to charity as intended, while the pirate ship will be given to the museum. The mayor reinstates the team, and Woodrow heads back to the library to research some more on Bertha.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"For the record, I have observed no piratical activity amongst your family, and would swear so in a court of law."


"I wanted to surprise you all with the good news!"
"Good news? What? Our great uncle is Count Dracula?"

Woodrow and Kade

"Our first crisis of the day!"
"Er, not counting the fire you started, sir?"

Mayor Luskey and Mr. Alper on patrol.

"Welcome to Founders' Day part two!"
"Forget Founders' Day! What are you doin' about that useless Citizen Safety Board?!"
"Milo you're on that board!"
"Th-th-that's beside the point!"

Mayor Luskey and Milo


Continuity notes

  • Founders' Day was previously seen held in "The Lost Bell", during which we saw another part of the celebration was to ring the Settlers' Bell. Presumably this indicates that a year has passed since that episode. That Founders' Day also saw the rescue team bring a recovered pirate ship back to Griffin Rock.
  • The guild hall charity fund of 1652 seems ridiculously rich for the town, settled only three years before (1649). Maybe Bertha added some of her own treasures to the chest?

Transformers references

  • (tbd)

Real-world references

  • Like any good piece of post-2003 pirate media, the episode's score features a soundalike for the Pirates of the Caribbean main theme.
  • The waterslide sequence may be a reference to The Goonies, another pirate-themed movie.
  • The crossed palm trees forming an X over the buried pirate ship's location is an homage to the 1963 film It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, in which palm trees form a "big W" over a buried suitcase full of cash.

Animation and technical errors

  • (tbd)


  • Woodrow mentions Iba Bunto (rock mazes) and Waspzilla (giant hornets).

Foreign localization


  • Title: "Une pirate dans la famille" ("A pirate in the family")
  • Original airdate: ?


  • Title: "Hahó, kalózok!" ("Pirates, Ahoy!")
  • Original airdate: 27 September 2016


  • Title: "Ehi, pirati!" ("Hey, pirates!")
  • Original airdate: 16 August 2017


  • Title: "Piratas" ("Pirates")
  • Original airdate: 1 June 2016 (Netflix)