Point One Percenter - Transformers Wiki

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When sparks are harvested from a hot spot they tend to be a pale blue in colour, but perhaps as few as one in a thousand are green. These sparks, and subsequently the Transformers that are forged from them, are commonly known as "Point One Percenters" and possess special qualities.

Two specific kinds of Point One Percenters are 'heavyweights', Cybertronians who are unusually strong and powerful, and 'load-bearers', whose sparks are capable of handling augmentations such as armor twice the user's size.


2005 IDW continuity

Before the Great War, Point One Percenter sparks were greatly valued by the Functionist Council. When the spark that would go on to be Overlord was discovered at the Thymesis Energon mining facility on Luna 2, their Authenticator Three-of-Twelve collected it and reclassified the supervisor Momus as alt mode exempt—a high reward in Functionist society. Remembrance Day

After war broke out, the Autobot Tyrest developed a suit of armour that resembled the late warrior Ultra Magnus. Secretly recruiting a series of Point One Percenters capable of wearing the armour, he created the Duly Appointed Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord, an apparently immortal lawman whose succession would continue until after the war ended. The Divided Self


Megatron? Is that you?!

In the meantime, the Decepticons devised another role for the Point One Percenters amongst their troops; when the scientist Rossum perfected the process of rendering a Point One Percenter nigh-on indestructible by bonding ununtrium to their endoskeletons, Megatron formed these supersoldiers into his "Warriors Elite". Despite a series of failsafes built into them by Shockwave, many of them rebelled against Megatron in the later stages of the war after they were reformed into "Phase Sixers"—with Overlord and Black Shadow even ending up on the Decepticon Justice Division's List. Remembrance Day

Following the end of the war, the crew of the Lost Light (re)discovered the long lost Seething Moon, which they found was teeming with perhaps a billion unharvested sparks. Among them, a Point One Percenter attracted Brainstorm's attention and he attempted to extract it before being surprised by Lockdown's Titan Hunters and forced to retreat. The Fecund Moon He succeeded in retrieving the spark and secreted it inside his chest compartment until he was back aboard the Lost Light, The Sound of Breaking Glass where he locked himself away in his laboratory to work on it. This Calamitous Life Storing it in a cavity within himself, Brainstorm carried the spark with him on his time-traveling journey to attempt to kill Megatron; when the original Matrix-derived spark in Megatron's body was extinguished by Rewind, it was replaced with the Point One Percenter spark by an only slightly hesitant Whirl. Predestination: An Expert's Guide


We'll never forget...uh...Whatshisname.

In the aftermath of using twelve Matrices to overload the Vector Sigma of Functionist Cybertron, a huge blast of life-energy was channeled into Luna One, causing millions of sparks to ignite. There were notably enough supersparks to write Rung's final message of "DON'T FORGET ME" in giant green letters across the moon's surface. Prowl made notice of the large amount of supersparks harvested in the Bronze Harvest. Rodimus joked that they couldn't call them 'Point One Percenters' anymore. A Spark Among Embers How To Say Goodbye And Mean It: Part 2

Known Point One Percenters

Of Masters and Mayhem

Seeking ultimate power, Thunderwing experimented on himself, managing to turn his spark green. Shockwave learned of this, had Thunderwing imprisoned and removed the spark, placing it in a special container and creating the Matrix of Malice. The Matrix of Malice became the core of Thunder Mayhem, a monstrously powerful combiner formed from the Mayhem Attack Squad that wore Thunderwing's visage. Thunder Mayhem rampaged across the universe, proving near-unstoppable and reducing the Cybertronian race to only a handful of survivors. Deadly Aim

While the term "Point One Percenter" is never explicitly used to describe Thunderwing's unnaturally-powerful green spark in-story, the context provided makes the phenomenon rather evident.

Beast Wars: Uprising

Unicron's attack on Cybertron was thwarted by the efforts of several Point One Percenters. This was what drew Deluge's attention to their aberrant nature, and he began researching them. These efforts were forestalled by the outbreak of peace.

Then when the Maximals and Predacons appeared, Deluge began experimenting again, reasoning sooner or later Cybertron would need such unique individuals again. After many, many failures, he succeeded in creating but two: Protoform X and Trans-Mutate. The Inexorable March Kindred

In the aftermath of the Vehicon Apocalypse, Rampage found his creator and demanded to know why Deluge had created them. Deluge claimed Rampage's role in thwarting the Vehicon horror totally justified all his nightmarish experiments, which Rampage disagreed with, and killed him for. The Inexorable March


After returning to Axiom Nexus, Vector Prime and the TransTech government discovered that that he was a Point One Percenter, possessing a latent potential for trans-reality scanning which fewer than one in a thousand possessed. With his "singular" cyber-biology and his experience with transdimensional physics and organics, Vector Prime was thus assigned to travel to Nebulos, where he could monitor the foundational universal stream Primax 984.0 Gamma. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/11/01



The Point One Percenter that never was.

  • Point One Percenter sparks are inherently dangerous before harvest—the two miners who found Overlord's spark were caught in its "first flash", which was indicated to be rapidly fatal.
  • Three-of-Twelve described the term as "a grave misuse of statistics" and noted that Overlord's spark was the "first in ten generations", suggesting the actual percentage may be lower.
  • The idea of load-bearers, small robots who can wear and control large suits of armor, resonates somewhat with the Japanese explanation of Headmasters, small robots who, thanks to special training, can control larger bodies.
  • Impactor was also originally called a heavyweight class Point One Percenter, but his inclusion here was in fact an error, as it would contradict Tyrest's whole point if one of the key Aequitas defendants was forged. This was corrected in the trade paperback, replacing his name with Grimlock's.[1]
  • Other potential Point One Percenters include Killmaster (another member of the Warriors Elite).
  • While Megatron and Grimlock were not confirmed as Point One Percenters when the concept was originally presented, "Chaos Theory Part 1" did feature a line of dialogue stating that Megatron had an unusually bright spark. James Roberts later confirmed the characters on Prowl's list of "once-a-generation bots" were Point One Percenters. Grimlock would later be listed as a Point One Percenter in trade, his name replacing Impactor's,[1] and was formally referred to as a heavyweight Point One Percenter in issue 2 of the Hasbro Universe Sourcebook. Megatron would later be explicitly established as a hybrid of a constructed cold body and Point One Percenter forged spark in More Than Meets The Eye.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Point One Percenter (ポイント・ワン・パーセンター Pointo Wan Pāsentā)
