Primax 797.18 Epsilon - Transformers Wiki
- ️Mon Aug 24 2015
Primax 797.18 Epsilon is a universe in the Primax universal cluster. This stream is notable for being the headquarters of the Children of Primus during the multiverse-spanning conflict known as the Universe War.
3H comics
During the climactic battle known as Point Omega on prehistoric Earth, several realities converged into a single, apocalyptic timestorm, and beast warriors from many realities emerged to fight the time-traveling Herald of Unicron known as Shokaract. These events were later erased from history when the Covenant successfully vanquished Shokaract. Terminus
In order to stop the megalomaniac Predacon criminal Cryotek, Sentinel Maximus was forced to send both of them through a Quintesson banishment portal to a dimension of formless void. There, they prepared to continue their battle, but Primus decreed that Maximus was needed elsewhere and transported him to Aurex 405.0 Epsilon Wreckers: Finale Part II to aid Vector Prime and Alpha Trion during the Unicron Singularity crisis. Balancing Act
One year later, the Cybertron of Primax 797.18 Epsilon became the headquarters of the Children of Primus, an army Primus was assembling to fight a multiversal war against Unicron, who was abducting Transformers from all eras of all realities to repair himself by devouring their sparks. Primus and Alpha Trion resurrected Optimus Primal from the dead Abduction and sent him to rescue captives from the Cauldron within Unicron. With the aid of several abductees, Primal succeeded in his opening salvo. OTFCC Live-Action Drama Escape
Primal pleaded with the Maximal High Council for assistance in the war against Unicron, but the Council disbelieved him. However, Alpha Trion played his next card: summoning the mighty Omega Prime from Viron 903.0 Beta. Meanwhile, the Unicron-corrupted Blackarachnia and a group of Piranacons traveled from the Cauldron to Cybertron to attack Vector Sigma, but ran into resistance from Rattrap and Depth Charge. Homecoming
Primus attempted to recruit the Stockade and Magna Stampede of Primax 509.28 Epsilon for the Children, but their reality proved resistant to this instance of interdimensional transportation, and the two Autobots were only present in Primax 797.18 Epsilon for nanokliks before bouncing back to their home reality. Ask Vector Prime, 24/8/2015
Later during the Universe War, Rhinox built a machine to deflect Unicron's attempts to abduct Transformers from across the multiverse. Two attempts only partially succeeded, landing Unicron's victims from Viron 1103.12 Gamma and Viron 903.0 Beta on an icy planetoid. A rescue team of Children was sent to the planetoid, but so was a team of Minions. Working together with the victims as well as a group of Autobots accidentally pulled in from the past by Rhinox's device, the rescue team defeated the Minions, and everyone was sent back to their proper eras and realities. Voice Actor Drama
Cybertron comic
The Universe War continued, its battles raging on a scale comparable to the Great War. However, Cybertron fell victim to the "Culling", where Unicron's Minions massacred en masse to feed the populace's sparks to the chaos bringer. Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Optimus Primal's bio
Continued raids saved many more victims and brought the Minions near defeat. Then, as a clash between Children and Minions occurred in the Cauldron, the Children emerged victorious as Unicron himself began disappearing (as a result of the Unicron Singularity). The raiders rapidly teleported away, presumably back to safety on Primal's technorganic Cybertron Revelations Part 2 although Omega Prime was diverted to assist Primus's defenders in Aurex 405.0 Epsilon. Revelations Part 1 Revelations Part 2
Cheetor provided Andromeda with a list of members of the Convoy, one of whom was the Sentinel Maximus of Primax 797.18 Epsilon. Andromeda - Axiom Nexus News, 21/5/2015
Ask Sideways
Known liar Sideways claimed that he had been stranded on prehistoric Earth after a bad deal with Gutcruncher, joining Primal Prime's forces with Primal Prime believing he was sent by the Vok. Ask Sideways, 6/7/2015
- Primax 797.18 Epsilon is the universal stream designation of the 3H Beast Era continuity begun by "Ground Zero", taking its specifications from the start of BotCon 1997, where "Ground Zero" was first released.