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The thirteen Prime Masters may be small, but the power they hold is anything but—each one carries within them the spark of one of the original Primes, ancient gods of the Transformer race. When in spark mode, the Prime Masters can unite with a larger 'bot, bestowing upon them the powers of a Prime, to wield in whatever manner the bearer chooses.

This vast potential has made the small robots a hot commodity for Autobots and Decepticons alike, so to minimize this unwanted attention, the Prime Masters hide themselves inside special decoy armor, which cloaks their vast power from the outside world.


Prime Wars Trilogy marketing material


Transformers: Earth Wars

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Power of the Primes

The Prime Master toys are similarly built to Titan Masters, with the exception that the first wave of figures has a pin in the middle of their bodies instead of a screw (wave 2 onward returns to a screw). They also have their respective symbols on their back instead of faceplates, so using them as heads on Titans Return figures can yield some...interesting results. Outside of these differences, they are fully compatible with Titans Return toys thanks to peg-holes on the bottom of their feet, as well as their ability to sit inside vehicles and weapons like any other Titan Master. Their primary gimmick, however, is to be plugged into the Prime Armor on every Power of the Primes Deluxe and Voyager figure, as well as into the holders of Leader Class figures by replacing their central Matrix crystal.

The decoy armor for each Prime Master is shaped for them to fit inside. While the Prime Masters and Titan Masters can be interchanged with the armor, some figures are either too tight or too loose depending on the Prime Master inside the armor, while some just do not fit at all. The shells also bear peg-holes on the bottoms of their feet, allowing them the same ability to interact with Titans Return toys, though not to the same extent as their innards thanks to their larger size. The shells also come with small weapons with 3mm posts, as well as accommodating holes to carry said weapons. The weapons can also be clipped into the back of the shell's head for storage or folded over to become a Targetmaster-styled weapon. The Prime Master can also be folded up and pegged into posts near the feet to complete the weapon mode.

Regular retail

Prime Masters Titan Class


Prime Master Wave 1 Micronus


2018's trio of Special Edition Prime Wars Trilogy Deluxe Class figures each include a variant deco Prime Master, cast in translucent plastic. These releases do not include decoy armor. Additionally, the Throne of the Primes exclusive to San Diego Comic-Con 2018 and Hasbro Toy Shop included 4 Prime Masters, three of which are exclusive to the set.


  • Whether the Prime themselves or the chosen spark bearer is in control of a Prime Master's body is unclear as Prime Masters do not have significant fiction. Early product descriptions from Hasbro describe Prime Masters as the 1980s Pretender characters serving as carriers of the Primes' sparks, but this was abandoned almost immediately, with single-packed Prime Master packaging implying that the recycled Pretender name is the name of the armor suit for the Prime and not an individual character. Eventually, this resulted in the Predaking, Prime Wars Trilogy Special Editions, and the Throne of the Primes multi-packs naming all Prime Masters as Primes alone with no spark carrier involved.
  • The working name for the Prime Masters was "Power Masters", which appeared in some online listings.[1][2]
  • Preliminary information for the Japanese release of the Prime Masters label the decoy armors as "Pretender Suits" (プリテンダースーツ), the same term used for the original Pretender shells in Super-God Masterforce. Hasbro's Power of the Primes online bio page also calls Cloudburst a "Pretender".[3]

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Prime Master (プライムマスター Puraimu Masutā)
  • French: Maître Prime
  • Portuguese: Mestre Prime
  • Spanish: Maestro Prime


  1. Southern Hobby listing for "Transformers Generations: Power Of The Primes – Power Master Assortment", listing removed but still referenced at TFW2005.
  2. listing for "Prime Wars Power Masters".
  3. Hasbro Power of the Primes website (archived)

See also