Primeval Dawn Part 3 - Transformers Wiki
With Primal Prime out of commission and the Vok incommunicado, Airazor and Tigatron are on their own.
On Planet Earth, 180,000 years BCE...
Primal Prime is in a trauma limbo after the forcible removal of the Matrix of Leadership, suspended in a repair apparatus. Ramulus is ticked off in the wake of their defeat. Airazor and Tigatron leave to consult with the Vok; Ramulus mutters that he is not going to just sit around cooling his heels.
Primal Prime's mind drifts on another plane, speaking with the Vok. The aliens explain their origins as "a swarming mass of hungry instinct", until the Matrix granted them knowledge, understanding and purpose. They spread across the multiverse, seeding past, present, and future. They have now sensed the rousing of the enemy, and had sought to create a champion to protect the Matrix—but in doing so, unwittingly delivered it to the enemy's agents.
Tarantulas and the rest of said agents, meanwhile, are working on a transwarp portal so that he can return to Unicron with the Matrix. Spittor is still ticked about abandoning the fight, and gets a short, sharp lesson from Ravage.
With part of their group consumed by Tarantulas, the Vok see no choice—they must amalgamate themselves into an energy force that can rival the Matrix itself. Primal Prime is to be their vessel, whether he likes it or not.
On Earth, Tigatron and Airazor use the conjunction of their binary spark to contact the Vok, but cannot sense their existence at all. Airazor suffers some kind of painful glitch... and the base comes under attack from Tarantulas's troops. The pair scramble to react. Tarantulas, meanwhile, has nearly stabilized the transwarp portal.
At the Ark, Ramulus has gone AWOL, and the Predacons are forcing their way in. As Tigatron laments that they have been abandoned, the restored and Vok-empowered Primal Prime assures him that such is not the case...
Featured characters
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
- Characters mentioned but not seen include: the Sleeper and Tarantulas' master.
- This story was published as a backup story behind "Disclosure", in The Wreckers #3.
- The final, fourth part of the story was never published, due to 3H losing its Transformers license. The story would have wrapped up the storyline, showing Airazor's mysterious disappearance and (presumably) the remaining Maximals and Predacon defectors returning to Cybertron.
- Ravage's assault on Spittor presumably sets up the reason for his defection to Primal's group. Additionally, Ramulus' depature presumably sets up him going and gathering up the remaining Beast Warriors on the planet.
- The Vok's origins seem to connect them to the Swarm from the Marvel Generation 2 comics.
- The Vok claim to be connected to something referred to as both the "source" and the "core". In the year previous to this comic's release, the live script reading at OTFCC 2003 (which was also written by Simon Furman) referred to Primus as "The Source". The "core" would thus be in reference to Primus becoming one with Cybertron's core in Marvel's The Transformers comics. Said connection between the Vok and Primus would be through the Swarm's purification by the Matrix, whose energy comes from Primus.
- The credits are listed for "Primeval Dawn 2", but the story included is "Primeval Dawn Part 3".
- On the first panel, "Tarantulas" is misspelled as "Tarantualas".