Race Track Patrol - Transformers Wiki

The Race Track Patrol is a team of Decepticon Micromasters from the Generation 1 continuity family.


Clockwise from top left: Ground Hog, Roller Force, Motorhead, Barricade. Not shown: LadiesMan217.

When the Race Track Patrol is loose, stay off the roads. These fast and furious fiends love nothing more than to make driving as unpleasant as possible for fellow drivers (and each other). When they're not running red lights, sideswiping each other, or mowing down Autobots, they're making money on the side by smoking human street racers. Only the authoritarian leadership of Barricade keeps these speed demons in line, and even he can't stop their demolition derby antics from leading them astray from their missions.

The Race Track Patrol consists of


Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Legends Race Car Patrol Team.jpg

Toy bios

The Race Track Patrol was led by Motorhead.

Zone story pages

The Autobot Race Track Patrol defected to the side of the Decepticons, becoming rivals to the their former Micromaster comrades. Zone Part 9

In the aftermath of Trypticon's destruction at the hands of Dai Atlas, the Race Track Patrol recovered Full-Tilt's personality component and brought it to the Metrosquad. LG-43 Trypticon Project Chapter

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Beast Wars: Uprising

The Race Track Patrol were among the Builder Micromasters assigned to defend Fortress Maximus. They were destroyed by the Resistance fighters who infiltrated the massive Autobot. Max remarked that he would miss the Patrol, for they had always been loyal despite their Decepticon heritage. Head Games


The Transformers



  • Race Track Patrol (Micromaster Patrol, 1990)
  • Takara name: Race Track Patrol Team
  • Takara ID number: D-341
Released in the seventh (and final) year of Hasbro's US Transformers toyline (sixth and not-final year in European markets), the Race Track Patrol are a set of four race-car Micromasters: Barricade the blue Formula-1 racer, Ground Hog the purple Dodge Shelby Charger funny car, Motorhead the yellow Chevrolet Corvette, and Roller Force the maroon Baja buggy.
In Takara's markets, the Team was released as the "Race Track Patrol Team", released in the Zone portion of Takara's Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers toyline. They are physically identical to their Hasbro counterparts. They are one of a whopping two Decepticon regular-retail releases in the entire Zone toyline, the other being Metrotitan. This makes them the only Hasbro Micromaster team to keep their Decepticon faction in Japan.

War for Cybertron: Earthrise


Siege Ground Hog

  • Roller Force & Decepticon Ground Hog (Micromaster, 2020)
  • Hasbro ID number: WFC-E15
  • TakaraTomy ID number: ER EX-09
  • TakaraTomy release date: September 26, 2020
As part of the second wave of Earthrise Micromaster two-packs, Roller Force and Ground Hog can combine to form a holdable weapon for a larger figure. In Japan, Roller Force and Ground Hog are TakaraTomy Mall exclusives.
The instructions and the back of the packaging erroneously swap Ground Hog's and Roller Force's names around.



  • Micron Micromasters (Galactic Odyssey Collection, 2021)
Released as part of the Encounter 2 set of the Earthrise Galactic Odyssey Collection, Motorhead and "Decepticon Runner" (renamed for a likely few different reasons) are redecoes of Siege Roller Force and Ground Hog respectively.
Motorhead and Decepticon Runner are part of a six-pack exclusive to Amazon, bundled with the Autobots Fireguard, Roadburner, and Windstorm, and fellow Decepticon automobile Stingracer. Headscratchingly, unlike their gang-molded "Generation 1" selves, their colors don't match those of their previously-released teammates in the slightest.


  • In Japan, the "Race Car Patrol Team" was the only Micro Transformer set to be marketed as Decepticons.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Race Car Patrol Team (レースカーパトロールチーム Rēsu Kā Patorōru Chīmu)
  • Italian: Pattuglia Assaltatori