Ravage (WFC) - Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Ravage" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ravage (disambiguation).
- Ravage is a Decepticon Mini-Con from the Aligned continuity family.
One of Soundwave's Mini-Con minions, the dogmatic Ravage prefers to stay silent, talking only to recite Decepticon code.
Aligned novels
Like all of Soundwave's minions, Ravage would prowl around Megatron's Kaon headquarters, keeping an eye on his gladiators. Soundwave considered Ravage and Laserbeak more valuable than Frenzy and Rumble, so he did not send them to search for the Matrix of Leadership in Crystal City. He let them roam around the audience during Megatron and Orion Pax's hearing with the High Council. Like the other Minicons, Ravage gets restless when Soundwave makes intense calculations and he isn't allowed out. Exodus
While torturing the traitor Axer for information, Soundwave released Ravage who crawled over the helpless Decepticon, ripping components out one at a time with his teeth. Retribution
- Ravage & Decepticon Rumble (Legends Class, 2012)
- Series / number: 01 / 001
- Accessories: Disc case
- Known designers: Joe Kyde (Hasbro)
- Part of the first wave of Generations Legends Class toys, Ravage transforms from a "data disc" into a robotic jaguar. He is designed to interact with the Voyager Class Soundwave mold, being capable of storing in and launching out of Soundwave's chest compartment, and features a partial, spring-loaded transformation to cat mode that is triggered when a button on his underside is pressed. He comes with a clear-purple plastic case which can be used to store him in disc mode.
- He was only available in a two-pack with Decepticon Rumble. He was later redecoed and retooled into Steeljaw. Steeljaw inherits his exact "circuit board" pattern with no alterations, the only repeat in the line.
Generations (Japan)
- The TakaraTomy release of Generations Ravage has some slight differences from the Hasbro version. In addition to noticeably warmer plastic colors, silver paint has been added to parts of his, well, rump-panel. His circuit-board pattern is the same as the Hasbro version, only mirrored on the vertical axis.
- This toy was repurposed as Cloud Ravage as well as the Black Legendisc.
- Soundwave (Deluxe Class, 2013)
- Series/number: 2/002
- Known designers: Andrew Scribner (deco artist)
- Part of the first wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Deluxe Class toys, Soundwave is a redeco and extensive retool of Prime: Robots in Disguise Soundwave, and now comes with Ravage in place of Laserbeak. Ravage transforms from a robotic jaguar into a combat harness that fits into Soundwave's chest peg-hole via a 5 mm-compatible peg on Ravage's underside.
- Ravage is included with Hunter Soundwave, a redeco of the Beast Hunters Deluxe Soundwave toy released in TakaraTomy's Transformers Go! toyline. Along with his master, Ravage features a different color scheme, having black legs instead of brown.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Ravage (ラヴィッジ Ravijji)