Roadbuster affair - Transformers Wiki
The scandal known among the general public as the Roadbuster affair is considered by fanboys like Ironfist as an interesting bit of Wreckers trivia. However, whatever is written in official records about it is likely a carefully-crafted cover story. The truth behind this dark corner of Autobot history and Roadbuster's involvement in it is more disturbing than your average reader could imagine...
2005 IDW continuity
During the earlier days of the war, Roadbuster began training future Autobot cadets and developing a healthy friendship with the new recruits. Then Roadbuster apparently suffered a psychotic break; hearing what he assumed was the voice of Mortilus, the Transformer god of death, he began carrying out "Mortilus'" orders, which involved physically and psychologically tormenting his charges by subjecting them to brutal "mode-drilling" procedures, then throwing their dead bodies into a gaping "altar" for Mortilus to consume. Roadbuster rationalized this all away by claiming that this was how he was taught in his youth.
Eventually, when Autobot high command found out about all this, they dispatched a team led by Prowl, who arrested Roadbuster before he could subject Hubcap to a similar fate. Prowl had Roadbuster imprisoned while the Autobot sergeant screamed for Mortilus to talk to him again.
The horrific details of the case were quickly covered up; after a short period of rehabilitation, Prowl had Roadbuster released back into the Wreckers as a favour for Impactor. Despite all he had been through, Roadbuster secretly missed hearing the voice of Mortilus and hoped that it might come back someday. Sins of the Wreckers #4
What was probably a censored account of the Roadbuster affair was among the numerous events detailed in files about the Wreckers that Ironfist compiled for his Wreckers: Declassified datalogs. Last Stand of the Wreckers #1
Years later, Roadbuster discovered the true source of his delusions: the mad scientist Tarantulas had tested out the mass-shifting capabilities of his new Chimeracon body by shrinking to microscopic size and whispering horrific thoughts into Roadbuster's mind, using Roadbuster's violent outbursts to procure fodder for his experiments. Sins of the Wreckers #4
- In More than Meets the Eye #46, Krok describes the death of Radar at the hands of Roadbuster, who tore out his spine and "made him eat it", as "a terrible affair". This, coupled with Roberts noting on Twitter before the issue's release that it would feature "a specific link [to] Last Stand of the Wreckers #1 - a *tiny* loose end that's taken nearly six years to tie up", indicates that that was intended to be the Roadbuster affair in question; however, Sins of the Wreckers establishes that it was an entirely different incident.
Foreign Names
- Swedish: Roadbusterincidenten ("The Roadbuster Incident")