Skywarp (WFC) - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Skywarp" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Skywarp (disambiguation).

Skywarp is a Decepticon from the Aligned continuity family.


"He ain't the sharpest knife in the... place where they keep the knives..."

One of the Seekers, Skywarp isn't exactly the most professional Decepticon around. He's immature, stubborn, and prone to insults, giving less-than-witty ones and receiving ones he doesn't even notice, sometimes from himself. Thanks to these traits, and his tendency to muck around when unsupervised, he rarely puts his cloaking and teleportation abilities to good use on the battlefield.

However, thanks to a mandatory course of Circuit-Su training, he's become a bit more disciplined, giving him the focus needed to perform vicious sneak-attacks on unsuspecting Autobots on flights of stairs. Surprisingly, Skywarp has never been interested in power or conquest, only the pursuit of knowledge. As such, he originally joined the Decepticons to produce powerful weapons and experimental systems for them to use in combat.

Wait, are you calling us fools or the Autobots fools? Because I get the feeling you don't respect me!Skywarp, airing workplace grievances, War for Cybertron


Aligned novels

When Decepticons bombed Altihex Casino, Starscream told Sentinel Prime that Skywarp and Thundercracker were his trusted lieutenants and that they would take him to safety. They actually took him to Kaon, from where he was then moved to Moonbase One and imprisoned. Exodus

He's not mentioned afterwards, but he could have been in every scene where the Seekers are present. He was most likely at the battle with Omega Supreme as only three of Starscream's Air Commanders survived.


I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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When the Decepticons confronted the Star Seekers in an asteroid belt, Skywarp was one of the regular Seekers who triggered the Star Seekers' trap. Shortly after, Skywarp used his teleportation ability on Soundwave's behalf to confirm sensor readings identifying the location of the Ark. Partially to annoy Starscream, Megatron made a point of congratulating Skywarp on his excellent scouting efforts. This praise would prove his undoing.

After both the Ark and Nemesis crews were roped into peace talks by the Quintessons on Aquatron, the Curator provided Starscream with encouragement to scheme for himself. Starscream in turn called up Skywarp to make use of his teleporting. Skywarp was provided with a bomb and told the coordinates necessary to teleport in and leave the bomb where it would eliminate the Curator and free the Decepticons to renew their attack on the Autobots. What Skywarp didn't know is the coordinates actually led to the peace talk summit room where both Megatron and Optimus were located. And Starscream's bomb had a 00:01 second fuse instead of a 00:10 second one.

Normally, Skywarp required five seconds to properly calculate the trajectory of his teleportation jumps, but here he had no time. In an effort to stay alive, Skywarp attempted a blind 'port and wound up underwater a severely damaged by the effort. He was in no condition to defend himself when Commander Gnaw of the Sharkticons crunched him up. The Quintessons performed minimal brainwashing on what was left of Skywarp, keeping him alive long enough to provide false testimony at the Cybertronians' trial condemning his people. He was then swallowed up for good by Gnaw. Retribution

Prime toy bio

Skywarp can fly and looks a lot like Starscream, but that's where their similarities end. Skywarp has no designs on Megatron's position, instead being content to use his teleportation powers, ninja-like stealth, and cunning to lurk in the shadows and prey on unsuspecting Autobots.


Transformers: War for Cybertron (Xbox 360/PS3/PC)

WFC-Skywarp-render-vehicle mode.jpg

Voice actor: Richard Epcar (English), Bernard Métraux (French), Carlos Salamanca (Spain-Spanish), Krzysztof Bochenek (Polish)

Megatron sent Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp to activate Cybertron's Geosynchronous Energon Bridge, allowing Megatron to create more of his Dark Energon. The Seekers went through Cybertron's underground, which Thundercracker commented he'd never done before, prompting mockery from Skywarp. They hijacked an Autobot ship, and when Skywarp took offense to Starscream's comment that the Autobots were "dumber than him!", he tried to make a comeback, but ended up only looking more foolish. When they flew through reservoirs of raw liquid energon, he played down Thundercracker's warning that the stuff was extremely volatile in that state. At another point, he took issue with Starscream's constant belittling, even though he wasn't sure it was him being belittled. (It was.) Despite Skywarp's constant bickering with his partners (in one instance, unintentionally calling himself ugly), they made it deep into Cybertron's underground, where they found the energon bridge's main controls. There, they attempted to reactivate it while simultaneously corrupting it with Dark Energon, only for its guardian machine to activate in response, attempting to cleanse the corruption. A tense battle against the relentless machine ensued, with the three of them dodging fireballs, evading energy beams, and taking potshots at the core when it overheated and needed to open up to cool off. Finally, the sentinel was destroyed, the corruption allowed to proceed apace, and the bridge activated. Skywarp was, for once, quicker on the uptake than Thundercracker, commenting on the sight only for Thundercracker to all but parrot his words a moment later. It might have been the crowning achievement of his life.

Later, the Seekers helped distract Omega Supreme in order to protect Megatron. Skywarp and the others watched as Megatron achieved his plan to infect Cybertron's core with Dark Energon. Transformers: War for Cybertron

Transformers: War for Cybertron (DS)

Voice actor: Richard Epcar (English)

Skywarp is an unlockable character for the DS version of War for Cybertron. He is unlocked by completing the mission "Reviving the Dark Energon Project". On the Decepticon version he can replace any of the other Decepticons in the campaign mode.


"My reputation for misogyny is legendary!"

Skywarp joined Megatron's Decepticon army at the same time as Starscream, though was much less vocal about it. After the Decepticons successfully tested the Dark Energon, Skywarp pointed out that they'd used almost the entirety of the stockpile on Trypticon station. He supervised Starscream as the other Decepticon deciphered ancient data files and reported back to Megatron that Starscream had discovered the existence of the Energon Bridge which would provide power to the station so they could make more Dark Energon. Though they reactivated the bridge, the Autobots encrypted the link to the core with the Omega Key.

Starscream decrypted more files, establishing where the key was being held, but Skywarp noted gloomily that it would likely be being guarded by Zeta Prime. They managed to track down Zeta Prime and take the Omega Key, only to discover that it was merely the key to activate Omega Supreme. As Omega Supreme attacked, Megatron yelled at the Decepticons to stand their ground, and Skywarp retorted that they'd just been knocked clear down the mountain by their foe. At Megatron's encouragement, the Decepticons pressed on, though Skywarp wondered aloud if Omega Supreme wasn't larger than he was a few moments ago. The Decepticons succeeded in defeating Omega Supreme and infused the core of Cybertron with Dark Energon. War for Cybertron - Autobots/Decepticons

Transformers: Cybertron Adventures

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif

The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Cybertron Adventures

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron

Skywarp does not appear in the campaign of Fall of Cybertron, however his chassis is available in multiplayer.

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark


Skywarp was made a pre-order bonus at Gamestop included in the "Weathered Warrior Pack". He is now available as a DLC for use in Escalation. His default ability is the Ammo Supply Core.

Rise of the Dark Spark (console)


Skywarp appears in the Rise of the Dark Spark game for Nintendo 3DS as a support unit. Equipping him allows all Cybertron Decepticons to produce more Energon from an Energon Mine with each turn.

Rise of the Dark Spark




Like a ninja in the night, I'm... uh... a ninja... in the night.

  • Skywarp (Deluxe, 2012)
  • ID number: AM-06
  • Release date: March 31, 2012
  • Accessories: "Baro" Arms Micron
A redeco and slight retooling of the "First Edition" Deluxe Starscream toy, Skywarp is exclusive to the TakaraTomy Prime toyline, released in its first wave of product. He transforms into a jet resembling a General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. He lacks Starscream's missile pods, instead featuring a pair of permanently-attached "bombs" on his wings. These bombs feature the hexagonal-shaped 5 mm post-holes used in the line-wide "Arms Micron" play-pattern. He comes with his Arms Micron partner Baro, designed to form a star/shield that can be attached to Skywarp's arms.
Like the other toys in the line, a lot of his detailing is done with customer-applied stickers rather than paint operations, though he does feature a lot more paint than most of the other toys.
This mold was redecoed into Prime Thundercracker and differently retooled to make Timelines Slipstream.

Generations (Takara)


  • Skywarp (Deluxe, 2013)
  • ID number: TG18
  • Release date: May 25, 2013
  • Accessories: Left & right assault cannons, tail-fin
Part of the TakaraTomy Generations line, Fall of Cybertron Skywarp is a redeco of Fall of Cybertron Starscream, and transforms into a Cybertronian jet fighter. His color layout is based on that seen in War for Cybertron promotional material, with purple wings, although much of the black is replaced with a dark metallic gray.
Skywarp comes with two spinning, triple-barreled "assault cannons" which can combine to form a larger hand-held weapon that is geared to spin its two triple-barrels together, and resembles the Neutron assault rifle from Fall of Cybertron. Each of the weapon halves features two 5 mm posts, as well as a peg-hole on their hollow sides, while the combined form features another peg-hole at the top, but makes the peg-holes on the hollow sides inaccessible. Skywarp features numerous 5 mm peg-holes, such as his hands, forearms, lower legs, and wing undersides. Additionally, his tail-fin is attached via a 5 mm post on its underside, and can be detached to reveal three additional peg-holes, with two of these peg-holes being just the right distance to accommodate the two pegs found on the underside of the combined assault cannons/rifle, with the tail-fin pegging on the rifle's top peg-hole. This allows the weapon to mount on top of the vehicle mode, and store on his back in robot mode.
This mold was later used for Thrilling 30 Thundercracker.
Generations mold: Starscream (Deluxe Class)
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Million Publishing:

Generations (Hasbro)


"That…Koil is dead meat!"

  • Skywarp (Deluxe Class, 2014)
  • Series / Number: 02 / #012
  • Accessories: Left & right assault cannons, tail-fin

Despite using a sculpt matching Skywarp's appearance in War for Cybertron, this toy technically represents G1 Skywarp, thanks to his IDW pack-in fiction. Consequently, the toy is listed here as a repurposing.

Part of the eighth wave of 2012-onwards Generations Deluxe Class toys, Thrilling 30 Skywarp is another redeco of Generations: Fall of Cybertron Starscream, this time released in Hasbro's markets. His deco is noticeably different from TakaraTomy's version, hewing closer to that seen in-game with purple wings, and also sporting black parts over dark gray.
Skywarp is minimally mis-transformed in-package: his jet mode nosecone is extended, rather than folded in as it should be in robot mode. He comes packaged with a copy of IDW's Robots in Disguise #23.
Generations mold: Starscream (Deluxe Class)
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Million Publishing:

Robots in Disguise (2015)


He was locked up on the Alchemor for being a serial stair-pusher-downer.

  • Skywarp (Warrior Class, 2017)
  • Accessories: 2 rifles
Continuing the tradition, Robots in Disguise Skywarp is a redeco of Warrior Class Starscream, transforming from robot to fighter jet. He comes with two rifles with 5mm posts which can be hand-held or mounted on his forearms (as small null-rays) or his wings. He was released in the tenth wave of Robots in Disguise Warrior-Class toys, as part of the Combiner Force subline imprint.
His scannable Decepticon insignia is on his left shoulder. Scanning the badge temporarily unlocks that toy as a playable character in the Robots in Disguise mobile game, and can only be scanned once per day. While accessible in Robot Mode (and in-package), the badge cannot be scanned in vehicle mode.
The quality control on Skywarp's joints is massively improved from Starscream.

Studio Series


Wait, am I the version who joined G.I.Joe, or is that a different guy?

  • Gamer Edition Skywarp (Voyager Class, 2025)
Part of the twenty-seventh wave of Studio Series Voyager Class figures, "Gamer Edition Skywarp" is, naturally, a redeco of Gamer Edition Starscream in a purple and gray color scheme. He has a new face, with one squinted eye and a smirk to his left. He is based on his appearance in the War for Cybertron video game, transforming into a Cybertronian jet in 29 steps, in particular based on the jet's "hover" mode. Though accurate to the CAD model used, the hover mode's tail fins should be angled outward per the game itself. He also a lacks the Decepticon symbol on the jet's rear that could be prominently seen during gameplay. Due to it storing his head and neck for transformation, this figure features a notably larger cockpit than the in-game model. Skywarp's colors are inspired by the in-game model rather than the conceptual artwork, which is why his legs are a solid purple and his wings are black, though the toy's purple is significantly brighter.
He comes with a mace and a Thermo rocket launcher in place of Starscream's Null-ray. Like other Gamer Edition figures, his right forearm can be detached to equip the rocket launcher or other Gamer Edition weapons. Unfortunately, there is no storage for the detached arm. The rocket launcher's openings are 5 mm and it can be held normally using a 5 mm post, though the post is very short like the Null-ray before it. For some reason, the very bottom of the mace's handle features a nonstandard 4mm post that goes unused. Both weapons can store on his back in robot mode and on the rear of the jet mode. Skywarp's collar pieces are packaged with the shaft of his mace and are user-assembled.
Coincidentally, Skywarp can also wield his Generations figure's Neutron Assault Rifle using the Gamer Edition arm gimmick as the rifle's combined mode sports a 5mm port.
Likely due to how he is packaged, most copies of Skywarp have slightly warped mushroom pegs on his wing assemblies; this results in the wings not sitting flush with the back in robot mode but otherwise has no effect on the figure.
Skywarp was revealed at New York Comic Con 2024.


  • The Arms Micron release of Skywarp has an Intelligence stat of 10. (What the hell?) This was later backed-up by the in-game bio in the 3DS version of Rise of the Dark Spark, describing him as a knowledge-seeking scientist, which relates to Revenge of the Fallen Skywarp (Ok, that makes more sense).
  • Skyquake's role in the Prime cartoon was originally filled by Skywarp.[2]

Arms Up Modes

In the Japanese Prime toyline, Skywarp has named powered-up modes when given various Arms Microns in certain configurations:

  • Attack Mode (アタックモード Atakku Mōdo)
    • Arms Microns: Baro, Gora
Skywarp's "Arms Up" mode as shown on his box-back is simply dubbed "Attack Mode", with him using Baro in shield mode on one arm, and Gora in an opened-up cannon mode on his right wing's bomb-post.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Skywarp (スカイワープ Sukaiwāpu)
  • Russian: Skywarp (War for Cybertron, Скайварп), Deformer (Деформер)
