Star Chamber - Transformers Wiki
The Star Chamber is part of a space bridge network on Cybertron.
Regeneration One
Once Earth's end of the space bridge network was established in the Glass Mountains, Oklahoma, Optimus Prime assured Linda Chang, G.B. Blackrock, and Gordon Kent that the Star Chamber would triangulate their position with the bridge on Nebulos and allow travel between the two worlds. Unfortunately just as they were joined by Circuit Smasher, their first visitor from Nebulos was revealed to be the Dark Matrix-corrupted Fortress Maximus who wiped the floor with Prime and abducted Circuit Smasher. The War to End All Wars, Part 3
Back on Cybertron, the Star Chamber technicians had lost contact with Prime on Earth and Quickmix on Nebulos and were about to shut down the dimensional interface just to be on the safe side, when Galvatron, the "Ravager of Worlds", burst in and slaughtered them all. The War to End All Wars, Part 4
When Rodimus Prime and his Autobots returned from battling Jhiaxus at the Hub Network and found that Cybertron was overrun with shadow-leeches, the Autobot leader formulated a plan—while he entered Zero Space to confront the Dark Matrix creature directly, the majority of his forces would secure the Star Chamber under the command of Ultra Magnus. While Grimlock held the leeches at bay, Magnus led one team to the Clar Macro-jungle on Nebulos while Prowl took a squad to Earth, where they came under attack from Linda Chang's forces. After Roadbuster negotiated a ceasefire, the Autobots and humans united and travelled to Nebulos where Ultra Magnus had finally defeated the insane Galvatron, just in time to prevent him from being shot in the back by the corrupted Fortress Maximus.
Subsequently, the space bridge network allowed Earth and Nebulos to thrive and prosper. The War to End All Wars, Part 5