Sureshot (G1) - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Sureshot" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Sureshot (disambiguation).

Sureshot is an Autobot Targetmaster from the Generation 1 continuity family.


Sureshot is an ego that holds a gun.[1]

He's too skillful for his chestplate, too skillful for his chestplate.
His shooting is great.
And he's too much for Iacon and even Cybertron,

Femax and Nebulon.

And he's too skillful to take orders
Or work with stupid stubbies.
The big red guy can stuff it.

He's a marksman—you know what that means—
And he shoots his laser gun on the front lines...
On the front lines, on the front lines, yeah.
He shoots his laser gun on the front lines.

And he's too skillful for this song...

Sureshot would probably be pleased if a toy company produced a replica of his marvelous self, but extremely annoyed if said replica were a redeco of an Optimus Prime toy.

Sureshot's Targetmaster partner Spoilsport is just as good at marksmanship as him, and he hates that.


Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.

Millions of years ago, Sureshot was a marksman in the IntraFormers Sharpshooting Competition, even winning first place in one round, outclassing Optimus Prime and Megatron. Sureshot's Universe profile

Sureshot was one of many Autobots living in an unnamed city on Cybertron. The city was eventually incinerated by Scorponok's Decepticons; Sureshot was among the numerous Autobots captured and marched off toward the smelting pools. Only a timely attack by Fortress Maximus's band saved them, driving off their Decepticon captors.

Sureshot apparently joined Fortress Maximus's group at this point; he was part of the group of Autobots who abandoned the war under the leadership of Fortress Maximus, attempting to give peace a chance on the new world of Nebulos. Their efforts at peaceful coexistence with the natives were destabilized by mistrust and treachery, however, prompting Fortress Maximus to make a desperate bid for peace. Sureshot was one of nearly a dozen Autobots who gave up their personal weapons to the Nebulans as a sign of cooperation—a major sacrifice for Sureshot, to be sure. Ring of Hate!


Because you can't, you won't, and you don't stop...

The arrival of the Decepticons was almost beneficial for the Autobots, as it compelled the Autobots and Nebulans to work together by binary bonding into integrated Headmaster pairings. After Scorponok and his army made a deal with the unscrupulous Lord Zarak and became Headmasters themselves, though, they were able to use Zarak's connections and Mindwipe's hypnotic power to turn public Nebulan sentiment against the Autobots. Sureshot and many of his fellow warriors were still weaponless, and now leaderless after Fortress Maximus and the Headmasters were captured by Zarak's crew. Luckily, some Nebulans still believed in Maximus's partner, Peer Galen, and had themselves bio-mechanically engineered to transform into weapons that would replace those the Autobots lost. In defending the Nursery botanical gardens, Sureshot first combined with his Nebulan partner Spoilsport as an Autobot Targetmaster. Unfortunately, this mission ended in disaster; though the Autobots proved more than a match for their opponents, their battle was simply too destructive, and left The Nursery in ruins. Shortly thereafter, the Autobots chose to abandon Nebulos rather than allow the war to continue raging over an innocent new world. Brothers in Armor!!


I DO look good in pink!

At some point before they left Nebulos, Sureshot, Crosshairs, and Pointblank were captured by Scorponok's Decepticons, ostensibly because they were having trouble perfecting the Targetmaster process. However, when the Autobot Headmasters pursued the fleeing Decepticons back to their Fortress of Despair, they found that the Targetmasters were merely bait and that it was the Headmasters that Scorponok wanted to study. After Hardhead released their bonds, the Autobot Targetmasters freed Peacemaker, Pinpointer, and Spoilsport and joined the fray. Worlds Apart!

Sureshot and the other Autobots made their way to Earth and, following Galen's death, followed Spike Witwicky into battle after he had taken up the role of Fortress Maximus's Headmaster partner. After the boy had introduced the Targetmasters to his father, they left to rescue his younger brother from the Decepticons. Upon landing on the enemy's island-base however, they were driven back by its automated defenses. Sureshot was ultimately unable to pursue the Decepticons when the whole landmass transformed into a rocketship, and blasted off into space. The Desert Island of Space!

Afterwards, Steelhaven's crew united with the other Autobots on board the Ark. Unfortunately, the Ark's commander, Grimlock, was difficult to deal with, and so their meetup resulted in a ritual battle for Autobot supremacy between him and Blaster on Earth's moon. Sureshot disembarked along with the rest of the Steelhaven crew to watch the fight. Totaled!

Fortress Maximus's troops eventually came under the command of Optimus Prime. Sureshot didn't see any major action under Prime's command and was actually taken down inside the Ark's hallways when a crazed Megatron/Ratchet fusion...thingy went rampaging through the ship. The Pri¢e of Life! He was repaired in short order by Fixit and was up and active by the time the Autobots were forced to intervene as a duel between Scorponok and Shockwave threatened New York City. During the battle, Mindwipe hypnotized Soundwave, and planned to have him order his subordinates to lay down their arms, so that Shockwave's loyalists could easily pick off Scorponok's followers. Sureshot was part of a small group of Autobots who forced him to modify this plan; at gun-point, Mindwipe had the Decepticons unite into a cohesive faction, and join forces with the Autobots. Primus then suddenly summoned all the Transformers of Earth back to Cybertron to do battle with Unicron. Out of Time! Several cultists emerged upon Unicron's approach, attacking Optimus in the hopes of weakening the army opposing their master by eliminating its leader. Sureshot helped fight back against the cultists, but this skirmish proved to be little more than a distraction! Following the altercation, the Transformers turned their gazes skywards to find Unicron already within Cybertron's orbit! The Void!


Two Bursts and a Shot.

Confronted by the impossible enormity of this opponent, Sureshot panicked and tried to make a run for it, only to be sent reeling when Unicron slammed his hand into the planet's surface. The Transformers were eventually rallied into striking back against Unicron, but their efforts amounted to little. It wasn't until the Matrix returned and Optimus seized a hold of it that Unicron was destroyed and Cybertron was saved from destruction. On the Edge of Extinction! A destroyed vehicle resembling Sureshot was seen in the aftermath of the battle with the Planet-Eater. Still Life!

Regeneration One


"I am not throwing away my shot!"

Sureshot was with acting Autobot leader Hot Rod when the wayward Grimlock returned to Cybertron from Nebulos. Along with Backstreet, Crosshairs, Dogfight, and Override, he assisted with taking Grimlock into custody at the Bastion-five lock-up, getting quite dinged up in the process. Natural Selection, Part Two Later, when Rodimus Prime met Jhiaxus at Eugenesis Plaza he had Sureshot and Crosshairs cover the meeting from a distance with sniper rifles. Jhiaxus immediately detected their presence and so he and Prime left to discuss matters in private at Nova Point. The War to End All Wars, Part 2

Transformers '84

In the early days of the Great War on Cybertron after the Ark's launch, Sureshot was one of Fortress Maximus's troops when they were attacked by Scorponok's troops. Secrets & Lies #3

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Steve Bulen (English), Ken Narita (Japanese)

Rebirth 2 SureshotVehicle.jpg

Sureshot was hanging around with Hot Rod, Blurr, Brainstorm and several others on Cybertron when Optimus Prime radioed in to warn them that the Decepticons were coming for an assault. How many Decepticons, you ask? ALL of them. It seemed Galvatron had learned of the Plasma Energy Chamber, the foundry in which the original Autobot bodies were forged, and had a plan to take the Chamber's key, open it, and turn the massive energies within to his advantage. Sureshot and his allies managed to get the key back from Galvatron's lackey, Scourge, just before a blast of plasma energy sent their shuttle rocketing through space. They eventually crash-landed on the planet Nebulos and were captured by machine-hating rebels who mistook the Autobots for creations of their enemies, the Hive.

When the Decepticons arrived, Spike Witwicky was able to convince the Nebulan leader Gort to release the Autobots to fight for them. Mere moments after the energy bonds were undone, though, Sureshot was disabled by the Decepticons' opening volley of laser fire. The 'Cons disengaged after a short battle, taking the fallen Autobots with them as leverage and to torture them for the location of the key. The Rebirth, Part 1

After applying Brainstorm's ideas for bio-mechanical engineering to themselves and the Nebulans to become Headmasters, the free Autobots assaulted the Decepticons and managed to reclaim Sureshot and the rest of their comrades. Cyclonus, Scourge and the other Decepticons then made a devil's bargain with Zarak and the Hive, creating Decepticon Headmasters and a new variant in binary bonding: Targetmasters. Their enhancements proved effective, and they managed to steal back the key from the Autobots. On the other hand, Brainstorm's exo-scanner captured a full bodyscan of a Targetmaster warrior, allowing him to recreate the process and turn Sureshot and several others into Autobot Targetmasters, binary bonded to six Nebulan sharpshooters. The Rebirth, Part 2

Having created two giant transforming starships as well, Scorponok and later Fortress Maximus, the Transformers carried the battle back to Cybertron, where the power of the Plasma Energy Chamber was ultimately reversed back into the planet's core, revitalizing Cybertron back to what it was in the Golden Age. Sureshot and the -Master warriors were last seen returning to Nebulos to cleanse the planet of the Hive's evil machines. The Rebirth, Part 3

Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Headmasters cartoon

Voice actor: Masaharu Satō (Japanese), Rik Thomas (English, Omni Productions dub)

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Sureshot was part of an elite trio of Autobots, along with Pointblank and Crosshairs. Contrary to what SOME 'bots may have said, he was no friend of Wheelie's. He and his comrades came to Fortress's aid shortly after the deaths of Ultra Magnus and Galvatron changed the course of the war. They became involved in a mission to dispose of deadly plasma energy bombs when everything became complicated by the arrival of a Decepticon space squad and a ship of refugees trying to flee from the planet Master. The bombs ended up going off during the battle, and several Autobots and Decepticons were bathed with plasma energy. Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 1)

The Headmasters recovered the unconscious Sureshot and his friends from space. Miraculously, the three Autobots had not only survived the explosion, each of them had also been fused to one of the Master refugees in a kind of symbiotic combination. The smaller Master robot known as Spoil could now transform into a powerful weapon and affix himself to Crosshairs's hand, creating a Targetmaster. Pointblank and his men seemed cocky before, but their newfound power made them almost unbearable. Sureshot and Crosshairs had to get between Pointblank and the Headmasters when their leader simply would not shut up about how awesome he was. After the Autobots arrived on Master, Apeface and Snapdragon were triple-teamed by the new Targetmasters. Perhaps not considering the Horrorcons worthy of their new powers, Sureshot and the Targetmasters spent the whole battle unarmed and in vehicle mode, and still royally smacked the chips out of the two Decepticons. Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 2)

HM 30 Spoil bonded with Sureshot.jpg

Sureshot continued to serve on Master with Pointblank and Fortress. He and his fellow Targetmasters were involved in the battle for data on the Master Sword. The Master Sword Is in Danger!! While in orbit around Master in the Battleship Maximus, the Targetmasters spot Ratbat spying on them, and chase him and Soundblaster back to the planet's surface. Their pursuit was interrupted by the arrival of the Decepticon Targetmasters, who tried to eliminate the Autobots by blasting open a natural reservoir, washing Sureshot and his friends away in a massive wave. The Targetmasters survived, however, and located the Decepticons' secret cavern base. They sent out their small partners to covertly investigate the base, but the loud and bolsterous arrival of Chromedome and the Headmasters made stealth impossible, and so a battle was joined. The Zarak Shield Turns the Tide

Sureshot and the Targetmasters continued working with Fortress's army against Scorponok and were involved in the final Head Formation that destroyed Mega Zarak at the North Pole. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)

Legends Autobot Targetmasters.jpg

During a battle with Scorponok in 2021, Sureshot and the Targetmasters battled their Decepticon counterparts, who managed to take away their gun partners as part of a plan to forcibly bond with them during another plasma energy detonation. Instead, the explosion caused all the Targetmaster partners to disappear and infected everyone else with "black balls", small black holes that were shrinking their bodies until they would ultimately collapse in on themselves. Having no other choice, Sureshot the other non-Headmasters agreed to have their heads removed and converted into Headmasters so they could leave their bodies behind. Headmaster Chapter Prologue Targetmaster Chapter Prologue While one account saw Sureshot accompanying the other Autobots to the Legends World in search of new bodies, Bonus Edition Vol. 21 he and the other Targetmasters actually remained in their home universe to search for their lost partners. Targetmaster Chapter Prologue They eventually found them floating in space, only to find they had been supercharged with plasma energy and were emitting deadly doses of it. Before the trio could succumb to the energy, the Targetmaster partners suddenly vanished, whisked away to the Legends World by Alpha Trion. Mutant Targetmaster Birth Chapter

Toy pack-in material

When Optimus became stranded on Cybertron's hemisphere of darkness with his memory damaged, Sureshot joined a small strike force of Autobots called H.O.P.E. (Help Optimus Prime Escape) to retrieve him. Optimus Prime Is Back

Ladybird Books continuity

Sureshot was one of the Autobot Targetmasters who ruined a Decepticon energy operation at the Nebulan north pole by using thermal lasers to sink Scorponok into the melting ice he had rested upon. Decepticons at the Pole

Transformers in 3-D

Following the destruction of Cybertron's energon supply by Galvatron, Sureshot was on Optimus Prime's team for a mission to destroy the Nullification Cannon. After they broke into the Decepticon's hidden base, Optimus went on alone, and succeeded in destroying the Cannon. Blurr and Sureshot helped him limp away from the destruction. The War Against the Destructons, Chapter 1 of 3

3H comics

Sureshot, Crosshairs, and Hot Spot, were part of a rescue team sent to Japan to retrieve Doctor Fujiyama, Arcee, Wheelie, and Daniel Witwicky from an all-out assault of an army of Nightbirds. Sureshot had the task of suppressing Fujiyama's latest blunder. Departure

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Stormbringer #2

Stormbringer 2 Sureshot.jpg

Sureshot was a crewman aboard the Ark-27 under the command of Optimus Prime. He was seated next to the navigator station, so he could have been in charge of anything from sensor operations to communications to helm control. With his pride in his shooting, though, weapons seems a good bet. Stormbringer #2

Later, Sureshot helped haul Omega Supreme away after his fight with Monstructor. Spotlight: Optimus Prime


He's either mis-colored or this is mood lighting.

Sureshot was present when Cyclonus and the Sweeps invaded Kimia. He survived the massacre and got away aboard an escape pod piloted by Chromedome and Brainstorm. They were soon rescued by Arcee. Kings She told the survivors about Galvatron's misguided plans to save the universe (which would actually destroy it), then brought them to Cybertron to put a stop to it. Genesis

After Cybertron was reborn in the wake of D-Void's attack, Sureshot joined Rodimus's mission to use the map within the Matrix of Leadership to find the Knights of Cybertron at Cyberutopia. The mission's departure in the Lost Light was interrupted by an explosion in the ship sending it into premature quantum jump. The resulting hull breach sucked Sureshot out of the ship. How to Say Goodbye and Mean It He was soon rescued by Rodimus and Ultra Magnus, who had come to retrieve him and the others. Hangers On

Sureshot was among the crew members who participated in the battle with the Decepticons on Temptoria. Before & After He was later arrested and thrown in the brig for playing hand-grenade tag with Waverider outside Ultra Magnus's office. Cybertronian Homesick Blues Sureshot got down on the dance floor at Thunderclash's "pre-wake". The Sensuous Frame

Sureshot became a member of the security team for the Lost Light after supporting Getaway's mutiny. Like all of the crew, he was subjected to mnemosurgery that made him forget the mutiny and believe Megatron, Rodimus, and Ultra Magnus left of their own accord, abandoning the rest of the crew. Sureshot was subjected to additional reprogramming as a member of the security team, causing him to unquestioningly accept Getaway's orders, and believe anyone who opposed Getaway was a Decepticon traitor. Full Circle

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #19


Professionals have standards: Be polite.

Sureshot was a veteran of the War of the Threefold Spark, familiar with the defenses seen around Exarchon's bases. War's End Part One

Following The Rise's terrorist attack on the Tether, Sureshot volunteered for Colonial Security. He became a member of Novastar's recon and rapid response unit, partnered with Springer as a strike duo for long- and short-range coordinated assault. All Fall Down

Their unit was called to action when Landmine's geological expedition spotted the Rise and a major SecOps target, Quake. Sureshot arrived and defended Beachcomber after he was injured by Triggerhappy. He then sniped Rumble, while ordering Blades to apprehend him. Tremors Sureshot informed Novastar that they had backup coming their way. He was later on a carrier transporting the captive Quake until Ascenticon mob supporters started attacking the procession to free Quake. Sureshot and Smokescreen were then overpowered by the mob. Prisoners

Next, Sureshot's unit went aboard Sky Lynx to help liberate the Winged Moon from Slipstream's forces. He talked with Novastar about whether they were giving the Decepticons a chance to surrender only to be knocked out by Shadow Striker. Moon


Be efficient.

Sureshot was next part of a strike team sent aboard Sky Lynx to rescue Termagax from an Insecticon clone swarm. After the swarm was dealt with, Sureshot, Arcee and Windcharger were stationed on the roof of House in anticipation of a full-on Decepticon assault. The Decepticons sent out the Rainmakers first as expected, with Sureshot itching for a chance to take them out. He and Arcee immediately sniped Acid Storm and Ion Storm down while Windcharger's magnetic powers took out Nova Storm. Sea of Rust II However, the teleporting Skywarp proved a far more difficult target when he arrived on a whim to aid the Decepticons. The enemy didn't get the Enigma, but it was lost in the Sea of Rust. Enigmatic


Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

When concerns rose that Exarchon may have returned, Optimus Prime dispatched a scouting party to search for Threefold Spark bases in the Sonic Canyons. Pointblank and Sureshot went as security for the exploration unit Landmine, Geomotus, and Zetar. Geomotus's scans alerted some automated blaster systems, forcing the Autobots to dive deeper into the Canyons to avoid being hit. They found an entrance to Exarchon's base, only to face the Threefold Spark himself in his powerful Deathsaurus body. War's End Part One Pointblank and Sureshot got the civilians into a cave too small for Exarchon, and Zetar was able to drill them an escape tunnel. Things got worse as they entered the base itself and discovered a massive drilling operation, clone swarm drones, and an imploder. War's End Part Two Sureshot did some scouting, and it seemed Exarchon's operation was something that needed to be stopped, and soon, even at the cost of their lives. War's End Part Three Exarchon intended to inject a portion of his own mitotic spark into the Allspark of Cybertron's core. Finally spotted in the base by Rise infiltration troopers, Sureshot's crew prepared to intercept the drill. They fought Soundblaster and his minions until Zetar succeeded in breaking the drill device. War's End Part Four

Sureshot's team reconnected with the Autobot army for the final battle at Darkmount. He joined Arcee and Javelin as snipers picking off Seekers as they approached from the sky. Fate of Cybertron

Commercial appearances


Sureshot will fight left-handed; otherwise, it's over too quickly.


The Transformers (PS2)

Sureshot is a non-playable character. He appears among the legion of Autobot duplicates in the Decepticon campaign.

The Transformers


The Transformers


He of the long, long torso

  • Sureshot (Targetmaster, 1987)
  • Takara name: Sirshot (サーショット)
  • Takara ID number: C-105
  • Known designers: Richard Marcej (packaging)
Released in the fourth year of Hasbro's US The Transformers toyline (third year in Europe and in Takara's Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers line), Targetmaster Sureshot transforms into a Cybertronic buggy somewhat resembling a Baja buggy. As a Targetmaster, he can hold in his hand or mount on his vehicle mode hood any Targetmaster gun (or any weapon that uses a 5 mm post). He came with his partner, Spoilsport ("Spoil" in Japan).
Like the other 1987 Targetmasters, the Takara release of "Sirshot" lacks a rubsign.



(IDW More than Meets the Eye model)

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Sirshot (サーショット Sāshotto), Sureshot (シュアショット Shuashotto)
  • French: Tirexact (Canada)
  • Italian: Dragster
  • Mandarin: Sasha (Taiwan Omni Productions dub, 沙夏 Shāxià), Shut (China, 煞特 Shātè)
  • Russian: Sniper (Снайпер, Snaĭper)
  • Spanish: Sansón (America)


  1. Generation 1 Sureshot toy bio and Marvel The Transformers Universe profile in The Transformers #60