The 4,000,000 Year Itch! - Transformers Wiki
Every so often Slag goes berserk!
These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.
All Transformers fight to control their savage inner selves, but most control them with emotional dampers. However, Slag was built without these and so constantly struggles to keep it at bay. Occasionally, he loses the struggle...
Swoop, Sludge, and Snarl struggle desperately to keep Slag under control as Grimlock tells them to keep him quiet. For Grimlock is showing Optimus Prime around Autobot Earthbase and, if he discovers Slag's breakdown, then it's dangerous for the Dinobot. The last time it happened was four million years ago on Cybertron when he wiped out his entire unit before the other Dinobots could get to him.
Grimlock insists on giving Optimus Prime a formal tour to prevent him finding out, whilst the others do their best. Prime keeps hearing minor noises, forcing Grimlock to come up with explanations. Luck plays its part too, distracting Prime at key moments. Eventually, Slag transforms and chases the other Dinobots through the base and burns their backsides.
Soon Slag collapses, the rage solved, whilst Optimus Prime heads off to settle down to business. Swoop expresses his relief that this only happens every four million years.
Featured characters
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
Artwork and technical errors
Continuity errors
Continuity notes
- The Dinobots covered up the murder of an entire unit so their mate wouldn't get in trouble. Holy crap!
Real-life references
- The title derives from the film The Seven Year Itch.
Other trivia
- This particular quirk of Slag's was mentioned as one of his weaknesses in the Classics profile printed by Fun Publications, despite the UK material not being included in the backstory for that splinter timeline.
Back-up material
- Additional Transformers story: "...All Fall Down!"
- Other strips: G.I. Joe the Action Force - "Cut and Freeze Dried" and Combat Colin
- AtoZ: Steeljaw and Superion
- Issue #280 cover: Swoop tries to keep Slag from smashing through a door, art by ???
- Transformers: Earthforce cover: Grimlock thumps a table — crop of the cover to UK issue #263, by Stephen Baskerville.
- The Transformers: Best of Grimlock Grimlock, by Klaus Scherwinski.
- Transformers: The Definitive G1 Collection: Volume 20: End of the Road: Bludgeon (art reused from Dreamwave's More than Meets the Eye profiles) above an interior scene of Grimlock punching through Fangry (from US issue #80), by Andrew Wildman.