The Transformers: The IDW Collection Volume Seven - Transformers Wiki

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The Transformers: The IDW Collection Volume Seven
Publisher IDW Publishing
First published October 17, 2012
Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning and Mike Costa
Art by Nick Roche, E. J. Su, Javier Saltares, Guido Guidi, Don Figueroa, Alex Milne and Casey Coller
Colors by Joana Lafuente, James Brown, Andrew Dalhouse and Romulo Fajardo
Letters by Robbie Robbins, Neil Uyetake, Chris Mowry, Shawn Lee and Dave Sharpe
Production by Chris Mowry
Collection Edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon
Cover Design and Elements by E. J. Su
Continuity 2005 IDW continuity
ISBN ISBN 1613774060
ISBN 978-1613774069
Page count 358
Price $49.99 USD

The Transformers: The IDW Collection Volume Seven, published by IDW Publishing, was the seventh in a series of hardcovers aiming to reprint the original IDW Transformers stories in a "suggested reading order". New cover art (of Soundwave) is provided by E. J. Su.


Headers as listed on the contents page.[1]


The Transformers Volume 2: International Incident

The Transformers Volume 3: Revenge of the Decepticons

  • The Transformers #1318



  1. Transformers: The IDW Collection HC, Vol. #7 (Preview) |