Topspin (FOC) - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Topspin" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Topspin (disambiguation).

Topspin is an Autobot from the Fall of Cybertron portion of the Aligned continuity family (via the Generations toyline).


"Good thing for you this Transformers logo is in the way of me beating the crap out of you!"

It's not that Topspin doesn't love beating the crap out of people. That's pretty much a requirement for Wrecker membership. It's just that he loves exploration as much as beating the crap out of people. To Topspin, an unconquered wilderness or an impossibly-distant star is just as compelling as an enemy who needs the crap beaten out of him.

Well, nearly, anyway.

He combines with several of his fellow Wreckers to form Ruination.


Bot on the Street

Topspin was asked if anything would put him off combining, and he responded "Whirl". Bot on the Street


Transformers: Battle Tactics


"I'll use my hotshots and first strikes to beat the crap out of you!"

Topspin (FOC) participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Super Rare character who first appeared in the "Ruination's Mayhem" event, and could be recruited by collecting 250 units of Cybermetal, 75 units of Transmetal, and 25 cores of this character. Transformers: Battle Tactics




Topspin's Ratchet cosplay really needs a bit more red.

  • Autobot Topspin (Deluxe, 2013)
    • Series / Number: 01 / #016
    • PART 2 OF 5!
    • Accessories: 2 hand-held blasters/tailfins, blaster/saw
Part of the fourth wave of 2012-onwards Generations Deluxe Class toys, Fall of Cybertron "Autobot Topspin" is a white redeco and retool of Fall of Cybertron Blast Off, with a new head sculpt based on Generation 1 Topspin. He transforms into a Cybertronian "rocket plane".
Topspin comes with two guns, which can peg onto both sides of the alternate mode's rear section, providing Topspin with tailfins. He also comes with a brand new blaster accessory with a deployable spinning circular saw, and a peg-hole on each side. Both weapons mount and can be held by Topspin via 5mm post, and the hinged section that covers his head in vehicle mode has been retooled to sport an additional 5mm peg hole. Packaging stock photos do not depict this retooling, and at least one specimen from Asia sports this unchanged tooling with different paint operations.[1]
In addition to his robot and vehicle modes, Topspin can also combine with his fellow Wreckers into Ruination and serve as any of the gestalt robot's four limbs, though his official configuration is either the left leg (shown in the instructions) or the right leg (shown in stock photos.) If he's used as an arm, he sports 5mm-compatible hands, and the blasters can be combined with the other Wreckers' weapons into a "phase cannon" for Ruination to wield. Topspin's arm mode is much longer than the arm modes of the other components, and while a shorter arm mode can be achieved, it is not advisable as it puts incredible stress on Topspin's torso and may damage it.
The original version of this mold was also used to make Generation 2 Blast Off. This toy also served as the basis of the non-toy Cloud Topspin.


  1. TFW2005 thread with a Taiwan-based fan's photos of the Wreckers, depicting Topspin with a non-retooled section lacking the 5mm peg hole.