Tractor beam - Transformers Wiki
A tractor beam is a shaft of energy that is used to draw in far away objects. Though typically a feature of starships, a handful of Transformers have displayed the ability to manifest them.
Generation 1 continuity family
Marvel Generation 2 comic
The Warworld was equipped with a tractor beam which Bludgeon used to reel in Khyogi's ship. Old Evils
The Transformers cartoon
In its pursuit of the Ark, the Nemesis deployed dual tractor beams from its side to restrain its Autobot counterpart. More than Meets the Eye, Part 1
Windcharger possessed a tractor beam which he used to save Bumblebee from falling to his death though this may have been precise control of his innate magnetic powers. The Ultimate Doom, Part 2
Among the many deadly weapons technological wonders to benefit mankind that Doctor Fujiyama the Famous Scientist had built into Nightbird was a tractor beam. Enter the Nightbird
Cyclonus had an arm mounted tractor beam which he used to save Ultra Magnus from hurtling into the void of space. The Killing Jar
Quintesson Cruisers were equipped with tractor beams which a group of them ineptly utilized in their quest to retrieve their missing journal. The Big Broadcast of 2006
2005 IDW continuity
The Lost Light was equipped with tractor beams which Getaway used to tow in the O Fortuna when the Protectobots attempted to flee the ship and inform Optimus Prime of his machinations. Full Circle
The Functionist Universe
As part of his master plan, Six-of-Twelve rebuilt Luna 2 into a massive harvester unit with tractor beams the size of craters that were powerful enough to uproot whole mountains. When Six turned the moon on the Anti-Vocationist League, the beams uprooted most of Adaptica. Bad Moon Rising
Star Trek vs. Transformers
Four million years prior to the 23rd century, the Nemesis followed the Ark, immobilizing it with its tractor beams so the crew could board the Autobot ship. Prime's Directive, Part Two
War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon
After the Ark and Nemesis had exited the Dead Universe above Earth, both had their weapons and shields knocked offline. The latter's tractor beam still functioned which it used to reel in the Ark and ram itself against the Autobot ship. Earthrise episode 6
Beast Era
Beast Wars cartoon
The Nemesis had an additional tractor beam on the lower hull which Megatron used to uproot part of Mount St. Hilary to expose the Ark's rear hull and boosters to allow the warship's fusion cannon a clear shot at its Autobot counterpart. Such was the beam's power that Rattrap was lifted off the ground. Nemesis Part 2
Beast Wars Neo cartoon
When the crew of the Dinosaur used their tractor beam to steal oil from Godbless, Colada and Longrack used the beam to hitch a ride to the craft. Chase the Mysterious Capsule
Beast Wars: Uprising
After basing himself on Metascan Omega, Lord Imperious Delirious utilized a Logicon tractor beam to draw in Cybertronian vessels. After landing on the planet, Saberback found himself within a virtual reality where he convinced the Logicon A.I. that Delirious was abusing the beam and that it instead be used to help his friends. Intersectionality
2001 Robots in Disguise cartoon
Megatron came equipped with tractor beams in both his Bat and Jet modes, which he made use of in his very first appearance on Earth when he kidnapped the human scientist Doctor Onishi. Battle Protocol! His use of both beams was later re-witnessed when the Autobots were one day examining footage of some of their previous battles with the Predacons. Hope for the Future Following Megatron's upgrade into Galvatron, Peril from the Past he made use of his Jet Mode's tractor beam once again to grab and make off with the Autobot Cerebros after an attempt to control the Autobot superweapon Fortress Maximus ended badly. Maximus Emerges
The Autobot Spychanger Crosswise also possessed a tractor beam that served as a function of his personal Cross Blaster sidearm. When the Predacons once attempted to steal the world's largest ruby from the International Exhibition Center, Crosswise used his gun's tractor beam to safely catch the ruby after it was dropped at one point during the Spychangers' fight with the Predacons. Mirage's Betrayal
When Junkion came under attack by the Reclamation, the Junkions used a tractor beam to draw the attacking craft to the planet's surface, destroying it. Collect and Save
The Dark Heart of Sandokan
When the Star Arrow arrived in orbit of Sandokan it was subjected to a powerful tractor beam from the planet below, severely compromising its hull integrity. Though the crew managed to destroy the beam, a final attack from the surface crippled the ship. The Dark Heart of Sandokan
Live-action film series
Titan Magazines Transformers movie comics
After the Autobots had launched the AllSpark off Cybertron, Megatron immediately took off in pursuit. Transformers Comic #1 His foes locked him in a tractor beam long enough for the cube to plunge into the Alkaris Anomaly and out of Megatron's immediate grasp. Transformers Comic #2
Age of Extinction
Lockdown's ship had a large tractor beam which he used to devastate Hong Kong in an attempt to capture Optimus Prime. Age of Extinction
Swindle had a tractor beam which he used to steal Slo-Mo's AllSpark fragment. SUV: Society of Ultimate Villainy
Aligned continuity
Aligned novels
The Nemesis had a tractor beam which it used to seize hold of the Requiem Blaster. Exiles
When the Nemesis caught up with the Ark over Aquatron, the Decepticons attempted to use their ship's tractor beam to cripple the Ark but they became distracted by Superion going on a rampage from the upper decks to lower hangars. The Quintessons below used a much more powerful tractor beam to immobilize both warships. Retribution
2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon
Prime Force One had a tractor beam which Optimus used to make a dramatic entrance into the Vintage Salvage Depot for the Discriminating Nostalgist. Mighty Big Trouble
Starscream's ship was also equipped with a tractor beam which the Seeker used to abduct the Weaponizer Mini-Cons. Mini-Con Madness
Go-Bots comic
When Cy-Kill commandeered Leader-1's Command Center, he used its tractor beam to abduct Scooter. Go-Bots #4
The Quintesson High Commander's flagship had a set of tractor beams, using them to collect Sentinel Prime's tribute of energon cubes. Transformers One
War for Cybertron (Xbox 360/PS3/PC)
Omega Supreme had a tractor beam in his right arm which he used to draw hapless Decepticons to their doom. The more wily of them would target the emitter as they were being dragged, disrupting it for a moments. Transformers: War for Cybertron
External links
- Tractor beam at Wikipedia