Transformers: Arcee - Transformers Wiki
Arcee gets knocked down, but she gets up again. You're never gonna keep her down.
Arcee pursues the wounded, fleeing, and tremendously dangerous Decepticon Space Case, who is headed into a densely populated city. Despite Space Case's engine damage, he still has a significant speed advantage over Arcee. As she pauses to consider her options, she receives a holographic communication from Ratchet.
The Autobot medic reports that Sam Witwicky and Bumblebee have survived their encounter with Space Case with no serious injuries, and suggests that Arcee meet back up with them. Arcee cuts him off abruptly, inwardly observing that while Ratchet thinks she continues to chase Space Case out of a misplaced sense of pride, that's not really what she's doing at all.
Space Case, meanwhile, has gotten sidetracked by his quest for repairs; specifically, he has chosen to wade into Denton's Auto Mart and demand all their spare Cybertronian parts and a technician to repair his engine with them. Not only does this scheme meet with predictably little success, it delays him long enough for Arcee to catch up to him. Panicking, Space Case throws Arcee through a storefront and takes to the air in another attempt to escape.
Arcee, determined not to let anything keep her down, speeds after Space Case, uses a building to ramp up to his altitude, and destroys his other engine. Space Case goes plummeting into the distance, headed for the waterfront. As he vanishes from sight, he promises to be back. Arcee knows she'll be ready.
Featured characters
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
"Hey, lady, I thought you Autobots was all about fair play? I'm injured! Gimme a head start!"
"'Fair play'? Did you actually say that to me, Space Case? You attacked my friends and then ran away! That's why I'm chasing you! You had a head start!"
"Oh, yeah... I forgot."
- —Space Case and Arcee recap the plot
- The comic comes free with Target's exclusive Dark of the Moon Cyberglyphics-themed redeco of Arcee.
- Denton's Auto Mart is presumably a reference to editor Denton Tipton.
- Bumblebee and Sam are mentioned by Ratchet but never actually appear on-panel.
- Someone must have cut-and-pasted some legalese for the indicia, because licensing information for both Lockheed's Raptor and Sikorsky's Pave Low appear inside the front cover.
- When Arcee slashes Space Case's engine, the blade comes out of her left (non-blade) forearm.
- The premise of this issue seems to be that Arcee has to stop Space Case because he defeated her earlier. That...that's pretty much exactly about pride, Arcee.
- Dark of the Moon MechTech figures